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[PC] Gateway Closing Down



  • alexpetroalexpetro Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    The reason is that the current Gateway website has been shown to be susceptible to several aggressive botting activities. .


    So you can close the Game too, since there are everydays botting activity that poison the gameplay.
    You are killing this game, day after day, with the restrictions that you steadily apply.
    I'm sorry but it does not exist that a technical problem can destroy one of a few nice things of this MMO, maybe here is concealed your inability.


  • seniorhobsseniorhobs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    tubuku said:

    Not particularly surprised by the decision, given past history, but I am disappointed.

    I've been hanging on to this game by a thread since May and hoping that something, anything, positive would come along and re-kindle my interest in it. I realize this is relatively minor compared to some of the decisions made in the last year but it's the one that broke the camels back for me. Not even going to bother with the ~3 months remaining on VIP.

    I'd say thanks for the fish but honestly they've smelled bad for the past year.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. So long Neverwinter.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Can't believe how much more annoying daily tasks got without the Gateway. I think it depends on personal playstyle, but I'm affected a lot. Just doing professions is such a HAMSTERED pain nowadays... WOW.

    Sorry for the little rant. I get why you thought the shutdown was necessary, but nerfing an area with the solution being modules away (profession rework) is just awfully frustrating for the players. That can't happen. I rater have bots taking over the Gateway for the time being to be honest.​​
    Post edited by loboguild on
  • oninginryuoninginryu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 9 Arc User
    I just can't figure out how it could be good. Every time the company decides to cut off some feature, only the legit players lose! For instance, when enchantments could be found on skill nodes, a rank 5 whole stack could be bought on AH for 3-5k; I refined my artifacts with these wheter or not being farmed by bots. The cost for a rank 5 stack now is 35k+... We can refine 36k AD per day, we need 40 R5 stacks to refine an artifact from legendary to mythic. Actually, they don't care about the botters (or the players), but only with the money they can do with the game; think about it: if players have to spend more to refine their gear, probably some of them will sell zen to buy a hard and expensive legit R5 stack on AH... Proof is the unbielevable drop rate of... everything! I spent tons of money on keys to get a legendary mount, I opened more than 300 lockboxes and the best thing I got was an epic mount; and I don't even want to talk about item drop rates like +5 rings, orcus wand, etc...

    Now, closing the gateway, only legit players pay again, since the botters, how many already said, only will move in game and keep botting their professions, AD and whatelse they bot. Trying to not let us "leave empty handed", they will give an aumengtation companion (since it is not bis anymore)... Did you notice the active bonuses? Move and regen... regen? C'mon... If you really regret on your choice closing gateway, why don't give something good? Many here said, a good companion (not augment), loyal gear... You guys simply don't care, just want the legit players keep opening our wallets to pay a game full of bugs. For example, the oathbound paladin was released on april, 2015; and after almost 18 months he still blocks like a guardian fighter without any effect and the paladins constantly take all damage and cc they shold not. Seriously? 18 months and you couldn't figure out how to fix it? I will not mention the floating cloaks, gwf unsttopable that simply doesn't work sometimes or many other major bugs that HAMSTER most players off.

    But, sincerely, I tottaly don't know why I am complaining or to who I'm arguing with, since you (as someone already said) will completly ignore this thread and everything said here and keep your bad way to (un)solve things... Sad... What I most regret is have registered on neverwinter, and regret even more have spent my hard earned real money in this game... Finally, what I most wish is closing my account and take a refund... Unfortunately I can't simply quit, since I have VIP benefits for almost a year left... Very upset... =/
  • sn1983sn1983 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    No getaway - no CAR - no pet gear...

    ... previously removed bunch of good and fun dungeons ...
    ... ... lags was before dungeons was removed .... nothing changed after "correction" - lags become more masive.
    ... ... getaway removed from game ... gold spammers and bots are happy - lags become terrible.

