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Invitation to Casual Gamers



  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    I feel like it’s not a case of either/or with most of this stuff we’re discussing. We might never have the juice of a dedicated End-game PvE guild – but we don’t have the pressure to constantly donate or the obligation to be on for X hours a night. I think more active participation can be encouraged without changing the nature of the guild – we can run HEs and Dungeons without making it mandatory.

    Looking for more active users doesn’t mean excluding casual players either. Ms. Cat already noted that there are a lot of static accounts that could be removed to make room – and that room can be used for both more low-level casual players and for some more high-level players that are starting out.

    I think we do need to think a little bit more about what we mean by “Casual”. In my mind, casual doesn’t necessarily correlate to barely active - so if someone is away for a month or so, I think it's fair we make room for others.
    It means that everyone is free to do their own thing, that you’re not a slave to “Best in Slot”, that you’re relaxed, friendly and accepting. I’d be dead set against minimum contributions – or minimum attendance. But I think asking that folk actually be playing is probably a fair ask.

    My gut feeling is we need to grow the number of active users – because outside of this forum I haven’t seen any active recruitment. Once we have more people on, activities will follow – that might be under-70s helping each other level, or over 60s farming HEs, dragons and dungeons. Both are within the scope of the guild.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    goat#2606 said:

    im always online also i know iam low lvl and cant help do anything for you guys yet but hey active players are key right? :P
    Feel free to add me to xbox one friends also i have a mic . X ir goat X Id love to ask tons of questions with other questions hahah

    Also about the guild hall thing for dailies and such . Im still brand new to the game but im on full time when i get off work. Point me into the right direction and you can bet your bottom dollar i will do it. Not sure what the level requirement is but I will do my part.

    I was actually asked this same thing last night from someone else – and the answer is the same: The best thing you can do for the guild is level up and have fun. Experiment with the classes, figure out which styles you enjoy and have fun exploring the game. The question at the moment isn’t what you can do for the guild – it’s, what can the guild do for you?
    Seriously, if there’s anything we can do to help make your experience a good one – help with hard battles, answer questions, give advice – let us know.

    About the only thing that would be super helpful (and is entirely optional) is gathering influence. You get influence by doing Heroic Encounters in the Stronghold map.
    Some high level players can solo that, but while the map will scale you up to level 70, you’re going to find those impossible to do alone. Instead, you can join in if anyone else is gathering Influence – They’ll normally say something like, “Farming HEs in SH”.
    As a bonus, you’ll get level 5 gems – which at your level will offer a pretty significant boost to your stats. I’ll be on tonight, so if you see me (Ardu), feel free to shout out and I can take you through it.

    I’m also happy to join voice chat and answer any questions you have. What skills Paladins use, how do you get zen without paying money, what’s Shar/IWD/SH/HE/etc/etc….

    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    Hello, friends.
    It's a bit awkward to chime in after saying bye-bye and hearing bye-bye in response, but let me add a few cents to clarify how I thought the guild could be going forward as a Casual Gamers guild.

    But first, let me mention that being a good guild leader is a very hard work (which I probably didn't fully qualify to do but still enjoyed as a very educating life experience). One of the main reason why I can no longer make myself do this work is that it demands almost a full time employment, much more than I expected as a casual gamer, lots of players expect you to be online when they are online which means playing 5-6 hours every night. I literally don't think anyone could do this guild leader work alone, which is why I asked everyone to help Tiberius as much as you can, and I'm glad that at least a couple of people rose to the occasion.

    To the matters at hand, which is participation and contribution, here is my "Seldon Plan" of how the guild could make meaningful progress yet stay casual: the main principle is similar to growing a crystal, you start with a solution and keep growing the core, changing the solution from time to time and refining the core.

    Same thing, as a numbered list:
    1) Have 2-3 Officers doing a lot of hiring daily - inviting 10+ level 70 people (only 2-3 would accept) you meet in IWD, TOD, Shar, DR and now UD. You should also invite any-level from the forum - these would still be in the minority in the overall guild composition - but these are usually more active than just a usual random low-levels in game.
    2) Have someone going though the roster semi-weekly or weekly and shed 20-30 people who haven't played/contributed. Don't be afraid to remove someone actively playing by mistake - just give a mail notice to everyone through the mail beforehand that mistakes could happen and you would fix it if they speak up.
    3) Have a growing number of people inviting others through the guild chat to join them on when they do influence runs in Stronghold. Every guild mate should have 2-3 opportunities during the day to join a fast 10-15 minute influence run with guildies. Similar could be happening for Shar/DR currencies, also running SoT twice for quick AD.
    4) Periodically explain through the guild mail the most efficient ways to contribute the particular coffer resources, specifically: buying gems rank 3/4/7, using genie's gifts for IWD/TOD.
    5) Don't make playing too repeatative, it kills fun for many people, try different activities even if they don't bring loot to the coffer: try running each dungeon in the game, try finding all Scrying stones on the specific map, play hide and seeks, play everyone-is-using-the-same-character.
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    Hello, friends.
    It's a bit awkward to chime in after saying bye-bye and hearing bye-bye in response, but let me add a few cents to clarify how I thought the guild could be going forward as a Casual Gamers guild.

