My top issues currently is the legendary bonus bug which will hopefully be fixed by next week. But also why is there no campaign token for PvP? I absolutely hate PvP and I know alot of others who do aswell, I dont understand why there are not campaign tokens for pvp yet there is for everything is. Surely the one thing people would most want to complete is something they dont actually enjoy or which to involve themselves in. Theres alot of item level gain in the pvp campaign and it would be highly appreciated by alot of players if there was a token for it, just so we can get rid of it.
I first want to start off by saying that while I enjoy the core of the game somethings bug me as being a late entry in this game. I do not want to complain . Rather, that I would want to show the frustration I have felt along with those I play with. 1. Stronghold. We all fought our way to level 15, banded together our small group and formed a guild. While this has been done hundreds of times before our small group face the donting task of building up the Stronghold. When you first get the Stronghold you see it as a place full of excitement and glory... Then you see the the requirements to build it up. Absurd. Easily enough you get the lumber mill and then you are stuck at an impass. And in order to move on you have to fight dragons just to get a chance to get enough food vouchers to do anything. At level 15 even with the buff to 70 fighting a dragon might as well be a suicide mission...much less 4 in 10 minutes. Granted we have 13 members in our guild and we stand by our name. We are Built Horde Tough. But for the love of God are you people sadistic. Why not make it as simple to at least get your first station of each resource as easy as the lumber mill. Then small guilds can at least have a chance to build up what they have. The grind still comes to all the other stuff you have to get. We already lost 2 players who said that the cost to build and do thing was outragiously dumb. I dare not use the words they said as to quote. 2. Enchanted Boxes,keys, and VIP. I understand the commerce angle of a free to play game. I know that despite the fact that it is free to play it is not free to run. But in order to open all the boxes I have it would take a small fortune in real money. Now I have paid for keys and will again. But $50 a hit for Keys and 30 Days of VIP seems HAMSTER. So now in order to be able to take part in this aspect of the game I now have to pay $50 a month. Where is the free to play aspect to that. Not to mention you will never get the special mounts and commpanions in the game unless you open these boxes. Why not make the keys a drop in raids? While we are talking about keys, Dungeon key one per day. What is the point? If i am raiding for loot why can I only have one chance at the box. Why not let the box give you the quest loot and random drops without a key. Or just let me buy the amount of keys I want. Don' limit the ability to get a tangible item to one time a day. 3. Level for avalibility. Chat, trade, guild, add friend,etc.... You have to do some form of quest to do all these things. Dumb. Ok well not all. Making a Guild I agree with the level and maybe would even say level 20. But to be able to use the other functions in the game? Why are you limiting gameplay? Why are you limiting the coopertive nature of being in a group? This stuff makes me want to scream. Why limit the ability to basic game functions that are there for you to use for the intent of an MMORPG!!!! Make friends, gather groups together, fight for the common goal. 4. Buyable races.... Dumb....I really like that word. List en just let people choose who they want to be. You guys are making enough money off all the other junk. 5. Bag space and Bank Space. Can I just say there really need to be a better way to get bags and boxes for you to carry your junk. This asoect of the game it so limited compared to everything else that it almost make the game unlootable. Granted I get it. You want to limit the ability to flood the economy with money. But really it just sucks that I have to play this game of back and forth or pay dumb amounts on real money to get reasonable bags. Why not make it apart of the crafting. Which I will talk about in a minute. 6. Crafting. WHAT IS THIS REALLY FOR?
You guys have a great game and for those who have had it since day zero it is setup well. New people coming in are use to WOW(praise be the master game...blah), swtor, eq1 and 2 taking advantage of those who got here late. I just ask you be something more. Be better then the money grubbing blood suckers these other games have become. I see that stride have been made to make new players equals and that makes me happy. While I have not pertaken in these YET, i am looking forward to more play. I got my trex. I am pretty stoaked about that...still need my dang lion. But I will be paying, and continuing to play this game for a very long time. I hope as developers you will take the words I have written here to heart and continue to make this game better and better. I hope i didn't complain to much cause that was not my goal. I simply want to be a part of the Neverwinter world that step forth with positive change. Thank you.
From time to time, when fighting Yuan-Ti groups which have the Zealot(?) which casts the eye stun, i completely lose control over the character permanently. I can move few steps in any direction but then i get pulled back into the center, sometimes controls are inverted. Only way of moving away from that "center" is by dodging. Gets fixed by relogging or by changing instance. Last time it happened it wasnt fixed by changing instance and the time before that i completely lost controls over the character, would not move at all no matter what, until i relogged.
As i said, it is permanent, long after the mobs are dead and i am not under effect of any debuff.
I *think* it's the Venomshot archers that give you the 'Partial Paralysis' effect. I have never had it last past a few seconds after combat ended. However, I've heard from a GWF friend that it has bugged out like that using Unstoppable. Are you running ITC by any chance?
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
Hello all, I am an HR level 70+ and am trying to figure out why pretty much every monster I encounter in Storm Kings Thunder are immune to my encounter power Cordon of Arrows..... This pretty much makes me useless as it is my biggest DPS power. Why have a power if it can't be used? This seems to also happen in some of the other areas as well.
Take the extra time to do the job right and it will never come back to bite you in the A**
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
I first want to start off by saying that while I enjoy the core of the game somethings bug me as being a late entry in this game. I do not want to complain . Rather, that I would want to show the frustration I have felt along with those I play with.
1. Stronghold. We all fought our way to level 15, banded together our small group and formed a guild. While this has been done hundreds of times before our small group face the donting task of building up the Stronghold. When you first get the Stronghold you see it as a place full of excitement and glory... Then you see the the requirements to build it up. Absurd. Easily enough you get the lumber mill and then you are stuck at an impass. And in order to move on you have to fight dragons just to get a chance to get enough food vouchers to do anything. At level 15 even with the buff to 70 fighting a dragon might as well be a suicide mission...much less 4 in 10 minutes. Granted we have 13 members in our guild and we stand by our name. We are Built Horde Tough. But for the love of God are you people sadistic. Why not make it as simple to at least get your first station of each resource as easy as the lumber mill. Then small guilds can at least have a chance to build up what they have. The grind still comes to all the other stuff you have to get. We already lost 2 players who said that the cost to build and do thing was outragiously dumb. I dare not use the words they said as to quote.
