> @drkbodhi said: > First and foremost... > > Give EVERY class 3 viable paths once they choose one of the 2 directions to follow. Many classes have been reduced to 2 to 4 builds that actually work. For example... fix SWs... I feel bad for them being at the top to be demoted to the bottom of the barrel. When this game was introduced each class had 3 distinct choices, until people started complaining about this and that. Do not allow the egos of the players influence the viability of a class. > > What this allows for is adaptation... there are players that have learned how to handle fighting X class. > > Secondly... > > PvP OVERHAUL > - Add a separate queue for groups and solo combatants entering ALL PvP matches. Especially for NCL purposes. > - Fix the ranking system. Elo is NOT working here. It is meant for one on one, single-combat situations... not allowing for people who are part of set teams. When you are ranking everyone based on Elo... you are comparing apples and oranges and ranking them based on them both being fruit. > - I suggest using total score, ave. final rank in matches, kills and assists as a basis for scoring. This way everyone will work harder for the end result. > > Lastly... this is a 2 part issue. I say that because it was all from the same patch. > > - Reduce the "XP needed to level" increases that were implemented a couple of weeks ago. I do not think increasing overload level to 1,000,000 instead of 700k, from before, would be out of the question. Multiplying the needed XP to hit each level by 255% is OFF and will drive people away. > - remove the 50% HP increases that you delivered to all monsters. > > I was going to add Bugs here... but we all know they need to be fixed before Strongholds comes out... or Strongholds will possibly fall apart with more bugs. > > That is all for now... thank you for listening.
Enchantment removal cost seem to be calculated on old item level system. You now have to pay 1.5 gold to remove a low r5 enchant from a level ~40 piece of equipment. At level 40 that is just too expensive.
> @strumslinger said: > Alright, let's do this. First and foremost, please be respectful and give actual feedback. No trolling, no insults and no blaming anyone for anything. This is to be a professional medium of communication so that we know exactly what we should focus on. Feel free to echo each other; actually, please echo each other. If it's been said already, say it again. > > Please do not list everything you want fixed; only the top three or so items. We need to be able to focus on something and barraging this thread with a gajillion things won't help. I'm sure you guys can understand that. > > So here's a list of possible things you could give us feedback on: > * Bugs - We get a lot of bug reports, many of which we immediately deliver to the developers, but many a time, only one person reports on it, which might explain it not getting fixed. The more people who care about a bug, the more pressing it will be. > * Balance - Everyone has their own ideas and suggestions on how to balance a class. If you agree with a suggestion from a previous post, please echo it. Better yet, this one might benefit from being broad (i.e. Trickster Rogues in permastealth are overpowered instead of X skill needs to do X less damage because it interacts with X feat in X way.) > * Specific Systems - Whether it's PvP, PvE, Performance, Foundry or even events, what aspect of the game needs the most attention. Keep this very high-level and broad, as well. > > > That's not a complete list, so feel free to add your own, but remember, act as if this information was going to be given to you if you were a dev, then multiply that by, well, a lot. > > Go at it
Okay, so first thing on my list of troublesome conflicts with Neverwinter [PC] is that I have played this game since beta. Very excited when it first came out. Had some issues here and there but the game play was, and still is, amazing. What it is lacking is the capability to use this amazing tool that isn't available anymore called The Foundry. Yeah you may say to yourself :" Oh well you're annoying everyone knows that it's down already." Yeah I know that too but it's fairly irritating to know that the once great Foundry, of which I have made many amazingly voted quests, is out of business. I would like to know the progress of that as well as when It will come back on. I know you guys are doing your best but please, whatever you do, do not get rid of the Foundry. That is honestly the only thing that I think is keeping a lot of players, besides the new content your dev's push out, from moving on to something else. Honestly this game killed WoW for me. I remember playing WoW in beta. Even played the newest expansion, but there's something about Dungeon's and Dragons that just makes me come back and want to play it all the time. Can't wait for the new race and class releases as time goes on and I hope this game doesn't die. It has a lot of potential to become something great. I even have my girlfriend finally playing it with me. She hates video games.
chrisolliecMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 37Arc User
I think the professions are in dire need of a reworking.
