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Update on the Trade Bar Store



  • stone19#0985 stone19 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    i think we should all stop spending money on the game until they do something better
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    If you go into that restaurant and buy a burger, starts eating it, but suddenly the waiter comes around, and yanks the meat from it... you actually have the right to complain, and demand some kind of compensation.

    Pretty much the same is happening here right now.

    And they can write a lot into their EULA, but they still have to follow certain laws that exists for buyer/seller... this ain't the Wild West.
    Besides, take a look at what is happening on the Xbox side with MS refunding the players... so much for the EULA.

    Sure, if you complain at the time when the waiter takes away your burger, not several weeks later.

    Read it again, i didn't write the waiter is taking away the burger, i wrote the waiter took away the meat...

    Or if you want to play the "time" card, imagine a restaurant where you pay for your daily burger in advance for a full month, and they suddenly remove the meat from it. And they then offer you as a onetime "compensation" a few fried chicken wings.
    The restaurant can do that if they let the customers know "after mm/dd/yy, all the burgers we serve will come with no meat". If you still preorder the meatless burger which you will get after mm/dd/yy, then of course it is your choice.
  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User
    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    If you go into that restaurant and buy a burger, starts eating it, but suddenly the waiter comes around, and yanks the meat from it... you actually have the right to complain, and demand some kind of compensation.

    Pretty much the same is happening here right now.

    And they can write a lot into their EULA, but they still have to follow certain laws that exists for buyer/seller... this ain't the Wild West.
    Besides, take a look at what is happening on the Xbox side with MS refunding the players... so much for the EULA.

    Sure, if you complain at the time when the waiter takes away your burger, not several weeks later.

    Read it again, i didn't write the waiter is taking away the burger, i wrote the waiter took away the meat...

    Or if you want to play the "time" card, imagine a restaurant where you pay for your daily burger in advance for a full month, and they suddenly remove the meat from it. And they then offer you as a onetime "compensation" a few fried chicken wings.
    The restaurant can do that if they let the customers know "after mm/dd/yy, all the burgers we serve will come with no meat". If you still preorder the meatless burger which you will get after mm/dd/yy, then of course it is your choice.
    And now if you listen closely, folks, you can hear the sounds of goalposts being shifted and detect the faint smell of red herrings...
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    aratech said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    If you go into that restaurant and buy a burger, starts eating it, but suddenly the waiter comes around, and yanks the meat from it... you actually have the right to complain, and demand some kind of compensation.

    Pretty much the same is happening here right now.

    And they can write a lot into their EULA, but they still have to follow certain laws that exists for buyer/seller... this ain't the Wild West.
    Besides, take a look at what is happening on the Xbox side with MS refunding the players... so much for the EULA.

    Sure, if you complain at the time when the waiter takes away your burger, not several weeks later.

    Read it again, i didn't write the waiter is taking away the burger, i wrote the waiter took away the meat...

    Or if you want to play the "time" card, imagine a restaurant where you pay for your daily burger in advance for a full month, and they suddenly remove the meat from it. And they then offer you as a onetime "compensation" a few fried chicken wings.
    The restaurant can do that if they let the customers know "after mm/dd/yy, all the burgers we serve will come with no meat". If you still preorder the meatless burger which you will get after mm/dd/yy, then of course it is your choice.
    And now if you listen closely, folks, you can hear the sounds of goalposts being shifted and detect the faint smell of red herrings...
    Yes, you heard your own goalpost being shifted. Cryptic has announced the Trade Bar change weeks ago and those who had no problem paying for it weeks ago should have no problem now. They never "induced" anybody to buy the lockbox keys. The announcement is obvious. In fact, most games have been making changes every week or month without any announcement at all. If you think you are "induced" to pay to play any game, the entire world has been induced to pay by games such as WoW. The fact is, they don't have to ask your permission to make any game feature changes. They don't even have to announce it in advance. In a subscription based game like WoW, you may have an extremely weak argument that you are induced to pay $15 a month for things you don't expect to see in the next WoW update but in a purely free-to-play game, payment is purely voluntary and the game world is totally free to access. You can try and see before you pay.
  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    healary said:

    aratech said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    If you go into that restaurant and buy a burger, starts eating it, but suddenly the waiter comes around, and yanks the meat from it... you actually have the right to complain, and demand some kind of compensation.

    Pretty much the same is happening here right now.

