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Stuck at Neverwinter Sign after the patch (CAN'T LOGIN)



  • sladedragon280sladedragon280 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    its been over 12 hours and still cant log in
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    cryptic finally won. congrats.
  • pmabrahampmabraham Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I still cannot play the game; after hitting play, the game client crashes.
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i can get into the game after turning my setting on minimum but soon after it disconnects me completely. i wonder if this is how cryptic wants to shut the game down. and just not fix it.
  • kirkcaldykirkcaldy Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I finally managed to get in, but the game is virtually unplayable for me. :(
    Lag everywhere, not only in places you expect, but anywhere and everywhere.
    Cant keep my lvl 60 chars alive, as 1 can only attack about once every 2-3 secs.
    Trying to run or dodge is a joke, try to move and you are dead before you even move.

    So I tried playing a new char, thinking the lower level stuff might be less lag,
    but its the same thing, as I am only attacking like a pensioner and mobs that you should destroy
    are giving me a hard time.

    All video setting are set to zero or minimum and its still the same.
    All drivers checked and Windows says all are up to date with latest version.
    So have given up trying to fix it, its up to Cryptic to do something now, hopefully. :confused:

  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    kirkcaldy wrote: »
    I finally managed to get in, but the game is virtually unplayable for me. :(
    Lag everywhere, not only in places you expect, but anywhere and everywhere.


    Yeah I had the same issue , after waiting between 5 and 10 minutes for the patch to finally apply I got in game and the lag was absolutely insane , I managed to do 9 vigilance tasks then moved on to the next campfire then gave up , the PC version of the game is in a complete mess at the moment , I wonder if any oof this is anything to do with the xbox version getting server space or whatever..
  • fortie1fortie1 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    same here , patched today and cant get past loading
  • groskouyongroskouyon Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    same problem
  • groskouyongroskouyon Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    just what happened to me
  • lady4legionlady4legion Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Many sames, Have the steam version. Worked fine yesterday. 300mb or so patch, now i get stuck at the neverwinter splash screen. If i click, it crashes. left it up for about 5 hours, and it just sat there. I've reinstalled it completely and no luck.
  • richard242richard242 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    same problem
  • ryuk2323ryuk2323 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thes is so fcing up and i stops playing now for i cant get in to the game at all so gl to you all and i hopes you likes the game now for i dont and if it is not takeing as hell to lord is it getting my tv card to stop working and i dont likes that so im going back to DIABLO it is a game there FCKING WORKS ALLWAYS
  • lazelllazell Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I also am unable to launch the game since the last update. I hit the Play button on the Neverwinter launcher, and then I get the following error, even when using the Safe Mode option:

    Unhandled exception: unimplemented function d3d11.dll.D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called in 32-bit code (0x7b83d472).
    Register dump:
    CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
    EIP:7b83d472 ESP:1076e8d4 EBP:1076e948 EFLAGS:00000283( - -- I S - - -C)
    EAX:7b828e19 EBX:7b8bb634 ECX:f3a8d258 EDX:1076e8f4
    ESI:00000002 EDI:00000000
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    LOL! Good video clip!
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Just wait on neverwinter logo for 5-10 mins don't touch any keyboard keys or mouse and it should work soon u touch something it will crash on loading
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    lazell wrote: »
    I also am unable to launch the game since the last update. I hit the Play button on the Neverwinter launcher, and then I get the following error, even when using the Safe Mode option:

    Unhandled exception: unimplemented function d3d11.dll.D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called in 32-bit code (0x7b83d472).
    Register dump:
    CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
    EIP:7b83d472 ESP:1076e8d4 EBP:1076e948 EFLAGS:00000283( - -- I S - - -C)
    EAX:7b828e19 EBX:7b8bb634 ECX:f3a8d258 EDX:1076e8f4
    ESI:00000002 EDI:00000000

