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Spellstorm Renegade Guide: Death is the Best Crowd Control



  • umscheumsche Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 461 Arc User

    7: Leveling to 60

    Here's some progressive shots of what to do with your feats and powers, to help guide you to 60. You'll have plenty of power points, so I recommend putting at least one power point into each power as you level.

    The screens caps below are a good guide as to power point allocation as you level up. Anything with a GOLD border is great and highly used in this build. Anything with a SILVER border is situational and worth having points in. Anything else is rarely used in my builds (but they still might be used by others). I would allocate at least one point to a GOLD ability first, then upgrade to max. Then move on to SILVER abilities.

    Powers up to 20 points (and spell selections at the bottom)

    Typical rotation at low levels is: Chill Strike (tab) on the biggest thing in the pack -> Conduit of Ice on the big guy. By now the minions are dead. You can Ray of Frost the big guy to death, or use Entangling Force to tie him up, and then RoF him. Repeat as necessary.

    Class Features are Arcane Presence and Chilling Presence. If you're building Arcane Stacks with Magic Missile, Arcane Presence will also increase your frost damage. Chilling Presence is a big debuff to anything with chill stacks, so keep it slotted. All the other class features are a bit useless.


    Powers up to 40 points (Yey for more AOE!)

    At this point, you can put Conduit of Ice on tab, slot Icy Terrain and Sudden Storm for more AOE death.

    This level is where you start to become an AOE powerhouse. Basically pull and blow up as many mobs as possible. Chilling Cloud becomes your "go to" at will thanks to the last hit being an AOE, and don't forget to make use of Oppressive Force on big pulls to daze everything and do lots of damage.


    Powers up to 60 points (this should get you about everything you need)

    Here's where it all comes together. Storm Spell should be added instead of Arcane Presence as soon as you get it. Congratulations, you damage is now going to be through the roof. Add Steal Time to the bar as soon as you can, and continue to have fun being EVEN MORE powerful!


    Powers at level 70

    In my humble opinion, there's only one power worth the points in PvE after level 60: Disintegrate.


    ironzerg79- How current is this Power Chart? Is this your current chart or do you have someting more up to date? I planning to Respec too.
    It's still current.
  • pencerionpencerion Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Did your loadout change at all after looking at magic missile again?
  • tantrumusmaximustantrumusmaximus Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    This is an AWESOME guide thanks a ton for all the details. I have been encorporating the different aspects into my character as affordability permits...

    One aspect isnt really touched on is the Artifact powers? Which do you recommend we strive for? (The ones that need the cubes of aug to unlock that is.)
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    @ironzerg79 Have you seen what has happened to the price of the zhent warlock recently??? I think its kind of funny :p
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    9+ Million AD? Are you kidding me? There's tons of good pets out there...I myself just switched to the Pseudodragon and dumped my Zhentarim Warlock. I just got tired of Soulforge ruining the look of my outfit, so I switched to Elven Battle. With the Pseudodragon active and the stamina regen, I have practically unlimited teleports

    But I'm going to have to update my guide. That's absolutely silly to see the Warlock that pricey. No reason whatsoever for that.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    9+ Million AD? Are you kidding me? There's tons of good pets out there...I myself just switched to the Pseudodragon and dumped my Zhentarim Warlock. I just got tired of Soulforge ruining the look of my outfit, so I switched to Elven Battle. With the Pseudodragon active and the stamina regen, I have practically unlimited teleports

    But I'm going to have to update my guide. That's absolutely silly to see the Warlock that pricey. No reason whatsoever for that.

    So @ironzerg79 what you really telling me here in advance is that I should buy up a lot of pseudodragons and elven battles, in an effort to sell them for 9M ad+ post the guide update? :p (I have learned from what happens when you recommended the zhent lock how your opinion influences the value of the in game market, mind recommending the blink dog for me, I got like 20 spare of those :p)
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    Pssh...yeah, I wish it was that easy. I can't imagine they're actually selling for 9 million AD.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    Pssh...yeah, I wish it was that easy. I can't imagine they're actually selling for 9 million AD.

    They are and the price has gone down, a friend of mine sold his for 12M :p
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    Did anyone test the +10% CA boon on preview? There was a rumour, that blink dog and int. devourer are somehow not just additive, but multiplicativ, resulting in more than 10% dmg boost, If the same goes for the boon, we might get something like 22-23% dmg from boon, dog and devourer, helping thefabricant clearing his bank vault, selling his blink dogs.^^
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    So as far as armor goes,I got my first two pieces of Drowcraft last night. I'm wearing the Elemental Drowcraft Raid Robes and Raid Shoes, and then the Elemental Dragonflight Assault Cap and Raid Armlets.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to go 3/3 on the Drowcraft. Really depends on how much of a difference it makes in epic Demogorgon.