Many of them are out of synch with the player progression. For example the production of "undergarments": When you start your armor profession at level 10, you will be able to produce level 9 underwear around Level 15. But there's also level 15 underwear available, as soon as you reached the according level in your armor profession. In my opinion, professions should start a few levels earlier (about level 7-8) and it should take less time to reach the next level. Many items you can produce in these professions end up to be rendered useless by the stuff you get from drops.
Most important: please take these chance projects out of the Professions. If I go to a tailor and order a protecting coat of smiting with two enchantment slots, I want exactly this thing. If that tailor would deliver me a coat with only one or even worse, no slot, I would rather leave them without taking that coat and try to find another tailor that can give me my coat like I ordered it. I understand that this might be thought to make people sell this stuff on the AH, but as AH prices for this kind of stuff are usually lower than the costs for the materials, you end up dumping them. And buying profession boxes for real money (a.k.a. Zen) without knowing if you get stuff for your profession? Well, they are a little too expensive to lightheartedly buy a dozen or so. The only professions I would accept random results for a task are Leadership (you never know who waits behind the next corner when your're escorting someone) and certain Alchemy projects that might give me new recipes as these are experiments. (You don't know what happens if you mix potions a+b until you try it. If you're lucky, you get a powerful new potion, if not, you might have found a new way to blow up things. )
In general, professions should take a little less time to progress through the ranks. And the masterwork tasks could be partially incuded into the noermal progression of the professions - raise the rank cap to 30.
Speaking of ranks... It somehow fells quite odd to get level rewards and accolades every five levels while the next rank comes every 7th level. I think it would feel better to have those ranks set to 5 levels, each.
I have a bunch of ideas how to revamp the professions, but it would blow up the frame of this thread to go into further detail.
"I came from a long gone time, saw many other times...
But I'm still human."
Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
"I don't like the smell of this."
Eliza Sandtracker, Hunter Ranger
Quest objects that can only be activated by 1 person in a instance, before waiting for reset. This is a serious problem that causes a lot of damage to the community.
Example, Free and Arm soldiers in Sharandar campaign. On a avg day after reset, there are only ~3 instances of moonlight sharandar. Each filled with 40 people, that now have to compete for the 5 or so pods that holds the guards. This brings out the worst in most players. They will run around, check where someone is busy clearing mobs from a pod, then dash in and activate the objective while the other person is busy clearing the mobs for that objective.
There are several more of these types of quests that drastically need to be changed, so one person activating the objective, do not prevent the next from being able to access the objective. When you have to repeat these dailies for as many times as is required in these damned grindy campaigns, it really ruins your mood if someone comes and takes the objective you are busy clearing, and you have to wait 5 min for it to respawn, just to have someone else do the same to you again. This is something that is really making the community toxic to one another.
Quest objects that can only be activated by 1 person in a instance, before waiting for reset. This is a serious problem that causes a lot of damage to the community.
Example, Free and Arm soldiers in Sharandar campaign. On a avg day after reset, there are only ~3 instances of moonlight sharandar. Each filled with 40 people, that now have to compete for the 5 or so pods that holds the guards. This brings out the worst in most players. They will run around, check where someone is busy clearing mobs from a pod, then dash in and activate the objective while the other person is busy clearing the mobs for that objective.
You do realize quests like the Free an Arm soldiers, you just need to be nearby for it to count - so multiple people can benefit from a freed captive.
Quest objects that can only be activated by 1 person in a instance, before waiting for reset. This is a serious problem that causes a lot of damage to the community.
Example, Free and Arm soldiers in Sharandar campaign. On a avg day after reset, there are only ~3 instances of moonlight sharandar. Each filled with 40 people, that now have to compete for the 5 or so pods that holds the guards. This brings out the worst in most players. They will run around, check where someone is busy clearing mobs from a pod, then dash in and activate the objective while the other person is busy clearing the mobs for that objective.
You do realize quests like the Free an Arm soldiers, you just need to be nearby for it to count - so multiple people can benefit from a freed captive.
Hello and first of all - thank you for this thread.
My list:
- Don't give us new armor or items. We're already overequipped for the current content.
- We seriously lack of challenging content. We need to feel like there's still something that can challenge us. I barely play my HR now since I wreck things up too fast.
- I think TRs and SWs need some love. I feel sorry for them when they are constantly overlooked in every single dungeon run. They are considered useless, especially for endgame dungeons or msva.