    And they can write a lot into their EULA, but they still have to follow certain laws that exists for buyer/seller... this ain't the Wild West.
    Besides, take a look at what is happening on the Xbox side with MS refunding the players... so much for the EULA.

    Sure, if you complain at the time when the waiter takes away your burger, not several weeks later.

    Read it again, i didn't write the waiter is taking away the burger, i wrote the waiter took away the meat...

    Or if you want to play the "time" card, imagine a restaurant where you pay for your daily burger in advance for a full month, and they suddenly remove the meat from it. And they then offer you as a onetime "compensation" a few fried chicken wings.
    The restaurant can do that if they let the customers know "after mm/dd/yy, all the burgers we serve will come with no meat". If you still preorder the meatless burger which you will get after mm/dd/yy, then of course it is your choice.
    And now if you listen closely, folks, you can hear the sounds of goalposts being shifted and detect the faint smell of red herrings...
    Yes, you heard your own goalpost being shifted. Cryptic has announced the Trade Bar change weeks ago and those who had no problem paying for it weeks ago should have no problem now. They never "induced" anybody to buy the lockbox keys. The announcement is obvious. In fact, most games have been making changes every week or month without any announcement at all. If you think you are "induced" to pay to play any game, the entire world has been induced to pay by games such as WoW. The fact is, they don't have to ask your permission to make any game feature changes. They don't even have to announce it in advance. In a subscription based game like WoW, you may have an extremely weak argument that you are induced to pay $15 a month for things you don't expect to see in the next WoW update but in a purely free-to-play game, payment is purely voluntary and the game world is totally free to access. You can try and see before you pay.
    And where did I say that I purchased VIP after the announcement was made*? Where did he say it? You see, folks, this is classic obfuscation and red herring, flavored with a bit of a strawman. Our friend here is bringing up a false modifier (that I claimed to have purchased VIP after this announcement was made, which I never claimed to have) in an attempt to tear down an argument I never made. And again, your ignorance of the way the legal system actually works is borderline appalling. Do you even know what inducement means? Are you familiar with the term bait and switch? Or are you simply going to shift the goal posts again?

    Oh, and I cannot help but notice that you continue to ignore the X-Box-1 situation.

    *Also, I'm calling you out on this. Can you present to us where the "Weeks ago" announcement was made? Because the first official notice that I and hundreds of others have is this: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9798173

    Note that date? February 18? That was yesterday.

    The X-BOx-1?

    February 9.

    So please, show me a weeks old article announcing changes for the P.C. Ideally posted in a place and manner where the P.C. Users would have actually seen it ala Notice of Publication or the like.
  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    aratech said:

    healary said:

    aratech said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    If you go into that restaurant and buy a burger, starts eating it, but suddenly the waiter comes around, and yanks the meat from it... you actually have the right to complain, and demand some kind of compensation.

    Pretty much the same is happening here right now.

    And they can write a lot into their EULA, but they still have to follow certain laws that exists for buyer/seller... this ain't the Wild West.
    Besides, take a look at what is happening on the Xbox side with MS refunding the players... so much for the EULA.

    Sure, if you complain at the time when the waiter takes away your burger, not several weeks later.

    Read it again, i didn't write the waiter is taking away the burger, i wrote the waiter took away the meat...

    Or if you want to play the "time" card, imagine a restaurant where you pay for your daily burger in advance for a full month, and they suddenly remove the meat from it. And they then offer you as a onetime "compensation" a few fried chicken wings.
    The restaurant can do that if they let the customers know "after mm/dd/yy, all the burgers we serve will come with no meat". If you still preorder the meatless burger which you will get after mm/dd/yy, then of course it is your choice.
    And now if you listen closely, folks, you can hear the sounds of goalposts being shifted and detect the faint smell of red herrings...
    Yes, you heard your own goalpost being shifted. Cryptic has announced the Trade Bar change weeks ago and those who had no problem paying for it weeks ago should have no problem now. They never "induced" anybody to buy the lockbox keys. The announcement is obvious. In fact, most games have been making changes every week or month without any announcement at all. If you think you are "induced" to pay to play any game, the entire world has been induced to pay by games such as WoW. The fact is, they don't have to ask your permission to make any game feature changes. They don't even have to announce it in advance. In a subscription based game like WoW, you may have an extremely weak argument that you are induced to pay $15 a month for things you don't expect to see in the next WoW update but in a purely free-to-play game, payment is purely voluntary and the game world is totally free to access. You can try and see before you pay.
    And where did I say that I purchased VIP after the announcement was made*? Where did he say it? You see, folks, this is classic obfuscation and red herring, flavored with a bit of a strawman. Our friend here is bringing up a false modifier (that I claimed to have purchased VIP after this announcement was made, which I never claimed to have) in an attempt to tear down an argument I never made. And again, your ignorance of the way the legal system actually works is borderline appalling. Do you even know what inducement means? Are you familiar with the term bait and switch? Or are you simply going to shift the goal posts again?

