The other thread about this was quickly derailed. Pls dont let this happen here.
First: I am not a griefing cw/gf player. I play a 19k pvp gwf myself.
This thread will show that the feat Intimidation has way too much dmg in pvp. And that is cheesy and super skillless to use.
Here we go:
First, here are the stats of a destroyer build, with the most used encounters TD and FLS, their cds, their base dmg on the left side, and their buffed dmg with 20 destro-stacks on the right side. I also added the two encounter power, which the sentinel uses, so u can compare the cds.

Now, keep the dmg of the encounters TD and FLS in mind when we get to the dmg of Intimidation. Pls note also, as showed, that the two powers, which proc the feat are AOEs, covering a decent area.
Here is the damage I could achieve just by respeccing to a reasonable sentinel build, not even build my gear around that power based feat:

Keep in mind: no other buffs or debuffs were applied. Only some standard potions used in both instances.
The feat itself has no ICD, which means u can proc those numbers back to back. As an aoe. As a passive feat proc. In the tank path of gwfs.
To be honest, come and get it isnt that good except for the proc, but daring shout itself has very nice utility, and dont forget, u can still slot FLS as a third encounter to ensure hits even on dodging HRs/CWs.
My last pic is just from a random battle against an average gwf playing against my destro-gwf. He didnt even used the rotations right, maybe he was just practising with his new build, and he wasnt even build for maxed power.

