forumnamesuxsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 490Arc User
edited January 2017
I often let other people's bad feedback influence me, because they are usually right. This time however, I'm going to try to remain the positive feeling which running these quests gave me. The undercover quest needs to go though. I assume (the mother of all HAMSTER ups, I know, but still..) that there are at least some people, with unique looks (ex. Old halfling models), who are as bad as me when it comes to reading every piece of text that appears on the screen, and don't frequent the forums too often. The lockbox drop pop ups have trained me to ignore any text that pop ups on my screen, because it's spam. If this is in fact how the "you can cancel to complete" information is delivered, a lot of people are going to miss it. Adding it to the quest info probably won't be any better.
However, if you do insist on keeping this really weird quest, add a "keep appearance" or something similar to the change appearance dialog, when we are there for the quest. I must say though, changing the change appearance part of the quest, to be similar to the one in the drow encampment, would probably be for the best.
That being said, I'm really looking forward to the release of this mod.
Firesoul: When you damage an enemy, there is a chance you become Fortified, which increases your defense by 5% and adds your Defense to your Power, to a max of 30% increase of your total Power.
This bonus makes the Relic weapons a thing of the past. Are you saying that all that grind to get them is gone in just one (half actualy, relic was introduced in mod 10.5) module?
Even if the bonus damage increase with all this power was only 8%, and it will be much much higher (remember that we have the Defense boon in SH), it's still better then the relic weapons where you can trigger "Attack" bonus in combat maybe 60-70% of the time on average. This bonus is much easier to trigger then the "Attack" one on the Relic weapons.
Sidenote: The changes for the Weapon Enchant include them scaling with Power. This increases power by 30% (max). Something to think about.
Firesoul: When you damage an enemy, there is a chance you become Fortified, which increases your defense by 5% and adds your Defense to your Power, to a max of 30% increase of your total Power.
This bonus makes the Relic weapons a thing of the past. Are you saying that all that grind to get them is gone in just one (half actualy, relic was introduced in mod 10.5) module?
Even if the bonus damage increase with all this power was only 8%, and it will be much much higher (remember that we have the Defense boon in SH), it's still better then the relic weapons where you can trigger "Attack" bonus in combat maybe 60-70% of the time on average. This bonus is much easier to trigger then the "Attack" one on the Relic weapons.
Sidenote: The changes for the Weapon Enchant include them scaling with Power. This increases power by 30% (max). Something to think about.
Pretty much this. If this goes live in that shape we can say goodbye to the relic weapons. I only heard rumors about obtaining the new set, I mean that's a lot easier vs. the relic gear.
Let's be honest here, they're really painful to get. Upgrading them to epic is ok'ish...but legendary is a hamster to say the least - won't even mention the chest changes here. Again, SVA marks will be totally useless that's a really really bad thing for those who farmed this trial like madman.
What's important. releasing this gear will make the SVA trial a "nono" none will even run it for the marks usable only in relic gear, and with the thought in mind that new ones are easier to get AND better?
So, if this goes live, you're practically wasting your dev time designing the content making it a ghost town
@vida44 really said it all. Firesoul effect combined with enchants scaling with power is an incredible potential to increase our DPS substantially. Do we really need more power in the game at the moment?
We do realize it's a pretty early idea but for the looks of it, if it's not toned down we will have another chapter of power creep, literally...a POWER creep.
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Man i wasted about 2kk AD, i have not this AD, but i "rapei o cu com a unha" for this weapom and they do this, new weapons. I'm really, really sad. =( (sorry my bad english)
From a GWF/Dps GF's point of view, these are spot on, and a great alternative to the Relic weapons.
I really, REALLY hope they don't get nerfed just because players that grinded for legendary Relic weapons are complaining, and feel those should be superior forever...
I really, REALLY hope they don't get nerfed just because players that grinded for legendary Relic weapons are complaining, and feel those should be superior forever...
I can't imagine why weapons that are REALLY hard to get would be better than ones hat at current are MUCH EASIER to get. That just wouldn't make sense. /sarcasm
Nobody wants them BIS forever...but more than half a mod would have been nice, as we were TOLD they would be.
If this goes live...I would expect the fallout from the horrendously handled dungeon key decision to be light in comparison. This is a pretty interesting precedent to set...that being don't expect anything you get to last more than 1...excuse me, 1/2 of a mode no matter how hard you work for it. This also sets the precedent that what a developer says about how long items will be considered the best is meaningless (Asterdahl stated fairly clearly that Relic weapons would be BIS for a while...a while is now half a mod). Skipping a mod and waiting for something more enjoyable becomes a real possibility.
I really, REALLY hope they don't get nerfed just because players that grinded for legendary Relic weapons are complaining, and feel those should be superior forever...
