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  • sundayscour#8172 sundayscour Member Posts: 12 Arc User



  • wardog135#5064 wardog135 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Post edited by wardog135#5064 on
  • ganzolokoganzoloko Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Zulkir´s Dreadnought: WRONG IL AND STATS

    Hi, I´m playing on PS4 and Xbox one at the same time, mostly PS4 now, trying to get my Zulkir´s Dreadnought chest piece from Valindra´s Tower, but I see the stats are not wich supose to be like on Xbox and PC, it´s 140 IL instead 150 IL and all stats are obviously very reduced, they weren´t that way at the start of module 10.5 because I checked them but it seems that by some reason in some way the stats and IL have been changed, I would like to know if this stats and IL gonna be fixed as pair with the other 2 plataforms (PC and Xbox One) to keep trying to get it or if not going for the Spiders 150IL chest piece wich isn´t better for my build than the Zulkir chest but 10 IL and the reduced stats makes a big difference, I added 2 links pictures of pictures taken on Xbox one and PS4 form the same piece from GF characters to prove it, both plataforms supose to be at the same module and content, so i don´t know why that single gear is different when all the other gear is the same, thanks for the help

  • erikthered#8452 erikthered Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    ok you folks need to get your servers fixed should not be getting dc every 5 min's and no it is not on my side or playstation side. it is on your side due to having everyone on one sever. this is the worst mmo I have played with consent dc and rubberbanding and lag. need to fix this. what you need is about 6 sever towers 2 for each type of platform instead of having them all on one world sever. please fix this issue like this game a lot when I able to log in and play it without getting dc or real bad lag.
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    Alliance - Stronghold Access Set to "Invite Only" (Not working)

    If any Guild within an Alliance has their Stronghold set to "invite only" some members of other Guilds within the Alliance can still travel to their Stronghold without an invitation (even if a Guild is on probation) therefore this option is seen as a bug/not working as intended.

    From the looks of things:

    Rank 1 characters are NOT able to enter Stronghold's set to "invite only" (sometimes)
    Rank 2 characters unconfirmed
    Rank 3 characters ARE able to enter Stronghold's set to "invite only"
    Rank 4 characters ARE able to enter Stronghold's set to "invite only"
    Rank 5 characters ARE able to enter Stronghold's set to "invite only"
    Rank 6 characters unconfirmed
    Rank 7 characters ARE able to enter Stronghold's set to "invite only"

    As Guilds continue to increase their rank more and more utilities become available and in regard to an Alliance system, sometimes not all Guilds contribute/help build up other Guilds/not all Guilds contribute "equally" or proportionally. A number of times players join a Guild (or a Guild(s) join an Alliance), buy high end equipment/items from a high rank marketplace and leave without their intentions being known. It is not fair and discouraging to members who have been around for much longer for players to come in and gain from little to no effort simply by joining a Guild or their Guild joining an Alliance when there are players who contributed weeks or even months for the same opportunity.

    If Stronghold access being set to "Invite Only" worked as intended it can help promote harmony between Guilds within an Alliance (this is in light of Guilds with positive intentions).

    --+-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+ +-~* *~-+--

    This current system is unacceptable. Guilds are being subjected to having their efforts undermined by not helpful, unproductive Guilds and players within other Guilds in an Alliance.

    There is a Guild (pretty sure there are others) in an Alliance where pretty much every time they are gathering materials/resources to upgrade a structure members of other Guilds contribute very little (if anything) then when it is built the other Guilds come in and utilize it how they see fit. If the "invite only" system worked as intended this type "exploitation" could be circumvented.

    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • dantragbdantragb Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    Tried telling support about the multiple Malabog runs with no rewards but not getting any help from them can someone please look into this for me
  • kdawg5#5724 kdawg5 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have a bug. Ever since the 2.70 update i can no longer use PS4 Remote Play on my phone. I can turn the system on, connect, and play anything else except play neverwinter. Before the patch it worked fine!
  • rathavart#9761 rathavart Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I read first page here then saw there were 17 of them, so sorry if this is a repeat. 3 bugs that most annoy me. 1 guild can't build jubilee trader, makes leveling guild very slow. I've tried it myself and had a few leaders try also, we can set as target but can't begin construction from options menu, stronghold caretaker menu or going right to the build site. 2 is Malabogs map when group fails an attempt you can't restart dragon fight until all the unhallowed sneak out through door and you kill them all. Still glitches after that sometimes because dragon stuck in door and can't be hit. 3 is throne of dwarven gods when someone leaves instance it doesn't always remove them from group even if you try changing characters and back will often show group and say must be in instance to leave.
    Post edited by rathavart#9761 on
  • arbad69#4596 arbad69 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I apologize if this is posted somewhere else but every time my guild tries to upgrade something in the stronghold it doesn't work correctly. Basically, after starting an upgrade, we'll see the construction time quickly go to 0 and it just stays like that for a random amount of time. Then eventually it seems to magically work. Right now we are trying to upgrade from level 2 to 3 on the guild hall (tiny guild) and it's been at 0 from about two days. Very frustrating after working so hard to get the materials.

