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  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Please listen.

    You should be able to have alts. Making your alts is great! I applaud. The problem is the existing incentive structure.

    In most games, if you have 8 characters, you can't level up 7 of them when you only spend your time playing the 8th. NWO didn't follow that logic. They made it so that you get the greatest benefit out of your characters not by playing them, but by having them exist, and then you can transfer stuff from those characters.

    I'm not calling you a cheater for having alts. I am just saying that the existing structure is bad game design.

    If there was such a "thing" as AD that was bound to account (let's say no way to transfer it from character to character, it wasn't used to purchase things on the AH, etc: that is, it was only used for Wondrous Bazaar items and those were BtC), then it'd be fine. Leadership would just be the thing your character does to boost itself. But instead we had a warped system that made having alts mandatory to keep pace just for boosting one character.

    Either you're playing a bait and switch here, and saying "because alts are justified, we should be able to have alts boost our main," or you're just not listening to what I'm saying.

    -the game should not be alt friendly
    -having alts makes you a cheater
    -the people who used leadership armies are in any way bad people

    -the incentive structure is designed in such a way as to encourage multiple characters who exist purely to gain in-game currency; this means those people who don't have an interest in having more than one character are at an inherent disadvantage.

    We can certainly argue about what a good fix is, and I agree this is NOT a good fix. But if you're going to argue with me, argue against those points because those are the points I'm saying, nothing more.

    I agree that the people who call F2Pers leaches and complain about leadership armies as cheaters are full of HAMSTER. Cryptic is basically using "bots" to refer to leadership armies, but I don't agree that that's good language choice. Please stop projecting your dissatisfaction with Cryptic onto me; I'm just trying to present the situation in a sensible way.
  • carlonomocarlonomo Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    I would still like the community manager or dev official opinion on having alts
  • ayumifujitsuayumifujitsu Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    What is this?! Some kind of a sick joke?! Talk about trying to lose the majority of the player database & NOT fixing the actual problem...
  • madnitezzmadnitezz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 36 Arc User
    Just wondering whether xbox one will get the same nerf..
  • cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    proudfish said:

    So it does appear they are going castrate leadership and leave us with no means of satisfactory AD gain in game.

    The sad thing is leadership kept many of us logging in and engaged, even amid many bug filled patches and lackluster updates. Where is the motivation to log in now? Hope we all have already bought VIP and are willing to invoke daily for bound bag clutter? Or perhaps run a few dungeons to get that insulting 3k ad/ea and rewards that are worth less than the price of keys?
    While you're praying, bend over more in hope your hoard enchants happen to work for a small amount of time (and drop something other then pearls) so you can update artifact gear? Seems if you don't have it refined already, you are out of luck.
    But you can (and should) always grind dailies, to progress? ...none of which give any AD.

    Maybe they aren't maliciously trying to get people to stop playing, and it's merely inept greed, but it's actually getting hard to believe anyone invested in this game could be this clueless and misinformed about it.

    True enough, I think they've completely discounted the fact that, for some people, various aspects of the game were what kept them engaged. The game has a lot to offer in terms of diverse options that allow you to set your own challenges. Someone may very well have enjoyed amassing wealth to satisfy their inner hoarder, some may like running dungeons and skirmishes, others solo content. So to those players, that 'is' the game. Regardless of what Cryptic expects or hopes this may achieve, the only thing that is a bona fide guarantee is that something once again has beeen removed without hope nor hint of some light at the end of the tunnel... and peeved a very large segment of their existing playerbase off in the process. Same can be said for the lost dungeons, and the smooth journey to level cap amongst others.

    This is obviously a fait de complis and tomorrow will be just another day at the office. I doubt the person responsible for this has lost any sleep. They have convinced themselves this is the correct move, and are likely invulnerable to reasoning in favor of ego. I'm sure there are members of the team that know this is a very poor path to take, but every second Friday they need to make rent. Those are the guys and gals I actually feel a bit sorry for. Noone wants to work for a moron... and I suspect there is a lot of anxiety about what Christmas will be like this year just from this one gaffe alone, nevermind the shopping list of other problems that have festered and emerged since the changing of the guard. Some of those folks probably have kids to feed. I feel for them, but I can not in good conscience drop one more dime into the game after this. There's been one too many ripoffs. It's kept me entertained and likely will for some time to come. If the game dies, then that's too bad, but it's just a game.