    But first, let me mention that being a good guild leader is a very hard work (which I probably didn't fully qualify to do but still enjoyed as a very educating life experience). One of the main reason why I can no longer make myself do this work is that it demands almost a full time employment, much more than I expected as a casual gamer, lots of players expect you to be online when they are online which means playing 5-6 hours every night. I literally don't think anyone could do this guild leader work alone, which is why I asked everyone to help Tiberius as much as you can, and I'm glad that at least a couple of people rose to the occasion.

    To the matters at hand, which is participation and contribution, here is my "Seldon Plan" of how the guild could make meaningful progress yet stay casual: the main principle is similar to growing a crystal, you start with a solution and keep growing the core, changing the solution from time to time and refining the core.

    Same thing, as a numbered list:
    1) Have 2-3 Officers doing a lot of hiring daily - inviting 10+ level 70 people (only 2-3 would accept) you meet in IWD, TOD, Shar, DR and now UD. You should also invite any-level from the forum - these would still be in the minority in the overall guild composition - but these are usually more active than just a usual random low-levels in game.
    2) Have someone going though the roster semi-weekly or weekly and shed 20-30 people who haven't played/contributed. Don't be afraid to remove someone actively playing by mistake - just give a mail notice to everyone through the mail beforehand that mistakes could happen and you would fix it if they speak up.
    3) Have a growing number of people inviting others through the guild chat to join them on when they do influence runs in Stronghold. Every guild mate should have 2-3 opportunities during the day to join a fast 10-15 minute influence run with guildies. Similar could be happening for Shar/DR currencies, also running SoT twice for quick AD.
    4) Periodically explain through the guild mail the most efficient ways to contribute the particular coffer resources, specifically: buying gems rank 3/4/7, using genie's gifts for IWD/TOD.
    5) Don't make playing too repeatative, it kills fun for many people, try different activities even if they don't bring loot to the coffer: try running each dungeon in the game, try finding all Scrying stones on the specific map, play hide and seeks, play everyone-is-using-the-same-character.

    No awkward. love to hear your input. we've missed you. any time you wanna come back, you'll be welcomed.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    To the matters at hand, which is participation and contribution, here is my "Seldon Plan" of how the guild could make meaningful progress yet stay casual: the main principle is similar to growing a crystal, you start with a solution and keep growing the core, changing the solution from time to time and refining the core.

    Same thing, as a numbered list:
    1) Have 2-3 Officers doing a lot of hiring daily - inviting 10+ level 70 people (only 2-3 would accept) you meet in IWD, TOD, Shar, DR and now UD. You should also invite any-level from the forum - these would still be in the minority in the overall guild composition - but these are usually more active than just a usual random low-levels in game.
    2) Have someone going though the roster semi-weekly or weekly and shed 20-30 people who haven't played/contributed. Don't be afraid to remove someone actively playing by mistake - just give a mail notice to everyone through the mail beforehand that mistakes could happen and you would fix it if they speak up.
    3) Have a growing number of people inviting others through the guild chat to join them on when they do influence runs in Stronghold. Every guild mate should have 2-3 opportunities during the day to join a fast 10-15 minute influence run with guildies. Similar could be happening for Shar/DR currencies, also running SoT twice for quick AD.
    4) Periodically explain through the guild mail the most efficient ways to contribute the particular coffer resources, specifically: buying gems rank 3/4/7, using genie's gifts for IWD/TOD.
    5) Don't make playing too repeatative, it kills fun for many people, try different activities even if they don't bring loot to the coffer: try running each dungeon in the game, try finding all Scrying stones on the specific map, play hide and seeks, play everyone-is-using-the-same-character.

    Going all Hari Seldon on us, eh?