- I would also like to see devs fix the not working bonuses, feats, powers etc. for some classes. The capstone for Protector GF not working, or HR with only 3 working offhand class features bonuses. And there's plenty of it.
a lot has been covered and i agree with a lot of issues and some not as important. yes their is srill feats and powers artifact powers not working in classes.. example warlock artifact power on off hand to raise pillar of power damage is broke and the wheel of elements not working wirh the warlock class. also feats not working example murdeous flames. i know other classes are dealing with the same issues and would like to see them looked into
I have A great idea.....Fix the game/Stop the crashes
Dellion Kruger
mysticmarksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 117Arc User
This Andy and Crew. This full motion rendered surface.. horrible folks. Not just little, but from a rendering professional background, chewing resources alive anywhere it's of this volume. This is one reason why we can't have a nice stable PE. You get rid of this, and you could go back to the beta 150 per instance. ..
Sometimes you're your own best teacher. ~Me
mysticmarksMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 117Arc User
Now with that said.. that external water from the orignal is beautifully textured and rendered. Where it WOULD be awesome is in the fountains like this with the really bad(sorry, still love the designers) water. The only other Water feature that adds to PE is from the moonstone mask waterfall. that could be reworked to that same texture, opacity, material, and luminosity settings as well.
Sometimes you're your own best teacher. ~Me
I've played this game for soon to be 4 years. I've not been able to play since 05/02 because of an issue that you guys have with your game client.
It's been 20 days now. I'm really starting to feel like you no longer want me as a customer or player in this game.
These device removed errors are absurd. I've sent you guys everything I possibly can to help with fixing it but I don't know how many more days I'm expected to continue to pound my head into a brick wall.
Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
I'll never retrace my steps.
I've played this game for soon to be 4 years. I've not been able to play since 05/02 because of an issue that you guys have with your game client.
It's been 20 days now. I'm really starting to feel like you no longer want me as a customer or player in this game.
These device removed errors are absurd. I've sent you guys everything I possibly can to help with fixing it but I don't know how many more days I'm expected to continue to pound my head into a brick wall.
Many people have this one as well and it's not good. I found Radeon Graphics chipsets are not getting recognized correctly while Nvidia chipsets don't seem to have the issue. Compile time issue I would imagine.
Sometimes you're your own best teacher. ~Me
metalsabrwolfMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 59Arc User
As of now on several dungeon runs whether normal or epic i have noticed that the party is disbanded and whatever drops are left on the ground they cannot be picked up. KInda a bummer when they are enchantments on double enchantment weekend.
yes, that one reason i dont like when group disbanded before you loot it, DEVS need to fix. they should pull back this game in full embarrashment and laughingstock amoung MMO dev peers wonder what they doing to NWO when it is full of bugs and they cant fix on time, Cryptic, Pull the plug on NWO until it is all fixed and playable! this game now in Hall of shame. too many flaws and bugs.
I would really like to see the "dancing" caused by the Aboleth weapons to be done away with. Not only does it look completely ridiculous, but it can make tanking and avoiding attacks based on animations and wind-ups incredibly frustrating.
First the queue system is good but it only allows sw to queue as dps I can heal evrrything up to CN SO give us a choice on what role we want. Second if you want to krep the three kinds of refinement stones: bound on account, bound on pickup, no bound, have a refinement bag. You can even have several in Zen store. Maybe a 6 slot one for free and than bigger ones you pay for like the current bags. Third, maybe another leveling zone by the time you level a couple of alts you are tired of all those places. Fourth, update PVP store, you can get better rings etc at SH BUT not everyone belongs in a guild. Fifth, gear in general needs to be updated throughout the game. EX: how hard would it be to be able to infuse all armor with black ice in professions. Drops are getting better but running ETOS and getting something that you know will you will salvage every time takes the surprise and excitement away. A lot more various rewards at the end of boss fights or dungeons would make it more exciting again.
Not sure if anyone else feels like this but SW's are still really low in the barrel. My build has trans and a full dps feat tree etc at 14k IL and yet a 11/12k CW or GWF can outdps me by 50-100%. That is riduculous, if someone choses a DPS path, it should be in line with other characters to ensure the game is balanced. As it stands, some classes have been nurfed so badly they're just way below the others.