I can't imagine why weapons that are REALLY hard to get would be better than ones hat at current are MUCH EASIER to get. That just wouldn't make sense. /sarcasm
Nobody wants them BIS forever...but more than half a mod would have been nice, as we were TOLD they would be.
If this goes live...I would expect the fallout from the horrendously handled dungeon key decision to be light in comparison. This is a pretty interesting precedent to set...that being don't expect anything you get to last more than 1...excuse me, 1/2 of a mode no matter how hard you work for it. This also sets the precedent that what a developer says about how long items will be considered the best is meaningless (Asterdahl stated fairly clearly that Relic weapons would be BIS for a while...a while is now half a mod). Skipping a mod and waiting for something more enjoyable becomes a real possibility.
Well, one could hope they saw that the Svardborg mark debacle was not recieved very well by the players, and chose to proceed this way, which I hope is a sign of things to come.
After the key-change, getting the legendary marks for the relic weapons would probably cause a lot of players to call it quits, but with these new weapons in reach, they might stick around a while longer...
In reality, nobody should have had to deal with the seemingly awful rng from Svardborg, but kudos to those that persevered...
Nobody wants them BIS forever...but more than half a mod would have been nice, as we were TOLD they would be.
This also sets the precedent that what a developer says about how long items will be considered the best is meaningless (Asterdahl stated fairly clearly that Relic weapons would be BIS for a while...a while is now half a mod). Skipping a mod and waiting for something more enjoyable becomes a real possibility.
I actually went and dug through the post history yesterday because I thought so too, and we were both wrong. The actual statement was that the SKT weapons would be "a high watermark" (not THE high watermark) and "one of the strongest options for some time" (not THE best option).
The lesson here is more to be really careful about how far you take your interpretation of these type of statements.
I really, REALLY hope they don't get nerfed just because players that grinded for legendary Relic weapons are complaining, and feel those should be superior forever...
I can't imagine why weapons that are REALLY hard to get would be better than ones hat at current are MUCH EASIER to get. That just wouldn't make sense. /sarcasm
Nobody wants them BIS forever...but more than half a mod would have been nice, as we were TOLD they would be.
If this goes live...I would expect the fallout from the horrendously handled dungeon key decision to be light in comparison. This is a pretty interesting precedent to set...that being don't expect anything you get to last more than 1...excuse me, 1/2 of a mode no matter how hard you work for it. This also sets the precedent that what a developer says about how long items will be considered the best is meaningless (Asterdahl stated fairly clearly that Relic weapons would be BIS for a while...a while is now half a mod). Skipping a mod and waiting for something more enjoyable becomes a real possibility.
why would the fallout be worse? This actually corrects the biggest complaint of the new key changes. MSVA is unreal with key use and I'm sure the devs are seeing the drop off.
Let them move on from that in peace. Plus (on PC) we didn't even have it that hard because we could peak
The new weapons are different and offer more offense (potentially, nobody has tested) rather then the relic ones that offer alot of offense or defense depending on which key you press
Literally those mark grinds are making people leave the game. Also, the precedent you mentioned being set has already been set in this game. Weapons, artifact equipment, artifacts, legendary mounts, all of these have had short lifespans in certain cases. (some REALLY short)
"we all love this game and want it to thrive"
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
So they abandon relic weapons like they did SH? Why leave the game in such a convoluted limbo purgatory of hellfire and brimstone?
Warning: The following is pure speculation and may be a load of HAMSTER: It might just be a case of having different producers at different stages of development. Sea of Moving ice was conceived and probably a lot further along under a different producer. Back in September, we got Thomas Foss, or Mimicking. It might just be a course correction, leaving the old stuff in limbo indeed; who knows? From a programming standpoint, I'm sure it's much easier on manpower to just leave old stuff alone than to spend time tweaking it?
Love yourself, and focus on the rest of the madness of life later.
Anyone who is saying that Relic Weapons should not be BIS, currently, does not want to lose the opportunity to get the best in slot weapons with far less effort compared to Relic Weapons. Relic weapons MUST be best in slot for at least some more time because this way you are only saying the players that, your efforts on getting them is 0 on our eyes and the ones who skip a mod deserves better weapons than you. Period
Anyone who is saying that Relic Weapons should not be BIS, currently, does not want to lose the opportunity to get the best in slot weapons with far less effort compared to Relic Weapons. Relic weapons MUST be best in slot for at least some more time because this way you are only saying the players that, your efforts on getting them is 0 on our eyes and the ones who skip a mod deserves better weapons than you. Period
I don't even care about them being BiS. I thought the grind, gating and cost was insane. But now that they've put us all through that grinder the fact they're just handing it out for free to new players without compensating the players that played the last two mods is kind of ridiculous. I'd at least like to see some sort of acknowledgement that there's a problem here.
