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(PVE Too Easy) The Traven Speedkill Challenge:



  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    asterotg said:

    blinxon said:

    I want really boss fights. Bosses with tactics and not only burst him down. Atm we got no challenge at all.

    Many players would like that, but I dont think, that it will happen.

    This game seems to be directed to casual players. With the power creep and general lack of understanding of the game mechanics, you have some dedicated players, who can finish 2nd and 3rd phase of EDemo in less then one minute (full premade in 30 seconds) and others, that cant do it in 5 minutes.

    One group is at least 10 times stronger, than the other one. There is no way, to create dungeons, that are challenging for the first group and doable by the 2nd.

    Furthermore, there is the perma bubble OP dilemma. If it is not fixed, most mechanics will be obsolete. If it gets fixed, most casual players will struggle even with the 'easy' dungeons.

    Yep, yesterday, we did phase 2 demo in 18 seconds with a full premade group and phase 3 in 12. The issue is, if the devs don't create hard content and take the stance that..."this hard content will stay" then players won't ever go to the effort of improving as they will always feel they are doing ok.
  • wentriswentris Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    We had a challenge - once. It almost made most people quit dungeons - that could have happened because of very poor rewards compared to effort needed to complete a dungeon back then, though.

    I wish we had some hard dungeons with valuable rewards - like some kind of eCC Hard Mode which has 50% chance for epic ring +3, 40% for epic ring +4 and 10% (even 5% would be enough) for legendary ring - the challenge would be as great as mod 6 DR bug time in its toughest time, HOWEVER not with DR bug (tanks should never be hit as hard as dps classes) - the most simple solution would be increasing mobs base damage by a huge amount (even higher than DR bug base damage), but with properly working DR. Ideally - make Legendary Rings BoE. That would give poorly geared/coordinated people incentive to keep trying, instead of giving up on dungeons and coming to forums complaining.

    Why nobody complained on early mod 2 dungeon difficulty state, even though last boss in SpellPlague was almost impossible to PuG without choosing really experienced CWs? Because he had a fairly high chance of dropping a helmet worth 500k-1kk AD with mod 2 economy (250 AD/Zen). People kept failing and kept trying, until success.

    Or the beloved by many old style GG, when you had 30 minutes to farm the dungeon and depending on your group strength you may not do any run - but that meant the group was really weak, 2-3 runs with competent, but not very strong PuG and up to 5 runs with strong and cooperating party. Why people liked it so much? Because it could drop BoE version of any t2 armor set.

    We have much better PvE class balance than we had back then - really, we do! Balance Divine Protector, fix Shield of the Divine (I believe AP gain feat proccing from it each time ally takes damage is a bug) and its almost perfect - remember that a lot of GWFs strength comes from the fact that with some gear they can be 1 man armies - this would fade away with proper difficulty. Again - I remember mod 6 - GWFs did as much damage as they do right now, but I always picked them last, after getting proper protection, control, utility, because these were much more important back then.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    etelgrin said:

    Not much about the vid. Well done, good party composition. I enjoyed no bubbadinging there. Honestly CW was not exactly neccesary in there not MoF either so he did not debuff with Swath which would be interesting to see from my perspective (no disrespect meant). I give most credits for making it that fast to GWF it were his hits that made it possible as is and that quick. GG.

    On side note, I can record a vid how hard and how long this fight can be for new comers to the game and not as experienced as party above. Not neccesarily ending up with success.

    The vid also touches another issue that is pre-mod 6 gear, unavailable for new comers, but available for your team (gz^^).