  • kaguzikaguzi Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    ok do not know if this has been address yet, but is RHIX going away ( i will missed that kobold) also I get ONE free dungeon chest key a day, am I going to have to pay another (3500 AD) to open a chest with 3000 AD in it?
    Plus are the BOON keys going to still cost 8000 - 20000 AD each after this "patch" And what about Dread Boons? Now cost 1000 AD for the first 7 time and 2000 AD the next 17 times for me to get the rewards. I only ask because if you are taking away my extra ability to earn AD will you at least ease some of the "taxes" I have to pay to play.
    BTW- not that it matters but I would just have made Leadership Task limited to only one of the same job at any given time. Instead of the 3 limit right now, And yes add me to the not to happy about this crowd. Other than weekend I get to play average 3 hours a day plus a log on before work to set up crafters and get last devotion done. Now I will have to spend most of that time running dungeons if I want my (must have) AD I thought you guys were better than WoW
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User

    Please listen.

    You should be able to have alts. Making your alts is great! I applaud. The problem is the existing incentive structure.

    In most games, if you have 8 characters, you can't level up 7 of them when you only spend your time playing the 8th. NWO didn't follow that logic. They made it so that you get the greatest benefit out of your characters not by playing them, but by having them exist, and then you can transfer stuff from those characters.

    I'm not calling you a cheater for having alts. I am just saying that the existing structure is bad game design.

    If there was such a "thing" as AD that was bound to account (let's say no way to transfer it from character to character, it wasn't used to purchase things on the AH, etc: that is, it was only used for Wondrous Bazaar items and those were BtC), then it'd be fine. Leadership would just be the thing your character does to boost itself. But instead we had a warped system that made having alts mandatory to keep pace just for boosting one character.

    Either you're playing a bait and switch here, and saying "because alts are justified, we should be able to have alts boost our main," or you're just not listening to what I'm saying.WHAT I AM NOT SAYING
    -the game should not be alt friendly
    -having alts makes you a cheater
    -the people who used leadership armies are in any way bad people

    -the incentive structure is designed in such a way as to encourage multiple characters who exist purely to gain in-game currency; this means those people who don't have an interest in having more than one character are at an inherent disadvantage.

    We can certainly argue about what a good fix is, and I agree this is NOT a good fix. But if you're going to argue with me, argue against those points because those are the points I'm saying, nothing more.

    I agree that the people who call F2Pers leaches and complain about leadership armies as cheaters are full of HAMSTER. Cryptic is basically using "bots" to refer to leadership armies, but I don't agree that that's good language choice. Please stop projecting your dissatisfaction with Cryptic onto me; I'm just trying to present the situation in a sensible way.

    Bad logic here. Very. And here's why. In any number of other games that I play online, I am able to take money, items, etc from ONE toon and give it to other toons. In all of those games, I have multiple alts, at least 6 or more. I can use any one of those alts to feed stuff to another, barring toons being on different servers or an item being toon bound.

    The AD leadship situation is no different. I earn the AD's on one toon, and use them somewhere else. Just like I might craft a ring on one toon, and give it to another. Leadership w/ multiple alts as it exists isn't mandatory. But it IS SMART playing. That some people have abused this system by creating 20 or MORE alts is the problem. Not the system itself.

    What you're not seeing is that this AD change is an extension of certain other policies that NW has enacted and is currently using. For instance, you used to be able to move storage bags around to various toons. But not anymore. All bags are bound to toon. Ditto any of the drops from the bags that you get from invocation, or even the ID scrolls that you get from VIP. Which, once you step back and look, is a system design DELIBERATELY constructed to make alts less viable.

