Ok, I know its commonly accepted that you shouldn't loot random green gear in pugs, but what I am here to say is that I like those greens. I use them for refining my artifact equipment. After all every 100 RP that goes into my artifact gear is 100 less RP I need. It does significantly add up over time. After all, how else are you supposed to get to max rank without spending money on refining stones?
Why don't more people think the way I do? Greens of any kind are amazingly useful once you have an artifact weapon or piece of gear.
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I used to ignore the greens, but now, yeah, I am picking up most of the greens. I figure, our artifact gear requires so much RP, we can't afford to overlook the "trash" gear any longer as potential sources of RP.
Ok, I know its commonly accepted that you shouldn't loot random green gear in pugs, but what I am here to say is that I like those greens. I use them for refining my artifact equipment. After all every 100 RP that goes into my artifact gear is 100 less RP I need. It does significantly add up over time. After all, how else are you supposed to get to max rank without spending money on refining stones?
Why don't more people think the way I do? Greens of any kind are amazingly useful once you have an artifact weapon or piece of gear.
The problem I have with this is that the 1.25 ratio of AD to RP with this method. Prices have risen to where this is acceptable now, but combined with the pain that is the 1 at a time loading compared to a stack of stones, and I'd still say they aren't worth it. (peridots are 1.8 iirc the price of a stack lately.)
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited January 2015
I don't have very much artifact gear. To me, I'd rather hang onto those greater ID scrolls for the occasional blue item, and sell it on the AH. To each their own, I suppose...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Ok, I know its commonly accepted that you shouldn't loot random green gear in pugs, but what I am here to say is that I like those greens. I use them for refining my artifact equipment. After all every 100 RP that goes into my artifact gear is 100 less RP I need. It does significantly add up over time. After all, how else are you supposed to get to max rank without spending money on refining stones?
Why don't more people think the way I do? Greens of any kind are amazingly useful once you have an artifact weapon or piece of gear.
do the math and see how many years you need...at the final 10 lvls of an artifact it needs 180k-220k RP if you pickup 50 greens a day.you need 36000 day to lvl your artifact the last 10 lvls ....so yeah sorry but its pointless
In mod 4 greens were trash because their 1.25 AD/RP level was way higher than the RP cost on AH. I was paying 80k AD for a stack of lesser resonance stones back then, giving something like 0.25 AD/RP.
Since the hoard drops were made account bound with mod 5, AH prices for RP have soared and currently one stack of peridots cost 142k AD, which gives 2.8 AD/RP. Green drops are actually some of the very cheapest RP you can get currently(except for blue drops, but those are rather more rare).
Why don't I, and why do I hate when others do? Because it's bloody annoying and pointless. As much RP as is needed, greens aren't even a drop in the bucket, and while you pick up every single freaking green that drops mid-combat, my screen is filled with useless loot roll garbage that makes it harder to see and requires me to waste time hitting shift+3 because I don't want that junk clogging my inventory.
Pick up all the greens you want solo, but stop spamming my screen with them in dungeons/skirmishes, please.
do the math and see how many years you need...at the final 10 lvls of an artifact it needs 180k-220k RP if you pickup 50 greens a day.you need 36000 day to lvl your artifact the last 10 lvls ....so yeah sorry but its pointless
769.527/365=2.108293150684932 36000/365=98.63013698630137
So, if all you ever do feed 50 100RP items a day, it will take approximately 2 years and 11 days. Not 98.63 years.
Still, 2 years and 11 days is a LONG time, indeed.
However, the point he's making is that each and every bit ofextra RP you add, adds up over time. He's not saying to only refine greens.
I refine greens, blues, periods, pearls, other blue and rare purple stones but still i stuck in some levels between level 20-34. It is very painfull to make it level 34. I don't want to talk about after level 34
You have to make more 2x rp days maybe every saturday.This is just a game right and people play this for fun right? Then help people to get their fun.
I think, most people don't like the additional work, that comes with it. Like identifying each single green and drag it into the refinement slots.
I usually collect every item, when I solo, because I hate lying loot around and I can sell them unidentified. It's not much money, but this really adds ap. And double clicking is fast.
