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Invitation to Casual Gamers



  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    goat#2606 said:

    right but like iam referring to like the World of Warcraft app where you can view your Person and what he has and what all you have into his skill trees

    Neverwinter only has that for the PC version and no plans to bring it to Xbox.
  • dean1975#6161 dean1975 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    If you are looking for a good hunter ranger build check this out
    This is the build I use. I went with a classic bowman upto about lvl 56 then discovered this!!! Do loads more dmg now. Still a bit squishy tho lol

    I too get the 'glare' so my time can be limited lol!!
    Post edited by dean1975#6161 on
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    The trapper based ranger is awesome. Not only is it high DPS with respectable control, but the playstyle of flicking between melee and ranged is really fun.

    Just wondering...Is this pheora from randomdigit winning the forum naming draw? If so, a big thank you for the contribution.

    I won one in the same draw - Random is currently on extended hiatus, so Zephyr and I have been brought on to help fireside cat out.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Very nice donation. [deep bow]
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    It's one of those things that's not useful to me personally and is currently selling under value on the Ah. Rather than hord it, much better to pass it on to a deserved guild member.

    This weekend we've also given away a Cockatrice, two goblins, four weapon enchants and two armor enchants at random.. Its been a fun weekend
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    The mystic pheora is the one companion I've wanted since I started playing. I just love the look of it.

    A note to guildies:
    Please, please do influence runs in the stronghold on a regular basis. That means complete the small 5 person heroic encounters. They can be soloed by most characters with a few boons on them. Higher gs players like myself will gladly run them with you in a group if you need help. You don't need to do many of them. Do 1 or 2 whenever you're on for a longer session. Even that would be great. 140 gamertags times 300 influence points a couple of times a week will go a long way towards advancing our stronghold.
  • vanak#0834 vanak Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    I posted about 10 days ago about an alternate means of communication in the guild because guild chat in-game does not seem to be working, it was supposed to have been fixed with the patch but I have still not seen any communication using guild chat in game. Additionally I sent several messages through guild chat this weekend looking for help and got no replies I do not view this as a lack of guild support but again that the communication system in-game is not working. So again is there a way that our guild could look at an alternate way of communicating, like Band or something like that?
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I had a problem with how my home network was set up (some ports were closed that needed to be open). It prevented me from using chat. Since I fixed it, chat works fine. Are you able to send messages on the guild channel? Do you see when others post?
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    have you checked your privacy settings on xbox? if your privacy settings are on it will not only make you look like you are offline but it will also make it so that everyone is on ignore basically so you won't see guild chat. Guild chat has never been down that I am aware of. but I have seen communication problems with people that have their privacy filters engaged.

    the two that are important I think for this game are others can see if you're online, Everybody and others can communicate with voice and text, everybody.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    That’s weird, dude. It does work for me: This weekend I was throwing out chat comments and there were definitely responses. I’m wondering if it’s just the time you’re on there aren’t many chatty people – or if there’s something else going on. Stuff that pops to mind:
    * Do you have open NAT?
    * Is Guild Chat enabled in your selected chat tab?
    * Do you have a tab just for private/guild chat to avoid having chat pushed off the page by spam?
    If you’d like, add me as an Xbox friend, then shoot me an Xbox message. We can open a voice channel and then go through and test out the different chat settings to see what’s amiss.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • dean1975#6161 dean1975 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I've not had any issues with chat either. I'm on at various times due to me working nights in the week and going back to normal time at the weekends (I'm GMT too) at all times you can at least get a 'hi' from most guildies so it would def point to security/privacy settings.
    Post edited by dean1975#6161 on
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    I've not had any issues with chat either. I'm on at various times due to me working nights in the week and going back to normal time at the weekends (I'm GMT too) at all times you can at least get a 'hi' from most guildies so it would def point to security/privacy settings.

    I'm not sure how much the privacy setting cause issues. This morning there were players talking in guild chat that were not showing on the guild list. Though the conversation seemed disjointed, like I was seeing some, but not all of it. Answers to questions, but not the question. Stuff like that.