And why are companions character bound and not account bound? Please realise that the market is player controlled, and that good companions are excessively expensive. I have 5 legendary companions on my SW and it cost me well over 10+ Million AD to get them there, yet no matter what I do, a GWF 2-3k IL lower than me will always out dps me, so please, allow me to transfer my hard earned items between my characters, I dont want to trade them, merely make them account bound so I can enjoy playing other characters aswell without years of additional farming.
There are alot of serious balancing problems currently in the game. Whether its enemy health (solo dungeons in mod 12? Yay, oh wait, im a 14k who gets 1 shot on a dps class the second I enter, whats the point then?).
Please fix the game. Really ruining my experience knowing no matter what I do, a GWF will always win regardless.
@hiddenginja#2174 I am a GWF. And please, let me be honest, if you're a 14k TIL full dps SW and you're getting outdpsed by CW/GWF 3k lower than you, there's something definetly wrong in your build or playstyle. I can outdps anyone below me (so far, not saying I'm very skilled or smth), and, there's this strange thing... SW can stand far away from the enemy (boss, i.e.) or just next to the cleric and enjoy the heals while I have to be under the boss, quite literally, getting hit by every second aoe he/she does. (For some reason though a lot of CW/SW and especially HR(Yes, they have a stance for it, yet it's not meant for tanking) love to immagine that they're melees and just sit near the boss begging to get killed.) Yes, we have unstoppable but you know, when you're melee, it's fair to have some bonus defenses (I am 13,7k). I've seen my lvl full DPS GFs deal nearly my damage, yet I'm not complaining that they're not only heavy hitters but also really tanky and that it's unfair. Simply that's how the class is supposed to be. CWs on the other hand are mostly renegade or full debuff flame wizzards these days, which means, either way they increase their damage and reduce the enemy's defenses by a lot and that way make themselves deal big hits with all those DoTs ( Maybe I should comeback to my CW?...)
Now do note that I am not the kind of person that sais "GWF should be buffed because I am not instakilling enemies yet and unstoppable doesn't save me all the time".(Ofc, some endgame fellas do, but that's how endgame works. You reach it and the next day there's a new update coming out, so enjoy if you're there.) And yes, every class, I mean EVERY single one needs heavy attention and it's not like the devs care but still, if you're built right, you should stand somewhat toe to toe with your level players, I've seen some SWs do stupidly high damage, leaving me in the dust while they're barely above me.
Furthermore, a lot of people seem to be talking about things like I would like to queue as a healer SW, or as a dps GF and etc. Well the real problem is that sadly only OPs actually have that possible for the moment, from my perspective they should be more happy about it! DCs should be able to queue as DPS when in righteous(Yes, exactly), a whole buffer type should be a thing for renegade CWs/haste DCs/tact GF and so on, SWs indeed should be able to queue as healers, GFs as dps, and personally I would like to see the GWF Sentinel path actually work and let us queue as tanks! For most -> GWFs are tanky because they were intended to be tanks, and the sentinel path provides us with the ability to do that yet doesn't live upto it, because other tanks are just way better than what a GWF tank could bring to that fight. You know... now that I think about it... I "Wonder" why OPs are the least complaining about their class, ehh?
I wrote a comment, clicked "post comment". Saw something to fix in it, I clicked on "edit" and it deleted the comment.
Nope, I'm not writing all of that again, too much time spent caring as it is.
Here's another to the list on top Neverwinter issues. Make it great again.
Spam queue tried to eat it. I rescued it for you, and your account is now verified so that it should never happen to you again. Sorry about that.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
As with every new module being Dev blogged about, i'd like to throw in the idea to make a weekly or at least monthly Dev blog about "current top issues" too. Something about where we are standing right now, and where we are going from there...
I mean, this thread is going on 25 pages in a few more posts, and might have to be replaced with a new thread at some point, so what about all the issues mentioned in here?
Anyway, it would be really helpful to get some official feedback in here.
@kreatyve Thank you for getting it back, overall it was like the third time now I lost such a comment though once it reappeared like 1-2 days later
Although... You said that my account is now "verified". Shouldn't all players be verified at some point?
Yep, but it's a big task. We verify accounts when we see that they aren't, except in special cases.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
Enchantment removal cost seem to be calculated on old item level system. You now have to pay 1.5 gold to remove a low r5 enchant from a level ~40 piece of equipment. At level 40 that is just too expensive.