2. Enchanted Boxes,keys, and VIP. I understand the commerce angle of a free to play game. I know that despite the fact that it is free to play it is not free to run. But in order to open all the boxes I have it would take a small fortune in real money. Now I have paid for keys and will again. But $50 a hit for Keys and 30 Days of VIP seems HAMSTER. So now in order to be able to take part in this aspect of the game I now have to pay $50 a month. Where is the free to play aspect to that. Not to mention you will never get the special mounts and commpanions in the game unless you open these boxes. Why not make the keys a drop in raids? While we are talking about keys, Dungeon key one per day. What is the point? If i am raiding for loot why can I only have one chance at the box. Why not let the box give you the quest loot and random drops without a key. Or just let me buy the amount of keys I want. Don' limit the ability to get a tangible item to one time a day.
3. Level for avalibility. Chat, trade, guild, add friend,etc.... You have to do some form of quest to do all these things. Dumb. Ok well not all. Making a Guild I agree with the level and maybe would even say level 20. But to be able to use the other functions in the game? Why are you limiting gameplay? Why are you limiting the coopertive nature of being in a group? This stuff makes me want to scream. Why limit the ability to basic game functions that are there for you to use for the intent of an MMORPG!!!! Make friends, gather groups together, fight for the common goal.
4. Buyable races.... Dumb....I really like that word. List en just let people choose who they want to be. You guys are making enough money off all the other junk.
5. Bag space and Bank Space. Can I just say there really need to be a better way to get bags and boxes for you to carry your junk. This asoect of the game it so limited compared to everything else that it almost make the game unlootable. Granted I get it. You want to limit the ability to flood the economy with money. But really it just sucks that I have to play this game of back and forth or pay dumb amounts on real money to get reasonable bags. Why not make it apart of the crafting. Which I will talk about in a minute.
You guys have a great game and for those who have had it since day zero it is setup well. New people coming in are use to WOW(praise be the master game...blah), swtor, eq1 and 2 taking advantage of those who got here late. I just ask you be something more. Be better then the money grubbing blood suckers these other games have become. I see that stride have been made to make new players equals and that makes me happy. While I have not pertaken in these YET, i am looking forward to more play. I got my trex. I am pretty stoaked about that...still need my dang lion. But I will be paying, and continuing to play this game for a very long time. I hope as developers you will take the words I have written here to heart and continue to make this game better and better. I hope i didn't complain to much cause that was not my goal. I simply want to be a part of the Neverwinter world that step forth with positive change. Thank you.
no ones says you have to pay 50$ a month no one says you have to buy vip with the 50 keys bundle *sigh* you can purchase vip by itself for with discounts coupons for a max or 850zen / per month (which is less then 10 bucks a mounth if you did not grind out the free ads ) less if bundled discounted or promotions all this good feedback with huge huge financial error /exaggeration will make it be ignored
did you actually buy the vip bundle with 50 keys and fail to notice the regular one without keys and not do the MATH??
no wonder your guild members are frustrated/want to give up ... your over all tone and misinformation about the game must be really not good for their moral .. if you were in a guild alliance they would help you and you would get further discount on building your guild structures ..
a lot of your complaints /feedback are simply because of a lack of information or in the case that there is information you did not look it up
for example
P.S you asked crafting what is it good for.. the neverwinter Wikipedia could help you there as well as other player sources you need to join an alliance with crafters in it maybe its not for you then they can make what you need
finding a lot of graphic laggyness and the framerate dropping badly in many of the new areas ,especially the temples/ruins and in the port
Since this past weekend I'm experiencing a lot of rubber banding pretty much everywhere, including PE and the Guild Stronghold. And no it's not my connection - I've validated that my broadband connection is just fine.
@pitshade Yes i have ITC slotted, i am not sure what triggers it, could be archer as well but i think whenever it occurred it was with Eye caster in the group. Might be connected with dodge as well, once i was moving in crouch possition.
It seems as if there is a correlation between CC immune powers and having Partial Paralysis bugging out. My friend reported it with Unstoppable, I've seen reports about Villain's Menace and now maybe ItC. One report suggests Love effect may bug out as well.
As for the elite mobs, my observations are:
Venomshot - Ribbon arrow ala green dragonwing, etc... Causes Partial Paralysis intermittent stunning effect.
Dancer - Solid red AoE splat (visual splat glitch since 11b Shroud patch) and large Eye FX. Love and Fear effects. Love draws character to follow dancer. Fear causes character to flee from dancer.
Destroyer - Line attack charge and Dracolich/Marrowslake Hand Attack. Other than prone or knock, no CC noted but very hurty.
All in all, player CC powers seem to be the best defense against this. CC immunity seems to be ignored by design and may be bugging out. My CW stuns and freezes everything and rarely gets CCd. DC struggles more. A mutual friend has IIRC used smokebomb to good effect.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
Hello all, I am an HR level 70+ and am trying to figure out why pretty much every monster I encounter in Storm Kings Thunder are immune to my encounter power Cordon of Arrows..... This pretty much makes me useless as it is my biggest DPS power. Why have a power if it can't be used? This seems to also happen in some of the other areas as well.
They're immune to the control/rooting portion of the attack, not the damage. In fact, most end game enemies are immune or extremely resistant to control effects.
Since 2 patches ago my HR is constantly going prone and constantly dropping some of the stats by as much as 1000 points.. This is annoying as can be! I approach the rest area in the gardens in PE and he goes prone. Doesn't matter where I am or what map I'm in, no enemies or threats around and he goes prone then normal then prone.... and so on. Yesterday I was in the well of dragons and just completed a demonic encounter and and my mount would only go in one direction. If I attempted to turn in any direction, the mount would walk backwards, yes backwards!!! These are the kind of bugs that make what should be an entertaining time, a frustrated waste of time.
Take the extra time to do the job right and it will never come back to bite you in the A**
Another issue, I attempted to "charge" my account in the ARC client and it does not show the 25% bonus, only 10% so I went to the "Home" page of the ARC client and clicked on the Fall Virtual Currency Bonus "Charge Now" button and instead of taking me to the charge page of the client, it loads a web page in firefox that says "It looks like you have logged in from a new computer or browser" and says it sent me a pin to verify my account but that pin still has not showed up half hour later. Feels like I'm being lead around in circles. Again, frustrating to no end. PLEASE fix the bugs in this game. I play for fun, not to be left in a state of frustration. At times the game feels like a alpha/beta release instead of an evolving piece of work..... and has been that way since day one. [edit] I finally received my pin code, 45 minutes later!!!! Really???????? ....and the website is only showing the 10% bonus like the ARC client was. So what is the bonus, 10% or 25%?????