    The more I think about it, the more that this AD change seems to be an attempt by NW to force a player to choose one or two toons and play ONLY those toons. Which to many people, including myself, would make the game not worth playing. It's all nice to have ONE super toon, I suppose, but the sheer amount of time needed to accomplish this WITHOUT help from something like the existing Leadership system is ultimately going to make the game no fun to play.

    OH. And if someone could drop a link that shows a DEFINITIVE quote that SHOWS NW devs are equating leadership "armies" to "bots" I'd like to see it.


  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    More of the STO treatment on NW cryptic?

    I dont understand cryptic why let us have alt characters if your just going to punish us for having them and in a round about way say were cheatng for using a feature you added to the game and allow us to use.

    So cryptic why not just take away the alt character feature that you seem to be punishing players whether it be here or STO for using ,im tired of you cryptic insinuating that we the players are cheating by using features you place in the game.
  • glowingemberglowingember Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    Wow. What a lovely patch note. Guess i'm no longer donating ad to stronghold coffers until all 20+ of my alts have mythic gear. I love playing my toons. I play all of them. I wish i didn't spam my friend lists every time i swapped alts. i feel sorry for them. I guess im forced to use leadership to gain rp and advance my alts that way. When i open my wallet several time a year to decide if a mod is worth it or not, it averages out to 10 dollars a month. I put up with bugs. I put up with balancing issues. I put up with strange content that i didn't ask for. Looking at you stronghold pvp.

    You have a hardcoded party system of 5 players and yet you insist on making content for larger parties.

    I payed my hard earned zen for 12 months of vip. That should be a decent amount of time to fix things and make amends.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    ...and of course, while fixes to gamebreaking patches have had to wait dor ten days, this AD fix has to be installed in an extraorrdinary patch & maint on Tuesday...

    ...you're really keen on losing players, huh?
  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    The game has been losing the fun, rewards by playing and excitement of the good old days. But let's talk about AD 1st:

    At 1st, I didn't like this Leadership nerf against players (not bots... there are hundreds of bots farming in-game right now and I don't see you going there and banning them ASAP). I use leadership to have a consistent amount of AD whenever I can. But if we think better, this change MAY BE heal the game economy, giving the small amounts of AD a meaning. BUT ONLY IF YOU PUT IT ON LIVE CORRECTLY... NOT AS RAW & BOLD AS IT IS RIGHT NOW!

    If you disable leggit players the hability to produce AD with Leadership (not counting hugh leadership armies) and you don't compensate them with really well-thought alternatives and do not reduce fixed prices like GMoPs, wards, dungeon keys, Zen store AND AD sinks... it will be just a nerf -plain and simple- and a lot of players will leave. So, after this change hit a lot of us, please complete the circle and adjust prices, drops, rewards, AD gain, rAD ref cap per day and the way we earn it.

    I don't like your idea. Rhix's mechanic was simple and useful... beyond your statement of dumb people "forgetting" them. This new system that force us to repeat content a lot more for AD, is awful! The AD gain that vary with time is awful x10. And adding automatic AD in PvP will be a disaster! Like everybody said, prevent this rather than counterback later, or we will be drowing under a mountain of bots and afkers. Beyond any player who pay or not a lot of money, it's obvious that 24k AD per day is not enough to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time and most people won't pay money for each single little update. A lot of people gave you good ideas and tips to tweak your new system, LISTEN TO THEM!

    I'm both PvEr/PvPr. I play ALL in-game content, except Foundry since Mod 4, I always find it boring and rewardless. So, about solo PvE content, groupal PvE content and PvP:

    On the last weeks of Mod 2, I was grinding my lvl 60 T2 armor set with a Gear Score of 10-12k :'). I was weak and more casual, but I was enjoying the game SO MUCH! Each time 4 pugs and I were able to finish a hard but fun, leggit and semi-long (fast and cheaty runs ruin the D&D journey) dungeon run (1 of 5 times more or less) the nerves and excitement about getting a BiS piece of gear from the chest start! Sometimes I ended up frustrated with a ring/belt/etc. But if I was lucky: "Yeeaahh... damn yes!!, I got the set piece guys!, I got my piece!!! Oh god! Such an awesome adventure". Tell me with which actually endgame content you get that amount of excitement, fun and joy???, the actual 6 dungeons and their rewards?, 2 skirmishes?, SH content?, the super stupid, boring and recycled Dragonflight thing?? We already had a hugh dose of dragons in 2 entire Mods about dragons and you added in Mod 7 more ¡dragons! Zzzzz -.-'' .

