The followers of Shaundakul, the Rider of Winds, travel throughout the Forgotten Realms. They’ve brought back many rare and mysterious treasures. Get your share of these rarities by opening a Shaundakul Lockbox! This lockbox will be available in the game when The Maze Engine goes live.!

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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Edit: Nevermind, it has already been fixed.
I hope the Moonbear and Panther's slots get fixed before launch.
As an example, I've opened probably between 10 and 15 of the "Grazilaxx artifact pact"s from the New Life Lockbox, with a chance at an artifact. Know what I've received every time? Refining stones....
I won't even get into the odds of getting a legendary mount.
I wish they'd actually POST the chances at getting rares, rather than being purposely vague in order to suck people in to gambling.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Although, nothing to aid me in crafting many, many pairs of pants.
Can you choose which mount you get? (we're spoiled from those lockboxes)
I understand though, that insignia bonuses will make my mount more useful than mere transportation, but in the spirit of D&D the options should be vast, while the structure ubiquitous... if there are going to be 4 or 5 ranks of mounts so be it... but make the rank 5's unique but somewhat equivalent, like item level with gear... I am unluckly enough to have forked out my life-saving (jk) on a Legendary Skeletal Steed, I was so stoked.... when they increased the speed to that of the strider I felt that change was wise. But please just give us variety, not an ever-changing dragon to chase... besides, what if I hate the way a new mount looks but it has the super-best stats evar!! Am I supposed to just set aside my mount from a month ago that took a billion AD to get and just drop another billion AD on the new mount cause it has run speed AND arm pen...
I like the bonus stuff from mounts, but make it fair and consistent throughout all the mounts of the same rank... we work hard for a mount (or pay hard ; ) and then we work towards something else, like artifacts or weapons etc... we don't wanna just keep replacing the mount with what is new, just cause it is better.
anyway, that was rambling nonsense, but I believe my point is valid.
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Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That's depressing. I hope I am incorrect.
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
I think the main focus should be on the word chance here, most players (myself included...) will probably end up with some white/green Resonance Stones, if they ever consider to open that new box.
Anyway i really doubt, that the Devs will "devalue" those wands in the Trade Bar Store, that enhance the chance to get more motes, with a decent drop rate of those weapon sets from this lockbox.
But it would be interesting to know, if the weapons will be bound to account or bound to character. I also doubt that they will be bound on equip...
That's depressing. I hope I am incorrect."
UGH. I certainly hope not.
That would be a joke.
An insult.
A slap in the face.
I've been playing for 3 years now, and I'm still 30 community reviews away from my Silverback bear.
They already made this "highly sought after" reward basically nerfing useless when they left it at 110% speed.
The Silverback Bear is a rank 3 mount that is a reward for completing the "Foundry Grand Master" achievement, for heavy participation in the Foundry system, including completing 23 "Foundry Authoring" and 14 "Foundry Community" achievements, as well as having Dungeon Master Rank 8.
"This one is heavily armored" - in the description. They also chose to ignore this, and remove it from the description, instead of adding armor.
Now after all my hard work, I could have just gotten a Moonbear instead? Get bent.
@badbotlimit how about some real foundry love in 2016? =P
@terramak @zebular Get the silverback bear on the 140% speed list. Give him armor. MAKE IT WORTHWHILE.
feeeeeeeeeeeedback submitted.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
on a side note i am still waiting for these 2 books to drop on TWO toons since new content started, Again the % drop rate on certain items makes you want to pull your hair out. Dwarven Spelunkers, On Madness books ( get them off AH, no ty). Maybe fix the current game instead introducing newer content.
ok off track, iam rambling a bit here, my point is that gambling is evil!
Could be that I'm old.