    ... ... ... How do you think - did people will spend some money on game after that?
    ... ... ... ... or move completely from game?
  • mvpasafs#8888 mvpasafs Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I hope you guys realize that the ONLY reason this game still being played is that it's FREE, it's definitly not a bad game...but sure thing it's not worth being a pay to play...now i'm playing this game for a long time used to play on Xbox and recently moved to PC...and really...with every patch you guys make the game becomes more and more cash dependant...to play normally and i mean normally not being UBER just having fun without getting killed 352 times per dungeon and maybe even having a single purple companion...you need to pay 50$ per month, and it's a MUST since most basic things are in ZEN and too much of it...i need 10 $ just to refine my 1st enchantment as it have only 1 % sucess rate....damn refining is a basic in this game...

    I am allso a buisiness man and i perfectly understand the need to profit but your becoming a PAY TO WIN...no better than a pay to play...please understand that if you lose most of your players and n new players will join...you will NOT profit...

    97% of the players will stop playing if you keep going like that, don't sleep you have too much compatition...surely more than you realize...the ONLY reason i play this game is my love for D&D....that won't apply for younger players...they never knew D&D!!!!

    add to that the fact that even though i purchased in over 3000$ of content in xbox you didn't agree to move even the unlocks to my PC...kind of a theft really...and i guess i'm not the 1st to lose thounds of dollars thanks to that attitude...

    now i personally love this game but it feels as the managment changed probably new CEO with millionaire dreams...please consider changing your ways and kindly stop telling us stories about botters because statistically Neverwinter is one of the LEAST botted games EVER IN HISTORY OF MMO.

    losing money to play games is something i can deal with...being lied to is something nobody would accept...and that "reward" is the proff for this act to be profit oreinted and not security oreinted (was never meant to stop botters)....you didn't even took 5 minutes of staff meeting to create a more...;umm...ATTRACTIVE reward...most of those who was lucky enough to test gateqay (including me) allready have a purple augment..really the way i see it we should expact to pay even more money to play and not being too weak to kill a goblin.

    that was my 1st EVER post in your forums and it's not the best post to say the least...so think about it...
  • mvpasafs#8888 mvpasafs Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    They should STOP COMPLETELY creation of new cash content for a few months and give some new free content to earn the players back or we payong players won't have anyone to play with...meaning we payed for nothing as freebies are the ones that keep it alive and not us...ignoring clents is the best way to end a products lifetime.

    You guys at perfect world can still save it...just make some changes people will still buy ZEN...the reason is that GAMERS HATE WAITING and that's why we will allways buy ZEN to make ADs even if we could get BASIC stuff for less than 10$...

    One thing is for sure this money farming behaviour must stop as i don't see a single good or even fond response here...you ARE losing everyone...

    oh and you know what makes botters???? RUNIC DAMN LOCKBOXES!!!! the thinks they drop are sold at 22m ADs...the ONLY way someone can get that much ADs is either paying you guys 300$ and turn it into ADs or...ummm..BOTTING!! or paying to a botting site which is much worst than the botting itself...and BTW not many users will ever pay 300$ for a single legendary mount...actually i dont think anyone will pay that much...
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited September 2016
    Lead Producer Thomas Foss did touch on the reasons for Gateway being taken down in the livestream a few days ago. You can read the full transcript here, but here is a snippet of the Gateway part:
    Thomas: Oh, we were talking about Gateway.

    Andy: Yes, Gateway!

    Thomas: *jokingly* Ahhh, I tried to get out of that.

    Andy: And the companions... Yeah I know, I'm like, "Nope, not getting out of this one!"

    Thomas: Nope, the hard questions. That's fine. Uh, yeah we had to close Gateway down. You know, sometimes guys, it's about financial. Gateway was actually costing us a lot of money and man-power just to keep alive. I love it, I played it a lot. And we had the heavy botting stuff, and the botting on it wasn't just affecting Gateway, it was actually affecting live server. Right. Really affecting live server! That was the big reason, right. It wasn't just keeping to itself, it was actually affecting our server base and that was it, we didn't want you guys to have to deal with that live on the game. Especially when some of you aren't even playing the SCA. Right and repercussions for that. So, it was a hard call but we had to close it down. Now, that being said, let's talk about the...

    Andy: Companion Gear...

    Thomas: The Companion Gear and stuff, yeah?

    Andy: And SCA, yeah.

    Thomas: We are hoping to roll some of the Companion Gear back in. I know I want the Halfling, because my Great Weapon Fighter's a Halfling. I want the Halfling Companion! But, when it was designed, the designer that built it wasn't really in-line with Neverwinter, some of the stuff is really OP.