    The points here are:
    •Bring back all dungeons (including GG dungeons) and create new dungeons in the future.
    •Dungeons should be and remain as the prime and final step of end-game PvE content.
    •BiS and pre-BiS PvE gear have to be drops or chest rewards from dungeons, ALWAYS.
    •Make dungeons more rewarding, chests should contain a much wider array of items: RP, currency, AD, etc.
    •Seals, like seals of Elements and Protector, should be a currency to buy good but inferior end-game gear to use meanwhile you grind the dungeons for BiS gear. Also, seals should be use to empower BiS gear like the silly U. Elements do right now.
    •Regeants should be drops from bosses.
    •GMoPs (as necessary as they are right now) should drop from final bosses, a 10% chance i.e.
    •Make dungeons explorable and entertain, don't force us to do them like 'time trials'. I would be playing Need for Speed, not a D&D game.
    Conclusion: Now dungeons are excitement, super fun, desirable and highly played again.

    I'm dreaming with this but come and dream with me guys and devs. Put on live ALL skirmishes at lvl 70, from Blacklake to Aberrant Assault, also including MotH, DL, KR, SoT and adding (Need for Mead, a skirmish-like private instance that it's not much played due to it difficulty and little rewards right now). Who won't play, grind and enjoy a bunch of end-game skirmishes? You people... when was the last time you played Orc Assault, Rothe Valley's Defend the Village or Whispering Caverns skirmish?, and now even better... with a purpuse! You devs that have to recycle content for lack of time or resources, this one would be a big home run!

    The points here are:
    •Lvl 70 skirmishes should be consider as farmable RP content with different tiers. Final bosses dropping Zaphires or Black Opals i.e. depending their tier with a 10% chance. Chests also containing a peridot/aquamarine, AD and seals.
    •Add all forgotten transmutable items with unique looks. If you haven't notice, the variety of 'looks' that we have now is super small compare with what we had until Mod 6.
    •Nevermind CTAs events, just choose one skirmish and put in it special rewards like a companion, dyes, etc and it will still be a CTA with that chosen skirmish.
    Conclusion: Now skirmishes, apart from been excitement, desirable and highly played again... they increase the amount of groupal end-game content a lot... like a fresh and great content improve. And players more happy. Happy customers, more $.

    Please, if bot activity begin to increase in PvP, bring us solutions ASAP, don't wait until "Mod X: The return of Shadowmantle" to fix that, this lack of fast solutions had been super annoying, (i.e. still waiting the returning of ALL dungeons). PvP, if you have too much work and can't deal with PvP iniciatives to improve PvP contest, give players the tools to help! In the end, we (the players) who support/enjoy/play and spend some of our free time in-game, want the best for it... to keep supporting/enjoying/playing it. For example, create a Foundry contest with a juicy reward where players may create maps. We have had the same 2 Domination maps for a century more or less, plus 2 PvP areas (not much visited right now) and the new Gauntlgrym. Not counting new SH PvP which will be only played by hardcore PvP guilds once people already got their Lion set. The domination maps are pretty small and simple, so I can't believe that any good Foundry user wouldn't gladly create simple new maps for Dom and the devs just would do the final tweaks to put them alive, saving a lot of time and efford for themselves. Devs could simply thanks them with a Facebook spotlight-congratulations-photo post, a mount, a special companion, a Zen Market item or whatever. And instead of having the same old 2 maps for so long, we can have 4, 5 or whatever amount of PvP maps. And this could be just the begining, you could go on farther in some directions! I don't understand why you do not come out with these kind of ideas, the rewards would be for both sides. Also, you can copy and paste Icewind PvP areas and create new queues private instances for Dom PvP... you would have a new 5v5 or 7v7 map.