    1 – Yeah, although I shy away from setting hard and fast goals. I think a membership drive is in order, although encouraging seniors to invite people without being asked might be a good start. I agree inviting people from the forum is a good idea - in general they've already made the effort to seek the forum out, which means they're semi-serious about the game.
    I’m thinking I’ll write a short ad/blurb that people recruiting can use in Zone-chat. That way shy people can Copy/Paste it without feeling too self-conscious.
    2 – Agree, although this will be better once there are more people coming in.
    3 – Agree. And I’m bad for this, because unless I’m reminded I’ll often forget. Perhaps I’ll try throwing out the offer once when I log-in, and again before I quit– just to make sure that people have a chance to join.
    4 – I’ll be running more giveaways to help focus on these areas – at the moment it’s a case of figuring out what sorts of items will excite people (without bankrupting me). The challenge is to have goals that lower levels can do too, and have prizes that will be suitable for everyone (the Mystic Phoera was great – but stuff like Ice Weapon Enchants are only useful to lower levels).
    5 – I think that’s part of the reason why people shy away from group events, but I think that’ll be less of an issue when there are more people. For example, if there are seven or less people on, I’m reluctant to suggest an activity. I don’t want to pressure anyone, nor impose on their current activity. If there’s lots of people on, shouting out an activity is less pressure.

    It all starts with building the active membership – but I hate the idea of a recruitment drive. People joining for a possible reward aren’t people who are likely to stick around. Instead we need to encourage senior members to make invitations a more regular part of their day.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    well I went all crazy and spent about 150k on rank 7s because I thought that we could maybe get two structures going at once but no we have to wait for the guild hall to upgrade before we can have market place 3.. but we have everything in the coffer for market place 3 now. guild hall 6 is five days off so market place 3 is probably five more days off that.

    on the other things recruiting is something I'm bad at. I'm a solid introvert.. but managing roster isn't a pain for me and I'm really not afraid of cutting people. /old curmudgeon/ lol.

    we should maybe make some more senior members from our active players and make them say the super secret casual gamers oath of inviting while they play. I don't see many people not in a guild these days though. when I ran dungeons a lot. I used to invite a lot. but I'm not seeing many guildless doing the new content.

    I don't think a membership drive needs to offer incentive. we are what we are. advertising our guild in end game areas just be honest. we're gh 6 and have market place 3 were making slow but steady progress. No requirements but give what you can and try to do some dailies. As far as getting people to do it.. it's for everyone's benefit. including theirs to get a more active guild. more people to run things with, fast upgrade of structures more boons.. that just needs to be pointed out.

    Personally I'm kind of against give aways for something like a small guild like we are. any time you get greed going you get the other negative stuff that goes along with it. I'm of the mind help those who need it how you can, and try to do as much as you can for the guild and try to find other like minded people and do what you can for the betterment of your own character, yah know?

    I think my solution to be happy personally is to dual guild (if I can get by with it) at least until we get a more active base. I'm rich enough to support donations to two guilds and I have enough characters of a highish level to get by with it as well.

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    ok, here's what I'm thinking. we have some senior officers but how about some community leaders. doesn't need to be a new rank. although we could commute it to the straight up officer class that is currently not in use. those people lead nightly and some daily events. we elect 5 or 6 of them. they can do things like lead HE in well of dragons, IWD and what not call out recruitment adverts in open areas. Organize dungeon delves that sort of thing. we can have 5 or 6 of them (or even more) so it can be a weekly thing one night a week for them or twice a week or something like that.

    the ones that come to mind for it off hand would be Nova, Shifun and Mhari (but I havent' seen mhari around for awhile but I haven't been on during prime time for the most part) People don't like coming forward so we have to reach out and ping people who we think would do a good job of it. LOL. (but seriously, come forward) LOL.

    Telprydain already is one by default (And darned good at it too)
    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    I am pretty majestic. ;)

    I like the community leader idea - particularity as it's something that people can op in or out of as required.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    To the matters at hand, which is participation and contribution, here is my "Seldon Plan" of how the guild could make meaningful progress yet stay casual: the main principle is similar to growing a crystal, you start with a solution and keep growing the core, changing the solution from time to time and refining the core.

