From the time Underdark launches to one month after, all adventurers will be able to claim a free pack from the Rewards Claim Agent! Find out what's inside the Underdark Explorer's Pack:

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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I was going to say that my only concern is that stealth sight mechanic is really going to be tough on TRs but it really only affects PvP anyway so I don't mind.
P.S. And now I must return to making many, many pairs of pants.
Is it just me or all these tool-tips feel against tr and give some advantages of tr to other player class. what is next an artifact with stealth power?, while some of the classess have stealth, perma root, healing, triple daily, 6 encounters in a row, why tr is the only one that irritating people that much and seem unfair?
No matter what i say it won't change anything against the majoritys will and no matter what game creators do i'll use my beloved tr even if it means solo all the time, because tr is not a character class it is the way of life. some people look their toons that way. now half of the comment is nonsense main part is first half, sorry about that
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
"Once Underdark launches on November 17, all adventurers will be able to claim a free Underdark Explorer’s Pack"
and then on the bottom...
"The Underdark Explorer’s Pack can be claimed once per account and is only available until 12/17 at 10am PST for PC players." what now this pack will be only available for couple of hours and if I am at work I won't be able to take it?
Why don't you just send it via the mail or something?
That is (once again) quite unfair for people like me who are not sitting on the PC 24/7 (believe it or note - such people do exist)...
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
They're giving you a month to get it ...
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Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
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Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Btw. will there be any promotion codes send out, to win former players back to the game with Underdark?
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
I will never get this... Why do they make these gifts/freebies/rewards/events for players and then add RNG to them? Gift's should bring happiness not frustration. I (used to) play all classes so I'll get use from whichever ring I may get, more or less. Let me say this again though: this is not how you do an event!
I still hope, though, that we'll be able to chose. If not ... does anyone even care anymore?
"Gloomwrought Weapons: These sinister weapons will help any character below level 30 quickly plow through enemies so they can experience Underdark at level 60."
But the tooltip for the Explorer's Pack says levels 1-60.
So, if this if for characters below 30, why it granted to characters below 61?
Just checking.
I have a couple of 30 ish alts that I thought of using to open the Pack, so I wanted to make sure first.
You get both the main hand and the off hand.
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Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I've yet to claim my pack though. Might not really need the coupons depending on what kind of Yanksgiving-related sale we get.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
ring of demorgorgon rank 4 :
" Hitting a foe you have a15% Chance to disable his encounter and dailies for 30seconds, only activates all 30seconds..."
The skilled TR i met do good against my class
Since this class has
-->deflectseverity, 75% ITC, and 4 megadodges
All they got to do is stack some deflect, some go >50% thats impossible for my class + some lifesteal and all is fine
courage breaker in a smokebomb area is allways a pleasure
Only the ones who succ on any class will cry