But I don't do it in dungeons, because it is annoying. The loot messages pop up and take my sight. I'm forced to hit STRG + 1,2 or 3, while I'm trying to kill things and stay alive (for my GF that is no problem, but my CW and TR are a little more fragile and need more tactic) and afterwards I get even more messages, telling me who got it and forcing me to hit ESC, again disturbing my rotations and dodges.
Most people don't like it, and each time I run a dungeon with random players, there is one player, who needs to collect everything, getting asked by me and at least one other player to stop. Sadly, I nearly never get an answer, and the looting does not stop. When this happens, I tend to stop fighting and keeping behind, with other players joining me. That works most of the time. The collectors then either talk with us or leave.
So if you collect everything in runs with random players, please at least be so nice to inform them in the beginning, that you need the green stuff and wait until the fight is over. Otherwise you only annoy your teammates and lessen their gaming experience.
And should you join a run with me, and do so, I might even be willing to ask you, not to collect greens and give you some RP stones instead.
And there's the proof of how flawed the system is.
First, it makes dragonhoards mandatory if you want to have any sense of progression. Your math proves so. A 2 year commitment to a game just to progress 500 points on your GS is nothing short of insanity. Not to mention I don't even drop 50 a day. That said, I only use 200RP (which half of the weapons don't even give. Daggers, SW/DC items only give 100 where they should give 200) items and blues.
Second, the nerfed drop rate makes it next to impossible even with dragonhoard enchantments. I still do every ToD daily on 1 character because I want that damned 4th boon and I haven't dropped anything in days. Great sense of progression there.
I was actually commenting to my mate the other day about how lucky I was getting with my dragon hoard enchants. I got 6 flawless sapphires in roughly a 2 hour period. I don't know how, but I am not complaining. Probably won't happen again though.
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Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
And there's the proof of how flawed the system is.
First, it makes dragonhoards mandatory if you want to have any sense of progression. Your math proves so. A 2 year commitment to a game just to progress 500 points on your GS is nothing short of insanity. Not to mention I don't even drop 50 a day. That said, I only use 200RP (which half of the weapons don't even give. Daggers, SW/DC items only give 100 where they should give 200) items and blues.
Second, the nerfed drop rate makes it next to impossible even with dragonhoard enchantments. I still do every ToD daily on 1 character because I want that damned 4th boon and I haven't dropped anything in days. Great sense of progression there.
I agree that it takes too long to refine artifacts, especially on multiple characters, even if using all greens in addition to other refine items gained through actual gameplay as it is now on live.
I won't pick them up on a delve (are there still delves? Have not done one for a long time). Mostly because it is irritating enough having to spam Shift-2 in a party as is. Soloing I pick up green weapons constantly. Why not? Do you pick up R3s and R4s? They are worth less than green 60 weapons. And you can zap them onto the AH so they do not eat inventory.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
I won't pick them up on a delve (are there still delves? Have not done one for a long time). Mostly because it is irritating enough having to spam Shift-2 in a party as is. Soloing I pick up green weapons constantly. Why not? Do you pick up R3s and R4s? They are worth less than green 60 weapons. And you can zap them onto the AH so they do not eat inventory.
I feed R4's but I sell my stacks of R1's-R3's and they sell fast, so someone is eating them up! Don't get me wrong, this still doesn't mean that I think the system is okay as it is.
I won't pick them up on a delve (are there still delves? Have not done one for a long time). Mostly because it is irritating enough having to spam Shift-2 in a party as is. Soloing I pick up green weapons constantly. Why not? Do you pick up R3s and R4s? They are worth less than green 60 weapons. And you can zap them onto the AH so they do not eat inventory.
They do not stack, would love to pick them and all that, but again, they do not stack and Identifing them and refining or putting on AH feels like a Drudgery and not a after work entertainment (what the game supposed to be).
If i wanted to sit and use time to order inventory i probably better to do it in RL.
(my opinion only and mini rant )
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
edited January 2015
I can understand you may want even small amount of RP, like to get artifact gear into purple, but…
Greater Scroll of Identification is worth more than those green trash items that you have to identify.