    There were 2 CW's, me on MoF (I was using swath) and the SSS CW. There is a reason to take 2 though, every time you take an additional CW, it adds an additional stack of smolder. Furthermore, without a CW, it would be impossible to have the HV bonus.
    Post edited by thefabricant on
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    @thefabricant, haha... All this time I was thinking you were a GWF. I'm doing okay with my CW but not great... Since there are all these build talks I'd like some tips too. Right now I'm using CoI on tab (was using Shield here but a friend persuaded me to get rid of it even though mobs can kill me in a sec), Disintegrate, Steal Time, Icy Terrain for AoE. For more single target areas like eLoL, I switch out ST and IT for RoE and IR. PvP (occasionally) goes with Shield on tab, Disintegrate, Repel, Entangling Force... I'm a Renegade SS with Spell Twisting, I haven't taken Focused Wizardary and instead took the feat that boosts INT, was I wrong? My companions are Lightfoot Thief, Eyrinyes, Siegemaster, Air Archon, Fire Archon (planning to switch Fire Archon for Dancing Blade or Blink Dog, suggestions?). My artifacts are DC Sigil, Lostmauth's Horn, Vanguard Banner, CW Sigil. Well, thanks for reading and suggestions (if any :p ).
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    @thefabricant, haha... All this time I was thinking you were a GWF. I'm doing okay with my CW but not great... Since there are all these build talks I'd like some tips too. Right now I'm using CoI on tab (was using Shield here but a friend persuaded me to get rid of it even though mobs can kill me in a sec), Disintegrate, Steal Time, Icy Terrain for AoE. For more single target areas like eLoL, I switch out ST and IT for RoE and IR. PvP (occasionally) goes with Shield on tab, Disintegrate, Repel, Entangling Force... I'm a Renegade SS with Spell Twisting, I haven't taken Focused Wizardary and instead took the feat that boosts INT, was I wrong? My companions are Lightfoot Thief, Eyrinyes, Siegemaster, Air Archon, Fire Archon (planning to switch Fire Archon for Dancing Blade or Blink Dog, suggestions?). My artifacts are DC Sigil, Lostmauth's Horn, Vanguard Banner, CW Sigil. Well, thanks for reading and suggestions (if any :p ).

    Honestly, your build sounds fine. There are a lot of ways to build CW's, when it comes down to focuses wizardry vs prestidigitation vs learned spellcaster its a matter of what you prefer, if you want to pvp though, I would suggest putting points into focused wizardry. Build wize, I normally run an SS thaum build, which I swap to MoF ren when doing speedruns. Companions wize, I recommend the blink dog over the dancing blade and finally, I would swap your dc sigil (I am assuming its your active artifact) for the wheel of elements. Without talking to you in game, I cannot give you any precise/in depth responses, as it really depends on what you want to build your wizard for. When I am not speedrunning with friends and running with randoms/playing solo, I like to build for damage, when I am running with friends and speedrunning, I prefer support.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    I'm usually soloing, and prefer increased damage. Also, I've never tried MoF, would it help the party more than SS? I ain't rich enough to switch frequently, would it reduce my damage?
    Is the Blink Dog better than Fire Archon too? May I know why it is better than Dancing Blade? Is +5% Combat Advantage Damage > +5% Critical Severity (assuming I always crit and have CA)?
    Originally I had the wheel but often had trouble using it, so refined it into Vanguard Banner. :p
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    I'm usually soloing, and prefer increased damage. Also, I've never tried MoF, would it help the party more than SS? I ain't rich enough to switch frequently, would it reduce my damage?
    Is the Blink Dog better than Fire Archon too? May I know why it is better than Dancing Blade? Is +5% Combat Advantage Damage > +5% Critical Severity (assuming I always crit and have CA)?
    Originally I had the wheel but often had trouble using it, so refined it into Vanguard Banner. :p

    Switching to MoF would definitely lower your damage, but it would boost your parties damage. With that being said, I would not bother investing heavily into gear for a MoF since your primary purpose is to provide buffs to the party and those buffs do not scale off gear. So, if you want to invest into your wizard, this is not the way to go.

    Blink dog/intellect devourer are better then the archons and the dancing blade. For reference, assuming you crit all the time, the critical severity companions are a ~3-4% damage boost, whilst the combat advantage companions essentially multiply your damage by 1.05 for each on you have. With that being said, I also consider the archons better then the critical severity companions.

    Finally, the trick to using the wheel of elements is to teleport forward as you use it, this causes you to land on the fire buff so you do not miss it. With that being said, it doesn't matter who gets the fire bonus as the wheel is bugged and so long as someone picks it up, it always gives the bonus to you (this can be checked via act or in the combat log).
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    edited January 2016
    Oh... Thanks... Shall I get rid of both Air and Fire Archons and get the dog and devourer in their place (would the +5% CA dmg be greater than +5% dmg?)? I didn't know about the wheel bug :p but if I happen to be standing near a wall or something I get the bonus that went behind the wall... Also, about the bug, does it allow you to pick 2 bonuses? Assuming somebody collected fire, can I collect the fire and then water too?