  • lytsu#1141 lytsu Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited February 2016
    This looks pretty sweet, I'd like to join. I'm a total scrub though no idea what I am doing lol. iLytsu@MadCrazy Evades.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    This looks pretty sweet, I'd like to join. I'm a total scrub though no idea what I am doing lol. iLytsu@MadCrazy Evades.

    Invite sent.

    No problems, we are a very little to no pressure guild. Peak time is 10 PM to 2 AM PST, but there are players on all day. Often more than show in the guild list. So, make use of guild chat if you need or want help. Otherwise, most everyone will let you go your own way and pace.
  • vanak#0834 vanak Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    Thank you for the suggestion, it's was the xbox's privacy settings, everything working now.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    zephyriah said:

    I'm not sure how much the privacy setting cause issues. This morning there were players talking in guild chat that were not showing on the guild list. Though the conversation seemed disjointed, like I was seeing some, but not all of it. Answers to questions, but not the question. Stuff like that.

    I can be pretty bad at replying in Guild, when it should be group. Normally I don't think much of it, since the group is almost always guidles anyhow - but I never considered the other side before. Duly noted.

    I imagine that there are other like behaviors too... like people who can hear group voice chat, but aren't comfortable wearing a mic.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • dean1975#6161 dean1975 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I've seen that too. Disjointed conversations. I figured they were talking in a group and others were replying in group chat channel not guild chat. Maybe not hey if others have noticed it too
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    Just a short note for the Mystic Phoera Giveaway.

    Everyone who deposited Influence and messaged me (here or in-game) should now have received an in-game message with your numbers. If you have NOT received a mail in-game you need to message me ASAP or you’ll miss out on the draw.
    Your message will have given you groups and numbers (e.g. Number 3 in Group 2, Number 1 in Group 3, etc). Due to the number of entries there will be two rolls: A D4 will be rolled to pick a group, then a D10 will be rolled to pick a number (this avoids the bell-curve of trying to roll 2D20).
    Ylvenna and I will be rolling the dice tonight and putting the results on Youtube for all to see – So if you haven’t received that in-game message you’ll need to message me before then.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • alexdrake1alexdrake1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Just coming back to game. Looking for a casual guild. Have a level 60 HR and level 60 CW. GT Plague Shot
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    So. I'd like to make some changes to our recruitment process. I want a level 70 (no il requirement) cap. (not affecting alts and current players grandfathered in)

    we have a lot of lower levels who join play for a week and we never see them again. in order to advance we need an active player base. getting to 70 takes some dedication (Which is why I'd like to see that) and it means the people who join are less likely to leave or become inactive.

    So, Comments and thoughts?

    Personally, I'm thinking about quitting for another guild at this point. but yah know I'm Guild leader so I'd be stoopid not to try and make it a better place in my estimation before I do something rash. LOL.

  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    I’m a little torn – on one hand I see several fine folk who have gone from level 20 or 30, to level 70. And that’s awesome to see.
    On the other hand, we also have lots of stalled/stagnant players that we then have to identify and manually remove while trying not to impact active players. And it’s not like we do a lot to help new players level anyhow.

    I think that going forward limiting it to level 70s is something of a necessary evil that wouldn’t be necessary if folk left the guild before leaving the game.

    (N.B Despite this conversation, I'll try to make sure you get an invite, Plague Shot. Always nice to see an OG return.)
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    Like Telprydain, I'm torn. We need to remain true to the ideals set forth in the beginning and covered in the guild spotlight.


    and as long as changes don't go against that, I can live with it. But face it, to progress we need contributions to the mimic and that has less to do with character level than a spirit of giving and an ability to pay. I don't know that a higher starting level will achieve that goal, nor do I know it will not.

    I suspect, that more activities like this past weekend's giveaway may produce better results than setting a level requirement. Along with a guild calendar (that we don't make ninja changes to), to build excitement and allow for maximum participation and possibly tie in to the game calendar (when it doesn't change). Like encourage and reward AD donation during 2Xad events, enchantments during 2X enchantment and so on.