    Has anyone seen this before, is it something we are doing wrong?
  • rathavart#9761 rathavart Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Someone with high enough guild rank needs to manually complete when done, I think it is rank 5
  • fizzlesprocket#9869 fizzlesprocket Member Posts: 1 New User
    Unable to see the documents drop for the quest "Cult Communications." Running with a friend and he is able to them with no issue.
  • mystzone#0720 mystzone Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited March 2017
    Recovering Relics is bugged for me. It says that I need to recover an ostorian relic. When I walk up to this ostonian relic it requires for me to have an Trowel, which I have but it doesn't let me collect the Ostorian relic. I cannot abandon this quest which means I cannot continue my Icewind-dale storyline. I'd say that a simple solution to this matter is to code into the quest that it should be able to be abandoned.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    every time I enter lonelywood, Brynn, and cold run - I get a thing across the screen that say "you can only have one of a unique item" I have no idea what it thinks I have but it pops up every time I walk in the door. Guildies get it too.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • rathavart#9761 rathavart Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I think that message is for trowels, if you have the green one. I get that on my Palladin but not others, and Pally only one that doesn't have purple trowel. As for the quest, you may need to grab from box by relic guy, even if you have green or purple for first time.
  • rathavart#9761 rathavart Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Are they going to fix jubilee trader or what? My guild, Dungeon Raiders, is going for stronghold rank 5 right now, and if trader could be built would be more like 9. Would also not have lost so many members due to progress dissatisfaction.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Why do you need the trader to get to rank 5?
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • omnishock26#6944 omnishock26 Member Posts: 18 Arc User

    Are they going to fix jubilee trader or what? My guild, Dungeon Raiders, is going for stronghold rank 5 right now, and if trader could be built would be more like 9. Would also not have lost so many members due to progress dissatisfaction.

    The Jubilee Trader not being available isn't a bug. The ability to build it comes around once a year when Neverwinter was first released. This is the only time that it can be built.
  • bahamut1183#8009 bahamut1183 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Mercenary Companion doesnt not proc protectors comradirie or protectors friendship insignia bonuses.
    Submitted ticket and the GM told me to post here. Please fix.
  • rathavart#9761 rathavart Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    OK, thanks. Would be nice if it either said that when you go to build it or just not show up as an option.
  • derkinski#7549 derkinski Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    I apologize if this is posted somewhere else but every time my guild tries to upgrade something in the stronghold it doesn't work correctly. Basically, after starting an upgrade, we'll see the construction time quickly go to 0 and it just stays like that for a random amount of time. Then eventually it seems to magically work. Right now we are trying to upgrade from level 2 to 3 on the guild hall (tiny guild) and it's been at 0 from about two days. Very frustrating after working so hard to get the materials.

    Has anyone seen this before, is it something we are doing wrong?

    You have to go to the sign in front of the guild hall to see the building time correctly.

  • Yeah little bug I've noticed on PS4.

    No matter how many times I make a new class my background once in the game changes to 'The Dalelands, battle-tested Veteran' in my character sheet menu?? quite odd and somewhat annoying as she's meant to be a Ex gang leader from luskan and I've a cleric who is supposed to be from the underdark as a adventure?

    Has anyone else experienced this?
  • chaka2301#0917 chaka2301 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I lost 60,000 astral diamond. I put items up for sale at the auction house. And I check my inventory and all my A.D was gone
  • oldsmoker1oldsmoker1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hello I'm playing on ps4 and i have 4 characters and with one of them when i get into a queued instance like a dungeon or skirmish i always end up not in group this is only happening on one of my characters Cw 70 lvl this is happening for a 3rd day and it really sucks because when completing a dungeon or skirmish while not in group i dont get any Ad at all please i think this is a bug or does anyone have any idea how to fix this on google there is no help about this
  • dimblegimble#2431 dimblegimble Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I was changing my main characters appearance, after i finalized the change, the game changed the hair style i picked.
    Post edited by dimblegimble#2431 on
  • cry2heavencry2heaven Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    DISCARD next to REFINE on Enchantments & Artifacts?

    Here is what I said to support:

    Remove DISCARD

    After spending generously, I will be spending elsewhere tomorrow.

    There is NO reason for placing DISCARD next to REFINE. The DISCARD option is completely unnecessary.
    Vendors have a buyback tab to protect players from accidental discards, which is circumvented by DISCARD.
    Offering customers a 1 time courtesy replacement without patching the program is an insult to their time, money, and your company's integrity. We know you can make these items we refine for hours VENDOR ONLY and remove the DISCARD option.
    Placing DISCARD next to REFINE is an extreme programming error or a programmer with a sick, cruel and depraved mind, or the practices of an unethical business without respect for the love and fun Ernest Gary Gygax intended for D&D.

    They responded;


    Thank you for contacting us.

    I appreciate your feedback suggesting some issues that needs to be fixed on the Discard and Refine button. We apologize if have there seems to be confusion between the two. Thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention. We have directed our Development Team to consider your concerns for the next issue.

    We also highly encourage you to share your ideas with the game community by posting it on the official forums.

    So now I don't play until the unethical DISCARD is removed. I wish I had known before spending alot of real money on this game which might choose to never remove the unethical DISCARD at all.
  • markeen#2032 markeen Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    If you posted the AD to sell in the exchange it will remove the AD from you and place it in the exchange. If sold you will be able to withdrawal the Zen.
    Founder of Knights of Ra guild in Neverwinter PS4. Founder of The Arashikage Clan in Defiance, formally of PlayStation Home.
  • niceduck#2839 niceduck Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    > @chaka2301#0917 said:
    > I lost 60,000 astral diamond. I put items up for sale at the auction house. And I check my inventory and all my A.D was gone

    There is AD charge to post items on AH (unless you are VIP 8 or above), you'll get those back once item is sold or offer expires.
  • chamberxxchamberxx Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Purchased heirloom pack and had used it on a couple of chars, but after update it is no longer available at the claim vendor. Ticket reply said to post issue here. Please help!
  • geert#5736 geert Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    in helm's hold on the bridge at scar ally, can't activate the last repair in the quest for help construction
  • geert#5736 geert Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    in helm's hold on the bridge at scar ally, can't activate the last repair in the quest for help construction
    That's for ps4.

    Fixed with restarting the quest
    Post edited by geert#5736 on
This discussion has been closed.