Take the extra time to do the job right and it will never come back to bite you in the A**
Today my neighborhood got electricity cut, and sadly i was on dungeon "The Rift" when it happens.
And then, 2 hours later i try to login, and i always failure. i though maybe my account was "stuck" at system, and i try with my 2nd account, and look... its same :(
what should i do? someone or admin, please help me please...
I think you folks might want to revisit your policies on live support, or at least post some of them clearly in some prominent place on the page that opens when you click on "submit a ticket." I just tried to use live support after submitting a ticket a couple days ago about a purchase of zen that was cancelled for no apparently good reason I can see. I was quickly informed that the live support tech could not help me because I submitted a written ticket. It would be good to know that at the beginning, so I could have had the option of submitting a written ticket to be responded to whenever you all got around to it, or not submitting a written ticket because I wanted to use live support first thing Monday morning. I would also likely to humbly suggest that your support policies be a bit more sensative to certain issues that are likely to have your customers more fired up than others. This category might include billing issues, particularly egregious harrassment in game, etc.
Well I will try to adhere to the rules of posting. 1. Why are you all possibly changing the queue system and AD for dungeons? What's wrong with the current system? You are making so much harder on people who like this game. IT is very sad. 2. I'm not opposed to the RP changes. I do like that I won't have to carry so much stuff around or store it, but why make the enchants now R14? I just got them all to R12? Just more grind ;( 3. When are you going to make Dragon Flight a viable event again? It used to be a useful event, but now the gear is obsolete, the rewards are ok, but no one wants to do it anymore IT's a fun thing for guilds and alliance both and you have pretty much killed it. 4. Marauders - so this is worse than DF. The only reward that really is useful is the influence. Be nice if you got something else other than useless white vouchers that don't add up to a hill of beans.
Overall, this game has gotten worse in the 3 years I've been here. It is almost sad to see a new player so excited to play and know what is in store for them later The grind is endless and with little reward. You took away AD from leadership, you make weeklies now that don't even offer AD (SKT, SOMI, RD to name a few). Now you may make it even harder to get AD, which you need to upgrade stuff. I suppose you will now just cater to those who PAY with real money. I thought this was FREE TO PLAY, not PAY TO WIN. It would be nice if you could fix the actual issues with the game instead of coming up with more crazy ways to turn people off to playing it. I used to love playing this game. Now I'm just here to run a guild for those who still enjoy it. I get no pleasure from playing anymore. The new content is just not working for me. Now I find out that if I don't have ALL the dungeons unlocked I can't even do the ones I have unlocked for AD....what is with that? I hope you all rethink that notion and do away with it. IT has to be the worst decision yet. You created guilds and alliances and you don't do anything to help strengthen them. The events you do give us are not overly useful and you don't seem to care to want to make them better. I guess $$$ talks and those without or refuse to spend...oh well...too bad for you. It is sad to see such a cool game to so far downhill.
I hope you read this and bear in mind we are not all made of the almighty dollar and that your changes are hurting your player base - the casual ones of us who play the game, not the uber tricked out ones that paid to get that way.
people always want GWF DC DC OP GF in end game grp, sometimes a mof rene in place of a gf & a HR in place of gwf, but sadly hard for sw & tr to grp outside guild/friendlist
GWF dammage is just insane vs other classes+ they got heavy armor+ they run fast+they heal themself (with same stuff, a buffed gwf make 7-12Million in 1 hit, i hardly come to 1M8 (got lot of DOTs but dont have time to proc with a gwf in grp, could we do + dammage in less time? like instead of a 8 tic in 8sec do 4tic in 4sec for double damage,or do like HR dot, stacking goes faster when hit by others)or last talent of fury path should give 60% instant damage (like combat HR) instead of little dots ... i love my sw dots, but with DC 1 OP reduce CD,can spam skills,so i use direct damage skills, not dots
i m not asking for a nerf as i like to play with all of them a sw (i like to play temptlock but we lack of buff/debuff,we give 20% more might but not same as power share of DC & OP that stack as crasy), pillar is nice but small area when you look at op or dc zone buff & amount should be up a bit it does 2buff 2 debuff but small amount) just make other classes even wanted in grp, as dps or support, any, it s just not funny when you love your toon, and have lvl up OP DC GWF MOF HR to 70 to have a "wanted" class, but always come back to your beloved one. I love solo with SW tanky temptlock it s like godmode, solo 2** hunt without loosing hp is cool, it s best heal in game as long something to hit, but need more buff/Debuff cant compete with DC or MOF buff/debuff BTW i ve hear rumor about lifesteal being removed or nerfed? SW will be completly dead if you do this..
finding a lot of graphic laggyness and the framerate dropping badly in many of the new areas ,especially the temples/ruins and in the port
Since this past weekend I'm experiencing a lot of rubber banding pretty much everywhere, including PE and the Guild Stronghold. And no it's not my connection - I've validated that my broadband connection is just fine.
this is different to the overall game lag which can be brought on during events that's when I get the worst rubberbanding in the populated areas.. I seems like that maybe getting more attention these days..
Specifically Chult interiors when entering the framerate just dies compared to the open world environment no so much rubberbanding but more like slow-mo.. if it isn't a common problem , possibly my graphics are just not handling the newer content, everywhere else is mostly ok, with the odd spike here and there but inside a Chult temple or ruins.. pirate cave etc.. its pretty consistently bad
I came back, made a new character, and started to enjoy the game. I actually forgot why I left it in the first place, until...
Can there be some system where matchmaking separates first-time runners and those who want speedruns? I left the game two years ago and came back because I missed it. But now, I get into my first dungeon where my teammates, both veterans, just literally ran through until they reached a boss fight. It kinda kills the fun for newcomers (or comeback-ers) who want to experience the dungeon, and I'm pretty sure that it can be annoying for a speedrunning veteran to need to wait at the end for new ones who have been left in the dust.
TLDR; please have separate matchmaking for speedrunning veterans) and first-time runners and low-levelled characters, thank you. If I have to give an actual suggestion, it would be to have a sub-option (like a tickbox, or a separate queue altogether) for people who want to speed through the dungeon. Thanks for reading if you do.
