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Rise from the Ashes



  • harlequinnbraznharlequinnbrazn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Thank you so much, William, for the praise; I'm always happy to hear when the guild is working out for others the way it has for me. I'm sorry I wasn't able to properly welcome you yesterday but hopefully we'll get to run some dungeons or daily quests soon.

    Fooz; I'd be happy to get ahold of you on XboxOne (if Blue hasn't already) and give you an invite to the guild and a party chat (if we have one going) so you can have a chance to meet some of us and see if we're what you're looking for. I'll send you a message on XBL as soon as I have a chance to log in.

    Lower Leveled?
    For lower leveled players looking at our guild, I would like to add some info regarding that: we don't mind. We have a number of lowered level players in our guild currently and, honestly, we LOVE helping you guys level up quickly and speed running you through quest areas and dungeons (if that's what you'd like to do). The last couple days there have been a group of us using our level 60 characters to help out some 4-26 leveled members get through the story line (which can feel monotonous at times) and it's a blast for everyone participating.

    Don't want to speed run things? Not a problem either, we're happy to simply provide help through the party chat or text chat system by answering questions or offering advice.

    If you're not quite sure if we're what you're looking for I STRONGLY suggest hopping in a party chat with us and simply seeing if we're the sort of people you'd like to doom yourself quest with. :)
    <Officer of Rise from the Ashes.>
  • fortyoneoverparfortyoneoverpar Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    lf guild - new to NW (3 months), years of exp on WoW, TOR, DCUO. looking for a guild that's active midnight-4am EST M-Sa, noon-4a EST Sundays. devoted healer and tank; I have little interest in dps. 10k DC main, 8.5 HR, L23 CW, L30 GF. going to roll a Pal when the xpac drops. i'm a social player and a daily grinder, but not a min/max-er. it's important to me that guildies are online late nights when i am. if you think we might have a fit, messg FortyOneOverPar on XBL. thanks.
  • harlequinnbraznharlequinnbrazn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Hey there, Forty. I'll be happy to get ahold of you on Xbox live and get you set up with a guild invite or party chat to see if we're what you're looking for.

    We have members all over the world so we're bound to have a few members on during M-4a. The Sunday timeframe will definitely have some people as a bunch of us enjoy gaming during the early afternoon.

