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Patch Notes: NW.45.20150416c.4



  • hitmarkhitmark Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Best i can tell, Arcane Power Field is still bugged as i am still seeing the level up FX whenever i drop a daily on mobs.
  • soltaswordsoltasword Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Pretty good list of fixes. But with so many ( if you can go by what you see in the forums ) of the player base not being able to solo much of anything anymore and being very upset about that and survivability, not to mention the dungeons that are insanely difficult from what I read, addressing those issues would have been a major priority in this patch. Casual/solo players are still sitting at the curb wondering if they will get back into the game anytime soon. And when or if they do, will it be fun or frustrating. It seems to me that alienating a large portion of the player base really isn't that great of an idea. And not trying to get them back into the game asap is even worse. Just my opinion.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    guys, i am trying to find any mentioning about "Dragon Hoard" timer, i dont like this new format by a week timer while waiting a week.

    this is potiental for "GRIEFINGS!", anyone with full loaded items during a week, and place items once the timer reset Preventing any other players who still has active quest to fill up Hoard Chest.

    my suggession, to make those drops even more rarer, and take out that purple hoard out of zen market, since someone may have loaded and nothing else to spend on, may have stockpiling.
    make that as 24 hours timer instead of weekly, it used to be hourly timer and then reset, since those drops are way too common, and not hard to get dragon coins from other rewards since they give small amount a day. if you devs can see why a weekly is bad idea, those daily coins can adds up during a week, preventing many "thousand" other players from completing a quest.
    how do i suppose to earn my Linu's Favor? i got 3 more to earn my 15th for a cloak, already got those boon books.

    either go back to old formula, or create a new quest timer a longer phrase to slow down the "massive donations"
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    edited April 2015
    beatannier wrote: »
    Wheel of the Elements: No fix for temporary hp being never consumed?

    Thank you for reporting this, we've made the fix, please expect to see it on live in the near future. We apologize to those affected by this issue and thank you for your patience in waiting for its resolution.
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    asterdahl wrote: »

    Any news about the bugged character respecs, yet?

  • kronus#9296 kronus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Me too. This sucks. I submitted a bug report this morning and haven't heard anything back. Wasn't expecting to though since I didn't request GM help.
  • kronus#9296 kronus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rynardm wrote: »
    Me too. This sucks. I submitted a bug report this morning and haven't heard anything back. Wasn't expecting to though since I didn't request GM help.
    In regards to leveling.
  • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This last patch took 5 hours and was all for not. The AP gain bug is still active. Only now it isn't with Hallowed Ground but Hammer Of Fate. The Lostmauth set may have been fixed but HR's can still bleed mobs without set (just like the set did pre-patch) and I have heard from a couple CW's that the Lostmauth set is still able to be bugged by CW's. The ledge and net bugs are still in epic CC.

    Then I get the Champion's League quest and while I am intrigued, I just can not be that excited over it with how much is so wrong with this game in it's current state. Given how unbalanced PVP is in this game is another turn off. So, those players who do nothing but run in BIS premades will be able to obtain all the high end wares while those who don't have the time (or money....) will yet again be at a loss and not just for PVP (Given the obtainable items will be usable for PVE and the AH??). Then add in the limited amount of content available to those who focus solely on PVE and here you are giving PVP players MORE to do, to obtain or to strive for. When in 1-2 months the majority of your PVE users will be unbelievably bored (and this is a given since most are already bored after 2 weeks lol).
  • kasandra83kasandra83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    great exp x2 for the character is there but when it will be added RP x2??:o
  • hawkseerhawkseer Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I whole heartedly agree with mjytresz. I have a SW and CW and a Hunter that aren't worth a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> even in the areas that are meant to be used to leave. The modifications and the nerfing of all the other classes suck. The only one worth a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> at the moment is the Pally. BTW Hell's Gate for the SW is NOT working. There is NO WAY that a clothy can do any of the quests with out help. And the gear change for those that all ready had excellent gear to this blue <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that doesn't have the same stats suck too. If there was a way to get the money back that was spent on this game I would demand it back.
    mjytresz wrote: »
    Most of Warlock's Encounters and Class Features are ridiculously useless or utterly unusable in endgame play.
    And yet there's still no fixes.

    Great job.
  • misaikonemisaikone Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i find this very absurd when i log into my main character that's lvl 60 / "enter the world" when i load up the game i get timed out while connecting to the game server honestly this is bs cause when i log into my other charterers its totally fine in the sense of getting into the game server but really why would my main character be the only one out of 4 to not connect to the game server properly like usual ? this needs to be fixed ....:mad: :confused:
  • filishepfilishep Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A lot of things need to be fixed, I know we have to be pacient... but if you don't RESTORE THE FREAKING LIFE STEAL this game is simply unplayable for those dps based classes. One hit and you're dead, drink one potion, wait for cooldown... et voilà! You're at the campfire. And this once and again.

    One thing is the game to be difficult, but being impossible to solo, even for two without a tank, c'mon! PLEASE... this is just disgusting now, much as we try, pacience is not unlimited.
  • steamroler12steamroler12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Guys Im crashing at Cryptic Loading Screen everytime, this just started today 04-26-15, i was playing all day yesturday (04/25/15) PLease help Ive tried everything,
    Safe Mode
    Verified Files
    Preview and Normal live mode, nothing works
    Crash Cryptic Error shows me no information
    I submitteid DXdiag and MSinfo in a ticket

    anyone else having this problem ?
    this just happen today ! please help I wanna enjoy my weekend lol :(
  • neverwinter12112neverwinter12112 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    "Forgehammer of Gond: The Mythic quality of the Forgehammer of Gond will now summon a Mythic quality too that gives +55% to item quality." .. the artifact's tooltip still says "will summon a Legendary tool"
  • porchearaintreeporchearaintree Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    When are you going to fix the leveling mess. I can not use any of my points for powers or feats. At this time respecting my characters is the only option to fix this? I am not respecting all my characters because you guys messed up. Most of my friends have left this game for greener pastures. I really enjoyed this game but it has become impossible to enjoy it. Please fix these problems
  • captbigweniscaptbigwenis Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Please look into fixing the professions:

    1) The crafting times for rare and epic plate smiths is way off.
    just one example,
    50 min task , using a epic grandmaster plate smith with +50% speed bonus should result in a 25 minute completion time...not 36 minutes.

    2) Please add a task allowing acquisition of uncommon assets. Make it a 72 hour task if you want, but only being able to obtain through real money or buying through the auction house after someone spent real money isn't in the spirit of "free to play".

    Disclosure: I have spent hundreds of dollars between Neverwinter and STO.

    There are some serious arithmetic errors throughout the game.
    (I am not going to bore you listing every single math error unless you want to start paying me to do your math corrections...lol I am a physicist in the market for a better job anyway)

    Thank you for looking into this matter.
This discussion has been closed.