    Oh, and I cannot help but notice that you continue to ignore the X-Box-1 situation.

    *Also, I'm calling you out on this. Can you present to us where the "Weeks ago" announcement was made? Because the first official notice that I and hundreds of others have is this: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9798173

    Note that date? February 18? That was yesterday.

    The X-BOx-1?

    February 9.

    So please, show me a weeks old article announcing changes for the P.C. Ideally posted in a place and manner where the P.C. Users would have actually seen it ala Notice of Publication or the like.
    Actually I do not know exactly when the official news came out but players have been talking about it on chat channel last month. I am not sure if they got it from Preview or somebody else.

    So if you have not purchased keys you are not affected by this change. For those who got the news on Feb. 9, if not earlier, still had 11 days to react in game and voice their opinions in the forum. It did not just happen overnight. Patches normally come weekly. If this is some change they have to complain, they can complain on ANY WEEKLY CHANGE such as, but not limited to, the ever changing class/race powers. I have heard players quitting every couple of weeks when their favorite class/race is "nerfed" after the patch but these players never leave the game. They just keep complaining.
  • ogariousogarious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User

    I wouldn't have had a problem if they said "we made a mistake" and adjusted pricing of coal wards by double or even triple on the TTB store. At least I wouldn't have been up in arms about it. But to simply jack the price like the pharmaceutical industry--and remove other avenues to the goods, well, deserves reprisals.

    See, but they cant even do that without there being a blowback. There was a post in September of 2015 promising that The Wards and Blood Rubies were a permanent part of the trade bar store and that they would neither remove them, or raise the price on them. 4 months later this happens.

    I guess they either didnt think the comment through before posting it, or they dont understand the definition of permanent. Either way, our input on this does not matter to them in any way shape or form.
  • commanderkrugecommanderkruge Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Had my last day of 3 months vip yesterday when I logged in and was planning to buy more vip.

    Instead was confronted with your new change and the "gift" of 1 / 5 wards and a diamond in exchange for making my collected tradebars I wanted (and needed) to spend on wards useless.

    Spend the whole evening on giving away all my profession assets and non-bound gear to guild members so it wouldn't be a complete waste.

    Will spend my time/money on something else in the future.

  • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    "<blockquote class="Quote" rel="wvalient">1 trans takes 2 perfects which takes 4 greaters which takes 8 normal which takes 16 lessers which takes 64 shards that is 31 coal wards.</blockquote>"

    Upgrading from Perfect to Pure doesn't require a second enchantment, so it's "just" 17 coalescent wards overall. It's a bit silly, though, that going from Perfect to Pure or from Pure to Transcendent is much cheaper than building a second Greater from a scratch to finally make a Perfect. Making a Greater costs 7 wards, whereas the two last tiers cost 1 each and some marks. But I suppose if we brought that to Cryptic's attention, their solution would be adding more roadblocks to higher tiers instead of easing up on any of the costs. So please, no.
  • sabre10sabre10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    Scrolls of mass life and Stones of Health remaining in both Tarm Bar Store and Zen Store following this patch reinforces that this move has nothing to do with "Confusion". You can't even be consistent in your dishonesty
    Civil Anarchy Officer
    Fabled Alliance
  • spineskin666spineskin666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    320$ in Wards for a transcendent enchantment?
  • cscriv79cscriv79 Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    "To speak to this further, one of our guidelines for putting items into in-game stores is to never allow that exact item to also exist in the Zen Market. Doing so can create confusion, as well as introduce perceived equivalencies that aren’t actually true. We made a mistake when allowing these items to exist in both the Trade Bar store and the Zen Market

    This is what pisses me off, dyes and fashion items are exactly the same and are in both the tradebar store and the zen market.

    exchange has shot up on Xbox due to ppl leaving and closing their wallets, each payday I would buy a bit of Zen and we had many guildies that were spending thousands of dollars a month on Zen for our guild upgrades, but no more.