1. Wrong name items (I checked names in Collection). Oathbound Paladin: Huntsman Restoration Poleyns is shown as Huntsman Restoration Gaiters. Control Wizard: Gloves of the Thayan Servitor is shown as Gloves of the Thayan Zealot. Trickster Rogue: Trickster's Leather Helm +1 (Profession tier2 reward) is shown as Leather Helm +1
2. Wrong stat items (I checked stat in Collection). Trickster Rogue: Primal Raid Mederebiya, too low Critical Strike Devoted Cleric: Pioneer Restoration Zereh, too low Power and Recovery Guardian Fighter: Pioneer Ward Jawshan, too low Power Oathbound Paladin: Pioneer Restoration Charayneh, too low Recovery
3. Wrong tooltip tag (I checked profession tasks). Tailoring: Rank 21 or above Equipments has tag 'Plate'. Correctly it is 'Cloth'. Mailsmithing: Rank 21 or above GWF's Equipments has tag 'Plate'. Correctly it is 'Scale'.
Where to start. The idea of a random queue is not a bad idea, but the implementation of it is horrible, to say the least. One of your stated goal is to help new players, but the way that you are going about it is way off the mark.
Proper implementation of the random queue system would be closer to this.
1. Introduce it with Challenge Rated (CR) (Tiered) epic dungeon content based on average party IL. That way it makes it more worth while for higher IL players to play the lower content (Pugging). Maybe set the CR for every 1,000 IL average per player. (Thought about every 500 IL but that wouldn't work.)
So for the Tier 1 Dungeons with IL of 7,500 set: CR 1 for 7,500 to 8,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below. CR 2 for 8,500 to 9,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below. CR 3 for 9,500 to 10,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below. And maybe add an extra possible piece. CR 4 for 10,500 and up (if 1,000) IL per player to award based percentages below. And maybe add two extra possible pieces.
So for Tier 2 Dungeons with IL of 8,400 set (personally I would just change this to be 8,500 IL for simplicity): CR 2 for 8,500 to 9,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below. CR 3 for 9,500 to 10,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below. And maybe add an extra possible piece. CR 4 for 10,500 and up (if 1,000) IL per player to award based percentages below. And maybe add two extra possible pieces.
So for Tier 3 Dungeons with IL of 11,000 set: CR 4 for 10,500 and up (if 1,000) IL per player to award based percentages below. And maybe add two extra possible pieces.
One of the great things about this is when a high IL player gets random queued with midrange players it will increase the chance of those players getting a drop that will be able to help them versus just more salvage junk. One player with an IL over 12,500 joining a group of four players with IL of 7,400 would put them in CR 2 in their dungeon and give fresh 70th level players at least a +2 drop. That is way more helpful to them gearing up.
2. 53rd level would work as intended due to level not being a limiter.
3. Remove the campaign completion requirement for the random queue, but keep the IL requirement.
4. Make it to where 70th level players get the Regular Dungeon bonus for their second random Epic Level dungeon. This will prevent the flood of super over powered players running leveling dungeons and ruining the experience for those leveling players. I personally hated dungeons during leveling because of the over powered players sprinting through them with no regard to the players that actually need the dungeons.
5. You could leave the campaign completion requirement for Trials as an incentive to complete them and as a recognition for doing so. Many will hate that but I think it is a good compromise.
6. I would leave some RAD in manual queuing. Maybe 400 or 500, I would prefer the full repeat amount but I'm willing to give a little on this.
7. One implemented the power creep never has to be feared again. No matter how powerful the characters get a new CR would be easily introduced to deal with them.
8. Another advantage of the CR system would be a single unified loot table, except for dungeon specific items. Far less work in the future as things change.
All in all if implemented properly and with Challenge Rated Dungeons this would create challenges in all the dungeons for all IL players. Plus it would slow down players from five minute runs because even if they queued with low level, or no, equipment as soon as they speced back up the dungeon would change to their new specs. (I would lock the rewards at the lowest level speced for the group. To prevent abuse.) Instead of guaranteeing any level of gear I think adjust the percentage chance of getting different levels of gear would be better. Let's say the current percentages look like this:
For CR 2 chance to: None: 10% +1: 34% +2: 40% +3: 10% +4: 5% +5: 0.9% Artifact: 0.1%
For CR 3 chance to: None: 10% +1: 15% +2: 27% +3: 40% +4: 7% +5: 0.9% Artifact: 0.1%
For CR 4 change to: None: 10% +1: 0.9% +2: 9% +3: 22% +4: 63% +5: 2% Artifact: 0.1%
This way there is always a chance that you will get nothing or HAMPSTER. And keep in mind these are just numbers I pulled out of thin air for an example.
All 7,500 - 8,500 IL dungeons would be CR 1. All 8,500 - 9,500 IL dungeons would be CR 2. And yes change current tier two dungeons from 8,400 IL to 8,500 IL. So they would start with CR 2 and not have a CR 1. All 9,500 - 10,500 IL dungeons would be CR 3. Could go to 11,000 IL or drop the current tier three dungeons requirements to 10,500 IL for simplicity. All 10,500 - 11,500 IL dungeons would be CR 4. I think that this will allow for future dungeons better.
Plus since only drop chances are being changed new CRings can be created as new harder content is introduced and harder content is dropped from the Hero's Accord status. (Edit) And would allow for creating epic version of existing and new leveling dungeons super easy. This would also allow for creation of lower versions of dungeons like FBI, but the rewards control would whether or not campaign items would drop. So imagine a 7,500 IL version of FBI that would not drop any campaign specific items.
I want to point out that 75% of the coding logic is already in the game in the form of the Demonic Heroic Encounters. What would Challenge Rated material need and what does Demonic Heroic Encounters already do and not do? 2. Count number of players: Does. 3. Target same location used to display IL on Character Sheet: Does not. 4. Add values from targeted locations and divide by the number of player: Does not. 5. Change monster stats, actions, and/or types based on increased figured value: Does. 6. Change monster stats, actions, and/or types based on deceased figured value: Probably does not. 7. Change reward chances based on increased figured value: Probably does. (Would need changed if does.) 8. Change reward chances based on decreasing figured value: Probably does not. 9. Lock reward chances based lowest figured value: Shouldn't. 10. Protect reward chances against disconnects and kicks: Does not. I realize that there are more does not than does there but the things that they do is the vast majority of the logic needed.