It's better than the old System where you paid thousands of AD to unslot runes & enchants. I liked the Gold system, i could unslot as needed, once I got to Rank 60 or later to rank 70 and my main started giving new characters 100 Gold when they got to PE they picked it up from the shared bank at Player level 4.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
I think the professions are in dire need of a reworking.
Many of them are out of synch with the player progression. For example the production of "undergarments": When you start your armor profession at level 10, you will be able to produce level 9 underwear around Level 15. But there's also level 15 underwear available, as soon as you reached the according level in your armor profession. In my opinion, professions should start a few levels earlier (about level 7-8) and it should take less time to reach the next level. Many items you can produce in these professions end up to be rendered useless by the stuff you get from drops.
Most important: please take these chance projects out of the Professions. If I go to a tailor and order a protecting coat of smiting with two enchantment slots, I want exactly this thing. If that tailor would deliver me a coat with only one or even worse, no slot, I would rather leave them without taking that coat and try to find another tailor that can give me my coat like I ordered it. I understand that this might be thought to make people sell this stuff on the AH, but as AH prices for this kind of stuff are usually lower than the costs for the materials, you end up dumping them. And buying profession boxes for real money (a.k.a. Zen) without knowing if you get stuff for your profession? Well, they are a little too expensive to lightheartedly buy a dozen or so. The only professions I would accept random results for a task are Leadership (you never know who waits behind the next corner when your're escorting someone) and certain Alchemy projects that might give me new recipes as these are experiments. (You don't know what happens if you mix potions a+b until you try it. If you're lucky, you get a powerful new potion, if not, you might have found a new way to blow up things. )
In general, professions should take a little less time to progress through the ranks. And the masterwork tasks could be partially incuded into the noermal progression of the professions - raise the rank cap to 30.
Speaking of ranks... It somehow fells quite odd to get level rewards and accolades every five levels while the next rank comes every 7th level. I think it would feel better to have those ranks set to 5 levels, each.
I have a bunch of ideas how to revamp the professions, but it would blow up the frame of this thread to go into further detail.
Professions is a lot of busy work. When you can Rank up to lvl 70 in a few days. In order to keep up, the success percenage would have to be 100-the level trying to be ranked up = success e.g. going from level1 to 2 = 99% chance of success, level 25 = 75% chance of success and you only needed to do one project to get all the tasks for that level. Opening up the slots to do more projects would remain the same.
The biggest problem is speed of advancement in professions and it takes even longer in MasterWorks. Masterworks should take longer not only to assemble the materials, but to craft the item(s). Also, Masterwork crafted items should return a handsome profit every time they are auctioned with minimum prices based on 2-3x cost of materials and reagents. Selling below the recommended auction price would be tantamount to selling shoddy goods and the seller would have their return discounted whereas selling at a premium would grant better return on price. Let's say the Fair price for a MW item was 5000 AD for those items sold at that price, no change, but for those sold at a low-ball price of 2500 AD (50% of value) would return 1000 AD after 10 % fee and 50% shoddy goods penalty and if the goods are used in MW projects then there would be an additional 60% penalty on success. Those that sold for 10,000 AD or more would get a 10% better chance of success for every 20% price increase due to using better materials and would get a better profit because if you asked up to 4 time the base price (up to 20,000 AD) and would only pay a 500 AD fee for the sweet spot range of prices. Above that would be a 'Greed Factor' penalty fee starting at over 30o% Fair Price Value (+20% Penalty fee to +90% fee at 800% [45000 AD]). This would be part of Guild Discipline to keep prices in line, Keep Quality up and pay for premium work.
> First and foremost...
> Give EVERY class 3 viable paths once they choose one of the 2 directions to follow. Many classes have been reduced to 2 to 4 builds that actually work. For example... fix SWs... I feel bad for them being at the top to be demoted to the bottom of the barrel. When this game was introduced each class had 3 distinct choices, until people started complaining about this and that. Do not allow the egos of the players influence the viability of a class.
> What this allows for is adaptation... there are players that have learned how to handle fighting X class.
> Secondly...
> - Add a separate queue for groups and solo combatants entering ALL PvP matches. Especially for NCL purposes.