Conclusion of this is:
Sentinels have far more burst dmg in pvp than destroyers. As AOEs! The IBS might hit a little bit harder, but u need specific conditions for that like low health in the target anyway. The feat Intimidation on the other hand grants nearly auto-hits for at least 10k to over 30k dmg on pvp geared players.
I except much flaming in this thread from gwfs, who just think I want their classes nerfed. Which is kinda odd, because I play one myself... and I realize that gwfs are not as strong as HRs/CWs/GFs. But its a balance issue.
Sentinel path is a tank path. They should have some dmg of course. But not insane AOE dmg that outclasses even the single target dmg of destro gwfs.
Not to speak of how unfun it is to use these powers for dmg. Even testing with it a couple of hours with it made me sick of them.
Or disruptive shot + boar charge + piercing blades?
What is to flame about?! This kind of thing shouldnt have happen, like i;ve said before skill is not a problem if it wouldnt crit, but it needs a bit of buffing without it. To go 13k power in pvp it means you are in pve gear and that is suicide.
It is true that Barracks lately turned into a nuthouse, probably due to too many hits in the head, so i ask some help from the Temple to come and do something with them cause we just cant control the situation anymore...
HR is quite OP right now, we all know that, but piercing blades alone cannot give you this sort of big numbers like 12k, and as i said i was only considering feat damage (altough ss is a passive)
Probably because a lot of CWs already said Storm Spell and Assailing Force are annoying.
I think this is caused because all dmg modifiers and multipliers affecting intimidation dmg. For example u deal more dmg against marked targets or can buff ur encounter dmg with Battle Fury. Its like the old deep gash, profiting from all sorts of modifiers.
To be fair, because of respecc and different feat choices my gwf had a little over 7k power (with pots). But still, the modified dmg is too highfor that base number.
PS: What is wrong with u guys? Some of u are so butthurt by HRs/CWs that u have to bring them up in EVERY TOPIC? This thread is about Intimidation feat. Gosh...
I have around 6-7k power with flawed ad hoc sentinel spec. Where do u pull this number from? Nobody has 13k power in pvp. I did those numbers with said base power.
gross exaggeration on my part... i havent tried this plus is something that pretty much every GWF in top pages agreed that is something wrong and should go away.
Only thing i was saying is that without the crit skills needs some buffing for pve purpose.
PS: chill a bit
I PMd Crush about this last week and here is his response:
So basically admits its currently WAI, now what needs to be done is help him understand its TOO powerful and needs to be toned back to say 30% of Power as damage.
id rather keep this build as one OPTION alive than remove it. All that need to happen is the feat needs to be nerfed to a fair level (I think 30% would be fine) Thats a 40% damage nerf to this "build"
I like the fact that it can crit, I just think its base damage needs a big nerf....
I dont want to see this option go away TBH. I only tested this in PVE on the PTR but it was a breathe of fresh air for my retired GWF... It felt ALOT better than the usual stun lock + IBS combo weve all used for over a year...
Id rather them just nerf the BASE of this feat, and call it good. Leave it as an option... Some will run it, others wont... It takes alot of sacrfice to get to really high Power levels so its a true tradeoff.
Im a little afraid 25% might be too low... Because what isnt seen is the sacrifice a GWF has to make to get to high power levels and maintain decent in other stats such as HP regen etc.
I think 30% of Power would be pretty fair TBH. I mean come and get it and daring shout really dont do very much in pvp at all.... So the fact they can do damage now, is really nice. Dropping it to 30% would mean even at 7k Power youll have a BASE of 2100 then factor in your damage boosts etc, but I think that sounds pretty reasonable.
But problem is second after it - makes my HR loose like 80% of health in one hit. One gwf even killed me in one shot from 100% to 0% throw Barkshield. Probably crit or so.
But note this my tenancy is 20% plus 35%~40% DR in combat profound with 30k HP. So even if it was not deflected its a huge damage. I assume with crit he did like 40k-50k damage raw.
Also GWF from my guild posted yesterday damage in pve > 214k or so. PM me if you need name or she may respond herself if this is issue.
Hope it will help you guys define it and fix if its broken. Im not any good in gwf.
Problem is: Similar to Gentle i cant reproduce it... i am using Cagi at 5k power in pvp but i;ve never hit anything above 10k dmg at crit... In pve at 7k power i hit for a max of 14k. For me a nerf in % is unacceptable, at least for my current knowledge. Maybe it gets multiplied by other buffs and has nothing to do with the feat itself...
When I was on the PTR with 5k power, I was playing around with it and at 5k it seemed "fair". I could have easily stacked 2-3k more power which is where it is really having more issues.
If its nerfed 30% (down to 35% from 50% of your power - which is a 30% nerf) I think it will really solve part of the issue.
The skill needs to do good damage because of the HIGH CD and also the high gear required to center around the build. Nerfing TOO much and I think itll ruin this option for players - which I like this being an option
50% Cooldown
I completely agree. The tradeoff for getting high power is severe when we're considering PvP. Although, for PvE I'd say the feat should work as it does right now. The reason being the overall low damage of sentinel that leads to abysmal threat generation.
That's a good idea too.
+ CAGI Calcultator
+ Liquid Tear Website
seems that CA is to blame for all this (7k power)
Not just CA but Mark as well. Targets that are marked are also given combat advantage AND Sents that deal damage to marked targets have a feat to increase this ANOTHER 15% as well.
So Mark + CA + Feat + any boons/stats for Combat advantage equal something CLOSE to:
20% + 8% + 15% + 4% = 47% damage boost from JUST marking a target.
Also, I made a proposition to remove this, however it would have to be given back to the GWFs in other areas.
One of my personal favorite suggestions was to remove combat advantage on mark but give STR = +2% Damage for each point.
This would end up being a "wash" for GWFs in total damage but it would mean less comes from Mark than currently.... And also gives more incentive to not stack Con as a GWF if you can stack STR for extra damage.
I respectfully disagree. Not only does it take quite a bit of game knowledge to BUILD correctly (because this requires quite a bit of "build" to do) it also requires alot of AD for the correct artifacts and artifact equipment as well. N
Then it takes appropriate "combos" if you will because you have to do the moves in the correct order. Its arguably no more difficult than Frontline -> Takedown -> IBS is.
This is just Frontline -> Daring -> Come and get it.
While I see what your saying, I also think with a nerf to maybe 35%, itll still be a viable niche build that isnt "easy" to set up or do correctly.
Its also relatively easy to "block" or "counter" and it also has less "control" that FLS->Takedown->IBS. So its actually LESS "cheesy" from that standpoint.