I would also like to reinforce something from my post. I think that the campaign completion needs to be removed from the epic dungeons. I have over thirty years of pen and paper experience with D&D and 90% of that time has been in the Forgotten Realms. I have several hundred Forgotten Realms novels, and have read nearly all of them, and many rule books from 1e through 3.5e, including most of the rule books based in the Forgotten Realms. I have been to Gencon every year since it moved to Indianapolis and have volunteered for True Dungeon for thirteen years. I've probably coached some of you Cryptic guys and girls. Neverwinter is the first and only MMO that I can say I like playing. And the only bad experience that I have had is running the dungeons while I was leveling my first character. The dungeons themselves were great it was the experience that I hated. Having seventieth level players running just to get their AD ruined the experience because all they did was run to the end as fast as possible leaving us slower players to deal with the monsters. This system would make that even worse. And that is why I suggested to give seventieth level players the random queue AD for the regular dungeons on their second epic dungeon. Our doubling the first run AD but take away any AD for running regular dungeons.
Absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt, keep the campaign completion on trials. Not only does this make them a boon to those that have completed them it helps set them already from the rest of the content. This gives a past on the back to those players that have ground out the mods but still need to get their IL up high enough to do the Hero's Accord. The only problem, and this is a problem even in your cutter form, is what happens when you add a new trial in a future mod? Do the players that have been getting AD from these suddenly lose that AD until they compete the new mod? Talk about a lot of hate mail in your future. And that is another good reason to really think alt the campaign completion being on to many things.
All in all I think this is the best way to help leveling players and make the experience of the pre-seventieth level players as enjoyable as possible. And it makes all of the epic dungeons viable to all IL players above 7,500 IL. And probably most important it would cut down on the five minute epic dungeon runs because the dungeon would become to tough to do that with.
P. S. I can see a lot of people declining random queues until they get what they want. (When the acceptance message pops up.) Which by the way will make queue times longer not shorter.
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
edited October 2017
To me, and I can see it becoming an issue to many of my friends and long term guildies, the major problem with the game is an issue of design philosophy. Every issue as far as I'm concerned I see more of the things I enjoy being sucked out of the game, I was struggling to express this in a form that's useful, but I think it's probably best said like this.
Before implementing a change, unless it's a flat out bug fix or massive balance issue, devs should ask themselves the question "Does this change add fun to the game for most people".
If this question had been asked, we'd never have seen some of the things that have appeared in recent modules or are in the upcoming one: The dino ambushes Powers outside dungeons that ignore CC resistance Bonding nerfs (accept the power creep and buff augments/other runestones, enough people already can't do mSP and ToNG) Constant nerfs that don't just fix balance issues, but render whole playstyles invalid
One I'll particularly focus on is the announcement of the new IL 500 gear so soon after MC3 gear came in. I am MC3 mastercrafter all professions. I worked very hard to get that, spent a lot of ADs and had a lot of bad luck (2 of the 35% chances took 9 and 12 attempts). Then to have the new gear announced so soon after was a massive kick in the teeth, but to have a dev then say "it doesn't make MC3 gear obsolete" shows a yawning gap between the devs and their players. I made 20-30 pieces the week before the announcement for people, and had enquiries that indicated I was going to make the same number that week. After the announcement not one of those orders went through, in the eyes of the players the armor clearly WAS rendered obsolete and I've made almost none since for anybody other than me, although I have continued to make weapons.
October bug fix month is a major step in the right direction to actually listen to the players, but really if this game is going to survive, the devs need to understand their players a lot better and not just the vocal elitist minority on forums. My guild is a very old R20 one and almost all the people that have been in for 2 years plus are saying it's nothing like as much fun as it was and they're only really staying because of the people in the guild, so there's a danger of a domino effect if a few do go.
*edit* Then one step forward two steps back, pretty much everybody is telling you the new random queues are a completely ill thought out design, that will not accomplish what they set out to and will make it FAR worse for new 70s, but there is no hint of an acknowledgement that it needs a rethink.
@asterdahl did in fact say they would watch player behavior and modify the RQ system to make it more successful
I am just as disappointed as you that it seems they are intent on releasing a major new restructure of a very important part of the game for many new players that is nearly guaranteed to be seen as disappointing by everyone playing the game... From my point of view, I think the fallout and the damage to the dev/player relationship is just not worth the value of the experiment, especially since what we can surmise as the intent of the current RQ intentional design flaw could be accomplished in so many other ways that wouldn't inflame the playerbase as much as this brute-force method most assuredly (in the opinion of many) will
But, they will probably fix it after the fact, and maybe the damage won't be that bad
And, as you said, the bug-fix October "event" will go a long way toward making the game MUCH MUCH better for everyone, regardless of how mad they may be about whatever they are mad about
I agree on everything else you said in your post, though, and I'm glad you said it
...just wanted to point out that the was actually a "hint' of an acknowledgement of at least a backup plan
1. Stronghold. We all fought our way to level 15, banded together our small group and formed a guild. While this has been done hundreds of times before our small group face the donting task of building up the Stronghold. When you first get the Stronghold you see it as a place full of excitement and glory... Then you see the the requirements to build it up. Absurd. Easily enough you get the lumber mill and then you are stuck at an impass. And in order to move on you have to fight dragons just to get a chance to get enough food vouchers to do anything. At level 15 even with the buff to 70 fighting a dragon might as well be a suicide mission...much less 4 in 10 minutes. Granted we have 13 members in our guild and we stand by our name. We are Built Horde Tough. But for the love of God are you people sadistic. Why not make it as simple to at least get your first station of each resource as easy as the lumber mill. Then small guilds can at least have a chance to build up what they have. The grind still comes to all the other stuff you have to get. We already lost 2 players who said that the cost to build and do thing was outragiously dumb. I dare not use the words they said as to quote.
2. Enchanted Boxes,keys, and VIP. I understand the commerce angle of a free to play game. I know that despite the fact that it is free to play it is not free to run. But in order to open all the boxes I have it would take a small fortune in real money. Now I have paid for keys and will again. But $50 a hit for Keys and 30 Days of VIP seems HAMSTER. So now in order to be able to take part in this aspect of the game I now have to pay $50 a month. Where is the free to play aspect to that. Not to mention you will never get the special mounts and commpanions in the game unless you open these boxes. Why not make the keys a drop in raids? While we are talking about keys, Dungeon key one per day. What is the point? If i am raiding for loot why can I only have one chance at the box. Why not let the box give you the quest loot and random drops without a key. Or just let me buy the amount of keys I want. Don' limit the ability to get a tangible item to one time a day.