    Would I like to see faster progress, sure. I would like to try out masterwork professions. Do I need to see faster progress, not really. I'm in no hurry. So, I'll go along with whatever decision on Level is made with no reservations on my part.

    Do remember the price for guild structures is going to be coming way down in Mod 9 which goes live on PC March 15 and should hit us about 6 weeks later, in case that has an impact on the decision making process. Unfortunately, as of now, Influence is not being changed with the other costs.
  • firepats12#3687 firepats12 Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    I have to say that when I personally was playing I did notice that the main issue was not the number of under lvl70 people we had, but the lack of Stronghold participation. Some days, a lot of days actually, I could look into the mimic and only see maybe 3 people donating anything.

    For the sake of the guild I would suggest to try and set some sort of daily influence requirement at the least. Not everyone has spare AD/Gems/Gold, but can easily obtain Influence by simply doing the Heroic encounters. On the map, the ones that only have 1 spike on them are the easiest and can be soloed by anyone, I did my runs with my DC with ease.

    It just really sucked to see out of 140 people in the guild, only 2-10 people donating influence daily. The influence runs should be on everyone's "dailies" list. You can do your IWD then your Sharandar then your Dread Ring dailies, BUT then just do the Stronghold "daily" and fight 5 of those easy mode HE's. It literally takes 2-5 minutes for each, so take that 10-25mins and help the guild out.

    I understand this guild is only for "Casual Gamers", and is based upon the principle of not requiring people to do anything, but to just play and help when you can. But if you want the guild to grow, you need to pull your weight and help out. My girlfriend, who still plays on Grace/Melanie, only plays maybe 3 times a week but when she does she is sure to at least do the 5 HE's in stronghold to help out. If she can take the time, I think anyone/everyone else in the guild can. I mean she didn't even level a toon because she didn't want to grind, so I leveled them up for her lol. So yea, she doesn't like the grind in the game, yet she still helps the guild out.

    Just something to consider.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    Just coming back to game. Looking for a casual guild. Have a level 60 HR and level 60 CW. GT Plague Shot

    Need a character name, also.

  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    Winner of the draw: https://youtu.be/PSYc8xY_faY
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    lower levels don't have anything to give to the mimic as a general rule. the people giving are all in

    I have to say that when I personally was playing I did notice that the main issue was not the number of under lvl70 people we had, but the lack of Stronghold participation. Some days, a lot of days actually, I could look into the mimic and only see maybe 3 people donating anything.

    For the sake of the guild I would suggest to try and set some sort of daily influence requirement at the least. Not everyone has spare AD/Gems/Gold, but can easily obtain Influence by simply doing the Heroic encounters. On the map, the ones that only have 1 spike on them are the easiest and can be soloed by anyone, I did my runs with my DC with ease.

    It just really sucked to see out of 140 people in the guild, only 2-10 people donating influence daily. The influence runs should be on everyone's "dailies" list. You can do your IWD then your Sharandar then your Dread Ring dailies, BUT then just do the Stronghold "daily" and fight 5 of those easy mode HE's. It literally takes 2-5 minutes for each, so take that 10-25mins and help the guild out.

    I understand this guild is only for "Casual Gamers", and is based upon the principle of not requiring people to do anything, but to just play and help when you can. But if you want the guild to grow, you need to pull your weight and help out. My girlfriend, who still plays on Grace/Melanie, only plays maybe 3 times a week but when she does she is sure to at least do the 5 HE's in stronghold to help out. If she can take the time, I think anyone/everyone else in the guild can. I mean she didn't even level a toon because she didn't want to grind, so I leveled them up for her lol. So yea, she doesn't like the grind in the game, yet she still helps the guild out.

    Just something to consider.

    I think we just have that few people playing regularly. most of our 130 people don't play. I could easily delete half the guildies I think. (who aren't ever online) people join and they don't ever come back. when I clear out the roster I don't stop because I've ran out of people. I stop because I am afraid of the morale cut people will take when they see 50 people off the roster.