> - Fix the ranking system. Elo is NOT working here. It is meant for one on one, single-combat situations... not allowing for people who are part of set teams. When you are ranking everyone based on Elo... you are comparing apples and oranges and ranking them based on them both being fruit.
> - I suggest using total score, ave. final rank in matches, kills and assists as a basis for scoring. This way everyone will work harder for the end result.
> Lastly... this is a 2 part issue. I say that because it was all from the same patch.
> - Reduce the "XP needed to level" increases that were implemented a couple of weeks ago. I do not think increasing overload level to 1,000,000 instead of 700k, from before, would be out of the question. Multiplying the needed XP to hit each level by 255% is OFF and will drive people away.
> - remove the 50% HP increases that you delivered to all monsters.
> I was going to add Bugs here... but we all know they need to be fixed before Strongholds comes out... or Strongholds will possibly fall apart with more bugs.
> That is all for now... thank you for listening.
I agree with this.
> Alright, let's do this. First and foremost, please be respectful and give actual feedback. No trolling, no insults and no blaming anyone for anything. This is to be a professional medium of communication so that we know exactly what we should focus on. Feel free to echo each other; actually, please echo each other. If it's been said already, say it again.
> Please do not list everything you want fixed; only the top three or so items. We need to be able to focus on something and barraging this thread with a gajillion things won't help. I'm sure you guys can understand that.
> So here's a list of possible things you could give us feedback on:
> * Bugs - We get a lot of bug reports, many of which we immediately deliver to the developers, but many a time, only one person reports on it, which might explain it not getting fixed. The more people who care about a bug, the more pressing it will be.
> * Balance - Everyone has their own ideas and suggestions on how to balance a class. If you agree with a suggestion from a previous post, please echo it. Better yet, this one might benefit from being broad (i.e. Trickster Rogues in permastealth are overpowered instead of X skill needs to do X less damage because it interacts with X feat in X way.)
> * Specific Systems - Whether it's PvP, PvE, Performance, Foundry or even events, what aspect of the game needs the most attention. Keep this very high-level and broad, as well.
> That's not a complete list, so feel free to add your own, but remember, act as if this information was going to be given to you if you were a dev, then multiply that by, well, a lot.
> Go at it
Okay, so first thing on my list of troublesome conflicts with Neverwinter [PC] is that I have played this game since beta. Very excited when it first came out. Had some issues here and there but the game play was, and still is, amazing. What it is lacking is the capability to use this amazing tool that isn't available anymore called The Foundry. Yeah you may say to yourself :" Oh well you're annoying everyone knows that it's down already." Yeah I know that too but it's fairly irritating to know that the once great Foundry, of which I have made many amazingly voted quests, is out of business. I would like to know the progress of that as well as when It will come back on. I know you guys are doing your best but please, whatever you do, do not get rid of the Foundry. That is honestly the only thing that I think is keeping a lot of players, besides the new content your dev's push out, from moving on to something else. Honestly this game killed WoW for me. I remember playing WoW in beta. Even played the newest expansion, but there's something about Dungeon's and Dragons that just makes me come back and want to play it all the time. Can't wait for the new race and class releases as time goes on and I hope this game doesn't die. It has a lot of potential to become something great. I even have my girlfriend finally playing it with me. She hates video games.
Many of them are out of synch with the player progression.
For example the production of "undergarments": When you start your armor profession at level 10, you will be able to produce level 9 underwear around Level 15. But there's also level 15 underwear available, as soon as you reached the according level in your armor profession.
In my opinion, professions should start a few levels earlier (about level 7-8) and it should take less time to reach the next level.
Many items you can produce in these professions end up to be rendered useless by the stuff you get from drops.
Most important: please take these chance projects out of the Professions.
If I go to a tailor and order a protecting coat of smiting with two enchantment slots, I want exactly this thing. If that tailor would deliver me a coat with only one or even worse, no slot, I would rather leave them without taking that coat and try to find another tailor that can give me my coat like I ordered it.
I understand that this might be thought to make people sell this stuff on the AH, but as AH prices for this kind of stuff are usually lower than the costs for the materials, you end up dumping them.
And buying profession boxes for real money (a.k.a. Zen) without knowing if you get stuff for your profession? Well, they are a little too expensive to lightheartedly buy a dozen or so.