3. Level for avalibility. Chat, trade, guild, add friend,etc.... You have to do some form of quest to do all these things. Dumb. Ok well not all. Making a Guild I agree with the level and maybe would even say level 20. But to be able to use the other functions in the game? Why are you limiting gameplay? Why are you limiting the coopertive nature of being in a group? This stuff makes me want to scream. Why limit the ability to basic game functions that are there for you to use for the intent of an MMORPG!!!! Make friends, gather groups together, fight for the common goal.
4. Buyable races.... Dumb....I really like that word. List en just let people choose who they want to be. You guys are making enough money off all the other junk.
5. Bag space and Bank Space. Can I just say there really need to be a better way to get bags and boxes for you to carry your junk. This asoect of the game it so limited compared to everything else that it almost make the game unlootable. Granted I get it. You want to limit the ability to flood the economy with money. But really it just sucks that I have to play this game of back and forth or pay dumb amounts on real money to get reasonable bags. Why not make it apart of the crafting. Which I will talk about in a minute.
You guys have a great game and for those who have had it since day zero it is setup well. New people coming in are use to WOW(praise be the master game...blah), swtor, eq1 and 2 taking advantage of those who got here late. I just ask you be something more. Be better then the money grubbing blood suckers these other games have become. I see that stride have been made to make new players equals and that makes me happy. While I have not pertaken in these YET, i am looking forward to more play. I got my trex. I am pretty stoaked about that...still need my dang lion. But I will be paying, and continuing to play this game for a very long time. I hope as developers you will take the words I have written here to heart and continue to make this game better and better. I hope i didn't complain to much cause that was not my goal. I simply want to be a part of the Neverwinter world that step forth with positive change. Thank you.
Last time it happened it wasnt fixed by changing instance and the time before that i completely lost controls over the character, would not move at all no matter what, until i relogged.
As i said, it is permanent, long after the mobs are dead and i am not under effect of any debuff.
I am an HR level 70+ and am trying to figure out why pretty much every monster I encounter in Storm Kings Thunder are immune to my encounter power Cordon of Arrows..... This pretty much makes me useless as it is my biggest DPS power. Why have a power if it can't be used? This seems to also happen in some of the other areas as well.
all this good feedback with huge huge financial error /exaggeration will make it be ignored
did you actually buy the vip bundle with 50 keys and fail to notice the regular one without keys and not do the MATH??
no wonder your guild members are frustrated/want to give up ... your over all tone and misinformation about the game must be really not good for their moral .. if you were in a guild alliance they would help you and you would get further discount on building your guild structures ..
a lot of your complaints /feedback are simply because of a lack of information or in the case that there is information you did not look it up
for example
P.S you asked
crafting what is it good for.. the neverwinter Wikipedia could help you there as well as other player sources
you need to join an alliance with crafters in it maybe its not for you then they can make what you need
Might be connected with dodge as well, once i was moving in crouch possition.
As for the elite mobs, my observations are:
Venomshot - Ribbon arrow ala green dragonwing, etc... Causes Partial Paralysis intermittent stunning effect.
Dancer - Solid red AoE splat (visual splat glitch since 11b Shroud patch) and large Eye FX. Love and Fear effects. Love draws character to follow dancer. Fear causes character to flee from dancer.
Destroyer - Line attack charge and Dracolich/Marrowslake Hand Attack. Other than prone or knock, no CC noted but very hurty.
All in all, player CC powers seem to be the best defense against this. CC immunity seems to be ignored by design and may be bugging out. My CW stuns and freezes everything and rarely gets CCd. DC struggles more. A mutual friend has IIRC used smokebomb to good effect.
Tre'Huggar - 70 HR
Beefthor Battlebeard - 70 GF
Beefer Sutherland - 70 CW
[edit] I finally received my pin code, 45 minutes later!!!! Really???????? ....and the website is only showing the 10% bonus like the ARC client was. So what is the bonus, 10% or 25%?????
i have problem here,
Today my neighborhood got electricity cut, and sadly i was on dungeon "The Rift" when it happens.
And then, 2 hours later i try to login, and i always failure. i though maybe my account was "stuck" at system, and i try with my 2nd account, and look... its same :(
what should i do? someone or admin, please help me please...
I would also likely to humbly suggest that your support policies be a bit more sensative to certain issues that are likely to have your customers more fired up than others. This category might include billing issues, particularly egregious harrassment in game, etc.
1. Why are you all possibly changing the queue system and AD for dungeons? What's wrong with the current system? You are making so much harder on people who like this game. IT is very sad.
2. I'm not opposed to the RP changes. I do like that I won't have to carry so much stuff around or store it, but why make the enchants now R14? I just got them all to R12? Just more grind ;(
3. When are you going to make Dragon Flight a viable event again? It used to be a useful event, but now the gear is obsolete, the rewards are ok, but no one wants to do it anymore
4. Marauders - so this is worse than DF. The only reward that really is useful is the influence. Be nice if you got something else other than useless white vouchers that don't add up to a hill of beans.
Overall, this game has gotten worse in the 3 years I've been here. It is almost sad to see a new player so excited to play and know what is in store for them later
I hope you read this and bear in mind we are not all made of the almighty dollar and that your changes are hurting your player base - the casual ones of us who play the game, not the uber tricked out ones that paid to get that way.
GWF dammage is just insane vs other classes+ they got heavy armor+ they run fast+they heal themself (with same stuff, a buffed gwf make 7-12Million in 1 hit, i hardly come to 1M8 (got lot of DOTs but dont have time to proc with a gwf in grp, could we do + dammage in less time? like instead of a 8 tic in 8sec do 4tic in 4sec for double damage,or do like HR dot, stacking goes faster when hit by others)or last talent of fury path should give 60% instant damage (like combat HR) instead of little dots ... i love my sw dots, but with DC 1 OP reduce CD,can spam skills,so i use direct damage skills, not dots
i m not asking for a nerf as i like to play with all of them a sw (i like to play temptlock but we lack of buff/debuff,we give 20% more might but not same as power share of DC & OP that stack as crasy), pillar is nice but small area when you look at op or dc zone buff & amount should be up a bit it does 2buff 2 debuff but small amount)
just make other classes even wanted in grp, as dps or support, any, it s just not funny when you love your toon, and have lvl up OP DC GWF MOF HR to 70 to have a "wanted" class, but always come back to your beloved one. I love solo with SW tanky temptlock it s like godmode, solo 2** hunt without loosing hp is cool, it s best heal in game as long something to hit, but need more buff/Debuff cant compete with DC or MOF buff/debuff
BTW i ve hear rumor about lifesteal being removed or nerfed? SW will be completly dead if you do this..