    We have all decided AD to Zen and not Money to Zen.

    I am neither here nor there, for I am NevrCene

    NevrCene: TR
    Melisandre: SW
    Brienne: GWF

    Guild : Mystic Dawn (GH20)
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    Gosh ,it is just one idiot decision after another by whoever is running cryptic nowadays , this is going to make high level weapon/armor enchants nothing but a dream for casual/non spenders and non hardcore players and in a game like this when the casuals/non spenders leave well , we all know what happens then .
  • descent2015#7865 descent2015 Member Posts: 4 New User
    WHAT you do not realize is, without our money there is no them. So when conducting business, its best to take a productive and proactive approach to any situation. Your problem is you take what is being said on this board as literal and it is not, people are mad because they were duped well before it was known they were. There was no conscious effort on the part of PWE to disclose their changed until 5 days before the mod hit. What you do not understand is MONTHS ago they told us they would be making changed for the better to the TTB store and coal wards would be affected. In turn this prompted players to buy VIP well ahead of time to make the bars, to prepare for the changes. Obviously Cryptic knew of these changed ahead of time but would not relay the disclaimer sooner, why? They knew if they did it would halt their vip and key sales and would lose out on money period. They knew all this ahead of time, yet dragged this out until they had severe backlash, and the only leg they have to stand on is a SILENT disclaimer which still does not prevent a lawsuit, and im sure one is already in the balance. People like you are just ignorant and dumb as rocks, and all you do is point fingers. People are pissed because they spent THEIR money on the game not YOURS. You shouldn't throw rocks at glass houses.
  • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    Somebody should make a bingo card for next time we have another "quality of life" change, with boxes like "war on bots", "player confusion", "unexpected negative effect" etc.

    I thought Elemental Evil was the low point and that Neverwinter was finally becoming more alt-friendly with tbar coals, account-bound gear, and AD cost changes... but with a change like this, I feel like I can't progress my characters without an invocation army.

    It's just sad and sounds dishonest when we are told these changes were made to protect us players from confusion and because they don't want the same item exist in two places for different prices. The latter might be true, but it has little to do with Tbar Store and Zen Store... and more, I suspect, with Xbox and PC.

    I also don't see the negative effect on economy these items supposedly had while in Tarmalune Store. Coalescent wards have been there since the beginning, but at a higher price. The decision to lower that cost was Cryptic's. Why not adjust the price instead of nuking it downright?
  • spineskin666spineskin666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    > @spineskin666 said:
    > 320$ in Wards for a transcendent enchantment?

    My bad - a normal vorpal cost 3 wards so a Transcendent one cost like 63 Coalescent Wards=630 $ if my calculations are fine this is a little bit to much for me. They tryed to fix the real money economy but they just broke down the Astral Diamonds economy to
  • drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    FYI... Strum delivered the news less than 24 hours before it was implemented. This WILL BE AN ISSUE, and ONE that WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING IN THE GAME.
    About a month after M6 hit my guild lost bout 60 to 70% of it's active player base and they have not and will not come back. The release of M6 was the first of the disastrous releases, but we responded and became stronger for it.

    There will be a reversal in all of their efforts to balance the economy... and take out a large number of botters. This was actually the first time that I have ever seen a balanced crypto-economy in a game... and I have played quite a few MMOs for a LOOOONG time.
    Many of us WILL not be leaving due to the fact that we have a lot of good friends in game... they seem to be taking advantage of that. 90% of every VIP sold will be allowed to run out. Not a dime from the long standing players will be spent to buy Zen. They have seen this bait and switch many times before... and this is just the usual Newton's Laws of Physics.

    Every action will have an Equal and Opposite Reaction.​​
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
  • drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    Insanity is the act of doing the the same thing over again and expecting the outcome to be different,​​
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
  • drgirlfienddrgirlfiend Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I won't be buying VIP anymore.
  • sigillmacfinnsigillmacfinn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    healary said:

    Actually I do not know exactly when the official news came out but players have been talking about it on chat channel last month. I am not sure if they got it from Preview or somebody else.

