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Immortal dc how to fight them?

bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
edited January 2015 in PvE Discussion
Can someone explain me the mechanics of how these new immortal clerics are made and how do you beat them? Fought one 9k gs with my 16.2 k gs archery hunter + some other 10k gs hunter couldn't bring him less then 30% of hp and then he would go back to 100% in an instant. After the third time it happened in this single battle i surrendered.
Post edited by bjanu on


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    bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Ha! That's an easy question, let me answer it: Call a TR to help you out.

    Joke aside, there's a boon-proc-DoT (forgot which campaign) that (IF it actually procs) reduces the target's healing by -25%. No clue what the boon's procrate is, though but i do know that it works like a charm if it procs that is ofc.

    I have this boon, considering i spammed my encounters and rapid shot and that the fight went on for about 30 seconds the effect should have procied. And experience proved it to be not enough.
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    bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    **** i hate when they leave out of tool tip such crucial information, well then i will keep waiting for some other suggestions.
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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I had a DC res to full health multiple times running in IWD PvP tonight. Killed the DC, soulforge procced, killed them for good - and then they sprang up again fully healed! While it did give me several triple kills, not sure if it was a bug, exploit, or cheat that the DC player was using.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    I had a DC res to full health multiple times running in IWD PvP tonight. Killed the DC, soulforge procced, killed them for good - and then they sprang up again fully healed! While it did give me several triple kills, not sure if it was a bug, exploit, or cheat that the DC player was using.

    Scroll of life maybe - but this was not my case we were unable to kill him to begin with - he goes down to 30 % he heals up to full in a single spell. I am guessing maybe very lucky crit build but hard to believe that he was so tanky + so much crit and still only 9k gs. Where does these stats come from then.
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    sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    You simply need to understand how Gift of Faith works to get around it.

    First of all, it takes a long time to build up. Only a fraction of the clerics total heals go into the gift of faith pool. So in order for the cleric to get those big instant "oh my god" type heals, they need to be doing a LOT of healing. If you deprive them of that, either via large burst damage or CC, you will make it harder for them. Secondly, the heal will only proc when a target gets below 30% health. Its possible to get around the sudden heal if you can get the cleric down to about 35% then burst them to zero in a single hit.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The above. Plus:

    -need to be at same gear level
    -need to have good dps
    -need cc

    Tank dcs are supposed to be focused by more players. They are full tanks, can't kill u, so need to 2v1 at least.

    -understand empowered AS mechanic
    To gain stacks to cast an empowered AS and get 10s immunity, a DC must cast 3x divine as first. After that, need to at-will a bit to build divine power. Cc a lot when the DC is out of eas. And burst. Knock them out of eas. Do not waste DPS on a DC inside eas. Daze/ stun/ cc the DC even inside eas. Reason: the DC will at-will while protected by eas to gain divine power. Prevent him from doing that and when eas runs out he will be vulnerable.

    Key is cc to stop them from healing and gaining stacks for empowered astral shield. And avoid wasting DPS on a shielded cleric.
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    scathiasscathias Member Posts: 1,174 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    A DC can cast 3x divine encounters of any spell in order to cast a fully empowered AS. It no longer has to be 3x divine encounters of the same type. The same idea for fighting them stays though, you just need to beware of potential offensive divine attacks coming your way
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    nolashmendesnolashmendes Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    just cc the dc??? daze etc
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    So what I'm getting at is...have several big bursts, avoid at-wills (lmao at this requirement), perma-CC them.

    I can only think of 1 class that can accomplish all 3: the Trickster Rogue
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    CC as much as possible (prioritize prones), don't let them cast astral shield. If the cleric got decent team then ask your rogue to backcap their base and prey he is good as their team dumb enough to buy his tricks long enough for you to clean your base and two.
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    zxornzxorn Member Posts: 160 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    HR really has little chance of taking a healing DC solo, their only true CC is their daily. You can definitely help others by expanding CC timing but 1v1, best to go do something else.

    Straight DPS shouldn't be able to take down a healer anyways, otherwise why play one.

    2 TRs, 1GF + 1TR, 1Scoundrel TR or 1 CW is enough CC to take down a healing DC.

    Only classes that can do it solo are CW/Scoundrel TR. I've seen CW do it in one rotation and a Scoundrel do it by denying the DC the chance to get Divine power back.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Unless there is a HUGE gs difference, you should not think about 1v1 scenarios.
    It's a full tank healer.
    You are not supposed to take it down alone. Or it would be a useless build as it was in module 4.