TY for reading
Specifically Chult interiors when entering the framerate just dies compared to the open world environment
no so much rubberbanding but more like slow-mo.. if it isn't a common problem , possibly my graphics are just not handling the newer content, everywhere else is mostly ok, with the odd spike here and there but inside a Chult temple or ruins.. pirate cave etc.. its pretty consistently bad
I came back, made a new character, and started to enjoy the game. I actually forgot why I left it in the first place, until...
Can there be some system where matchmaking separates first-time runners and those who want speedruns? I left the game two years ago and came back because I missed it. But now, I get into my first dungeon where my teammates, both veterans, just literally ran through until they reached a boss fight. It kinda kills the fun for newcomers (or comeback-ers) who want to experience the dungeon, and I'm pretty sure that it can be annoying for a speedrunning veteran to need to wait at the end for new ones who have been left in the dust.
TLDR; please have separate matchmaking for speedrunning veterans) and first-time runners and low-levelled characters, thank you. If I have to give an actual suggestion, it would be to have a sub-option (like a tickbox, or a separate queue altogether) for people who want to speed through the dungeon. Thanks for reading if you do.
Please post that to this thread as the devs are currently planning changes that will add more of these speed runners to the mix.
1. Wrong name items (I checked names in Collection).
Oathbound Paladin: Huntsman Restoration Poleyns is shown as Huntsman Restoration Gaiters.
Control Wizard: Gloves of the Thayan Servitor is shown as Gloves of the Thayan Zealot.
Trickster Rogue: Trickster's Leather Helm +1 (Profession tier2 reward) is shown as Leather Helm +1
2. Wrong stat items (I checked stat in Collection).
Trickster Rogue: Primal Raid Mederebiya, too low Critical Strike
Devoted Cleric: Pioneer Restoration Zereh, too low Power and Recovery
Guardian Fighter: Pioneer Ward Jawshan, too low Power
Oathbound Paladin: Pioneer Restoration Charayneh, too low Recovery
3. Wrong tooltip tag (I checked profession tasks).
Tailoring: Rank 21 or above Equipments has tag 'Plate'. Correctly it is 'Cloth'.
Mailsmithing: Rank 21 or above GWF's Equipments has tag 'Plate'. Correctly it is 'Scale'.
Proper implementation of the random queue system would be closer to this.
1. Introduce it with Challenge Rated (CR) (Tiered) epic dungeon content based on average party IL. That way it makes it more worth while for higher IL players to play the lower content (Pugging). Maybe set the CR for every 1,000 IL average per player. (Thought about every 500 IL but that wouldn't work.)
So for the Tier 1 Dungeons with IL of 7,500 set:
CR 1 for 7,500 to 8,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below.
CR 2 for 8,500 to 9,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below.
CR 3 for 9,500 to 10,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below. And maybe add an extra possible piece.
CR 4 for 10,500 and up (if 1,000) IL per player to award based percentages below. And maybe add two extra possible pieces.
So for Tier 2 Dungeons with IL of 8,400 set (personally I would just change this to be 8,500 IL for simplicity):
CR 2 for 8,500 to 9,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below.
CR 3 for 9,500 to 10,500 (if 1,000) IL per player to award based on percentages below. And maybe add an extra possible piece.
CR 4 for 10,500 and up (if 1,000) IL per player to award based percentages below. And maybe add two extra possible pieces.
So for Tier 3 Dungeons with IL of 11,000 set:
CR 4 for 10,500 and up (if 1,000) IL per player to award based percentages below. And maybe add two extra possible pieces.
One of the great things about this is when a high IL player gets random queued with midrange players it will increase the chance of those players getting a drop that will be able to help them versus just more salvage junk. One player with an IL over 12,500 joining a group of four players with IL of 7,400 would put them in CR 2 in their dungeon and give fresh 70th level players at least a +2 drop. That is way more helpful to them gearing up.
2. 53rd level would work as intended due to level not being a limiter.
3. Remove the campaign completion requirement for the random queue, but keep the IL requirement.
4. Make it to where 70th level players get the Regular Dungeon bonus for their second random Epic Level dungeon. This will prevent the flood of super over powered players running leveling dungeons and ruining the experience for those leveling players. I personally hated dungeons during leveling because of the over powered players sprinting through them with no regard to the players that actually need the dungeons.
5. You could leave the campaign completion requirement for Trials as an incentive to complete them and as a recognition for doing so. Many will hate that but I think it is a good compromise.
6. I would leave some RAD in manual queuing. Maybe 400 or 500, I would prefer the full repeat amount but I'm willing to give a little on this.
7. One implemented the power creep never has to be feared again. No matter how powerful the characters get a new CR would be easily introduced to deal with them.
8. Another advantage of the CR system would be a single unified loot table, except for dungeon specific items. Far less work in the future as things change.
All in all if implemented properly and with Challenge Rated Dungeons this would create challenges in all the dungeons for all IL players. Plus it would slow down players from five minute runs because even if they queued with low level, or no, equipment as soon as they speced back up the dungeon would change to their new specs. (I would lock the rewards at the lowest level speced for the group. To prevent abuse.)
Instead of guaranteeing any level of gear I think adjust the percentage chance of getting different levels of gear would be better. Let's say the current percentages look like this:
Nothing: 10%
+1: 54%
+2: 20%
+3: 10%
+4: 5%
+5: 0.9%
Artifact: 0.1%
So for CR 1 have the current percentages.
For CR 2 chance to:
None: 10%
+1: 34%
+2: 40%
+3: 10%
+4: 5%
+5: 0.9%
Artifact: 0.1%
For CR 3 chance to:
None: 10%
+1: 15%
+2: 27%
+3: 40%
+4: 7%
+5: 0.9%
Artifact: 0.1%
For CR 4 change to:
None: 10%
+1: 0.9%
+2: 9%
+3: 22%
+4: 63%
+5: 2%
Artifact: 0.1%
This way there is always a chance that you will get nothing or HAMPSTER. And keep in mind these are just numbers I pulled out of thin air for an example.