    Andy: Yeah.

    Thomas: It's really OP. It we bring it back in, we're going to tune it. Right, I'll be honest with ya, some nerfing will happen. Some tuning, but I wanna get that gear back in. We'll make it in-line for what it should be and still make it cool. I wanted, here's my dream... I actually to take Sword Coast Adventures, the game part of it, and roll it into Professions and that was my big pitch. Wrote a big pitch and idea for it. So, like you know, instead of going to do my profession thing, I can have my guys play the dungeon and speed up the time and have fun doing it in that mini-game. Unfortunately, because it was written for like bonuses and stuff, it was actually written for a different code script, it was written in java script... it doesn't port over. Much to my sadness. In order to do that, we'd have to rebuild the whole thing. Believe me, that was a black day for me. Because that was like, "Oh you know we're doing this.. BUT I've got this cool thing that we can..." Yeah, it didn't happen. But, all the critters and pets and stuff... we are doing them now, looking at what's cool with them. Some of the stuff, you guys have kind of outgrown, but I still think there's a lot of great ideas and pieces there and as we go through them and kind of, you know, make sure they're safe... *laughs* "User Safe," and are fun! Then, we'll get them back into the game.

    Andy: And we'll make announcements about them too, on like forums and... OH FORUMS!

    Thomas: *jokingly* No No...

    Andy: *laughs* Oh no, no yeah we're not going to we're just going to put...

    Thomas: Sneak them in!

    Andy: *laughs* Yeah!

    Thomas: We'll hide them in Mimics!

    Andy: That would be pretty cool actually... *makes claw-hand gesture* ...awrrr...
  • mintmarkmintmark Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 433 Arc User
    Thanks for posting the excerpt... it doesn't fill me with encouragement though :/
  • hav0clolhav0clol Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User
    Man zebular that excerpt makes it look like the developers were looking for an excuse to take down gateway because it cost too much manpower to operate and used botters as the excuse
  • saiuriefayesaiuriefaye Member Posts: 55 Arc User

    @saiuriefaye Anyone who's used the Gateway in the last year is eligible.

    yay! ty
  • besenbeilbesenbeil Member Posts: 1 New User
    It's a pitty closing down the Gateway. I really enjoyed playing. How about opening the Gateway again, without or without such big rewards or functions - so botting makes no sense any more. Just for enjoying to rollnthe dice with your Favoriten companions?
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    They saw the game works (attracts) new players even without the gateway on XBox and PS4.
    Why should they keep it for the PC? The "old" players who used the gateway are most probably not where money comes from in large quantities.
    I understand the decision from a business perspective, but I hate it from my perspective. I am still around, though. For now.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • flowcytoflowcyto Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    panderus said:

    metalldjt said:

    can we atleast get 3days versions tasks for the leadership ?

    because i have alot of toons with leadership and it takes alot of time to cycle through all of them , more than 3-4 hours per cycle (which is kinda too much , since i also have to do dailies for the new campaign and my gamin time is limited.

    for example a 3 days version of the Wizard snatchel will give as a reward 6 bags of resonance bags. But atleast i wont have to cycle everyday , any thoughts about this?

    why not makin a auto profession feature?

    Make professions player friendly so that everyone can do them, therefor there will be a constant ammount of supply, i would be fine with the RP being bound to account, but atleast make it easier for players to use it, create a UI Control panel for Professions, it is needed... There are alot of games that have a auto pilot nowadays for certain things in the respective game, so i dont see why NW cant have it too.

    Longer tasks might help in the short term but the real issue is making game progression without actually having to play the game. A certain amount of it is great so the players who don't play every day don;t have to feel like they are behind the ones who play more often. Too much and the economy only inflates and inflates and it starts to become a burden for the players who haven't been around as long.

    That is probably just as bad if not worse. It would certainly invite botters even more into the game.