    You have an enemy that is focused on tanking and healing. And nothing else. Focus him with other players. Any class has CC to some degree. The better suited for the task are obviously CWs and TRs right now. GWFs and GFs can help too.

    Point is, if you don't have enough CC or if you don't focus enough, you struggle. It's not an easy task and it's not supposed to be easy to take down a full tank DC. Yet, with some strategy as described above and some focused CC and DPS, you can do it. As said, just need to do not waste DPS when the DC is inside EAS, group CC-burst when out of EAS, group CC to prevent from using at-wills/ healing when inside EAS, knock out of EAS if you're a GF, DC or CW with repel, and burst. Repeat till it's dead. He may shoot gift of faith one time and heal if the burst is not too fast. But after that, with the above strategy, he will eventually fall.

    If you don't have enough DPS, focus, or strategy, the DC will seem unkillable.

    People got used at tank DC that yeah, could tank a bit, but would fall in 1v1 quite often. Now tank DCs do what they are supposed to do: be hard to take down, and heal. I don't know if a tone down is needed. May be gift of faith needs to respect healing depression but imho even BiS DCs would go down when focused by 2-3 BiS enemies. Feels balanced to me but i play a 11k tank DC alt, so may be at BiS level it's different. For my own personal experience it feels quite fair now: if the enemy fails at focusing me with enough CC, i can tank forever. If the enemy is strong and focuses me for good or my team is too weak to protect me, i fall. Sometimes even quite fast. Current TRs with permadaze or 1-shot kills can be a threat too. Need to dodge dazes or it gets nasty.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    zxorn wrote: »
    HR really has little chance of taking a healing DC solo, their only true CC is their daily. You can definitely help others by expanding CC timing but 1v1, best to go do something else.

    Straight DPS shouldn't be able to take down a healer anyways, otherwise why play one.

    2 TRs, 1GF + 1TR, 1Scoundrel TR or 1 CW is enough CC to take down a healing DC.

    Only classes that can do it solo are CW/Scoundrel TR. I've seen CW do it in one rotation and a Scoundrel do it by denying the DC the chance to get Divine power back.

    This. In a nutshell.
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    nuudlznuudlz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well -
    would be easier if GoF would actually stop stacking if the DC's HP is at 100% HP wouldn't it? But of course nobody is mentioning that **** here.
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nuudlz wrote: »
    Well -
    would be easier if GoF would actually stop stacking if the DC's HP is at 100% HP wouldn't it? But of course nobody is mentioning that **** here.
    Yeap, like numerous bugs CWs have.

    Somebody who does not care of local trolls bother to post them all pweeese?
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    nuudlznuudlz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    vasdamas wrote: »
    Yeap, like numerous bugs CWs have.

    Somebody who does not care of local trolls bother to post them all pweeese?

    And for whatever ****ed up reason should someone mention that Storm Spell procs multiple times in a DC thread? I also don't get the idea why a class should have bugged feats only because other classes have them too?

    Same goes for HR's roots which goes thru cc-immunity/roots you after dodging.
    Same goes for TR Exe capstone which procs multiple times with a DoT-Weapon enchantment.
    And so on...

    But instead people talking about what a class is suppose to be in their opinion.
    The Zisters' Magazine - Subscribe now and you'll never run out of style.

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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    who cares about tanky dc, there is no way to stop a dps one 1vs1 now.
    fire of gods + glyphs are out of control

    ( yes i know i play a tr, shocking is out of control too blablabla )
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    bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    The cleric didn't fight back - he did not use at will, and the sad thing is i am char build solely on dps yet i was far from dealing the amount of damage as he did of healing on himself - my guess that is trough healing depression? (don't fully understand what proc this mechanic). Further more i wasn't alone we were 2 hrs, and from what i saw he also was archery. Unfortunately - hr archery tree lacks high burst to do 30% of hp, except for aimed strike, however that is too easily countered by d.o.t or a single at will. I would get that same gs clerics becomes immortal in 1v1, if they focus on tankyness and healing. What worried me was that 9k can do that vs 2 quite above their gs - the hindering of team while they tank so much on node makes very big impact and when they are surrounded by teammates their impact escalates because of aoe buffs and heals and the fact that its not possible to focus on single target because if someone goes in the way it auto locks on that different target distributing dmg making the heals more effective.
    Thx for explaining a bit of mechanics, I will have to try to time my dps output more carefully/try aimed shooting them i dont see other options. Got only 2 cc powers - distruptive shot and boars charge - my dps wasn't enough already without the charge and as GoF is passive i would have not been able to dish out more damage if i replaced one of my offensive powers with this one + that would bring me in close range reducing my dmg further. In this fight my offensive stats were 5,3k power 3.4 crit chance 3k armor penetration, + as i could stay at distance my stillness of the forest was on and as the fight went so long practically always had the rising focus at 3 charges, + prey on the cleric. with 82 base severity and vorpal enchantment, also had pack of the wolfs aspect granting me ~10% dmg bonus as we were fighting 2 close besides each other and 9% damage as the enemy was not targeting me. (Just stating a bit of my stats so people can imagine what dmg i can dish out)
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    samothrace22samothrace22 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    bjanu wrote: »
    What worried me was that 9k can do that vs 2 quite above their gs - the hindering of team while they tank so much on node makes very big impact and when they are surrounded by teammates their impact escalates because of aoe buffs and heals and the fact that its not possible to focus on single target because if someone goes in the way it auto locks on that different target distributing dmg making the heals more effective.