    This'll be the last :D Thanks for the info...
  • kaedennnkaedennn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 361 Arc User
    blinxon said:

    we probably next going to try killing the boss in eGWD before it goes invulnerable even once, its going to be a real pain though, but at least it gives us something to do :p

    Thats why we need at least one new dungeon with really hard encounters. We need challenge. We dont need Mod 5 style.
    I know, not all in this game got BIS gear and i know, not all can play that well in a grp....but after they fixed the dr bug this game came really close to module 5. And for me module 5 was boring as hell...
    in this case , why were all of you complaining about M6 difficulty ? !!!
    now we are finishing dungeons in less than 7 minutes and some classes are already soloing them -_-
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    kaedennn said:

    blinxon said:

    we probably next going to try killing the boss in eGWD before it goes invulnerable even once, its going to be a real pain though, but at least it gives us something to do :p

    Thats why we need at least one new dungeon with really hard encounters. We need challenge. We dont need Mod 5 style.
    I know, not all in this game got BIS gear and i know, not all can play that well in a grp....but after they fixed the dr bug this game came really close to module 5. And for me module 5 was boring as hell...
    in this case , why were all of you complaining about M6 difficulty ? !!!
    now we are finishing dungeons in less than 7 minutes and some classes are already soloing them -_-
    I was not complaining about mod 6 difficulty and I don't think blinxon was either.
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User

    Oh... Thanks... Shall I get rid of both Air and Fire Archons and get the dog and devourer in their place (would the +5% CA dmg be greater than +5% dmg?)? I didn't know about the wheel bug :p but if I happen to be standing near a wall or something I get the bonus that went behind the wall... Also, about the bug, does it allow you to pick 2 bonuses? Assuming somebody collected fire, can I collect the fire and then water too?

    This'll be the last :D Thanks for the info...

    Air and Fire archons total bonus is x1.035 x1.055, while blink and devourer is x1.05 x1.05 i think, so 9.2% boost vs 10.2% boost, the thing is its better to use 3 archons, which is x1.035 x1.06 x1.07 so 17.4% dps boost, all u need to do is to ensure u wont be the one being hit, so earth archon boon can work. If u can add companion beating the gap of 7.2% into 2 CA companions, then it will be better to go with 2x CA companions nad that third one.

    There is also the question if u can maintain perma CA so CA companions will work all the time. There r ways to ensure that, liek having GF/GWF with brain at least a bit bigger than nut, so they will be smart enought to mark. There r other options, but unlike gwf/gf mark being fundament of class, other classes options to have CA to more like choice-ish (no selfish HR will run with aspect of the pack).


  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    As to Dungeon/HE difficulty, maybe we should lobby Cryptic to give us rewards based on "speed runs" and titles. We would have a challenge and Cryptic doesn't have to work so hard. They already have this to some degree with the Challenge of the Gods event. Maybe even a leaderboard.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    @zekethesinner, I didn't understand the numbers properly but since you say Blink Dog + Intellect Devourer is better than Blink Dog + Air Archon, that's what I'll do. I'll keep the Seigemaster cause its pretty impossible for me to stay at full health.
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User

    Each dmg boost is a multiplicator (beside power i think), which mean i does not add dmg, in mulitpilcates current dmg by next boost u r adding. So scaling ur dmg to 100.

    When u add fire archon:
    100 x 1.035 = 103.5

    When u add fire archon and air archon:
    100 x 1.035 x 1.055= 109.2 dmg

    When u add fire archon, earth archon and air archon:
    100 x 1.035 x 1.06 x 1.07 = 117.4 dmg

    Bear in mind that archons get additional 0.5% dmg for each other archon, only fire archon dont get this boost, hence his dps boost dont change even when more archons comes into play.

    Now u said ur setup is air archon, devourer and siege master, well assuming all r purple:
    100 x 1.05 x 1.05 x 1.04 = 114.7

    114.7/117.4= 97.7%

    So ur current setup is 97.7% of optimum u could have (in this case optimum is also maximum, companions like owlbear or slaad r whole different story) . Small numbers, but when u r mix-maxing everything counts.

    I cant put it simplier.


  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    Understood now (Thanks to "only fire archon dont get this boost"). Thanks for the effort... Since I can't keep up the bonus of Earth Archon, I think I'm not gonna loose much and might actually be gaining... I, in most situations, fight in the middle of the mobs to effectively use ST and IT and invariably take a lot of hits...
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User

    Understood now (Thanks to "only fire archon dont get this boost"). Thanks for the effort... Since I can't keep up the bonus of Earth Archon, I think I'm not gonna loose much and might actually be gaining... I, in most situations, fight in the middle of the mobs to effectively use ST and IT and invariably take a lot of hits...