    So if you have not purchased keys you are not affected by this change. For those who got the news on Feb. 9, if not earlier, still had 11 days to react in game and voice their opinions in the forum. It did not just happen overnight. Patches normally come weekly. If this is some change they have to complain, they can complain on ANY WEEKLY CHANGE such as, but not limited to, the ever changing class/race powers. I have heard players quitting every couple of weeks when their favorite class/race is "nerfed" after the patch but these players never leave the game. They just keep complaining.

    healary said:

    aratech said:

    healary said:

    aratech said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    healary said:

    regenerde said:

    If you go into that restaurant and buy a burger, starts eating it, but suddenly the waiter comes around, and yanks the meat from it... you actually have the right to complain, and demand some kind of compensation.

    Pretty much the same is happening here right now.

    And they can write a lot into their EULA, but they still have to follow certain laws that exists for buyer/seller... this ain't the Wild West.
    Besides, take a look at what is happening on the Xbox side with MS refunding the players... so much for the EULA.

    Sure, if you complain at the time when the waiter takes away your burger, not several weeks later.

    Read it again, i didn't write the waiter is taking away the burger, i wrote the waiter took away the meat...

    Or if you want to play the "time" card, imagine a restaurant where you pay for your daily burger in advance for a full month, and they suddenly remove the meat from it. And they then offer you as a onetime "compensation" a few fried chicken wings.
    The restaurant can do that if they let the customers know "after mm/dd/yy, all the burgers we serve will come with no meat". If you still preorder the meatless burger which you will get after mm/dd/yy, then of course it is your choice.
    And now if you listen closely, folks, you can hear the sounds of goalposts being shifted and detect the faint smell of red herrings...
    Yes, you heard your own goalpost being shifted. Cryptic has announced the Trade Bar change weeks ago and those who had no problem paying for it weeks ago should have no problem now. They never "induced" anybody to buy the lockbox keys. The announcement is obvious. In fact, most games have been making changes every week or month without any announcement at all. If you think you are "induced" to pay to play any game, the entire world has been induced to pay by games such as WoW. The fact is, they don't have to ask your permission to make any game feature changes. They don't even have to announce it in advance. In a subscription based game like WoW, you may have an extremely weak argument that you are induced to pay $15 a month for things you don't expect to see in the next WoW update but in a purely free-to-play game, payment is purely voluntary and the game world is totally free to access. You can try and see before you pay.
    And where did I say that I purchased VIP after the announcement was made*? Where did he say it? You see, folks, this is classic obfuscation and red herring, flavored with a bit of a strawman. Our friend here is bringing up a false modifier (that I claimed to have purchased VIP after this announcement was made, which I never claimed to have) in an attempt to tear down an argument I never made. And again, your ignorance of the way the legal system actually works is borderline appalling. Do you even know what inducement means? Are you familiar with the term bait and switch? Or are you simply going to shift the goal posts again?

    Oh, and I cannot help but notice that you continue to ignore the X-Box-1 situation.

    *Also, I'm calling you out on this. Can you present to us where the "Weeks ago" announcement was made? Because the first official notice that I and hundreds of others have is this: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9798173

    Note that date? February 18? That was yesterday.

    The X-BOx-1?

    February 9.

    So please, show me a weeks old article announcing changes for the P.C. Ideally posted in a place and manner where the P.C. Users would have actually seen it ala Notice of Publication or the like.
    Actually I do not know exactly when the official news came out but players have been talking about it on chat channel last month. I am not sure if they got it from Preview or somebody else.

    So if you have not purchased keys you are not affected by this change. For those who got the news on Feb. 9, if not earlier, still had 11 days to react in game and voice their opinions in the forum. It did not just happen overnight. Patches normally come weekly. If this is some change they have to complain, they can complain on ANY WEEKLY CHANGE such as, but not limited to, the ever changing class/race powers. I have heard players quitting every couple of weeks when their favorite class/race is "nerfed" after the patch but these players never leave the game. They just keep complaining.
    Are you MENTAL Healary ?? !!

    PC users have been "worrying" on the forums that PC would see the same removal of C Wards from the Trade Bar that XBOX had [ XBOX had a few days notice] but no official info was released until PWE stated quite categorically that PC WOULD NOT see C Wards removed!

    Hi All,

    I know there were a lot of questions regarding the Tradebar Store line in our announcement for Underdark yesterday. We have some further clarification for you.

    Coalescent Wards will not be leaving the stores and pricing will not increase. Prices are still being adjusted and we will have more information soon. Rest assured we’re listening to community feedback. In terms of other items, we’re evaluating pricing and looking to make it more worthwhile to engage with the store. Again more information will be released in the near future.