The only professions I would accept random results for a task are Leadership (you never know who waits behind the next corner when your're escorting someone) and certain Alchemy projects that might give me new recipes as these are experiments. (You don't know what happens if you mix potions a+b until you try it. If you're lucky, you get a powerful new potion, if not, you might have found a new way to blow up things.
In general, professions should take a little less time to progress through the ranks.
And the masterwork tasks could be partially incuded into the noermal progression of the professions - raise the rank cap to 30.
Speaking of ranks... It somehow fells quite odd to get level rewards and accolades every five levels while the next rank comes every 7th level. I think it would feel better to have those ranks set to 5 levels, each.
I have a bunch of ideas how to revamp the professions, but it would blow up the frame of this thread to go into further detail.
But I'm still human."
Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
Eliza Sandtracker, Hunter Ranger
Example, Free and Arm soldiers in Sharandar campaign. On a avg day after reset, there are only ~3 instances of moonlight sharandar. Each filled with 40 people, that now have to compete for the 5 or so pods that holds the guards. This brings out the worst in most players. They will run around, check where someone is busy clearing mobs from a pod, then dash in and activate the objective while the other person is busy clearing the mobs for that objective.
There are several more of these types of quests that drastically need to be changed, so one person activating the objective, do not prevent the next from being able to access the objective. When you have to repeat these dailies for as many times as is required in these damned grindy campaigns, it really ruins your mood if someone comes and takes the objective you are busy clearing, and you have to wait 5 min for it to respawn, just to have someone else do the same to you again. This is something that is really making the community toxic to one another.
My list:
- Don't give us new armor or items. We're already overequipped for the current content.
- We seriously lack of challenging content. We need to feel like there's still something that can challenge us. I barely play my HR now since I wreck things up too fast.
- I think TRs and SWs need some love. I feel sorry for them when they are constantly overlooked in every single dungeon run. They are considered useless, especially for endgame dungeons or msva.
- I would also like to see devs fix the not working bonuses, feats, powers etc. for some classes. The capstone for Protector GF not working, or HR with only 3 working offhand class features bonuses. And there's plenty of it.
The only other Water feature that adds to PE is from the moonstone mask waterfall. that could be reworked to that same texture, opacity, material, and luminosity settings as well.
It's been 20 days now. I'm really starting to feel like you no longer want me as a customer or player in this game.
These device removed errors are absurd. I've sent you guys everything I possibly can to help with fixing it but I don't know how many more days I'm expected to continue to pound my head into a brick wall.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
they should pull back this game in full embarrashment and laughingstock amoung MMO dev peers wonder what they doing to NWO when it is full of bugs and they cant fix on time, Cryptic, Pull the plug on NWO until it is all fixed and playable!
this game now in Hall of shame. too many flaws and bugs.
Tre'Huggar - 70 HR
Beefthor Battlebeard - 70 GF
Beefer Sutherland - 70 CW
Second if you want to krep the three kinds of refinement stones: bound on account, bound on pickup, no bound, have a refinement bag. You can even have several in Zen store. Maybe a 6 slot one for free and than bigger ones you pay for like the current bags.
Third, maybe another leveling zone by the time you level a couple of alts you are tired of all those places.
Fourth, update PVP store, you can get better rings etc at SH BUT not everyone belongs in a guild.
Fifth, gear in general needs to be updated throughout the game. EX: how hard would it be to be able to infuse all armor with black ice in professions. Drops are getting better but running ETOS and getting something that you know will you will salvage every time takes the surprise and excitement away. A lot more various rewards at the end of boss fights or dungeons would make it more exciting again.
And why are companions character bound and not account bound? Please realise that the market is player controlled, and that good companions are excessively expensive. I have 5 legendary companions on my SW and it cost me well over 10+ Million AD to get them there, yet no matter what I do, a GWF 2-3k IL lower than me will always out dps me, so please, allow me to transfer my hard earned items between my characters, I dont want to trade them, merely make them account bound so I can enjoy playing other characters aswell without years of additional farming.
There are alot of serious balancing problems currently in the game. Whether its enemy health (solo dungeons in mod 12? Yay, oh wait, im a 14k who gets 1 shot on a dps class the second I enter, whats the point then?).
Please fix the game. Really ruining my experience knowing no matter what I do, a GWF will always win regardless.
