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Game Model: Do you want players to quit after gearing up?

abecassisabecassis Member Posts: 255 Bounty Hunter
edited September 2014 in PvE Discussion
This is not a bashing thread or whatever.

Im just interessted in the view of the players/developer on what the game model really is.
As of today, all there is to it is to gear up your character really. After doing all the dungeons, gearing up and maxing out my toons with boons, artifacts, enchants and gear, i have nothing left to do. I can run the same dungeons again, but why would i when i already have the gear from them. I can do PvP again, but why would i when the gap between geared players and ungeared players are insanely big, a good match only comes along once in a lifetime.

So what is really neverwinters game model? Where is the endgame for maxed out players. Im really not hoping for an answer that they only want you money, make you quit so you make room for new players. I hoping for some answers that you want the game to advance in some way. But what way? PvP is left for dead months ago. And PvE is no point anymore.

I already saw this problem a year ago, but i though the game is new OK, some things will come along, some new content maybe, some challenging dungeons or whatever. But the only "new" content so far is a new skrimrish and a shorter dungeon, only to gear up your character even more by spending AD. Dungeons are as challenging as they were a year ago, but our characters are 10x times stronger now. Its gets kinda boring.

I dont get it. looking aside constantly gearing up and spending millions of AD. What else is there to do when you have already done that?
Dr. Phil
Post edited by abecassis on


  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    I'm still looking for the endgame now myself.

    Open world PVP is dead.

    Dungeons rewards are RNG based so skipping that nonesense.

    PVP still only has the 2 maps and single mode.

    Heroic encounters is hitting the dragon once then watching some TV and afk.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Seriously, if after you have maxing out, completed all collections on 7 characters one of each class and you still have time to play I would suggest 2 things.

    1)Take a break come back in a few months.
    2) Delete one and start over.

    This is all I can offer.
  • mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    You could wear less powerful stuff to get more challenge. Nothing is stopping you from doing that. Try the dungeons wearing no gear and basic weapons. Rpg communities often set up "no gear" challenges where participants voluntarily play undergeared or even completely without gear.

    " I killed the boss with my rank 10 / perfects" is less of a challenge than "I killed the boss with my bare hands".
    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
  • abecassisabecassis Member Posts: 255 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    If the players followed the growth pattern as intended by the game, they should be around 14-15k GS now.

    Growth pattern? I mean its available for us to gear up within a month of a new module. What do you suggest we do while waiting? Jumping arround in PE? Do you suggest we wait for cryptic to release new content? And then gear up ? Because then we would all still be stuck at Mod1 since dungeons has not gotten anymore challenging after that
    Dr. Phil
  • abecassisabecassis Member Posts: 255 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    You could wear less powerful stuff to get more challenge. Nothing is stopping you from doing that. Try the dungeons wearing no gear and basic weapons. Rpg communities often set up "no gear" challenges where participants voluntarily play undergeared or even completely without gear.

    " I killed the boss with my rank 10 / perfects" is less of a challenge than "I killed the boss with my bare hands".

    haha wth. is this what we have to do to keep the game fun and challenging? this is your idea of a game model?

    "dont you dare gear up your character to maximum availible!"
    "everything will get super boring if you do"
    Dr. Phil
  • mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    abecassis wrote: »
    haha wth. is this what we have to do to keep the game fun and challenging? this is your idea of a game model?

    "dont you dare gear up your character to maximum availible!"
    "everything will get super boring if you do"
    So you dont actually want challenge. You want more gears for more dungeons for more uber gears for even more dungeons. That's a neverending treadmill and you wont ever be happy.
    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    One thing that could in theory provide an endless fun no matter your lvl and gear is foundry, unfortunately this part of the game is even more neglected than the DC class.
  • arimikamiarimikami Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I've been playing Cryptic games for about a decade now and can tell you that end game really is not their strong point. They're very much a journey rather than the destination type company. Their very first game had no end game at all and basically all there was to do when you got to level cap was make a new character but, it was fine because, even if you only wanted to play one class, you could easily make around ten characters of just one class and they would all function very differently in game. The problem is that with each game they make, they cut back the number of options you have when it comes to deciding how your character plays in game while streamlining the leveling process at the same time. Add to this that end game is really not something they do a lot of on top of the vast increase in locust gamers now compared to ten years ago and you've got the problem people are facing here, as well as in a lot of other games.

    I think Cryptic was expecting people to take their time and explore the actual game all the way through and then make another character to do it again on an all new class. Most people aren't interested in that though. They wanna grind to level cap as quickly as possible and start doing max level dungeons.
  • jrfbrunetjrfbrunet Member Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Honestly, the Foundry was supposed to be the endgame, and was basically marketed as a failsafe for those players who beat all the dungeons too fast. It was marketed that way from the very beginning.