    The thing is mix-maxing only matters for bosses, pvp, and solo running t2. On pulls or whatever it matter who is first on it, at least when u r close to endgame with more or less perfect build, its usualy matter of 2 buttons pressed to clean pull from trashes and 2 more to kill even big ones (for cw its acctualy just IT + OF/ST rly, for gwf its daring + daggers, for tr its SB + whirlwind, for hr its plant + whatever). Where u want min-max is boss fights, heralds, edemo fight or tiamat (is any1 still going there?) and in fights like this u should not be the one taking dmg, and when u take some, ur LS should outheal u imediately, especialy when u r CW with bunch of dots, the only place where u should not have use of earth archon is eDemo.

    But that my PoV.


  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    Mmm... You do have a point and that would save me quite a bit of tokens. Let me observe my HP in couple of dungeons and get the Earth Archon...

    Thanks for the help :blush:
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User

    As my friends and I have got more or less bored due to how easy the game is, we have been inventing challenges for ourselves to get some fun out of the game. This is one of them I thought I would share with you, it illustrates how trivial content is at endgame. The challenge is to post a video of how fast you can kill the last boss in eCC. The rules are simple, you can use whatever gear you have and you are allowed to wipe as often as you like to get the fastest run you can. Here is our fastest:

    From when we engaged (after he finished his first bloodbath and entered drunken rage) to when he died was 8 seconds. Our Party composition was righteous DC (zoe), MoF CW (Me), SS ren (Freedom), buffer GF (littleknight) and GWF (Snoo Snoo).

    Enjoy racing that :)

    I have an objection to your thread title, PVE is too easy. I think you can guess what my objection is but as a hint to others, how many millions of AD have you spent in the last few weeks uprading your CW and how long do you think those starting eCC having just met the requirements will reach the level of gear employed by that group?

  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    As my friends and I have got more or less bored due to how easy the game is, we have been inventing challenges for ourselves to get some fun out of the game. This is one of them I thought I would share with you, it illustrates how trivial content is at endgame. The challenge is to post a video of how fast you can kill the last boss in eCC. The rules are simple, you can use whatever gear you have and you are allowed to wipe as often as you like to get the fastest run you can. Here is our fastest:

    From when we engaged (after he finished his first bloodbath and entered drunken rage) to when he died was 8 seconds. Our Party composition was righteous DC (zoe), MoF CW (Me), SS ren (Freedom), buffer GF (littleknight) and GWF (Snoo Snoo).

    Enjoy racing that :)

    I have an objection to your thread title, PVE is too easy. I think you can guess what my objection is but as a hint to others, how many millions of AD have you spent in the last few weeks uprading your CW and how long do you think those starting eCC having just met the requirements will reach the level of gear employed by that group?

    This is what its like with a well geared group, but if you want, look in my sig at the eCC guide to see what its like with a 2k group :p Hint: its still easy, it just takes ~10 minutes longer at the last boss.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    @jumpingmorks, I understand you but what the elites ask for a some content meant just for them, uber hard without affecting the developing toons.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Nice video, really fast bossencounter, but a bit desillusionating looking into the future of this game.
    PVE probably will never be satisfying/challenging the way it should, since there is too much gear like ilianbruyen-set, HP, HV etc, multiplying/stacking buffs beside broken things, f.e. like lolset (wich the majority wants to keep).
    Only way to get thing challenging would be an overwork of all classes and fixes for tons of stuff, preventing buffs to stack that way or just tone them down, to get back to roots/normal gameplay.
    I doubt this ever will happen, so you allways will melt any content in case you run maximal buffs like ITF, PoD, DG, BtS etc.
  • putzboy78putzboy78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,950 Arc User

    Only way to get thing challenging would be an overwork of all classes and fixes for tons of stuff, preventing buffs to stack that way or just tone them down, to get back to roots/normal gameplay.

    So what is "getting back to normal game play"? If all of these things have been around since the beginning of the game then your request is to remake the game for non-normal game play? Also what is the point of taking support classes if you want to remove their buff/debuffing? Would you rather it just be a dps race with all GWF parties. Without buff/debuff there would be no need for clerics or gfs.

    I find it discouraging that their are people on the forums that don't understand the value of buff/debuff and would prefer to go all dps. Guess what, you can do that without any modifications by cryptic. If you would rather go all GWF parties you can do that.

