Hi, since the shroud of souls release I haven't been able to play the game, it gives me a "Fatal error Direct3D driver returned error code. I've tried Force verify, safe mode, but the game keeps crashing, crashes in character selection screen or once I choose a character. My setup is a laptop, wind 10, integrated graphics, 4g of ram. Before the new patch it never crash for me. Please anyone help me.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
Every. Single. Time. i was able to log in long enough to see that my feats had been reset on one character. Could not invoke or move 3 steps in any direction. I got a black screen and then that message popped up.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
Many players asking for help in forums and facebook groups
Second crash was like, random i suppose...
I've updated my graphic card drivers, verified NW files... still crashing. Getting d3d fatal error as shown above.
Then, I've noticed that game crashes when im browsing AH and trying to filter items in dropdown menus. (2 slots, feats etc..) the moment i hit the dropdown menu button, game crashes. Tried this 3 times in a row just to be sure.
My graphic card is: XFX 7750 800M 1GB DDR5 VGA, HDMI, DVI Sniper Elite V2 FireFall game, if that helps.
Never had that kind of problems before the update.
Still having the same problem after patch.
I have found that I can run any other game out at this time on max settings except this one, so with that, its the game not mine or your pc systems.
Same for me.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
I hope we can get back into neverwinter soon.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.