    Somewhere along the way, Cryptic (for whatever reasons) lost sight of that and focused their energy and resources on developing new dungeons and events. This development can never keep up with hardcore gamers (we all know this lesson from playing other MMOs for the last decade). The foundry was supposed to be continually updated/tweaked so that the GAMERS themselves could create new content and have a chance of outpacing the hardcore gamers and keep them engaged in Neverwinter.
    just my 2AD

    P.S. Since this is the case, and I can't blame any one person in particular, I will settle with leaving soon and coming back to Neverwinter much later (maybe the new WoW expansion in the meantime).
    Where'd my blinky-blinky path go?
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    abecassis wrote: »
    This is not a bashing thread or whatever.

    Im just interessted in the view of the players/developer on what the game model really is.
    As of today, all there is to it is to gear up your character really. After doing all the dungeons, gearing up and maxing out my toons with boons, artifacts, enchants and gear, i have nothing left to do. I can run the same dungeons again, but why would i when i already have the gear from them. I can do PvP again, but why would i when the gap between geared players and ungeared players are insanely big, a good match only comes along once in a lifetime.

    So what is really neverwinters game model? Where is the endgame for maxed out players. Im really not hoping for an answer that they only want you money, make you quit so you make room for new players. I hoping for some answers that you want the game to advance in some way. But what way? PvP is left for dead months ago. And PvE is no point anymore.

    I already saw this problem a year ago, but i though the game is new OK, some things will come along, some new content maybe, some challenging dungeons or whatever. But the only "new" content so far is a new skrimrish and a shorter dungeon, only to gear up your character even more by spending AD. Dungeons are as challenging as they were a year ago, but our characters are 10x times stronger now. Its gets kinda boring.

    I dont get it. looking aside constantly gearing up and spending millions of AD. What else is there to do when you have already done that?

    There just isn't much at the moment. Write a foundry?

    The models are often based on "churn". I know that isn't the answer you want but it is the reality.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited September 2014
    I've been playing since Alpha. I still cannot find the end to the game and I have 15 level 60 characters that I regularly play and 10 more on the way. I have Foundry projects finished and in progress. New Modules are being released every few months. This is also an MMO, which are persistent and have no true "end." If one is blowing through content so fast, I'd say slow down and enjoy the roses. If one is here just for PvP... well that is just wrong to expect more from a PvE focused MMORPG based on Dungeons & Dragons.

    This "End Game" notion has no place in PvE-focused MMORPGs, in my opinion. I still haven't found this mythical end game in Neverwinter. Everytime I think I may see a notion of such on the horizon, a new Module was released. I'd say Cryptic is doing just fine on content. The problem, in my opinion, is the relatively-small number of players blowing through such and then complaining very vocally about it.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    I snipped that because that's the essence of your question.

    What can we do about it?
    Well, to be honest, nothing much, short of a full server wipe. Basically the damage is done. The first wave players have beaten the game, plain and simple. Unintentionally perhaps, but that's what it amounts to. Any measure taken to lower their power will simply result in leaving players. They won't create dungeons that are far over the current content, for the simple reason that catering minorities is a sure way to kill the average playerbase. They will stick to their original plan with a few slight modifications here and there.
    What can be done is taking active measures against the abundance of power available so not more people will suffer from this problem. Fixing loopholes, acting aggressively against abusers and stop selling power is 1 such action. Fighting bots and their 3rd party sites is another. And in that respect, Cryptic has a long way to go if it wants to return NW to the state it was supposed to be in.

    Agree with everything you said, however Ive been thinking about this and I think if the DEVs were willing to take player direction, this could turn the game around for the better.

    Boons need a nerf TBH. All the +250 boons should be cut to +100 stats. The new +200 boons also dropped to +100.

    The Final "tier" rewards should also be cut in half. Example: Sharandar 10% stamina gain cut to 5%. ETC.

    Classes need complete over-haul.

    Take the 5 man T1/T2 PVE dungeons and make 10 man version of them with T3/T4 armor.

    Take the RP system, turn it on its head so R10s give a TON of RP - so its worth upgrading to refine.

    Release new PVP MODES and MAPS.

  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The problem is them slowing progression artificially and repetitively to unlock the stuff we want and that stuff that we actually want to replay is unrewarding to do so. Why make things BoP, seriously? This is an MMO, stop making the single player campaigns the freaking main focus that gets most of the playtime.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ulviel wrote: »
    One thing that could in theory provide an endless fun no matter your lvl and gear is foundry, unfortunately this part of the game is even more neglected than the DC class.

