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Elemental Evil Issues Thread



  • resendetra#6387 resendetra Member Posts: 2 New User
    I have seen people saying that they're trying to grind to level 70 but when I updated and logged on, my character was magically level 70 with a forced respec. I understand the respec but I'm confused about being given level 70 right off the bat. I was previously level 60 before the update.
  • fastandfrivolousfastandfrivolous Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    > @resendetra#6387 said:
    > I have seen people saying that they're trying to grind to level 70 but when I updated and logged on, my character was magically level 70 with a forced respec. I understand the respec but I'm confused about being given level 70 right off the bat. I was previously level 60 before the update.

    You may have been in a lvl 70 area and got a temp bump to your char ("playing as lvl...") even your portrait in upper left corner shows 70... If you go to the char select screen it should show your unmodified lvl
  • deanblockley89deanblockley89 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    2 of the level 70 quests are bugged for me.

    1) refining enchantment shards.....

    I have completed the part 1 receiving the enchantment shards (lightning) but I sold them thinking I could just refine a different shard type (vorpal) as didn't want to waste a guaranteed upgrade using a ward...

    quest now stuck as can't refine the same shards I received from the quest. Can't abandon it. Refining a different type of enchantment shard does nothing... help!

    2) sharandar rewards.....

    Seriously how do you do this quest? Open the campaign menu.... check.... no completion!

    Can abandon the quest but does the same thing. Bugged quest????
  • deanblockley89deanblockley89 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    Ok so iv fixed one of the quests. Refining the shards HAS to be one of the 3 shard types you receive from the quest and you DON'T have to get a successful enchant, only ATTEMPT to for the quest completion.

    The sharandar quest seems bugged though but was on pc too so iv abandoned and given up as no carry on quests after
  • kishengajjarkishengajjar Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    There are at least two parts of the Spinward rise map where a player can get stuck in holes in the "giant's causeway" style boulders
  • maryrose101maryrose101 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Having reached level 70 and lucky for me my item score is 2250 because most of the epic dungeons need 2000 item score
    And there aren't that many epic dungeons
    I honestly preferred the old game as it was
    Gearscore level 60 epics
    This game now has been turned from a dungeons and dragons into another version of war craft! !
  • maryrose101maryrose101 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    I think MOD 6 is a let down now having reached the summit of 70 Very disappointed
    And not the Mod 6 that I thought I might be playing
  • anonymousrpanonymousrp Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    PERFECT BRIARTWINE Does not reflect damage back to the attacker at all times like its supposed to and tyrannical Threat cast time is freaking slow and the little freeze after casting makes it impossible to avoid getting ganked by mobs when casting it please FIX
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    I too see this bright orange arrow indicating a special quest but no special quests are available. Does anyone know if it goes away at 70?
  • zeerocoo1zeerocoo1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Soul Puppet gets locked out when going into final bosses when soloing dungeons. The problem is that it's alive and won't spawn in boss area for entire fight severely lowering dps due to no buffs/CA.
  • fallengodlokifallengodloki Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Had 14 celestial coins. Buy the artifact equipment chest (11 coins). This leaves me with 3 coins. Try to buy Elixir of Fate (3 coins).

    Error: Not enough coins.

    Check price. Check funds. Purchase again.

    Error: Not enough Coins.