    Some things need to remain free to call it a "Free to Play" game. Right now, it's more "Free to roam" and not very much "Free to compete". I love this game. I want the best for it and the people who are part of it: players and devs. Listen to and between us, ask or pick up ideas from us, consult. For once and all, lets improve this game with the big potential it has. I'm here on the forums to help you devs more than to complain. Let us help you! Good luck all!
  • mikeofarcmikeofarc Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    The thing that really stands out here is the level of incompetence in the implementation of these major changes.

    For arguments sake, let's say earning AD from Leadership isn't good for the game, and needs to be changed. You don't just 'renovate' your house with a sledgehammer overnight. You need a solid design and plan, so your better half doesn't wake up in the morning in a pile of rubble and decide to leave you for someone with better DIY skills...

    This is a REALLY bad decision. Personally, I think they'll reverse it, either partially or fully, within a couple of weeks, once they realize they've lost a chunk of customers. I'd guess the damage will already have been done though.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    ...and of course, while fixes to gamebreaking patches have had to wait dor ten days, this AD fix has to be installed in an extraorrdinary patch & maint on Tuesday...

    ...you're really keen on losing players, huh?

    Well, it will probably take months before any changes are being made to ease the pain from this change, because they might now jump into working on Underdark.
    And my guess, Underdark will add even more bugs to the pile, because it will also be rushed out as all the modules before.

    Anyway, by the time they might even consider to come up with something to help the players gather more AD by "playing the game", there won't be that many real players still playing this game at all.

    NWO isn't the only F2P MMO out there, other MMOs are going F2P, new F2P MMOs are either going Beta or are being released... good luck to Cryptic on getting the players back into NWO.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    Can I at least produce 7 resonance bags per day now...? Wth good is leadership for now after this.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I don't think so, it will probably just be the same tasks with the same rules, only the AD is now missing from them.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    Can I at least produce 7 resonance bags per day now...? Wth good is leadership for now after this.

    Well it has a cool name, no?

    Sit back for 2/3 months and give the guys time to "look into this..." for God sake, they need to "review the data"...
    Don't be a kid asking you want things NOW! B)

    Looking at the initial post from the dev, they can't do the simple math so yeah, they need to get this time to think about what they've done lol.

    PE will be a bit more empty, but we will still have some instances in Neverdeath. I wonder why there are so many players in there :*
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • osterdracheosterdrache Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    Haha! Good one!

    Best thing to do is, advice everybody you know not to spend a single dime on this game. Vote withyour wallets.
  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Haha! Good one!

    Best thing to do is, advice everybody you know not to spend a single dime on this game. Vote withyour wallets.

    Already done. Of the 15 personal friends who were still playing 13 of them are quitting. The other two are gluttons for punishment unfortunately. One of the idiots has already spent over $1200 (Canadian) on this game . . . which I was the idiot who enticed him to join us in playing .

    Don't feel bad about it man. We've all put a lot of money in this game only to see it not being worth a HAMSTER.

    The sad part is that no matter what will happen, there will still be people who have the "faith that dev's will make the game better" = feeding this company with money they do not deserve.

    I personally find it insulting and it makes me sick each time I see a stupid move and than a charge bonus or key's sale is announced.

    I will just grab a cold beer and sit back to enjoy the mayhem B)
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • zorothegalladezorothegallade Member Posts: 32 Arc User

    Haha! Good one!

    Best thing to do is, advice everybody you know not to spend a single dime on this game. Vote withyour wallets.

    Already done. Of the 15 personal friends who were still playing 13 of them are quitting. The other two are gluttons for punishment unfortunately. One of the idiots has already spent over $1200 (Canadian) on this game . . . which I was the idiot who enticed him to join us in playing .

    I quit the game, and my leader of a 100+ accounts guild stated that he got in contact with our "sibling" guild leaders and they're in the process of quitting as well, so the guild is going bye bye as well.
  • blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Be nice if we could get a refund for all the wasted Zen we brought supporting this game, because if alienating the player base is what they are after they are succeeding and that only has one outcome...
  • absolynavi3absolynavi3 Member Posts: 31 Arc User

    Hi all,

    A good community needs two things, people with good ideas, and someone to listen to them and put it ingame.

    Sadly it's not common to find either of those in any forum, and since last months this is getting worst and worst, but I'm glad to find this kind of proactive positive posts from time to time. The one (among others) from "aleblain" (can't quote due chars limitation) seems very interesting to me.

    Please, mods, CM, Devs, forward those messagges to someone with weight inside the company, someone able to take decisions, and let them know that the road they're walking in goes to a dead end... with a huge and painful wall at the end... they've loose the perspective... We all know a company or corp or whatever is made to make proffit... and if you look further in order to achieve this, you should ensure your customers are satisfied with your product, and if not, hear what they are saying and take the correct meassures... the way they're treating the game, with decisions far from correct, are poisoning the community and each day they're loosing customers.... players... so, at least in the name of their own proffit, please hear what the community is trying to tell you/them, with nice options like the one I quoted, and make this game fun and playable againt so all of us/you win...

  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Divide et Impera (Latin)
    Divide and conquer
    Good job Cryptic!

    But it's not clear what they will conquer at the end....

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • farquat2farquat2 Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    If you were actually paying attention, you'd realize that the argument isn't that you're not supposed to have alts, it's that the alts should exist for the alt's sake.

    Uh, this is exactly what many of us have been complaining about. We have alts, that we PLAY (or at least, would LIKE to, but it's near impossible, due to the changes in Mod6). So, in your terms, the alts "exist", 'cos we WANT them to. However, you previously lumped us as "Botters", since we had alts and since we have alts we're obviously "exploiting." That's a pretty baseless assumption and I'm pretty sure you realize you're being the first three letters of that word, by making the assumption that we've got alts to "buff" our "mains."

    Once again, both your logic and argument, are flawed.
    THIS! I used to rotatate through my alts. Played all of them, I have 11 total. I only stopped playing 1, since I decided I didn't like the Path after ~level 50 (GW fighter, Iron Vanguard), and I had a Swordsman already. With the advent of Artifact gear, I gave up on most of them. With Elemental Evil, I stopped playing. I came back recently, with the adjustment, but decided I would only play 3. Now, I'll probably quit if this happens.

    I'm not a fanatic, play to win type. This isn't the only game I play. If this is endemic to free-to-play, I'll stay with the subscription model thank you. I subscribe to Champions Online. Between my wife and I, we've probably spent close to $1000 over the life of the game.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,047 Arc User
    Check out other F2P games, and you will find out, that this has nothing to do with F2P itself.
    F2P does not have to turn out as some Players vs. Devs/Managment showdown.

    "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

    It would be better to really listen to player feedback, and at least come up with something, boths sides can agree to, and not just go into the forum, drop the information and then just vanish again...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    The evidence that neither the Devs nor the Mods or anybody amongst the suits plays the game is clearly here.

    1. Testing done in GOD MODE, with a rank 12 and fully enchanted char, witnessed it many times during these 3 years and during PVP alpha test. EPIC FAIL

    2. What is any, i repeat any profession good for now? The old professions were made useless with Mod 6, now LS is dead and who will have the money to make or personalize a jewel?

    3. Since SH prices aren't adjusted to zero AD income now, where shall we get those hundreds of millions? Does Cryptic believe, that after losing our TRUST- repeatedly now- a sane person will spend thousands of dollars into SH? What will we do? No old dungeons to play, no professions, just 3 PVP modes full of exploiters and now soon with bots, zero ELO, zero matchmaking.

    Devs should have addressed these 3 year old bugs, not make this HAMSTER patch. Hey suddenly they got time and man power, how interesting.