    Same thing, as a numbered list:
    1) Have 2-3 Officers doing a lot of hiring daily - inviting 10+ level 70 people (only 2-3 would accept) you meet in IWD, TOD, Shar, DR and now UD. You should also invite any-level from the forum - these would still be in the minority in the overall guild composition - but these are usually more active than just a usual random low-levels in game.
    2) Have someone going though the roster semi-weekly or weekly and shed 20-30 people who haven't played/contributed. Don't be afraid to remove someone actively playing by mistake - just give a mail notice to everyone through the mail beforehand that mistakes could happen and you would fix it if they speak up.
    3) Have a growing number of people inviting others through the guild chat to join them on when they do influence runs in Stronghold. Every guild mate should have 2-3 opportunities during the day to join a fast 10-15 minute influence run with guildies. Similar could be happening for Shar/DR currencies, also running SoT twice for quick AD.
    4) Periodically explain through the guild mail the most efficient ways to contribute the particular coffer resources, specifically: buying gems rank 3/4/7, using genie's gifts for IWD/TOD.
    5) Don't make playing too repeatative, it kills fun for many people, try different activities even if they don't bring loot to the coffer: try running each dungeon in the game, try finding all Scrying stones on the specific map, play hide and seeks, play everyone-is-using-the-same-character.

    4 – I’ll be running more giveaways to help focus on these areas – at the moment it’s a case of figuring out what sorts of items will excite people (without bankrupting me). The challenge is to have goals that lower levels can do too, and have prizes that will be suitable for everyone (the Mystic Phoera was great – but stuff like Ice Weapon Enchants are only useful to lower levels).

    Contact me. I'm a hoarder. I have stuff that might be appealing to all levels, including Zhentarum Warlock, Lillend, Battlefield Medic, along with other blue and purple companions and many somewhat lesser items that might be grouped up to make up some nice packages. I could even be persuaded to part with one of my metal lobsters (Apparatus of Gond), but must save one for "Gonditis the Insane" a new character to be started during the next 2X XP event. I had considered just putting some of them in the Guild bank anyway, I think it might be better to donate them for reward/incentive giveaways that are announced in advance.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    zephyriah said:

    Contact me. I'm a hoarder. I have stuff that might be appealing to all levels

    I just had an insight into Tiberius Rex's concern around my giveaway when you said that: An odd panic that someone would be giving all that stuff away. :D It was weird.
    But if you were considering giving it to the guild bank anyway - yeah, a more structured giveaway could be an better option.

    Something we're talking about on the Facebook page is what sort of competitions we should be running and why. Some good points have been raised about what expectation I might inadvertently set if we have too many giveaways for doing things that people should be doing voluntarily. (Donating to the coffer, donating to the bank, inviting new people, etc).
    With that in mind, we've discussed having the odd "goal" orientated giveaway, but also having other silly ones - Like a trivia competitions, silly questionnaires and other 'fun' stuff.
    While I definitely concur we don't want to foster a community that's only in it for the rewards, I think it's a fun way to encourage participation - the key will be to strike a balance.

    I'll hit you up soon and see what you think.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    zephyriah said:

    Contact me. I'm a hoarder. I have stuff that might be appealing to all levels

    I just had an insight into Tiberius Rex's concern around my giveaway when you said that: An odd panic that someone would be giving all that stuff away. :D It was weird.

    you get it. LOL

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Zephr wrote:
    "Contact me. I'm a hoarder. I have stuff that might be appealing to all levels, including Zhentarum Warlock, Lillend, Battlefield Medic, along with other blue and purple companions and many somewhat lesser items that might be grouped up to make up some nice packages. I could even be persuaded to part with one of my metal lobsters (Apparatus of Gond), but must save one for "Gonditis the Insane" a new character to be started during the next 2X XP event. I had considered just putting some of them in the Guild bank anyway, I think it might be better to donate them for reward/incentive giveaways that are announced in advance."

    Look forward to seeing that toon! I went steampunk with my cw. it's fun. the gond stuff is my favorite styling in this game. wish there was more of it and more often.

  • goat#2606 goat Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Ive been doing some research in pally builds and so far this is a dream build for me. Figured id share if anyone else is interested. Hit 43 last night gained ten lvls yesterday.

    War is a cowardly escape from the problem of peace

    Thomas Mann.
  • goat#2606 goat Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    I had AD's from some keys i bought that gave me stuff not for me or that went for super high Ad to give my pally a kick start bought enchantments and purple weapon and sheild and cloak that lvls up as i do. Then the other night i helped kill a dragon and got the bone shield so i placed it on top of my current shield so i dont look like everyone else hahah.
    War is a cowardly escape from the problem of peace

    Thomas Mann.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    Look forward to seeing that toon! I went steampunk with my cw. it's fun. the gond stuff is my favorite styling in this game. wish there was more of it and more often.