    *table flip*
  • rwanauorwanauo Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    For me, the special quest arrow went away after doing the 2 you will get when you hit 70. (It drove me nuts too.)
  • zerakisralzerakisral Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I've only bought the first vip level, however when opening the daily pack I am still getting an epic dungeon key.
  • bagoatbagoat Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I sort of like the Golden Arrow. When I zone out and start to do stupid stuff like try to climb trees it says "HEY DUMB <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>! You're supposed to be leveling!!"
  • deanblockley89deanblockley89 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    For those soul puppet players scourge warlocks.... menu, help, exit dungeon. Rejoin. Puppet in boss fight.
  • magicalpwniesmagicalpwnies Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    The majority of the time when I use the paladin's sanctuary skill my character will raise his shield, but nothing will happen.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    Epic shores issue with Spawning, yesterday a bunch of us were in Shores, we had an issue with a player that quit before we had progressed to the Last campfire before the Boss, because he left loot dedicated to him on the ground we could not kick him for nearly 15 minutes, after that is when the fun started, every player who joined spawned at the last campsite and we could not connect, we kicked the first couple thinking it was bugged, then 3 came in together and spawned there as we had got one of our guys to leave to try and get him to spawn there so we could try the Dread Vault trick to resolve the issue
    After they left the full horror of the anti Kick routine hit us and the two of us left could not get other players in so we had to quit.
    I doubt the anti boot looting measures intended this consequence however it really does suck when a bug like this hits you in a dungeon :(
  • b1gb0yk1ll3rb1gb0yk1ll3r Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    reclamation rock quest helping with repairs is bugged while fixing spot they are not all registering that you have made a repair and will not count towards the total needed. I fixed close to 20-25 to get my 10 needed to complete it was kind hit or miss if it would take or not
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    @b1gb0yk1ll3r its a glitch and I just had to abandon the mission and then accept it again, then it worked. For me at least.
  • deanblockley89deanblockley89 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    Ok serious issue here not sure if first to notice it. Playing lostmouth got past scorpions and 1 player had dc'd for half the dungeon so we vote to kick them. One problem... u vote to kick, vote success. Then it says ... player joined the group. ... player left the group. Name still there saying disconnected.
  • cataclysm024cataclysm024 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    i havn't been able to play anything through queues for the past two days. Whenever i join a queue and the dungeon pops i enter but am not in the group. I always seem to get and error code that starts with RAIDID_Lich1_(numbers)_(numbers).

    At first i figured it was just a simple bug, so i logged out, changed characters, waited till next day ect. Now, two days later i still have the same problem.

    Being it's a 2x Seal weekend it's getting rather annoying.
  • cybergutscyberguts Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Since the update, 2 of my 6 Characters aren't able to invoke
    Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
    BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
    Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
    Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
  • xxmrbendyxxxxmrbendyxx Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Account server not connection for quite a few of us atm. Done all the resets still wont log in
  • bronitazbronitaz Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Serious and Huge issue: Rogue is now a piece of unplayable garbage of a class.
  • smallknivessmallknives Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    bronitaz said:

    Serious and Huge issue: Rogue is now a piece of unplayable garbage of a class.

    Highly wrong I still melt people
    KNIVES - 70 TR
  • zunamarzunamar Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Bought 7 star mental gauntlets used up 4 of them in thayan lair without recieving any of the shown items??? Playing as @sunamar at Xbox one
  • patruciuspatrucius Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    There are 2 new issues with PvP since mod 6 launched.

    1. Prior to mod 6, PVP matches wouldn't start unless both teams had at least 4 people. Now, matches frequently start with completely unbalanced teams, its not at all uncommon for games to be 5v1, 5v2 4v1, etc...

    2. Before mod 6, leaving a PvP match where your team had 3 or fewer players wouldn't incur a leaver penalty. This is no longer the case. With the ridiculous frequency of the first bug, this has become a serious problem as staying in a match that starts out as a 1 or 2v5 is not an especially rewarding experience for anyone.
  • patruciuspatrucius Member Posts: 24 Arc User

    I now hear people talking, background noises, coughing and other Mic noises when I'm not in a group. Not sure if it's stuck from PvP or what but it's sorta creepy to suddenly hear someone or something when solo grinding....

    Now that you mention it, I've experienced this as well, and it is quite disconcerting to suddenly hear someone talking or sneezing or eating potato chips when I haven't been in a group or party with anyone for an hour or more.
  • opsho2opsho2 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Since the upgrade my armor score has dropped down to 1200 and I can no longer access epic or lvl 60+ dungeons (I'm lvl 62). Am I missing something or did something change?
  • thejawlivesthejawlives Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    Don't recall if this was brought up yet...can not complete "view rewards sharandar"...read this on the Google and apparently a common bug.
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