    We're definitely a social guild though, so no worries there, there's a party chat running jevery day for hours at a time whether we're able to use Mics at the time or not.
    <Officer of Rise from the Ashes.>
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Hey Forty this is Blue. I have an idea that might be up your alley. I will message you with the details.
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    William, thank you for the compliments about our guild. It is that type of experience that I want every guild member to have each and every time they get on. I am glad you are a part of the team and welcome to the tribe.
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • edjuk8dedjuk8d Member Posts: 1 New User
    Are you still accepting requests from those looking to join a guild? If so, I would like to be considered for membership. My XBL GT = EDJuk8d. I'm fairly new to Neverwinter (don't know how I missed this game, it's awesome). I am on most days between 1800-2300 CST (GMT-6). Currently play a CW (lvl 26) am mostly self sufficient but enjoy the comradery that comes with a group of like minded individuals. I look forward to hearing from you.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I have added you to my friends list and when I see you hop on I will add you to the guild. Welcome to the tribe
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • cblackthekidcblackthekid Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Just joined up with Rise from Ashes couple days ago and has been a great experience thus far. Being new to Neverwinter, and MMOs in general, its a little overwhelming how much there is to this game. There has always been someone on to answer questions and help with my quest to lv 60. nearing level 40 now and its amazing how much you can learn by listening and having some direction from veteran players.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Thank you Black very much. I look forward to running with you more and enjoy having you a part of the team
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • drsd13drsd13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    i don't mean to be duplictius(sp?) LOL can ya send a invite. If ya'll saw me and went to group me i am sorry have had some bad luck on that. I plan to get a mic late tomorrow night if not friday! i am excited LOL
    Playing and using Facetime is not all that great. a mic would definatly be easier LOL
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I have added you to my friends list and when I see you on I'll invite you to the guild
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • indominusrektsindominusrekts Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Reading through all the comments I think this is an awesome guild to join especially with mod 6 rolling up around the corner. Although I'm not new to neverwinter I know there is so much to learn still. I have 5 level 60s (GF,HR,TR,CW,GWF) 1 level 50 (DPS GF) and 1 level 40 (SW). I don't have a true main but deciding on sticking with the GWF and GF.
    My GT: [indominus Rekts]
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I've added you to my friends list and when you get on I'll invite you to the guild
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • xrawcarnagexrawcarnage Member Posts: 384 Arc User
    Just wanted to add that this is a good guild. I just recently joined and everyone has been very nice so far. I've ran some dungeons and shores on multiple occassions. Seems like everyone is either down to run or chat. So friendly guild. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a guild. This guild is growing everyday. Also the guild leader sends out regular updates about the guild and info on anything upcoming in the guild, game etc.
  • jayare411jayare411 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Interested in joining.... TR 60 w/ GS around 10k.
  • harlequinnbraznharlequinnbrazn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Hey, Jay, I'll be happy to shoot you an invite as soon as I log onto Xbox if Blue doesn't beat me to it (which he's done many times in the past). :)
    <Officer of Rise from the Ashes.>
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Hey Jay I will add you to my friends list however I have some family activities going on today and won't be on till later today so Harley will probably get ahold of you before me today. Lol welcome to our guild and just hang out with Harley for a bit and she will walk you through how we do things.
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • theghostrumtheghostrum Member Posts: 1 New User
    > @bleedinblue755 said:
    > If you would like me to contact you please leave a message here

    Hi, I am new to rift (level 12 CW) and looking for a guild to chat and enjoy the game with. I am not new to MMO so picking up pretty quickly. Please invite me so I can help out. I do not have a keyboard and prefer to voice chat.
    GT: The Ghostrum
  • harlequinnbraznharlequinnbrazn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Sorry, wasn't on the game much today but I will be hopping online after the hubby and I pick up some dinner. I'll be sure to add both Jay and Ghost to my friends list and get you both added up to both the guild and a party chat.
    <Officer of Rise from the Ashes.>
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I have added you to my friends list and welcome to the guild
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • russiansamborussiansambo Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Hey there.. I've got 2 lvl 60 characters so far.. One TR and one DC.. Both still relatively low gear scores.. I'm also working on a lvl 24 HR and am extremely interested in the Paladin when it comes out..

    I've been looking for an easy going laid back guild/group who are mainly into PvE and don't take the game too seriously. Also, still learning and figuring out the finer points of the game.

    One can never have too many awesome people to game it up with!

    If you're still looking for a new member, my gamertag is Meeknweak.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I have added you to my friends list and either myself or one of my officers will get ahold of you and get you in
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • squid55squid55 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hi. I am completely new to Neverwinter (but not MMO's). If you don't mind rookies my GT is Thanx4tehfish
  • spookyvaporsspookyvapors Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    I'm interested. Have a 15.3K Spellstorm Renegade CW.
    Sent a msg too. I won't have time to chat today but probably tomorrow.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I have added both of you and will be getting you in the guild
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • scottiedottiescottiedottie Member Posts: 1 New User
    hello I have a lvl 60 cleric and would like to join

    gt pimpnstick
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Ok I just got off for the night but I'll add you first thing in the morning please add me to your friends list as well thanks
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • cadmancancadmancan Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Looking for guild to join. Xbox one handle is xCadmancanx, Level 25 Control Wizard called Redrum and have been soling so far. Would love to be part of the group. Plan on logging in today around 6.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I'll add you to my friends list and get you in the guild.
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • cadmancancadmancan Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Thanks bleedinblue755
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