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Rise from the Ashes

bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
Rise from the Ashes is actively seeking new members to join the team. We have brand new players and highly experienced ones and everything in between. All are very helpful and willing to do what it takes to help you succeed because our train of thought is the more successful you are the more successful our guild is. we all get along and all work well together we are not a boot and loot guild we play end game and daily grind we have players on both sides of the pond and of all ages I only ask that you are active and have a mic. If interested look me up xb gamertag Bleedin Blue75
Rise from the Ashes guild leader
Post edited by bleedinblue755 on


  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    We are growing very steadily thanks to your response to the forums still looking for more to join us
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    If you would like me to contact you please leave a message here
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • zeroregret75zeroregret75 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I have level 60 scourge warlock soul binder and would be interested in joining. You can message me on Xbox zeroregret75.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Invite sent welcome to the tribe
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • ladyjanylealadyjanylea Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    is there a minimum gs?
    DC 70 Lady Van Hasting, TR 70 Samhain, OP 70 Santa Claus
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    is there a minimum gs?

    Nope come on over
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • mosshopper69mosshopper69 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    My gimp rogue needs a barbaric ring of shore. Do I get one for joining Blue? )

    Joking aside this is a good guild to join. Very helpful and fun to play with. Give him a shout.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Lmao what did you do with the one I gave you lol did you sell it
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • dilweed89dilweed89 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I've been looking for a guild to join. level 40 trickster rogue. Xbox GT Dilweed89
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I will add you to my friends list shortly and send you an invite
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • freshboyardeefreshboyardee Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Hey there I'm intrested in joining, I play a Hunter Ranger (60), My gear scores almost 10k. I recently started playing on a daily bases, but I'm still learning. My gamer tag is Fresh B0yardee, feel free to add me or message me back on here, Thanks.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Added you to my friends list as soon as neverwinter gets fixed I'll invite you
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • ratrod3347ratrod3347 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Level: 16
    Great Weapon
    I have been looking for a guild,ijust started playing. I play almost every night (I work 8-5 M-Fri) and im on every weekend till 5-6 in the morning.let me know it your interested.
  • dontejay24dontejay24 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Hello, I'm so new to this game. Looking for people to game with and have fun with.

    Dontejay is my game tag.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I added both of you to my friends list and when I hop on I will send you an invite
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • razalkunnrazalkunn Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    ok in in now. :)
  • vimes0xvimes0x Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Lvl 60 GF looking for active/supportive/mature guild. my Gs sucks and I need to do a lot of (most of) the campaign and could use some help getting through it all.
    I play mostly weekend/evenings (GMT)

    GT- "Vimes X"
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I will add you guys please add me to your friends list and when I hop on I will send you an invite
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    razalkunn wrote: »
    ok in in now. :)

    I couldn't find you on xb1 what is your gt
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    We have been getting a lot of new recruits for our guild. So thank you all!!!

    One thing about our guild that makes us different than alot of other guilds . We are a group of men and women that rely on one another and we all expect that no matter who you are, either th weekend warriors or the daily grinder that you communicate with one another and work as a team. Not be a bunch of solo players under the same banner.

    I or one of the founders send guild mail or xbox mail out letting you know status of things frequently. We expect you not to be shy and to join in chat parties w other members even if you don't have a mic and find groups to run with. We are a team. And teams communicate and play together for common goals.

    We are not rude or degrading to any other guild member or other players. We don't demand anything from you no meetings or fees or require a certain gs. But we do ask that when you play, you represent the best in not only yourself but all of us in our guild based on actions toward each other.

    If that is something that you want to be a part of then please join us and we look forward to meeting you
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • harlequinnbraznharlequinnbrazn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Wanted to throw up some praise for this guild as a pretty new member; Blue and the rest of the guild make it pretty easy and comfortable to talk to everyone in the party chat (even if you're not much of a talker on mic) and are more than happy to help you out if you're struggling on a dungeon, farming an event, or just trying to figure out your character's build.

    Rating: Two thumbs and a waddling baby dragon.
    <Officer of Rise from the Ashes.>
  • razalkunnrazalkunn Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    yeah its been pretty nice.
  • sababeysababey Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Your guild sounds like exactly what my 2 friends and I have been looking for. How do we join?

    GT: Drone Bzzz
    Characters: lvl 60 DC = Sababey
    lvl 60 CW = Drone
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I just added you to my friends list please add me when you get online and I'll invite you to the guild
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • salacious66salacious66 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Hi I'm looking for a guild - I am in the UK so play time is mainly UK evening during the week and fair bit at the weekend - 15.2k fury SW. I must admit at the moment I'm just grinding out favours in the well of dragons in my playtime - 19 to go for the last boon. GT is sideshow bob
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    I am adding you to my friends list please add me to your friends list and when I hop on I will send you an invite. We have 3 from Scotland now plus a couple from England so there are people on during your play time
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • razalkunnrazalkunn Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    Yeah om from scotland myself feel free to look me up im Sully 440.
  • bleedinblue755bleedinblue755 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Just wanted to let everyone know that we are still looking to grow our guild, would like to double our current size. We are at 50+ players and over 80 characters. Our team has achieved alot of feats in a short amount of time. We still have more to achieve. And we are working hard on preparing for elemental evil. We are literally adding people almost daily due to word of month and these forums. So thank you. If you are looking for an active guild or Even if you are not looking for a guild but want to run with a good group of people look us up
    Rise from the Ashes guild leader
  • foozbearfoozbear Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Hello Rise from the ashes,

    I am looking for a guild, I may not have level 60's yet... but I enjoy the game and miss contributing to a team.

    If you are looking for someone that:

    Works hard
    Plays well with others
    tries to learn everything they can about the game and the classes chosen

    Then send me a message.. atomictomato1 on Xboxone


  • williamhmccartywilliamhmccarty Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I've ran with some GREAT clans in Destiny, so I know a thing or two about groups. But as a new member of Rise from the Ashes, I have to say these guys are phenomenal! If you're looking for a guild do yourself a favor join up with these folks. I can't recommend them highly enough!
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