    I personally enjoy seeing people using team work and unique/specialized builds to do something like this.

    fyi, I've been a dc in a party where a CW (back when they were the dps kings) rage quits parties because "i have lifesteal, clerics are useless"
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    putzboy78 said:

    Only way to get thing challenging would be an overwork of all classes and fixes for tons of stuff, preventing buffs to stack that way or just tone them down, to get back to roots/normal gameplay.

    So what is "getting back to normal game play"? If all of these things have been around since the beginning of the game then your request is to remake the game for non-normal game play? Also what is the point of taking support classes if you want to remove their buff/debuffing? Would you rather it just be a dps race with all GWF parties. Without buff/debuff there would be no need for clerics or gfs.

    I find it discouraging that their are people on the forums that don't understand the value of buff/debuff and would prefer to go all dps. Guess what, you can do that without any modifications by cryptic. If you would rather go all GWF parties you can do that.

    I personally enjoy seeing people using team work and unique/specialized builds to do something like this.

    fyi, I've been a dc in a party where a CW (back when they were the dps kings) rage quits parties because "i have lifesteal, clerics are useless"
    no reason to get ugly...the headline is -->"PVE Too Easy"<--

    I never said nerf all classes, I only wanted to point out there won´t be anything like an "endgamecontent" for some player who maxed out classes and buffs, except you get these buffs in line or lower them in dungeons, or prevent them from stacking or multiplying that way, like healing depression in PVP (wich even doesn´t work these days having unkillable OP´s and DC´s)
    lot´s of buffs are overdone imo like PoD?, BtS40%, ITF50%, DG 17,5% , annoited army , forgot that number 40% ?

    Again, no reason to get excited !
    It´s only my point of view, wich leads to the fact, that some do solo od duo dungeons to get challenge or run underperforming builds or deny to use these sets or buffs in combination, otherwise every new content will be too easy in a few weeks or a month by rushing forward to the next mod, getting new crazy buffs and gear
  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    kaedennn said:

    in this case , why were all of you complaining about M6 difficulty ? !!!

    Never did. Dont jump in a thread and scream BS. Quote me or be quiet. Thx.
  • userutf8userutf8 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 270 Arc User
    + PVE needs buff
  • andrew33#3082 andrew33 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    etelgrin said:

    Not much about the vid. Well done, good party composition. I enjoyed no bubbadinging there. Honestly CW was not exactly neccesary in there not MoF either so he did not debuff with Swath which would be interesting to see from my perspective (no disrespect meant). I give most credits for making it that fast to GWF it were his hits that made it possible as is and that quick. GG.

    lol. CW buffs, High vizier mas this possibly at all. Dps could be replaced by an SW!

  • ilag1337ilag1337 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    This may sound like a newbie question, but is there any HP buff/debuff build that I can follow?
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    ilag1337 said:

    This may sound like a newbie question, but is there any HP buff/debuff build that I can follow?

    There isn't really anything on this forum I would qualify as a relevant, up to date, buff/debuff dc guide. However, I am sure if you ask some good dc's they will help you out with building one. I would recommend talking to @xihrzah, @hypergorila2 or @illhora.
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User

    As my friends and I have got more or less bored due to how easy the game is, we have been inventing challenges for ourselves to get some fun out of the game. This is one of them I thought I would share with you, it illustrates how trivial content is at endgame. The challenge is to post a video of how fast you can kill the last boss in eCC. The rules are simple, you can use whatever gear you have and you are allowed to wipe as often as you like to get the fastest run you can. Here is our fastest:

    From when we engaged (after he finished his first bloodbath and entered drunken rage) to when he died was 8 seconds. Our Party composition was righteous DC (zoe), MoF CW (Me), SS ren (Freedom), buffer GF (littleknight) and GWF (Snoo Snoo).

    Enjoy racing that :)

    I have an objection to your thread title, PVE is too easy. I think you can guess what my objection is but as a hint to others, how many millions of AD have you spent in the last few weeks uprading your CW and how long do you think those starting eCC having just met the requirements will reach the level of gear employed by that group?

    This is what its like with a well geared group, but if you want, look in my sig at the eCC guide to see what its like with a 2k group :p Hint: its still easy, it just takes ~10 minutes longer at the last boss.
    Ok then I challenge you to recruit 2k-2.5k players from LFG in PE 5 times and post a video of each run under PVE is too easy :p

  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User

    Ok then I challenge you to recruit 2k-2.5k players from LFG in PE 5 times and post a video of each run under PVE is too easy :p

    Why should he?
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