Ive lost roughly 3-400k (if not more honestly) AD since the time frame, I just bought VIP rank 4 before this (silly me) and was super exited to have even more keys to run DD's with. Roughly 50% of my entire runs have been bugged and apparently might have lost out on a Emblem Artifact as well.
Chest Bug Compensation Poll. 79 votes
Give us back our VIP payout if we spent money.. We buy it for AD advantage thank you!
Double Seals and Double AD please for as long as the chests are bugged, your wasting our time here folks.
Meh, whatever.. I run 2 skirms a day and call it quits.
2 votes
I only PVP.. whats a chest bug? Sounds unhealthy.
2 votes
Cryptic.. it might be nicer weather where you live, but its getting cold here now! Fix stuff would you, I would be happy with that!
We cannot loot the end chest so we lost hunderst or even 1k Protector and elemental seals .
And even in tiamat and skirmish the loot was bugged we didn't got wat was promised by the chest .
Pls do somthing we played for nothing during this 3 day "or more" .
Dubble AD and SEAL event where nice.
Though whether we'll GET it...
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
BTT: Count me in. Waiting for double AD all the time, don't have any more space to store items for salvage.
At worst, people lost opportunity for loot (I myself not run any more dungeons after I experienced the bug), some seals (I probably lost more seals just by forgetting to use them), and one non-free key (who would use another non-free key after that).
I agree double AD and seals would be fair compensation for the inconvenience and letdown
The bug is getting stuff, and when you click "Accept" you get NOTHING apart from a "Inventory full"-message... ...even though it isn't.
I remember in an MMORPG I played in 2000-20005, if there was a problem like this they worked 24/7 (never did it go to that extent as it was fixed that day (patching the patch we called it)) and hot-fixed it very quickly. It baffles me to see a bug like this that pertains to loot which = player's happiness,player progression, economy etc. to be so over looked by this company. Those of you that want to defend them...It doesn't take weeks or months to find chest loot bugs, IF it does they should look for a new employees.
I'm guessing Nov 17th chest loot bug might be fixed, don't hold your breath.
Or even longer, depending on how long it'll take to get this sorted.
Fixing e.g. the (somewhat gamebraking and -spoiling) "Blade Run" exploit took like three or four weeks AFTER it went game-wide.
...oh the belief and trust one can see in these unspoiled naive children... :^D
All they seem concern with currently is draining peoples AD stores.
If I had to vote, I'd say a double seals/double AD weekend isn't a bad idea.
...erm. Yeah.
Sure, probably because we didn't do enough test DD runs (pointless as no use for the rewards) on the secondary test server pre patch...
(OK, yeah, sure, let's not open the QC can of worms here...)
Basic point IMHO:
- C bugged them. Players couldn't get their goodies due to that (Daily decremental reward system, remember???).
- A day double loot for a day no loot is IMHO fair...
...nuff said.
I have not run any dungeons since this bug was discovered and somehow have had plenty to do. With a double refinement weekend and an event going on, plus stronghold quests, dailies and farming, there is more than enough to do. If you're bored with that content, that's an entirely separate matter, one which the upcoming campaign will address but since the developers are actively working on the bug, all you're entitled to in that regards is perhaps an apology.
So either A.. dont run any.. loss or B.. have a small chance the chests work.. still a loss.
ITS A loss either way! Its not fair to say its our fault at all.. we lose out whether we run them or not! How can you look at it that way?
What kind of logic is that? The major benefit of VIP is those 2 keys. (or whatever level you have yours at. )
Remove the 2 keys, which the bug has done, and you effectively remove 50% or more of the value of the pack! I bought the pack for the keys and now you are saying, oh well, your not entitled to use them, just buy them. What sort of business logic are you coming from? Selling services but with no real service? Seems odd to me and a poor way to run a business in the end.
I have no problem with the bugs, they happen, I have a problem when I pay out of pocket for a service and its removed.
If this broke under the old system.. (and it has many times by the way) I never complained.. because I DINT buy the items out of pocket, I just waited for it to be fixed. But they made us do this.. I didnt like it, in fact argued against it.
I don't see anywhere in my post where I sounded remotely "pissed". I think there are other posts where the people are more upset than I am. Yes, I know they are working on it. Your post is moot.