    NW Team

    Then we get a stealth update the day before they DO remove them from the trade bar - almost 1 week after I purchased VIP for myself & the wife because I BELIEVED it when they said they weren't removing C Wards - so when I got home from work on Friday afternoon not only did I have the server down for maintenance [on a Friday!!!] but I also saw their announcement of C Ward removal so I had no chance to do anything about it!

    Your date of Feb 9th quoted above is for X BOX users - us PC users were told they had NO INTENTION of removing C Wards!

    & I still haven't collected their token apology from my game mail just in case that signals my acceptance/agreement to their decision to remove the C Wards.

    Stop making apologies for this ATROCIOUS bait & switch that they have pulled on people who paid actual money for something that was taken away with no chance of doing anything to minimise the damage done!

    ..... rolling 1's for over 25 years .....

    The Harbingers' Forums - What Class Are You - Search The Neverwinter Wiki

  • tupac#9074 tupac Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    xgrandz02 said:

    Of course !! they need to do something about it!!
    and it is good so,

    OMG guys be realistic and serious!!

    " a 100% Chance just for 75 Bars" This just ridiculous cheap... make no sense. "be realistic"
    its why the auctionhouse was Overflowed with this items.
    the value of wards was basically zero.

    what kind of game give you a 100% chance just for free,
    there's no one beside single or private servers.

    Stop your flame/crying for nothing.. or keep hating if u want but nothing will change.
    There's tons of player that never used tradebars and they are fine with that.

    are you freakin kidding me ?
    are you serious?
    and then 1 percent on enchancments on armor and weapons
    is ridiculous also , but we dont say anything about it
    because we had the coal wards
    now imagine a new player with green artifacts and lesser enchncments.
    Artifacts need 5 coal wards 5x300
    Lesser ench , this is the worst
    imagine how much you need to take an ench to Trasc
    because you will need to buy other enchancments to upgrade also
    and more wards
    jesus this is ridiculous
  • revwillwrightrevwillwright Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Thanks Cryptic, the spell of whiling away my life on Neverwinter is broken. I have now regained control over my free time, and aim to be more contsructive and creative.

    Thank you for facilitating this escape from excessive MMO usage, by removing the feasability of increasing my gear score by having to choose food, rent and fuel over refinement.

    I salute you for your care and compassion towards my well being
  • coolgeek357coolgeek357 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User
    agatagdr said:

    metalldjt said:

    you forgot to remove these items aswell .

    Well, you know, only some items cause confusion by being both on zen and trade bars store...
    Give them time.
  • nyterazor#4638 nyterazor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 40 Arc User
    I guess everyone is going to start upgrading gear for only one toon since it's way to expensive. Going to be expensive just to upgrade equipment one toon for the new players. Luckily my other toons have been collecting coalescent wards for my one toon since the start of the game.
  • flowcytoflowcyto Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 196 Arc User
    sabre10 said:

    Scrolls of mass life and Stones of Health remaining in both Tarm Bar Store and Zen Store following this patch reinforces that this move has nothing to do with "Confusion". You can't even be consistent in your dishonesty

    Maybe what they meant is that someone would look at the price of $10 for one Coal Ward and be confused as to why any sane player would like it.
    <CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
    - Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
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  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    healary said:

    Cryptic has announced the Trade Bar change weeks ago and those who had no problem paying for it weeks ago should have no problem now. They never "induced" anybody to buy the lockbox keys. The announcement is obvious.

    I keep hearing this. Was it announced in a public place?? Was it audible to more than 50 people??? Could you provide a link?????

    They sold us a year's worth of VIP months ago, which includes a lockbox key every day. The key, and its access to coal wards, were what prompted many of us to bother.
  • fuelstormfuelstorm Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    same here no more lockboxs for me .good work cryptic
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    @morenthar Thank you.
  • gluggogluggo Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    at first I was thinking "meh", the news was out there a week ago, I heard it in several of the channels I belong to, but Santralafax brought up a good point I hadn't thought of, some people bought a year's worth of VIP. I buy it by the month, so hadn't thought of that angle.

    With that in mind, I have to agree with Santralafax. It really is not fair to those who purchased VIP for more than a month into the future.

  • revwillwrightrevwillwright Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I have initiated a refund claim of my last Paypal purchase of ZEN due to this change in service
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