All 7,500 - 8,500 IL dungeons would be CR 1.
All 8,500 - 9,500 IL dungeons would be CR 2. And yes change current tier two dungeons from 8,400 IL to 8,500 IL. So they would start with CR 2 and not have a CR 1.
All 9,500 - 10,500 IL dungeons would be CR 3. Could go to 11,000 IL or drop the current tier three dungeons requirements to 10,500 IL for simplicity.
All 10,500 - 11,500 IL dungeons would be CR 4. I think that this will allow for future dungeons better.
Plus since only drop chances are being changed new CRings can be created as new harder content is introduced and harder content is dropped from the Hero's Accord status. (Edit) And would allow for creating epic version of existing and new leveling dungeons super easy. This would also allow for creation of lower versions of dungeons like FBI, but the rewards control would whether or not campaign items would drop. So imagine a 7,500 IL version of FBI that would not drop any campaign specific items.
I want to point out that 75% of the coding logic is already in the game in the form of the Demonic Heroic Encounters. What would Challenge Rated material need and what does Demonic Heroic Encounters already do and not do?
2. Count number of players: Does.
3. Target same location used to display IL on Character Sheet: Does not.
4. Add values from targeted locations and divide by the number of player: Does not.
5. Change monster stats, actions, and/or types based on increased figured value: Does.
6. Change monster stats, actions, and/or types based on deceased figured value: Probably does not.
7. Change reward chances based on increased figured value: Probably does. (Would need changed if does.)
8. Change reward chances based on decreasing figured value: Probably does not.
9. Lock reward chances based lowest figured value: Shouldn't.
10. Protect reward chances against disconnects and kicks: Does not.
I realize that there are more does not than does there but the things that they do is the vast majority of the logic needed.
I would also like to reinforce something from my post. I think that the campaign completion needs to be removed from the epic dungeons. I have over thirty years of pen and paper experience with D&D and 90% of that time has been in the Forgotten Realms. I have several hundred Forgotten Realms novels, and have read nearly all of them, and many rule books from 1e through 3.5e, including most of the rule books based in the Forgotten Realms. I have been to Gencon every year since it moved to Indianapolis and have volunteered for True Dungeon for thirteen years. I've probably coached some of you Cryptic guys and girls. Neverwinter is the first and only MMO that I can say I like playing. And the only bad experience that I have had is running the dungeons while I was leveling my first character. The dungeons themselves were great it was the experience that I hated. Having seventieth level players running just to get their AD ruined the experience because all they did was run to the end as fast as possible leaving us slower players to deal with the monsters. This system would make that even worse. And that is why I suggested to give seventieth level players the random queue AD for the regular dungeons on their second epic dungeon. Our doubling the first run AD but take away any AD for running regular dungeons.
Absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt, keep the campaign completion on trials. Not only does this make them a boon to those that have completed them it helps set them already from the rest of the content. This gives a past on the back to those players that have ground out the mods but still need to get their IL up high enough to do the Hero's Accord. The only problem, and this is a problem even in your cutter form, is what happens when you add a new trial in a future mod? Do the players that have been getting AD from these suddenly lose that AD until they compete the new mod? Talk about a lot of hate mail in your future. And that is another good reason to really think alt the campaign completion being on to many things.
All in all I think this is the best way to help leveling players and make the experience of the pre-seventieth level players as enjoyable as possible. And it makes all of the epic dungeons viable to all IL players above 7,500 IL. And probably most important it would cut down on the five minute epic dungeon runs because the dungeon would become to tough to do that with.
P. S. I can see a lot of people declining random queues until they get what they want. (When the acceptance message pops up.) Which by the way will make queue times longer not shorter.
Before implementing a change, unless it's a flat out bug fix or massive balance issue, devs should ask themselves the question "Does this change add fun to the game for most people".
If this question had been asked, we'd never have seen some of the things that have appeared in recent modules or are in the upcoming one:
The dino ambushes
Powers outside dungeons that ignore CC resistance
Bonding nerfs (accept the power creep and buff augments/other runestones, enough people already can't do mSP and ToNG)
Constant nerfs that don't just fix balance issues, but render whole playstyles invalid
One I'll particularly focus on is the announcement of the new IL 500 gear so soon after MC3 gear came in. I am MC3 mastercrafter all professions. I worked very hard to get that, spent a lot of ADs and had a lot of bad luck (2 of the 35% chances took 9 and 12 attempts). Then to have the new gear announced so soon after was a massive kick in the teeth, but to have a dev then say "it doesn't make MC3 gear obsolete" shows a yawning gap between the devs and their players. I made 20-30 pieces the week before the announcement for people, and had enquiries that indicated I was going to make the same number that week. After the announcement not one of those orders went through, in the eyes of the players the armor clearly WAS rendered obsolete and I've made almost none since for anybody other than me, although I have continued to make weapons.
October bug fix month is a major step in the right direction to actually listen to the players, but really if this game is going to survive, the devs need to understand their players a lot better and not just the vocal elitist minority on forums. My guild is a very old R20 one and almost all the people that have been in for 2 years plus are saying it's nothing like as much fun as it was and they're only really staying because of the people in the guild, so there's a danger of a domino effect if a few do go.
*edit* Then one step forward two steps back, pretty much everybody is telling you the new random queues are a completely ill thought out design, that will not accomplish what they set out to and will make it FAR worse for new 70s, but there is no hint of an acknowledgement that it needs a rethink.
I am just as disappointed as you that it seems they are intent on releasing a major new restructure of a very important part of the game for many new players that is nearly guaranteed to be seen as disappointing by everyone playing the game... From my point of view, I think the fallout and the damage to the dev/player relationship is just not worth the value of the experiment, especially since what we can surmise as the intent of the current RQ intentional design flaw could be accomplished in so many other ways that wouldn't inflame the playerbase as much as this brute-force method most assuredly (in the opinion of many) will
But, they will probably fix it after the fact, and maybe the damage won't be that bad
And, as you said, the bug-fix October "event" will go a long way toward making the game MUCH MUCH better for everyone, regardless of how mad they may be about whatever they are mad about
I agree on everything else you said in your post, though, and I'm glad you said it
...just wanted to point out that the was actually a "hint' of an acknowledgement of at least a backup plan