I am a GWF. And please, let me be honest, if you're a 14k TIL full dps SW and you're getting outdpsed by CW/GWF 3k lower than you, there's something definetly wrong in your build or playstyle.
I can outdps anyone below me (so far, not saying I'm very skilled or smth), and, there's this strange thing... SW can stand far away from the enemy (boss, i.e.) or just next to the cleric and enjoy the heals while I have to be under the boss, quite literally, getting hit by every second aoe he/she does. (For some reason though a lot of CW/SW and especially HR(Yes, they have a stance for it, yet it's not meant for tanking) love to immagine that they're melees and just sit near the boss begging to get killed.) Yes, we have unstoppable but you know, when you're melee, it's fair to have some bonus defenses (I am 13,7k). I've seen my lvl full DPS GFs deal nearly my damage, yet I'm not complaining that they're not only heavy hitters but also really tanky and that it's unfair. Simply that's how the class is supposed to be.
CWs on the other hand are mostly renegade or full debuff flame wizzards these days, which means, either way they increase their damage and reduce the enemy's defenses by a lot and that way make themselves deal big hits with all those DoTs ( Maybe I should comeback to my CW?...)
Now do note that I am not the kind of person that sais "GWF should be buffed because I am not instakilling enemies yet and unstoppable doesn't save me all the time".(Ofc, some endgame fellas do, but that's how endgame works. You reach it and the next day there's a new update coming out, so enjoy if you're there.) And yes, every class, I mean EVERY single one needs heavy attention and it's not like the devs care but still, if you're built right, you should stand somewhat toe to toe with your level players, I've seen some SWs do stupidly high damage, leaving me in the dust while they're barely above me.
Furthermore, a lot of people seem to be talking about things like I would like to queue as a healer SW, or as a dps GF and etc.
Well the real problem is that sadly only OPs actually have that possible for the moment, from my perspective they should be more happy about it!
DCs should be able to queue as DPS when in righteous(Yes, exactly), a whole buffer type should be a thing for renegade CWs/haste DCs/tact GF and so on, SWs indeed should be able to queue as healers, GFs as dps, and personally I would like to see the GWF Sentinel path actually work and let us queue as tanks!
For most -> GWFs are tanky because they were intended to be tanks, and the sentinel path provides us with the ability to do that yet doesn't live upto it, because other tanks are just way better than what a GWF tank could bring to that fight.
You know... now that I think about it... I "Wonder" why OPs are the least complaining about their class, ehh?
Saw something to fix in it, I clicked on "edit" and it deleted the comment.
Nope, I'm not writing all of that again, too much time spent caring as it is.
Here's another to the list on top Neverwinter issues. Make it great again.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Something about where we are standing right now, and where we are going from there...
I mean, this thread is going on 25 pages in a few more posts, and might have to be replaced with a new thread at some point, so what about all the issues mentioned in here?
Anyway, it would be really helpful to get some official feedback in here.
Thank you for getting it back, overall it was like the third time now I lost such a comment though once it reappeared like 1-2 days later
Although... You said that my account is now "verified". Shouldn't all players be verified at some point?
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
The biggest problem is speed of advancement in professions and it takes even longer in MasterWorks. Masterworks should take longer not only to assemble the materials, but to craft the item(s). Also, Masterwork crafted items should return a handsome profit every time they are auctioned with minimum prices based on 2-3x cost of materials and reagents. Selling below the recommended auction price would be tantamount to selling shoddy goods and the seller would have their return discounted whereas selling at a premium would grant better return on price. Let's say the Fair price for a MW item was 5000 AD for those items sold at that price, no change, but for those sold at a low-ball price of 2500 AD (50% of value) would return 1000 AD after 10 % fee and 50% shoddy goods penalty and if the goods are used in MW projects then there would be an additional 60% penalty on success. Those that sold for 10,000 AD or more would get a 10% better chance of success for every 20% price increase due to using better materials and would get a better profit because if you asked up to 4 time the base price (up to 20,000 AD) and would only pay a 500 AD fee for the sweet spot range of prices. Above that would be a 'Greed Factor' penalty fee starting at over 30o% Fair Price Value (+20% Penalty fee to +90% fee at 800% [45000 AD]). This would be part of Guild Discipline to keep prices in line, Keep Quality up and pay for premium work.