(Attached prices from a few minutes ago via gateway).
Result: You spent ~135 AD for getting ~112 AD worth item. Advice: Sell your all ID Scrolls and buy these trash if you have to.
You will both get more RP and less kicks in PUG/LFG runs.
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
edited January 2015
For the first time in a very long time I had a party member picking up all the greens while running through Drake Pens yesterday. That was unsettling and bizarre, since long-standing practice has dictated otherwise from the earliest days. (I got kicked from my first pug run of the Wild Hunt because I was picking up ALL the treasure as if I was alone.) When you have the GWF and SW charging off at unbeatable speed to the next encounter and your screen is 90% blocked by message congratulating the winner of some worthless piece of green, it's hard to participate at optimum level. On top of that, I hate hate HATE spending AD for ID scrolls. In limiting my identification to blues, I can get by on the scrolls I find ejecting themselves from the dying bodies of pitiful creatures who have refused to accept Sune's love. Collect all the greens you want when on your own, but ID'ing them seems pointless.
If it annoys you that someone picks up all greens, why not just to change the settings of group looting. Set them to blue or higher and problem is solved. You won't see anything lover than the set threshold that other people pick up...
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
For the first time in a very long time I had a party member picking up all the greens while running through Drake Pens yesterday. That was unsettling and bizarre, since long-standing practice has dictated otherwise from the earliest days. (I got kicked from my first pug run of the Wild Hunt because I was picking up ALL the treasure as if I was alone.) When you have the GWF and SW charging off at unbeatable speed to the next encounter and your screen is 90% blocked by message congratulating the winner of some worthless piece of green, it's hard to participate at optimum level. On top of that, I hate hate HATE spending AD for ID scrolls. In limiting my identification to blues, I can get by on the scrolls I find ejecting themselves from the dying bodies of pitiful creatures who have refused to accept Sune's love. Collect all the greens you want when on your own, but ID'ing them seems pointless.
I usually always pick up greens when soloing, but not in groups. I do it when soloing just so I can quickly "key spam" loot everything and not spend time mousing to see if it's a salvager enchant drop or rank 4 enchant, and the like that also glow green -- beckoning me. Then I just mass double click and sell them for the puny copper they're worth unidentified.
The problem is that more greens drop than ID scrolls. So unless you are investing additional AD, which screws over RP/AD ratios, you are better off using the blues you find.
I'd happily drip feed greens into the artifact stuff if they did not use an ID scroll each. As stated, this makes less economical than just buying RP with AD. So they go straight to merch unidentified.
One suggestion for the annoying skirmish/dungeon thing where another player keeps picking up those greens. You can't stop them doing it but you can remap your keys so that instead of shift-1 you can just hit a function key or whatever is handy. I've mapped mine onto F10 F9 and F11 as my keyboard layout makes F9 really easy to hit. After a while you get used to just hitting F9 Greed for any pop-up. Your screen still gets obstructed but it doesn't interrupt your fights as much.
And to the person worrying about the paltry increase to their GS: don't sweat it. GS is going with mod 6. We'll all have to find another method to belittle each other!
I feed R4's but I sell my stacks of R1's-R3's and they sell fast, so someone is eating them up! Don't get me wrong, this still doesn't mean that I think the system is okay as it is.
I actually have a professions/ invoking alt who's whole inventory is simply enchants. Due to the bag drops in Tia (and the redonkulous number of Tia runs it takes to finish the campaign) I have piles of storage space on my main and secondary soI can just stack them up over the course of a day and then mass-mail them to the storage alt. They get burnt or sold whenever there's a 2x refine. For the rest blue-anything but weapons I don't need gets burnt. Blue someone else can use gets sold. Same for green weapons.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited January 2015
I'd love to have an auto-pass setting so I could set it to green and below. If someone wants to pick up greens to refine, that's fine. But I'd rather not see the loot roll pop up at all. They can have them
The problem is that more greens drop than ID scrolls. So unless you are investing additional AD, which screws over RP/AD ratios, you are better off using the blues you find.