Please don't make new artifact weapons superior to the relic weapons. Variety is good, having a single BiS pick isn't.
Im quite curious to see how they implement mod 11 weapons. They cant make them better than relic obviously because the HAMSTER storm will be real. They cant make them weaker either because they're new. They cant make them harder to get 'cause the grind for relic is already too much. They cant really make them easier to get cause those who got relic (the most dedicated players) will rage.. And if they make acquiring them as tedious as relic is, again, the majority of the players will remain with drowned/twisted, meaning people not playing the new content as much as new content should be played.. The devs dug another whole and fell in it imo
Although i am at an impasse in the quest line so therefore i have yet to acquire the new Relic weapons im ASSUMING its going to be old relic master of all where new relics are master of some......i hope
Finally posted the notes. Sorry for the delay (and the potential implication that they were gonna be much more plentiful in this build than they actually were), and thank you all for posting great constructive feedback.
Anyone who is saying that Relic Weapons should not be BIS, currently, does not want to lose the opportunity to get the best in slot weapons with far less effort compared to Relic Weapons. Relic weapons MUST be best in slot for at least some more time because this way you are only saying the players that, your efforts on getting them is 0 on our eyes and the ones who skip a mod deserves better weapons than you. Period
I don't even care about them being BiS. I thought the grind, gating and cost was insane. But now that they've put us all through that grinder the fact they're just handing it out for free to new players without compensating the players that played the last two mods is kind of ridiculous. I'd at least like to see some sort of acknowledgement that there's a problem here.
But maybe there will be some compensation? Who knows. I think DEVs listened to a lot of complaints about new key system, fishing, MSva, NSva, SoMI, hell all of SoMI. so maybe the new team is fixing that. MAYBE the team is trying to make SoMUI mute so they can take it down to rework it. dont know, so lets leave it at that.
And all this Bull HAMSTER talk about new better not be better then my 20 million hour grind weapon, Screw you all. 200k dailys, 100m freaking HE's and all to get a set of weapons. YAY i got my wonderful new Burning/Earthen/Howling/Drowned set...............WTF Twisted?
Anyone who is saying that Relic Weapons should not be BIS, currently, does not want to lose the opportunity to get the best in slot weapons with far less effort compared to Relic Weapons. Relic weapons MUST be best in slot for at least some more time because this way you are only saying the players that, your efforts on getting them is 0 on our eyes and the ones who skip a mod deserves better weapons than you. Period
I don't even care about them being BiS. I thought the grind, gating and cost was insane. But now that they've put us all through that grinder the fact they're just handing it out for free to new players without compensating the players that played the last two mods is kind of ridiculous. I'd at least like to see some sort of acknowledgement that there's a problem here.
But maybe there will be some compensation? Who knows. I think DEVs listened to a lot of complaints about new key system, fishing, MSva, NSva, SoMI, hell all of SoMI. so maybe the new team is fixing that. MAYBE the team is trying to make SoMUI mute so they can take it down to rework it. dont know, so lets leave it at that.
And all this Bull HAMSTER talk about new better not be better then my 20 million hour grind weapon, Screw you all. 200k dailys, 100m freaking HE's and all to get a set of weapons. YAY i got my wonderful new Burning/Earthen/Howling/Drowned set...............WTF Twisted?
They're not reworking two whole mods any time soon. They've been taking years to get dungeons back into the game never mind a whole mod.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
Devoted Cleric: Lance of Faith no longer impales the player in the cutscene where Wilfred meets Valindra.
HEHE i probably will make a clerig on dragon just to check on this, Not much class balance in these patch notes but plenty of things that will make begginers gameplay more pleasent, that is good.
Anyone who is saying that Relic Weapons should not be BIS, currently, does not want to lose the opportunity to get the best in slot weapons with far less effort compared to Relic Weapons. Relic weapons MUST be best in slot for at least some more time because this way you are only saying the players that, your efforts on getting them is 0 on our eyes and the ones who skip a mod deserves better weapons than you. Period
I don't even care about them being BiS. I thought the grind, gating and cost was insane. But now that they've put us all through that grinder the fact they're just handing it out for free to new players without compensating the players that played the last two mods is kind of ridiculous. I'd at least like to see some sort of acknowledgement that there's a problem here.
But maybe there will be some compensation? Who knows. I think DEVs listened to a lot of complaints about new key system, fishing, MSva, NSva, SoMI, hell all of SoMI. so maybe the new team is fixing that. MAYBE the team is trying to make SoMUI mute so they can take it down to rework it. dont know, so lets leave it at that.
And all this Bull HAMSTER talk about new better not be better then my 20 million hour grind weapon, Screw you all. 200k dailys, 100m freaking HE's and all to get a set of weapons. YAY i got my wonderful new Burning/Earthen/Howling/Drowned set...............WTF Twisted?