    Are you trying to play using linux? if you are then you might get more help posting a new thread in the bug section , this post will probably just get lost.
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    U can just delete game pref file in neverwinter live folder in logs file
  • jaykarboojaykarboo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hi guys,
    This happend to me quite some time back. On the Neverwinter Launcher there is a tab on top right OPTIONS. Click on this to open a box with some choices. There is one that is force verify. Tick this, then save close launcher and start again. It should verify that all files are correct or if updates are needed and may help.
    Also, make sure you put a ticket in with your problem as the support team has never let me down and always responded within a few hours.
    Hope this helps,
  • hydropaunichydropaunic Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Poor service. 48 hours of no play-time due to a bug that has yet to be fixed. Not impressed. If it were an in-game bug it would not be a problem, but it's an issue with loading the game; therefore it is an issue of priorities. Good job.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    For the past 2 months I've been logging in just to do profession and invocation in wait of Mod 6. Now that it's here, I only log to do profession and invocation 'cause I don't want to spend 15 minutes setting my display settings to balance lag and world appearance every time I log in.:confused:
  • dianafarhandianafarhan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The problem is, it stops at Cryptic Logo, any idea how to overcome this problem?
  • praxaxepraxaxe Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    z0skii wrote: »
    Yeah lads, it's just a super long laggg loading. But after a min or 10... it kicks in and you're back in action.

    To all you people saying we should try again please <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off as you are not at all helpful and are insulting. I have tried 6-7 times to enter the game leaving the screen frozen for over 20 minutes....IT IS BROKEN!!!!!!!! FFS!!!
  • praxaxepraxaxe Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    20 minutes later still frozen screen....yer a moron.
  • trith1128trith1128 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This may or may not work. ( Currently at work, so no way to test ) but it has in the past.

    On the Windows launcher, go into Options / Adv Options.. move your *Graphics shader bar to low, Then try to log in. Once in, you should be able to slide it back to where ever you had it.

    This option is better then resetting all your video settings to low.

    Dr.Real Good : Sun Elf-Annointed Champion :
    Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
  • bmcd73bmcd73 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Here are screenshots of how to launch in "safe mode"
  • sirlimpyfuzznutzsirlimpyfuzznutz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What if it still freezes at loading with safe mode? is there supposed to be a lighting option in display settings on pc, which i dont see.
  • bmcd73bmcd73 Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What if it still freezes at loading with safe mode? is there supposed to be a lighting option in display settings on pc, which i dont see.

    safe mode turns everything off and launches at the lowest possible settings. To be sure, you should delete your gameprefs.pref file and relaunch. Mine is located here: D:\Games\Neverwinter_en\Neverwinter\Live\localdata.

    Also keep in mind that it will generally load but takes something like 10+ minutes. Don't tab out or click on anything else, just launch and walk away. I would give it up to 20 minutes. Are you running on a laptop with 2 video cards? Sometimes the detection software doesn't always work and you need to manually add a game to the list to be launched with your 3D video card. Nvidia calls is Optimus and AMD calls is Enduro. Google how to manually add a game if this is the case.

    If it still doesn't launch, you probably need to contact support.
  • xdoomguardxxdoomguardx Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What if it still freezes at loading with safe mode? is there supposed to be a lighting option in display settings on pc, which i dont see.

    What he sayd,i cant start even with Safe Mode,i have tryed deleting the log file aswell,nothing,any oter ideas ppl?looks like the PWE team doesent care about us much....
  • ayumifujitsuayumifujitsu Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Also having this problem. It even went "Not Responding" while in this Safe Mode. Been going on since yesterday, after a 300-something MB patch was installed for Neverwinter. It just sits there. It eventually went through w/ Safe Mode but, that was a while later. It just got stuck in regular mode. Same thing with multiple of my systems.

    Edit: Just managed to get through w/ Safe Mode then delete the preferences file & it logged in. Let us see how long this works. :)
  • blamecharlesblamecharles Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Try finding the Game Prefs file in your neverwinter Live folder and deleting it. This has helped on my brothers computer in the past.
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