    But as for people reading this gearing up...chase stats. Power and Critical Strike, mixed with as much Armor Penetration as you need. I can't say for certain in every case there's an absolute best combination.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • mobydik1969mobydik1969 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    the best companion will be the 'lightfoot thief' give him perfect bonding and some life steal in def slot,
    The change of bonding is huged more then the warlock.
    Allright I am a tank,but buy a Bell for your companion.
    It's amazing how fast the bonus Come.
    If you dont have the ad then try to search for a ninja kind of type.

    Sorry iron for incorrected post.

  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited November 2015

    So as far as armor goes,I got my first two pieces of Drowcraft last night. I'm wearing the Elemental Drowcraft Raid Robes and Raid Shoes, and then the Elemental Dragonflight Assault Cap and Raid Armlets.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to go 3/3 on the Drowcraft. Really depends on how much of a difference it makes in epic Demogorgon.

    But as for people reading this gearing up...chase stats. Power and Critical Strike, mixed with as much Armor Penetration as you need. I can't say for certain in every case there's an absolute best combination.

    Doesn't make much difference. Paranoid delusions are just mobs that look like players (and they don't do much damage or have much HP). Epic demogorgon really isn't that much harder than regular demogorgon so unless they make it harder at some point the set bonus seem kind of pointless. Only really going to go 3/3 if veserab is good.
  • jodsn#4431 jodsn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hi ironzerg,

    Thank you for the work done , you helped me a lot . I'm french and I use google translate .. and my problem is that I understand not what you enchentement weapon council. Vorpal ? Terror ? Fire Plague ?

    Vorpal decrease the chance that storm spell work? (sorry if this has already been asked .)
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    Especially if you're using Lostmauth's set, Vorpal is still a very good DPS increase. Plus at pure, you get a 2% damage debuff on monsters, which I believe does stack. But don't quote me unless someone else can confirm.

    Since storm spell can no longer crit, it's not as good as it use to be, but still very, very good.

    Plague fire is great for the team debuff, as is Terror. It just depends on how much AD you want to spend.

    Pure Vorpal (Trans is a waste in my opinion) = 3.3 million AD
    Pure Plaguefire (The AOE effect at Trans is worthless) = 1.6 million AD
    Trans Terror = 3.5 million AD (although still very good at Perfect)
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • boom782boom782 Member Posts: 183 Arc User

    Especially if you're using Lostmauth's set, Vorpal is still a very good DPS increase. Plus at pure, you get a 2% damage debuff on monsters, which I believe does stack. But don't quote me unless someone else can confirm.

    Since storm spell can no longer crit, it's not as good as it use to be, but still very, very good.

    Plague fire is great for the team debuff, as is Terror. It just depends on how much AD you want to spend.

    Pure Vorpal (Trans is a waste in my opinion) = 3.3 million AD
    Pure Plaguefire (The AOE effect at Trans is worthless) = 1.6 million AD
    Trans Terror = 3.5 million AD (although still very good at Perfect)

    Hmm, I would love to know if the Pure/Tran Vorpal debuff does in fact stack. I have always assumed it didn't and that a perfect vorpal was more than sufficient. Any way to test this? I'm on Xbox so I can't use those fancy number pacers you guys use. :)
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    Also, as far as gear, I'm using 2/2 Elemental Drowcraft and 2/2 Elemental Dragonflight.

    At this point, you're probably splitting hairs. For most players (including new or returning players), I would imagine the Drowcraft is much easier to get than Elven or Dragonflight, and the Power/Crit stats on it are fantastic.

    But I'd recommend at least one piece of Drowcraft for the damage reduction. I think the stats on the Raid Robe are technically BIS right now. I switched out the boots, too for the power/crit as opposed to power/recovery.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    I haven't dug much into the ACT parses on it, just heard from some other people that multiple people using Vorpal will stack the +2% increase damage. I'm unfortunately gone all week on a business trip for work, so I won't be back at my desktop to test more stuff until Friday.

    Next time I run eDemogorgon, I'll dig through the parses to see if anything shows up that would conclusively indicate the debuff stacking.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • boom782boom782 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    Oh, I see. You are saying multiple pure vorpals may stack. I was thinking maybe the 2% debuff would stack on every crit for a period of time which would be crazy powerful if that was the case with as often as we crit. Within a 10 second period of time we would have a 40% debuff on the mob probably :)
  • heiruspecs#4030 heiruspecs Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    @ironzerg79 First of all; great guide!

    I'm sorry if I missed this in any other post, skimmed through most of them but might've missed it anyways...

    What at-wills/encounters/passives would you use for PvP? I've been running with cc/ray, dis, shield(tab), repel and entangling force with chilling/ss as passives.

    I read that MM is pretty solid for PvP too and I'm tempted to try it out, what do you prefer and why?

    Edit: I'm on Xbox.

    Thanks in advance!
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    I tend to avoid PvP. It's just not very much fun.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • boom782boom782 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    Here is a great guide on Underdark armor and the best way to stack it statistically speaking for power and crit.