    More active players equals more participation. I'd like to be able to run all the dragons but we had a just competent time taking down one. I mean tops we've had what 20 people in the stronghold he dragonflights? we don't have enough high level players to do justice in tiamat or epic demogorgon. If we refined it to 70's only our chances of being able to do this things incrementally rises. for me guild hall advancement is nice but not the endgame. but I'd like to be able to be part of successful end game runs (With relative ease).

    but yeah, it sucks that we have to bribe for influence. lol
    'I dunno. I'm thinking of just cutting one of my toons loose from the guild and testing waters elsewhere. what I want personally I think is at odds with the guild on some levels and on other levels I really like the people here who do play and the lack of whip cracking. LOL.

    I don't ever want to crack a whip on anyone. that's not the fun part. this isn't the military it's a game. and that is the part of me that doesn't want to quit this guild for another. lack of expectations and no serious politics and there is really no guarantee of what you'll find in another guild. I went thru a few before I ended up here. lots of not so nice people out there. but I really want to play end game content with people who can run it. le sigh

  • goat#2606 goat Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Hey guys, I played my ranger hunter to 45 and just couldnt handle how much of glass he is made of. So i made a pally , I love it ive always played tanks in every mmo but wanted to give a dps class a fair shake. well its not my cup of tea. My pallys name is Sir angus. he is now 33. Just in 2 days also lol. Love this Toon. anyways Id like to join with him if possible i tried to request a few times last night but no response. I will still play my hunter when needed for whatever .
    War is a cowardly escape from the problem of peace

    Thomas Mann.
  • goat#2606 goat Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    im always online also i know iam low lvl and cant help do anything for you guys yet but hey active players are key right? :P
    Feel free to add me to xbox one friends also i have a mic . X ir goat X Id love to ask tons of questions with other questions hahah

    Also about the guild hall thing for dailies and such . Im still brand new to the game but im on full time when i get off work. Point me into the right direction and you can bet your bottom dollar i will do it. Not sure what the level requirement is but I will do my part.
    War is a cowardly escape from the problem of peace

    Thomas Mann.
  • spelldazerspelldazer Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    My .02 cents worth: A guild for casual players is about playing when you can and not having to worry about quotas and donations. As mentioned in the spotlight, it's ok to outgrow the guild and find another. I'll admit that I too have been thinking about leaving to a more active guild and the reason is that my play style has changed from casual to daily and from solo to group runs. I usually only play for an hour or two a day total. I have to carefully pick and choose what content to run and I hate having to beg guildies for help. I need to maximize AD and salvage and at the same time, it should never feel like work.

    Rant over. Back on topic...

    I don't mind putting a min level requirement of 70 or 60 maybe. The reason is that the Stronghold quests are geared for lvl70 toons. Fresh lvl70s can't solo 5man heroics until they gear up and that affects the donations for sure.

    Having said that, I've logged in at peak hours several times and it seemed nothing was going on. So, I would suggest we try and set up regular guild runs and do content in guild groups. To make things easy, we can agree to "save" certain activities until peak time. T2s really need premade groups or they are painful. Same goes for T1s for ungeared lvl70s. ToD has some hard mini dungeons too. Then there are the IWD and Dwarven Valley quests...the list goes on. Just start inviting people whenever you're on, lol.

    So...how about starting tonight, we meet at the stronghold campfire for a massive HE farm in the stronghold? If there are enough of us, we can down a dragon. Then anyone who wants, join a group and do skirmishes or whatnot. I will probably login around 11pm PST (9am UTC+2). Happy to call it out on the guild channel and lead the run.

    As usual, if anyone needs help and I'm online, I'll gladly join pretty much anything. So, just post to guild chat. Sometimes you need to post more than once. In Protector's Enclave, for example, there's little chance of catching anything posted. Too much spam.

    Anyway...remember, it's a game. Do what you enjoy. ;-)
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    guild hall 6 started today. 5 days til completion. we are 10k gem off market place 3. so I think that's going to be ready in a day or so. I'll make sure one of the officers is with me so I can show you how to start the process next time or if you want to just try it and I'm off line go for it.
This discussion has been closed.