They're not reworking two whole mods any time soon. They've been taking years to get dungeons back into the game never mind a whole mod.
Different DEV teams. Thats all i can say to this. Maybe they really do listen and want to try to fix this.
So they abandon relic weapons like they did SH? Why leave the game in such a convoluted limbo purgatory of hellfire and brimstone?
I'm fine with abandoning them. I'm honestly sitting out the relic weapons and sticking with Drowned. So far nothing beats the 50% heal. It restores my in-combat regen that was taken away with mod 6.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
However, if you do insist on keeping this really weird quest, add a "keep appearance" or something similar to the change appearance dialog, when we are there for the quest.
I must say though, changing the change appearance part of the quest, to be similar to the one in the drow encampment, would probably be for the best.
That being said, I'm really looking forward to the release of this mod.
Firesoul: When you damage an enemy, there is a chance you become Fortified, which increases your defense by 5% and adds your Defense to your Power, to a max of 30% increase of your total Power.
This bonus makes the Relic weapons a thing of the past. Are you saying that all that grind to get them is gone in just one (half actualy, relic was introduced in mod 10.5) module?
Even if the bonus damage increase with all this power was only 8%, and it will be much much higher (remember that we have the Defense boon in SH), it's still better then the relic weapons where you can trigger "Attack" bonus in combat maybe 60-70% of the time on average. This bonus is much easier to trigger then the "Attack" one on the Relic weapons.
The changes for the Weapon Enchant include them scaling with Power. This increases power by 30% (max). Something to think about.
I only heard rumors about obtaining the new set, I mean that's a lot easier vs. the relic gear.
Let's be honest here, they're really painful to get. Upgrading them to epic is ok'ish...but legendary is a hamster to say the least - won't even mention the chest changes here.
Again, SVA marks will be totally useless that's a really really bad thing for those who farmed this trial like madman.
What's important. releasing this gear will make the SVA trial a "nono" none will even run it for the marks usable only in relic gear, and with the thought in mind that new ones are easier to get AND better?
So, if this goes live, you're practically wasting your dev time designing the content making it a ghost town
@vida44 really said it all. Firesoul effect combined with enchants scaling with power is an incredible potential to increase our DPS substantially. Do we really need more power in the game at the moment?
We do realize it's a pretty early idea but for the looks of it, if it's not toned down we will have another chapter of power creep, literally...a POWER creep.
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Man i wasted about 2kk AD, i have not this AD, but i "rapei o cu com a unha" for this weapom and they do this, new weapons. I'm really, really sad. =( (sorry my bad english)
From a GWF/Dps GF's point of view, these are spot on, and a great alternative to the Relic weapons.
I really, REALLY hope they don't get nerfed just because players that grinded for legendary Relic weapons are complaining, and feel those should be superior forever...
Nobody wants them BIS forever...but more than half a mod would have been nice, as we were TOLD they would be.
If this goes live...I would expect the fallout from the horrendously handled dungeon key decision to be light in comparison. This is a pretty interesting precedent to set...that being don't expect anything you get to last more than 1...excuse me, 1/2 of a mode no matter how hard you work for it. This also sets the precedent that what a developer says about how long items will be considered the best is meaningless (Asterdahl stated fairly clearly that Relic weapons would be BIS for a while...a while is now half a mod). Skipping a mod and waiting for something more enjoyable becomes a real possibility.
After the key-change, getting the legendary marks for the relic weapons would probably cause a lot of players to call it quits, but with these new weapons in reach, they might stick around a while longer...
In reality, nobody should have had to deal with the seemingly awful rng from Svardborg, but kudos to those that persevered...
The lesson here is more to be really careful about how far you take your interpretation of these type of statements.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Let them move on from that in peace. Plus (on PC) we didn't even have it that hard because we could peak
The new weapons are different and offer more offense (potentially, nobody has tested) rather then the relic ones that offer alot of offense or defense depending on which key you press
Literally those mark grinds are making people leave the game. Also, the precedent you mentioned being set has already been set in this game. Weapons, artifact equipment, artifacts, legendary mounts, all of these have had short lifespans in certain cases. (some REALLY short)
It might just be a case of having different producers at different stages of development. Sea of Moving ice was conceived and probably a lot further along under a different producer. Back in September, we got Thomas Foss, or Mimicking. It might just be a course correction, leaving the old stuff in limbo indeed; who knows? From a programming standpoint, I'm sure it's much easier on manpower to just leave old stuff alone than to spend time tweaking it?
And all this Bull HAMSTER talk about new better not be better then my 20 million hour grind weapon, Screw you all. 200k dailys, 100m freaking HE's and all to get a set of weapons. YAY i got my wonderful new Burning/Earthen/Howling/Drowned set...............WTF Twisted?
Not much class balance in these patch notes
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: