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Astral Diamond Changes



  • odelle12odelle12 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    Hopefully they actually listen to all of this feedback and come to their senses.

    If these changes do go ahead then they are actively trying to kill this game. I don't know maybe it doesn't generate as much money as they want so they need to get rid of players?
  • garriusdetylmargarriusdetylmar Member Posts: 18 Arc User

    We believe we can make the Astral Diamond economy much more stable and uniform for all players. Want to earn AD? Play Dungeons, Skirmishes, and PvP whenever you have time! Check back soon for more information on future additional AD sources.

    Scott Shicoff
    Lead Designer
    Is this a joke, Scott? You guys cut the majority of Skirmishes and Dungeons.
    There is always another dawn.
  • bryan1963bryan1963 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Does anyone think WoTC, Hasbro or any of the IP holders are up to speed with the current state of the game? It is after all supposed to coincide with their other market offerings. Their market share could take a hit from the game failing. Or am I completely clueless? (it happens)
  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    bryan1963 said:

    Does anyone think WoTC, Hasbro or any of the IP holders are up to speed with the current state of the game? It is after all supposed to coincide with their other market offerings. Their market share could take a hit from the game failing. Or am I completely clueless? (it happens)

    Read back a few pages my post about WoTC and Hasbro... ;)

    The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
    Robert E. Lee

    I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
    Winston Churchill

    The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
    David Icke

  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User

    We believe we can make the Astral Diamond economy much more stable and uniform for all players. Want to earn AD? Play Dungeons, Skirmishes, and PvP whenever you have time! Check back soon for more information on future additional AD sources.

    Scott Shicoff
    Lead Designer
    Is this a joke, Scott? You guys cut the majority of Skirmishes and Dungeons.
    Try it when both of your alts are in their 60's. The longest, grindiest, and flat out difficult part of the game...that now have no skirmishes that they can participate in.

  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    Well, the patch notes are up for tomorrow. As expected, no changes were made from the initial announcement.
  • alkemist80alkemist80 Member Posts: 957 Arc User
    Well, it's a done deal. Tomorrow's patch notes are up. Bye bye leadership AD. Was hoping I'd have at least until Thursday but it's not going to be.

    Banshee (Devotion Justice Oathbound Paladin) - Crueladevil (Soulbinder Damnation Scourge Warlock) - Sindania Balefire (Master Infiltrator Trickster Rogue)

  • b4rb4r1kb4rb4r1k Member Posts: 19 Arc User

    Well, the patch notes are up for tomorrow. As expected, no changes were made from the initial announcement.

    Yep, the end is nigh. You win Mr. Shicoff. Well played sir. Unfortunately I don't think you will like your prize. See you all in BDO this winter!!
    Well played indeed. The man can certainly stick to his guns. Even when they are pointed directly at his feet ;)
  • palad1n2palad1n2 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    When no Dev posted, i saw the light...as in the nuclear storm that is coming :pensive:
  • palad1n2palad1n2 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    And DDOS is my send off apparently, got kicked out of the game just now.
  • odelle12odelle12 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    So doesn't look like they will listen to their paying customers.
    Patch notes are going ahead with the AD changes :(
  • avengingangel36avengingangel36 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Hmm Maybe they should turn off *god mode* start from level 1, no gear boosts, like we all did at some point, then after a few hundred deaths or hours of grinding and low AD to even attempt to buy stuff to upgrade. Step back and think about how we feel. Um guess what devs without us, you have no job. Player loss = dead game = unemployed for you. Yet we will all move on to another game and so forth.. Read these comments, think about, read it three more times and think about what happened to the last bunch of devs that got replaced in the spring as your looking for work.. Just saying..
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    There are so many ways to make the game playable without leadership AD, but it just looks like none of them are being implemented.
  • deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User

    Well, it's a done deal. Tomorrow's patch notes are up. Bye bye leadership AD. Was hoping I'd have at least until Thursday but it's not going to be.


    Well, that was fast... Takes years to fix a single bug but less then a week to remove one of the most important aspects of the game.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Well, we'll see what happens when the dust settles.
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    deathbeez said:

    Well, it's a done deal. Tomorrow's patch notes are up. Bye bye leadership AD. Was hoping I'd have at least until Thursday but it's not going to be.


    Well, that was fast... Takes years to fix a single bug but less then a week to remove one of the most important aspects of the game.
    guess we know where all the resources that were too busy to be fixing old dungeons, or the foundy, or the bugs have been assigned.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Rush this out before Thursday without improvements. Especially for leadership. Leave it to gather dust for months in an unbalanced unrewarding state, after people invested millions and $$$ into it. Seriously.. EXP..!? By the time leadership is 25 your char is already level 70. A complete insult.

    Do dungeons, skirmishes which people are sick of at this point. Do pvp, ARE YOU KIDDING!? Grind twice as long for the same reward you used to get. Just perfect.... So the only way to get AD now is to bore yourself to death..
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Just award every account 24k AD a day. ACCOUNT! No alts needed~
  • hypnoticbeasthypnoticbeast Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    mattock13 said:

    This isn't bashing, just a potential explanation for things. Scott's comment about "expecting players to use the foundry" is definitely dumbfounding. For how long now have we been pleading with them to make the foundry relevant again? One need only look at spirals999's feedback thread in the Foundry forum to realize the issues.

    My concern is that if Scott is unaware of such longstanding issues, how can he fully grasp the gravity of the upcoming changes?

    Look at the changes from his mod 6 apology letter. The XP, difficulty, the EE zone grind, invocation, removed dungeons. On top of all of the mod 6 problems, the initial XP and difficulty changes were in the opposite direction of what was needed. That was a huge error that decimated my guild and friend list.

    Here's part of Scott's explanation of the difficulty changes.

    We upped the critter health because right now, once you had "good enough" damage on gear (weapons especially), not only didn't you feel the need to improve your gear, if you DID go through the effort of improving it, you didn't notice a difference because everything already died too quickly.

    Previously, once a player hit a certain threshold of damage output, defensive stats were all you wanted. This is no longer necessarily the case, especially as the player gets better at using their defensive tools and powers.

    It is worth mentioning that these changes also make power choice more important. Carrying disruption and control powers in your damage build now has a much more pointed benefit in solo content. Areas like Sharandar, Dread Ring, and Icewind Dale will still be very difficult solo, as was originally intended when they became level 71, 72, and 73 respectively.
    All things considered, he strikes me as out of touch with the game. Maybe he is getting bad info, maybe he's too busy to play it, who knows the cause. I just really hope he reads this thread and reconsiders before more damage is done.

    I can understand the whole "This will help be better at this" speech. But most of the players want to just push a key and set something on fire, cleave it in two, or poke it full of holes. I solo and thats because I have no Idea how to get half of the stuff in the game. I dont want to have to party up, just move the story or my player along. but someone says I have to now? That's where their problem comes from. I need more options the do it this way or none at all.
  • lunaruslunarus Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Okay I havent been playing lately, but now have picked back up. Even turned a few onto this game. I hope I can still do it solo at least and not be forced to party. The AD taking away from leadership is rediculous, go after the botters, it could not be that bad. I have seen the prices in the auction house, they are beyond asinine. These changes seem like they might be a hindernce to the game rather than an improvement..
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    Legit players make 24-48k a day, Cheaters run off and leave alt army of bots doing pvp and dungeons for them. Continue to make a lot of ADs. Fair as usual.
  • bilitheaxe66bilitheaxe66 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    Hope the average people who work for the PC side of this game have been putting together their resumes as this will kill the PC version of the game. Another game with plenty of potential will bite the dust within the next 6 months.

  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    The game will continue for as long as the contract with WotC demands it to continue. That have obligations to deliver a product, regardless of its profitability.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    If you're not playing the game anyway, why are you even bothering to log in?

    What value does claiming the VIP pack benefit give you? Just, like, stop playing. Yes, you don't get the benefits from your VIP pack, but so what? You're not playing the game anyway.
  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User

    You don't know what you are talking about. Most of us have legitimately leveled our alts. At most we have used the x2 XP events to level them quickly.

    We sit down using the client to manual invoke and set up out leadership on each and every toon. Don't confuse us with botters. Creating an 'Army of Leadership alts' as peeps are calling them is, and never has been, any form of cheating.

    The topic has come up in the past many times, and Cryptic has never, ever said anything about it and more than once has encouraged it.

    It talks forever and a day, or the expenditure of large amounts of AD/Zen to get alts up to where they are worth the effort of farming Leadership AD.

    Yup. I grinded the HAMSTER out of the original storyline for my 8 toons to have my "leadership army." I spend money to buy keys, to get leadership packs, bought them for AD off the AH, bought Adventurers and Men-At-Arms to upgrade to have 48 heroes. I had a system where I could log in through the gateway from my phone, or my work machine and make sure my income was maximized as much as possible, so I could equip ALL of my alts, as I wanted to play each and every class. Turns out, I only really got to play my GF, TR and DC and the DC didn't last long, 'cos how how crappy they were before all the "buff changes."

    They're just not making money anymore off the game. It's quite obvious. Why else would they make the VIP "subscription" service.

    LMAO! They really think we're THAT stupid...... XD
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    ghoulz66 said:

    Legit players make 24-48k a day, Cheaters run off and leave alt army of bots doing pvp and dungeons for them. Continue to make a lot of ADs. Fair as usual.

    You don't know what you are talking about. Most of us have legitimately leveled our alts. At most we have used the x2 XP events to level them quickly.

    We sit down using the client to manual invoke and set up out leadership on each and every toon. Don't confuse us with botters. Creating an 'Army of Leadership alts' as peeps are calling them is, and never has been, any form of cheating.

    The topic has come up in the past many times, and Cryptic has never, ever said anything about it and more than once has encouraged it.

    It talks forever and a day, or the expenditure of large amounts of AD/Zen to get alts up to where they are worth the effort of farming Leadership AD.

    What are you talking about? I'm talking about botters who run off and let their programs do the work for them.... not people who use leadership :\

  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    ghoulz66 said:

    What are you talking about? I'm talking about botters who run off and let their programs do the work for them.... not people who use leadership :\

    Um, everything you've seen lately, from Cryptic has been due to the "Leadership" problem with first the Gateway and then "botting" professions, in game. They blamed the botters for their letting the economy get out of hand (it's been this way for WELL over a year and a half, not just recently.) and you people jumped on the bandwagon, just like they wanted you to, blaming "the bots" for everything, when in reality it's just poor development and management.

    Face it, they made you a shill, Ghoulz.

    Only..... they're not paying you. ;P
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Just a reminder:

    Cryptic uses "Bots" synonymously with "leadership army."

    They really don't care if you're actually manually managing those 20 characters, they just don't want you to be using them to boost your main.
  • methuselasmethuselas Member Posts: 275 Arc User

    Just a reminder:

    Cryptic uses "Bots" synonymously with "leadership army."

    They really don't care if you're actually manually managing those 20 characters, they just don't want you to be using them to boost your main.

    And what if you wanted to have, like myself, 8 "mains?" In the 30 or so years I've been playing PnP D&D, I've *NEVER* just had "one character."

    Flawed logic.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    ghoulz66 said:

    What are you talking about? I'm talking about botters who run off and let their programs do the work for them.... not people who use leadership :\

    Um, everything you've seen lately, from Cryptic has been due to the "Leadership" problem with first the Gateway and then "botting" professions, in game. They blamed the botters for their letting the economy get out of hand (it's been this way for WELL over a year and a half, not just recently.) and you people jumped on the bandwagon, just like they wanted you to, blaming "the bots" for everything, when in reality it's just poor development and management.

    Face it, they made you a shill, Ghoulz.

    Only..... they're not paying you. ;P
    They didn't need bots for leadership to go overboard, anyone can micro alts with an hour to spend.

    They forgot about caterday and the AD bug exploit from the resonators.

    That's why the xBox economy is healthy because it never been through those...
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