    Not really, the foundry doesn't scale with gear so if you are wearing more the white quality items with no enchants, it's a faceroll.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Not really, the foundry doesn't scale with gear so if you are wearing more the white quality items with no enchants, it's a faceroll.

    It CAN be made to though - some Foundry quests have a hard or nightmare mode.
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Not really, the foundry doesn't scale with gear so if you are wearing more the white quality items with no enchants, it's a faceroll.

    It's true foundry could use some tougher mobs, but you still can scale the difficulty. And, what's more important, you can make really enjoyable quests based not on fights, but on story, puzzles or roleplaying.
    The problem is 1. lack of incentive to play foundry and 2. It needs a serious update. You don't even have HR outfits there, not to mention all that bugs.
  • jrfbrunetjrfbrunet Member Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    zebular wrote: »
    I've been playing since Alpha. I still cannot find the end to the game and I have 15 level 60 characters that I regularly play and 10 more on the way. I have Foundry projects finished and in progress. New Modules are being released every few months. This is also an MMO, which are persistent and have no true "end." If one is blowing through content so fast, I'd say slow down and enjoy the roses. If one is here just for PvP... well that is just wrong to expect more from a PvE focused MMORPG based on Dungeons & Dragons.

    This "End Game" notion has no place in PvE-focused MMORPGs, in my opinion. I still haven't found this mythical end game in Neverwinter. Everytime I think I may see a notion of such on the horizon, a new Module was released. I'd say Cryptic is doing just fine on content. The problem, in my opinion, is the relatively-small number of players blowing through such and then complaining very vocally about it.

    You have a very healthy way of playing Neverwinter - one encouraged by the devs' progression model for this game (multiple max level characters).

    Some people have another, but just as legitimate, way of playing - they max out (1) character. They see this character as their avatar. In PnP D&D, you did something very similar for months or years, and then moved on to a different character when a new edition of the ruleset came out, or for other reasons. For these people, the pace of development isn't quite enough I suppose. The new dungeon is only 15 minutes long from what I've read. The artifact weapon and belt are the only true upgrades that count as progression, and you need an obscene amount of grinding in order to get them to the "upgrade" level through refining.

    Basically, the new endgame isn't as fun here as it is in other MMOs that require you to learn multiple strategies for multiple dungeons and boss fights. Here in neverwinter, we learn (1) new, short dungeon, 1 'skirmish', and the rest is grind the left mouse button away from all the click-drag-click you must do in the refining window.

    Had the Foundry been continually updated with more than copy-paste sets from module content, then we may have an alternative end-game that is actually better than other MMOs currently in play.

    I say the Devs do this: complete whatever Module/dungeons/events you are already working on, and devote all your other resources to upgrading the foundry tools. Give a man the tools to properly fish, and you will have facilitated an entire fishing village.
    Where'd my blinky-blinky path go?
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jrfbrunet wrote: »
    Basically, the new endgame isn't as fun here as it is in other MMOs that require you to learn multiple strategies for multiple dungeons and boss fights. Here in neverwinter, we learn (1) new, short dungeon, 1 'skirmish', and the rest is grind the left mouse button away from all the click-drag-click you must do in the refining window.

    That's about it.

    Problem is you don't need to learn even 1 dungeon/skirmish, they are too easy to have anything to learn in it.

    How easy?

    Well, I pugged epic LoL (which indeed is just 15 minutes, just like a skirmish...) with my CW. It's not BiS, it's built for PvP, and I don't have either legendary belt or weapon.

    We wiped once.

    And we almost wiped twice. From 50% or so of the boss, I remained alone.

    And I killed the "mean" dragon, with my squish CW, ALONE.

    At that point the dragon felt to me more like a small kitty.

    I have no doubt whatsoever I can solo it with my HR too and most people from my friends list will solo the biggest and baddest boss in Neverwinter as well.

    To me, this is incredibly worrying and says a lot about the "challenges" this game offers.

    Even more worrying is the fact that the bosses, including the last one, have NO LOOT (some people said that extremely rare, the last boss will drop something). All the loot is from the chests at the end.

    A very sad situation.
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »

    Well the thing is that all of the content since mod 1 has been done by me because it was the only content we had rather than me wanting to do it. The content before mod 1 was me grinding dungeons so that I can progress and it was something to enjoy doing and it felt good to actually progress. Now there is a clear cut off point where a lot of the stuff may just be junk for you, especially the armour sets. I didn't need to rely on boring leadership toons and ah investing to make AD then. *sigh*. Things went downhill so much for the players since then.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    In the same order:

    - Boons are fine as it is. There has to be some rewarding character progression for doing campaigns or nobody will do them And it's something we all can do, so there's no advantage gained over anyone. It just takes a bit of time to do it. Most importantly, if they don't allow this natural progression, it makes it harder to create more difficult content that people will want or will be able to play.