  • solbergxsolbergx Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    boom782 said:

    Here is a great guide on Underdark armor and the best way to stack it statistically speaking for power and crit.


    I dont like that guide
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    boom782 said:

    Here is a great guide on Underdark armor and the best way to stack it statistically speaking for power and crit.


    Stats on some of that are out of date. Elemental drowcraft raid robes give crit+power.
    Post edited by urabask on
  • boom782boom782 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    urabask said:

    boom782 said:

    Here is a great guide on Underdark armor and the best way to stack it statistically speaking for power and crit.


    Stats on some of that are out of day. Elemental drowcraft raid robes give crit+power.
    HAMSTER. I spent about an hour planning out my gear for Underdark and now based off that guide. Ha
  • bkt5789bkt5789 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    Is spell twisting still better than abyss of chaos paired with a lightning enchant?

    The Lightning enchant's arc jumps trigger Abyss on their own, so I don't need a 2nd person/companion to deal the damage. Each target I hit with an encounter, procs the arc on their own, so for example Steal Time can deal damage up to 5 enemies, 4 times. Each enemy hit, activates the Lightning arc that deals damage to other 3 enemies, which then proc Abyss of Chaos.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    So that's an interesting question. Lots to talk about here. I've actually been playing around with Abyss of Chaos and a Transcendent Lighting for a couple weeks.

    First, I still think Spell Twisting is the single best T3 feat for CWs. I wouldn't build without it. Not only does it help with AOE, it's a fantastic DPS boost on single targets. So I wouldn't drop that for anything.

    So your choice is between Abyss and Uncertain Allegiance. I went back to do more testing on Abyss, and it's a good feat. I was averaging 9-12% damage with Abyss. It was my number three damage source behind Lostmauth and Storm Spell. But you have to ask yourself if the personal DPS boost is worth dropping 5% critical strike for you and the group. If it was only a personal buff, definitely yes after a certain gear level....but that 5% group buff is really significant.

    Same thing with Vorpal vs Lightning. In a group, there's so much stuff hitting the bad guys that Abyss with proc like crazy without using Lightning. And your overall DPS is going to be lower with a Lightning versus a Vorpal, much worse on single targets.

    But if you're mostly soloing, then Lightning/Abyss is a good option. But I'd drop Uncertain Allegiance for it. If you're mostly doing group stuff, I'd keep UA and Vorpal/Terror/Plaguefire.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • bkt5789bkt5789 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Hmmm got it. Though it's not feasible to switch builds constantly.

    Is a full renegade build viable? Cause you can loop phantasm all destruction with a intellect predator and nightmare wizardry.

    If you get rid of spell twisting you need to stack recovery so that when one rotation is done you can start another rotation. I wonder how much that takes.

    Also... If you add a lightning enchant to a master of flame whose got the elemental reinforcement feat, would that enable him to get an extra 5% damage buff for a total of 20%?

    I dropped energy recover for reapers touch cause I found icy terrain kept bringing me into the middle of it all anyway so might as well give myself a damage boost there. On a full ish renegade or thaum build I keep putting points into bitter cold for extra damage against chilled targets as well. Since we use so much chill, it should constantly be up right? Unless the tooltip is wonky...

    Also... If lostmauth set has been fixed to apply it's bonus onto skills that previously did not apply it's not us such as burning light (paladin), dreadtheft (scourge), and roots (hunter), then would it not also apply to smolder/rimefire dots? Would this throw master of flame dps over spell storm dps?

    In which case... If it does... Mof renegade or mof thaum?
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    If you're just worried about personal DPS, Thaumaturge is better. But in a group, the Renegade brings more total DPS to the table with the buffs.

    Spell Twisting is a significant boost to DPS. You'd have to stack a lot of recovery to compensate for that, and any recovery your stacking is a loss of power/critical strike. Reaper's Touch is fine. Either Energy Recovery or Reaper's Touch isn't that noticeable. You just don't drive very much DPS from your at-will powers. Reaper's Touch is probably less than a 0.5% increase in DPS.

    So you're sort of locked into those 15 points in Thaumaturge to get Spell Twisting. Phantasmal Destruction is a nice feat, but I wouldn't trade anything for those five points. 15% critical severity is nice, but it's not worth trading out Chilling Advantage, Nightmare Wizardry or Spell Twisting for.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • boom782boom782 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Yes, it is definitely viable to do full renegade. I recently respecced and I find that my DPS has gone up quit a bit with a full renegade build. I definitely miss Spell Twisting but having 15% more crit severity more than makes up for it. I also dropped Energy recovery for reapers touch.

    It is very synergistic because without Spell Twisting you use At-wills more often and Reapers touch gives a nice boost to your at-wills then. Plus I switched to Magic Missile with the 6% dmg increase from OH and that works well together with Masterful Arcane Theft since you build stacks of Arcane with Magic Missile and Oppressive Force increasing damage even further.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    I'd love to see your testing from the switch. Every test I've done shows a substantial DPS loss from dropping Spell Twisting.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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