    All that said, I do think we need to rexamine how professions are meant to reward players. They should probably act as some sort of catchup mechanism, they should ALL have relevant end game tasks and the tasks that make real progress should probably require some amount of gameplay to earn them (ie, Do a quest/dungeon/etc for a doohicky to make it into a thingamabob).
    The one over-arching trend in this game I feel exists, at least for as long as I've been playing it, is that NW's economy polarizes into a bimodal too much. You typically have a buncha really cheap, low-end options that only newcomers or alt/mule characters stick to, and then a substantial amount of high-end optimal stuff that is very highly valued and/or hard to get and thus also very expensive or grindy. Kinda like an analogy for game budgeting in the games industry in general- ie. indie vs. AAA: Lotsa stuff at either end and much separation between, but not that much in the middle to work with in comparison. If you'd agree w/ that interpretation, then Professions could help bridge that more?

    And where does Loyal and Adorable gear fall into this? As those are our only companion-specific (instead of non-specific) gear options atm, and they both are rather high-end in their stats.
    <CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
    - Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • oninginryuoninginryu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 9 Arc User
    asafsw4 said:

    ...the ONLY reason i play this game is my love for D&D....that won't apply for younger players...they never knew D&D!!!!

    Tottaly supported. It's really nice to see things I imagined for years, but unfortunately company's decisions and the excessive money appel are killing this sensation...
    asafsw4 said:

    oh and you know what makes botters???? RUNIC DAMN LOCKBOXES!!!! the thinks they drop are sold at 22m ADs...the ONLY way someone can get that much ADs is either paying you guys 300$ and turn it into ADs or...ummm..BOTTING!! or paying to a botting site which is much worst than the botting itself...and BTW not many users will ever pay 300$ for a single legendary mount...actually i dont think anyone will pay that much...

    It's because the ridiculous drop rate in the game; and I'm not talking about just lockboxes, wich I have opened 300+ and didn't drop anything cool, but the whole game has an infamous drop rate, i.e celestial coin coffers, wich I have opened hundreds and only dropped a coal once; after all I sold some zen to buy a transcendent enchantment, because I thought it would be cheaper than buying coals and enchantments to refine.

  • tlarsethtlarseth Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    eucha10 said:

    So were they gonna give us a companion or what? I haven't received anything yet...and it was supposed to be this week!

    They didn't patch this week. They will be giving it away next time PC is patched.
    Patch will be 09/29/2016 according to their maintenance logs and patch notes on the main site.

  • mvpasafs#8888 mvpasafs Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    asafsw4 said:

    ...the ONLY reason i play this game is my love for D&D....that won't apply for younger players...they never knew D&D!!!!

    Tottaly supported. It's really nice to see things I imagined for years, but unfortunately company's decisions and the excessive money appel are killing this sensation...
    asafsw4 said:

    oh and you know what makes botters???? RUNIC DAMN LOCKBOXES!!!! the thinks they drop are sold at 22m ADs...the ONLY way someone can get that much ADs is either paying you guys 300$ and turn it into ADs or...ummm..BOTTING!! or paying to a botting site which is much worst than the botting itself...and BTW not many users will ever pay 300$ for a single legendary mount...actually i dont think anyone will pay that much...

    It's because the ridiculous drop rate in the game; and I'm not talking about just lockboxes, wich I have opened 300+ and didn't drop anything cool, but the whole game has an infamous drop rate, i.e celestial coin coffers, wich I have opened hundreds and only dropped a coal once; after all I sold some zen to buy a transcendent enchantment, because I thought it would be cheaper than buying coals and enchantments to refine.

    1. Totally agree...coals cost so much...500k ADs...10$...add the refining costs, it means the 1st lesser will cost you around 100k, now 2 more...than you need 1 more normal, than 1 more greater etc etc...making it transcendent will cost you around 6.5-10 mil ADs (don't forget you need 40$ only for coals...)...now buying it in AH costs around 3.5-5 mil....makes much more sense to me :)

    2. It has nothing to do with the fact that lockbox drops are overpriced....but sometimes economy doesn't make any sense..seriously...no sense in the fact a single mount cost 22mil but enchantments that will actually makes you thrice as effective (try a pure DPS build SW with dread and you will feel it...i feel super powered since the day i fetched it, i was switching between vorpal and plague fire before, now using only dread) will cost you only 2.5-4 mil.