Scrolls are selling at about 100AD per. So if it is a green you can use that is 2RP/ AD.
A guy in my group was booted yesterday for expressing his love of greens. I feel he deserved worse. Cluttering up the screen with trash in combat gets people killed.
ebonyshadowMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
A guy in my group was booted yesterday for expressing his love of greens. I feel he deserved worse. Cluttering up the screen with trash in combat gets people killed.
I'd have booted him also, the occasional mistake is fine, your grabbing a dropped heal pot and accidentally hit the green next to it, fine but stop filling my screen with crud because you want to pick up greens, do that solo so you ain't irritating the heck out of the rest of the party.
If I am party leader then I'll just turn off loot rolls for greens and you can have all you can grab, but many group leaders don't
Personally I leave greens on the floor even solo... they are not ID'ed and many more drop than ID scrolls..... I pick up blues, at least they are worth 300 and RP scrolls drop regularly enough to cover it..... I ain't paying out for more inconvenience when the benefit is only 100 per
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
That said, I only use 200RP (which half of the weapons don't even give. Daggers, SW/DC items only give 100 where they should give 200) items and blues.
Daggers are always counted as an off-hand for refining purposes. (But only show up as main-hand on the AH.) HR blades also say weapon but refine as an off-hand. So, you can match bonus them, but not in your weapon.
I'd love to have an auto-pass setting so I could set it to green and below. If someone wants to pick up greens to refine, that's fine. But I'd rather not see the loot roll pop up at all. They can have them
+1 there have been many times where the people I'm running with (Mostly a couple of friends who I introduced to NW and hence newer, got less stuff than I) want/need the drops more than me and I spend the whole run hitting F3 so it rolls between the two of them. A personal setting where you ignore a particular colour and below items and the need roll doesn't show/clutter up my screen would be a definite improvement.
I could ignore all greens when pugging and ignore all blues and below when running with friends who need the blues more.... after all, apart from for RP once you get to 60, for the most part green and blue (Apart from boss drops where a green might be a level 1 artifact!) general drops as just so much vendor trash.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
do the math and see how many years you need...at the final 10 lvls of an artifact it needs 180k-220k RP if you pickup 50 greens a day.you need 36000 day to lvl your artifact the last 10 lvls ....so yeah sorry but its pointless
The problem I have with this is that the 1.25 ratio of AD to RP with this method. Prices have risen to where this is acceptable now, but combined with the pain that is the 1 at a time loading compared to a stack of stones, and I'd still say they aren't worth it. (peridots are 1.8 iirc the price of a stack lately.)
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
do the math and see how many years you need...at the final 10 lvls of an artifact it needs 180k-220k RP if you pickup 50 greens a day.you need 36000 day to lvl your artifact the last 10 lvls ....so yeah sorry but its pointless
Since the hoard drops were made account bound with mod 5, AH prices for RP have soared and currently one stack of peridots cost 142k AD, which gives 2.8 AD/RP. Green drops are actually some of the very cheapest RP you can get currently(except for blue drops, but those are rather more rare).
Pick up all the greens you want solo, but stop spamming my screen with them in dungeons/skirmishes, please.
So, if all you ever do feed 50 100RP items a day, it will take approximately 2 years and 11 days. Not 98.63 years.
Still, 2 years and 11 days is a LONG time, indeed.
However, the point he's making is that each and every bit of extra RP you add, adds up over time. He's not saying to only refine greens.
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You have to make more 2x rp days maybe every saturday.This is just a game right and people play this for fun right? Then help people to get their fun.
I think, most people don't like the additional work, that comes with it. Like identifying each single green and drag it into the refinement slots.
I usually collect every item, when I solo, because I hate lying loot around and I can sell them unidentified. It's not much money, but this really adds ap. And double clicking is fast.
But I don't do it in dungeons, because it is annoying. The loot messages pop up and take my sight. I'm forced to hit STRG + 1,2 or 3, while I'm trying to kill things and stay alive (for my GF that is no problem, but my CW and TR are a little more fragile and need more tactic) and afterwards I get even more messages, telling me who got it and forcing me to hit ESC, again disturbing my rotations and dodges.