    This will be a character, just to have fun with. The back story will be "Riding his metal lobster, wielding his trusty Doohickey and accompanied by his Guardian Angel (of protection) Clarence, Gonditis is just as likely to shoot off fireworks (oooh, pretty), as use an encounter power while continuing his relentless search for the ever elusive ForgeHammer." Likely will be a hybrid Righteous/15 point Virtuous cleric. Not great at either, but adaptable. 350 celestial coins on Luna Sea, so 10 more days until my first Angel and will be ready to start anytime after.

    Now, back to topic. I'm willing to do whatever is needed to help out, but only "behind the scenes". I've spent too much of my life in supervisory/managing/organizing to have any interest in being a leader/organizer/recruiter. But, would be happy to support. I'm too old (you just think you are old) to deal with that other stuff. So, other types of leaders to assist is probably a good idea.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    goat#2606 said:

    Ive been doing some research in pally builds and so far this is a dream build for me. Figured id share if anyone else is interested. Hit 43 last night gained ten lvls yesterday.

    That build is pretty good - based my initial build off it. I will say one thing - it might be easier to spec into bubble-Pally first, and add the retribution. That's just because some of the gear he's using (like the snail mount) is pretty high-end/costly. So you either have to run with a haste cleric, or a group that's not expecting a bubble.
    goat#2606 said:

    I had AD's from some keys i bought that gave me stuff not for me or that went for super high Ad to give my pally a kick start bought enchantments and purple weapon and sheild and cloak that lvls up as i do. Then the other night i helped kill a dragon and got the bone shield so i placed it on top of my current shield so i dont look like everyone else hahah.

    Great progress! You're going to hit a wall at level 61/62 - at that point reach out and we'll do our best to help you through.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    goat#2606 said:

    Ive been doing some research in pally builds and so far this is a dream build for me. Figured id share if anyone else is interested. Hit 43 last night gained ten lvls yesterday.

    That build is pretty good - based my initial build off it. I will say one thing - it might be easier to spec into bubble-Pally first, and add the retribution. That's just because some of the gear he's using (like the snail mount) is pretty high-end/costly. So you either have to run with a haste cleric, or a group that's not expecting a bubble.
    goat#2606 said:

    I had AD's from some keys i bought that gave me stuff not for me or that went for super high Ad to give my pally a kick start bought enchantments and purple weapon and sheild and cloak that lvls up as i do. Then the other night i helped kill a dragon and got the bone shield so i placed it on top of my current shield so i dont look like everyone else hahah.

    Great progress! You're going to hit a wall at level 61/62 - at that point reach out and we'll do our best to help you through.
    Just wanted to add, that I regularly farm the 60-70 areas for Elemental crafting mats and since I play mostly support characters, healdin, High Prophet Haste and other DPS and healing clerics, I'd be happy to run support. Plus many of us will be in those zones farming motes for the new weapons. I've been waiting for the initial excitement to die down to start serious mote farming.
  • dean1975#6161 dean1975 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I too need to start with the motes!! Want the water ones 1st for my HR. So whenever your doing that and I'm on give me a shoutout too
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    zephyriah said:

    Contact me. I'm a hoarder. I have stuff that might be appealing to all levels.

    Okay, so after the descussions we've had - from the giveaway point of view:
    If someone wants to donate/giveaway a specific item, I'll offer to run a competition on their behalf - but I'll let the person donating the item pick the method (e.g. Donation drive, fun question, activity participation) and work with them to put something togeather.
    I'll take care of messaging, gathering entries, drawing (rolling) numbers and making sure we've only got one thing on at once, and that we're not having too many giveaways in too short a period.
    zephyriah said:

    Now, back to topic. I'm willing to do whatever is needed to help out, but only "behind the scenes". I've spent too much of my life in supervisory/managing/organizing to have any interest in being a leader/organizer/recruiter. But, would be happy to support. I'm too old (you just think you are old) to deal with that other stuff. So, other types of leaders to assist is probably a good idea.

    I know we've got a few in their late-30s-Early 40s - I'm 36. I imagine the older crowd probably adds to the laid back atmosphere.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    I have my fire artifact from the motes, but I am interested in the others too, just because I like to horde things I'll never use. If anyone is mote farming I'm happy to help.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    imo the most important thing you can do to get thru level 60-70 is to get the highest ranked azure enchants you can afford (7 or 8s) and get level 60 artifact equipment as they have utility slots. the neck and waist. don't bother refining them. you'll trade them out for level 70 stuff.. but having the extra percentage towards your ex makes a huge difference. completely decked out you can literally cut your grind in half.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    imo the most important thing you can do to get thru level 60-70 is to get the highest ranked azure enchants you can afford (7 or 8s) and get level 60 artifact equipment as they have utility slots. the neck and waist. don't bother refining them. you'll trade them out for level 70 stuff.. but having the extra percentage towards your ex makes a huge difference. completely decked out you can literally cut your grind in half.