    5. How shall a new or fairly new player advance now? Does Cryptic believe, that anybody will pay now thosusands of dollars after this game is nearly empty. Most people have eyes and use them, they can't be fooled so easily now. Even the most naive player will see guilds go down the drain, SH getting empty, guildies leave, etc.

    5 Last but not least, what shall we do with all the alts? I clearly remember the Mods here on Forum advertising their huge leadership army! Most of us didn't have that many, i personally have only 10 toons and most of them aren't lvl 20, cause i started LS very late and i played each class until Mod 6.

    What shall we do now in a lackluster game like this now? Chat all day? Hell since Mod 6 many of us are more in chat and at guildie rescue, than playing our toons.

    The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
    Robert E. Lee

    I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
    Winston Churchill

    The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
    David Icke

  • megasvassiliosmegasvassilios Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 23 Arc User
    i think that this change was needed a long time ago. It's a step to the right direction.

    Lets face it all the BiS characters are those with leadership army, not countless hours of play nor real money.
    Only leadership armies.
    You can easily get 200k+ AD/day with only 20+ toons and there are a lot of players with many more. You can do the math. There are no real money that can buy this amount of AD every single day.

    It's total unfair for a player who really likes one or two classes and enjoys playing them for countless hours not to be able to come at least close to those with leadership armies. (i dont even mention casual players for the last 2 mods, they are doomed).

    So out of the sudden the player who plays all day cannot go to end game dungeons due to IL and the one that never plays but has a leadership army can go everywhere and kicks the one who plays.

    I understand sometimes the need to play different classes to know the class mechanics but this leads to at most 10 toons.
    And im sure no one enjoys playing all classes. After all this is DnD. We all have a favorite class. But i'm sure that's not the intention of creating all those toons.

    Of course as many others already stated this change must be followed by a lot more changes.

    1. lower the costs of gmops and coals
    2. if not total cancellation of last module at least no sinks of surplus and ADs (but there are many more reasons why srongholds is the worst to day module)
    3. Increase of RPs, ADs, drops in dungeons, skirmishes at least to some of them

    p.s. I have also 7 toons, 1 main and only 1 more that i enjoy playing (lvl 56 at the moment). Some created for the sigils others for testing the gameplay, only 1 lvl 70, 2 with leadership 20 and I don't mind at all stripping the ADs from leadership.
  • cheyennemountaincheyennemountain Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Maybe something will be explained in the livestream during the patch......
    Morgana CW
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    kemi1984 said:

    PE will be a bit more empty, but we will still have some instances in Neverdeath. I wonder why there are so many players in there :*

    They might just be enjoying the friendly atmosphere and stylish settings? :D
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User
    Why do you all worry so much. This goes live today and on Thursday they will say they had another hacker attack on the servers and need to revert everything to before Tuesday. ;)
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    LMAO the bots are already runing skirmishes and siting afk at camp fires and now we cant kick them properly.
    this is going to make a hell of a lot of ppl quit, who will want to sell somethign they payed 8 mill a d for to somone for 200k ad because the rate of ad gain has changed? no one will, you dotn have to feed your family in VR u can sit on it and be part of those that came before, those that come after just wont be able to take part unless they spend $6000us to buy zen to buy ad with, and NW realy isnt that good to expect a new player to fork out that kind of money to be on a par with someone that is already BIS. hopefully you dont bring out any content in near future that forces people into gear comparisons with others or your not going to attract many new people, your definately going to lose a number over this.
    im one of the few people that didnt have a leadership army because im frankly not that organised. and i can tell u with a 2k+ character of 6 difernt classes about the most i can make in a full day of intese play in a very active 140+ acount member guild is about 100k with dailys ect (they forgot to mention the domination battlemasters dailys in ther ebreakdown of old and new) you get 1/2 -1/3 of the ad u did for pvp now (dom battle masters meant to have 2 quests but after the first time u did it since like mod 6 it hasnt shown up 1 of the 2)
    but bravo on making sure no one ever challenges the riches of those who are already rich apart from botting out 1 billion r5s or forking out $1000s i doubt the wealth balance or peoples respective place in economy will be able to change much from here on in
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