Most people don't like it, and each time I run a dungeon with random players, there is one player, who needs to collect everything, getting asked by me and at least one other player to stop. Sadly, I nearly never get an answer, and the looting does not stop. When this happens, I tend to stop fighting and keeping behind, with other players joining me. That works most of the time. The collectors then either talk with us or leave.
So if you collect everything in runs with random players, please at least be so nice to inform them in the beginning, that you need the green stuff and wait until the fight is over. Otherwise you only annoy your teammates and lessen their gaming experience.
And should you join a run with me, and do so, I might even be willing to ask you, not to collect greens and give you some RP stones instead.
I was actually commenting to my mate the other day about how lucky I was getting with my dragon hoard enchants. I got 6 flawless sapphires in roughly a 2 hour period. I don't know how, but I am not complaining. Probably won't happen again though.
Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
They do not stack, would love to pick them and all that, but again, they do not stack and Identifing them and refining or putting on AH feels like a Drudgery and not a after work entertainment (what the game supposed to be).
If i wanted to sit and use time to order inventory i probably better to do it in RL.
(my opinion only and mini rant
Greater Scroll of Identification is worth more than those green trash items that you have to identify.
(Attached prices from a few minutes ago via gateway).
Result: You spent ~135 AD for getting ~112 AD worth item.
Advice: Sell your all ID Scrolls and buy these trash if you have to.
You will both get more RP and less kicks in PUG/LFG runs.
Perhaps this is what they're doing too?
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
One suggestion for the annoying skirmish/dungeon thing where another player keeps picking up those greens. You can't stop them doing it but you can remap your keys so that instead of shift-1 you can just hit a function key or whatever is handy. I've mapped mine onto F10 F9 and F11 as my keyboard layout makes F9 really easy to hit. After a while you get used to just hitting F9 Greed for any pop-up. Your screen still gets obstructed but it doesn't interrupt your fights as much.
And to the person worrying about the paltry increase to their GS: don't sweat it. GS is going with mod 6. We'll all have to find another method to belittle each other!
I actually have a professions/ invoking alt who's whole inventory is simply enchants. Due to the bag drops in Tia (and the redonkulous number of Tia runs it takes to finish the campaign) I have piles of storage space on my main and secondary soI can just stack them up over the course of a day and then mass-mail them to the storage alt. They get burnt or sold whenever there's a 2x refine. For the rest blue-anything but weapons I don't need gets burnt. Blue someone else can use gets sold. Same for green weapons.
Scrolls are selling at about 100AD per. So if it is a green you can use that is 2RP/ AD.
I'd have booted him also, the occasional mistake is fine, your grabbing a dropped heal pot and accidentally hit the green next to it, fine but stop filling my screen with crud because you want to pick up greens, do that solo so you ain't irritating the heck out of the rest of the party.
If I am party leader then I'll just turn off loot rolls for greens and you can have all you can grab, but many group leaders don't
Personally I leave greens on the floor even solo... they are not ID'ed and many more drop than ID scrolls..... I pick up blues, at least they are worth 300 and RP scrolls drop regularly enough to cover it..... I ain't paying out for more inconvenience when the benefit is only 100 per
Daggers are always counted as an off-hand for refining purposes. (But only show up as main-hand on the AH.) HR blades also say weapon but refine as an off-hand. So, you can match bonus them, but not in your weapon.
Pact blades and symbols give me appropriate RP.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
+1 there have been many times where the people I'm running with (Mostly a couple of friends who I introduced to NW and hence newer, got less stuff than I) want/need the drops more than me and I spend the whole run hitting F3 so it rolls between the two of them. A personal setting where you ignore a particular colour and below items and the need roll doesn't show/clutter up my screen would be a definite improvement.
I could ignore all greens when pugging and ignore all blues and below when running with friends who need the blues more.... after all, apart from for RP once you get to 60, for the most part green and blue (Apart from boss drops where a green might be a level 1 artifact!) general drops as just so much vendor trash.
this is how I feel about it