    Now that we have inscribed garments, they are nice also for an additional 20% boost and they have decent stats until you get your end game pants and shirts. Only downside is no slots, but most of the leveling ones don't either. A little pricey for one character (1700 Zen with 15% off coupon), but if one is an "alt"oholic it can be worthwhile.

  • firepats12#3687 firepats12 Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Since I leveled 7 toons to lvl70 I can say that the best way to Rank from 60-70 imo is to farm quests in Drowned Shore until you are rank 65-67. Then just go through the rest of the other zones (Rec Rock, Fire pit etc) mainly just to get the leveled gear. But the main part is getting Azure Enchants if possible, I would think at least Rank 7.
  • firepats12#3687 firepats12 Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Also, unless you are someone who literally just likes the grind and getting everything possible, even if its useless. I would not suggest any DPS class going for any of the new "unique weapons" (I.E. the ones if the leveling zones like the Drowned Mainhand or Howling or Burning or Earthen). Each DPS class is much better off with the Twisted Weapon set, unless you just don't like doing max damage. If you DON'T want to maximize your damage output then sure go ahead and get the "unique weapons." Its all your choice, if you want to get them then go ahead.

    Support Classes, Paladin/Guardian Fighter/Cleric, can go either way and be successful. The Twisted set is still focused more towards DPS, but the set bonus does offer defense and power which are fairly decent for Support Classes. But I know that if I still played, I would much rather have the Burning set from the Fiery Pit for my Paladin and my Cleric. Even though my Pally was perma, that set bonus for a pally is just too good to not use.

    Just my 2 cents
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Since I leveled 7 toons to lvl70 I can say that the best way to Rank from 60-70 imo is to farm quests in Drowned Shore until you are rank 65-67. Then just go through the rest of the other zones (Rec Rock, Fire pit etc) mainly just to get the leveled gear. But the main part is getting Azure Enchants if possible, I would think at least Rank 7.

    yeah this is how I did all my toons. I always skip firey pits and the earth based one and just do drowned shores and the sky world. but now that they have the mote quest I think I'd focus on getting the drowned set and just stay in drowned shores the whole time. I think it's the fastest
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    I'm kinda shocked at the love for drowned shores - we found firey pit.
    It's got a single camp, quests for each area of the map are found on a single NPC, they're quick and the XP is good. Drowned Shores seems so spread out, and making sure you get quests focused in a single area isn't consistent.
    Whatever works, I guess.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    you group the drowned shores quests for the final two areas. they are close to each other. avoid the water node quests. stick with quests that are synergist to each other and they're fast. firey pits is way longer and harder.

    also to insert a random thought, we shouldn't exclude our community leaders from the contests and drawings. I'd hate to discourage people from filling that very very very important roll because of not being able to participate.
    Post edited by thefiresidecat on
  • goat#2606 goat Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Had a Blast last night with the guild doing Stronghold things . I am Vip now sense i got hammered for not being one hahhah anyways thanks for the invite and iam lvl 51 now. Thanks for the tip on xp boost on items

    Now to get a mount so im not 2 mins behind on getting there before everything is dead " sigh " hahah thanks again .
    War is a cowardly escape from the problem of peace

    Thomas Mann.
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    So, I noticed we need an insane amount of surplus for next upgrade and I did some tests to see how bad it will be. A blue item will give the coffer very little and that means the upgrade will take forever to achieve. Since we don't need AD donations at the moment, I recommend buying cheap purple items with min lvl 60 requirements (not item level but min character level). They can be found for as little as 4.4k AD on AH (free appearance change gear) and give 810 to coffer. Also a good way to collect guild marks if you need them. ;-)

    Surplus is a great way for level 60s with limited AD to contribute to the guild. Purple is best, but green and blue item donations are perfectly fine and these are easy to farm if you have the time and the bag space.

    I think it should also be possible to farm the Sharandar lairs for purple surplus, but I haven't tried yet.

    I will probably be off more than on this week and the next due to work/life obligations. If you see me on (@thinkskate) and I'm not responding, please understand.
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