    What gear was he wearing? Definitely not black ice with that gs, just curious because I am trying to make my DC viable for pvp
    Trickster Rogue
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    plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    9K GS most likely have:
    not even one full armor set
    almost no campaign boons

    with ur GS you sould kill him in one hit no matter what build he have

    you did something basically wrong or you are wrong about the GS
    I am 19K DC and except GF any class at my GS can Kill me
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Gift of faith needs ICD at least 5 seconds. Empowered Astral Shield needs rework. Sun Burst CC needs to be fixed.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    plavia wrote: »
    9K GS most likely have:
    not even one full armor set
    almost no campaign boons

    with ur GS you sould kill him in one hit no matter what build he have

    you did something basically wrong or you are wrong about the GS
    I am 19K DC and except GF any class at my GS can Kill me

    Well unless the display was not working i am sure about the gs, i checked several times - the cleric had one or two greens if i recall well.
    Could you specify something wrong - i did what i always do i do my range rotation, use marauder for melee rotation, use marauder to go back to the distance where my stillness of the forest is active and spammed my rapid shot.
    There is nothing very wrong i could do none was attacking me so didn't even need to dodge or anything.
    Same as the ally besides me late in combat i saw him trying to use aimed shot, heard it fire didn't notice significant effect.
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    castethcasteth Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You must understand a thing, you can't fight any class in same way, you don't fight a Tr like you would fight a Gw

    On 1vs1 only a tr actually can defeat a cleric, but, a good cleric ( tank cleric of course) will not fight alone, because he's an healer so, he helps his team and try to never be alone

    So, there is many option :

    1 : if your team got a good Tr, you tell him to focus Dc, it will be his job, and someone else wil have to take bases
    2 : If not, you all focus on Dc, and prey to hit hard enough to kill him, when his soulforge will be used, you will see the Dc will not be a problem for short time
    3 : you don't go alone, Dc is never alone, you look for the weakest around, and you kill him ( ppl really should understand that the weakest is the first one to kill ) then, for a short moment, you will have fighting advantage, try tu stun him if you can they fight him on many side ( 2 ppl can kill 1 dc if this one is in middle of fight )
    4 : you still can't kill him, then forget it, just fight on base, make him loosing time, a good healer is a bad fighter, you will not die, he wont too, so you wil have to prey that your team can win on other base
    5 : last option, your team is not strong enough, then, forget about winning game, just try to have fun with ppl that you can deal with

    You have to understand that you ( when i say you, it means everyone ) won't be able to kill everybody, you will always have to fight somebody that for a reason or not you can't deal with him, even if he looks like weaker.
    And remember a thing, goal isnt to kill people in pvp, but to have points for victory.
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    osiris2106osiris2106 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Cant believe no one else has mentioned it, but Archery is quite possibly the worst choice for pvp HR. This would have contributed to your issues.

    As many have mentioned the key to beating the type of DC you describe is preventing them building up gift to stupid numbers and not wasting time in dps when they are immune to it.

    This is achieved through burst dmg and/or control. Had you been both trapper HRs or a Trapper and a Combat HR and used you CC;s and prones and burst dmg wise you'dve have owned him. Tbh given the gs difference if you were a Trapper you may well have done it yourself.
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    free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    CC is DC's bane.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    free2pay wrote: »
    CC is DC's bane.

    CC is the counter for everything, that cant be an argument.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    Gift of faith needs ICD at least 5 seconds. Empowered Astral Shield needs rework. Sun Burst CC needs to be fixed.

    More like 30s on the whole capstone.
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