    3. As far as i care for number 2. it can stay like that, hardcore players benefit from the fact that actual effective items are sold in reasonable prices and we don't care too much for having 140% speed instead of 110%...think about it...we DPSs care only for one thing...DAMAGE, healers care about one thing...HEALS etc. and for both reasons investing your ADs on dread/holy avenger/whatever helps your build is wiser than buying a stupid mount for the same price of giving trans enchants to main and 3 alt characters :) so if you ask me...the only problem is that 22+mil single worthless item sales attracts botters...they need ADs to sell to players, and we all know that any player buying outside of the game ruins it a little bit for all of us, the only thing we can do is lower the demand...buy more enchants/artifacts/Ioun stones/ZEN items...spending money in game is good and fun but buy what you need and what you want not what somebody else have just to say i got it.
  • bitterratbitterrat Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Make the companion bound to account rather than a one off...
  • everringeverring Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Thanks for transcript.

    The whole thing sounds a bit better than standalone GW piece which doesn't make me any happier about the lattest.

    In transcript lead designer says that they are working on professions and I've seen a number of good ideas on professions in this topic. Here are couple more:

    1. Useless resourses. there is a bunch of resources occupying the slots in Inventory (if you bother collecting them). Most of them are useless. Meanwhile during most of events some valuable event related items can be crafted in professions and they require specific resources which for some reason normally located in low level zonez. My suggestion is to add kind of TRANSMUTATION ability to Alchemistry (or distribute it among professions) which allows to convert some useless resources to some useful resources of the same or lower quality. For example I need leather and wood in massive quantities to craft items for Gond event. High level players don't have it because these resources are located in low level zonez. Instead they have say black wood and exotic leather. Currently these are useless. Transmutation brings some sense to all this useless stuff.

    2. Master recipies. I've tried doing master recipies in leather and this is just embarrassing. When one submits a completed quest some reward is expected. Not even close to that.... Imply that other profs are similar. My suggestion is to add green and blue tools and rework a quest line to be more smooth and rewarding. This will allow to gradually advance and be rewarded on each step, first with white, then green, blue and finally with pink tool. It is also more consistent in terms of tools.
    Post edited by everring on
  • eucha10eucha10 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    I didn't get the companion they say they were gonna give to the people that played Gateway...what happened? This is the least you needed to do...but just checked and no companion on the mail.
  • ijonumijonum Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    They said they'll give it in the next update - "next updated" just installed, no companion. Not that I need it, but boy, Cryptic is doing an awesome job in turning their faces into asses.
  • hiperion16hiperion16 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    I am pissed but not surprised they didn't deliver on the promise of a pet for gateway closure.This is sadly par of the course concerning promises made.I would love and welcome a response from a member of Cryptic about when this will be delivered and why it was not delivered on time.
  • abdeziel9abdeziel9 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I played SCA and enjoyed the dice game a lot. I haven't seen these companions show up yet. Then again I haven't looked in the rewards thing in the city yet either.
  • sn1983sn1983 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I didn't get the companion they say they were gonna give to the people that played Gateway.
    P.S.: Would be much more happy if they returned SCA, not some companion without possibility to gear up it.
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    Devs didn't know that active bonuses that give raw stats does not give much to gearing players.
  • covawarmagecovawarmage Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    both my wife and i have also not received the new companion and we used the gate way everyday for over a year. my 3 year old daughter loved to play sword coast adventures and watch the dice role . are we not getting the companion or any compensation? My wife and i have both played for a long time and payed way to much for this "free to Play game" because our guild members and alliance make it fun but i must admit. i'm getting tired of getting that kicked around feeling.

    -Cova, leader and founder of Wraithguard
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    The companions didn't get mailed out yet. Not sure what the holdup is.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • covawarmagecovawarmage Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    thank you for the quick response, i look forward to the follow up.
    -Cova, leader and founder of Wraithguard
  • cornbeard#3184 cornbeard Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Loving the new imaginary companion! 8/8
  • ampc1970ampc1970 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    I'm a fan of gateway! When away from the game, on a working day, it was very useful for managing the auction store and professions.
    Why not come up with something that offsets the impact...like say a "collect all" and "repeat last" button in profession tasks on live game?! And having a tool that allows us to keep track on our auction bid items on the auction store?! That would be something very useful and would remove the need that most of the botters have to collect and restart the profession slots.
    I play Neverwinter for nearly 2/3 years and I'm against this closure. I hope you can reconsider or, at least, make the proposed chages on the live game.

This discussion has been closed.