    People need to grow. Not ahead of the game, but with the game. And 1k GS per campaign seems more or less reasonable. It results in people being able to grow to 13kish without T2 gear, which is a nice starting point for IWD and ToD. T1 dungeons are almost all obsolete these days, except for DCs and they need to do something about that.

    - Class overhaul. Agreed. Some decisions -and I'm not talking nerfs, but the existence of certain skills on certain classes- were a bad move. On top of that the game tends to listen to the people who cry the loudest, and that doesn't always result in a change for the better. If you want a quick rundown per class:

    TR: being worked on. needs alternatives besides stealth to kill their opponents if their DPS is not restored by a good amount. WK path needs some major work. Will always have issues with getting dungeons as long as people's egos run wild because it will always lack the AoE. A good dungeon overhaul would be more effective bringing the TR back than anything they can do with the class.
    DC: Shouldn't be affected by HD and could use a slight control boost.
    CW: Nice and powerful, but still not enough reasons to go anything but Thaum. The extra control from oppressor should prove as efficient as the DPS from Thaum. At the moment it is not. Maybe make MoF a little more different from SS.
    HR: healing skills don't belong to a striker/controller hybrid. I'd rather see it replaced with the rooting skill the CotD archers have.
    GF: Getting there. The latest nerf wasn't really needed in my opinion. Could use a slight damage boost. They are still warriors.
    GWF: In my opinion there's so much wrong with this class I can write a novella about it. It's not a warrior and it's not a barbarian. It's not even a mix of the 2. Suffice it to say that at the very least self-heal has no place in a warrior class.
    SW: Not a lot of experience with it yet, but it appears their overall damage could be turned down a little compared to the other classes. Possibly in return for something like detonating their soul puppet for either damage or HP depending on the feat tree they selected.

    - New tier gear.. I don't doubt it's coming eventually. It should be part of the natural progression players will go through. But I don't expect this to happen before mod6-7.
    I know what you're getting at, but looking at the content's progression right now, another tier would only increase the gap compared to the average player and in the end the BiS people will complain yet again once they get their T3 set. It'll be an endless and pointless cycle of crying and creating new content. There's no point in doing that for a small group of people. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the intended progression to get that wish fulfilled. When you're running a game like this, catering the minority results in less time to cater the majority, which will result in more player loss than just keeping to the original plan.
    Alternatively, I could see something like world bosses an option, provided they are better regulated than IWD HEs and dragons.

    - I think the refining process needs to be doubled instead of halved. With the current availability of refining points people gain way too much power too easily. Either that, or just get rid of the bots, refining points in the AH and the fey/dragon hoard enchantment. R10 will never be used to refine. They are simply too expensive, and for the BiS it should be.

    - I"m never against more things to do. But I also believe that this game is not ready for decent Pvp yet. No offense, but the sheer canyon between the old BiS and the normal casual players that started a year ago makes PvP pointless and a complete waste of time. Unless they start restricting enchantments above R7-8, PvP will never be fun for the average player, no matter what PvP mode they play. And again, catering a minority will cost a lot of players and they simply wont do it.
    That doesn't mean there will never be more PvP modes or maps. But to the general population it won't make any difference as they stand no chance of winning any mode you can think of.
    PvP is also the only part I believe needs some sort of splitting up between the newbies, average and elites. No matter how you turn it, without them toning down their power or isolating them from everyone else, there's clearly no fun to be had with them.
    Only I haven't decided on what the best course of action would be without people feeling hurt by it one way or another. GS alone will definitely not do it. And the BiS people are too few in number to make the ELO working properly for them, but enough to ruin PvP for most other people.

    All in all, given the current situation and the way the game has been progressing so far, I think the best action for Cryptic would be to let the old BiS bunch die out unless they tone down. There's not much they can do for them that doesn't endanger the normal gameplay. That doesn't mean I want them to leave. Not at all.

    Please, stay. But play the game another way. They don't need more AD, so why not spend the time doing what an MMO is meant for? Be social. teach people, have fun and enjoy the challenge of running with less than optimal people. Get some R8s and feel the challenge the game was meant to offer you. Of course it would be nice if Cryptic facilitates these "mentors" by introducing some sort of system for it, enticing people to have fun with the newbies instead of being bored doing speedruns and watching the AH.
    I don't need such a system, my guild already does stuff like that. But most people won't do anything below their challenge level without some sort of reward. That's how the community is in this game.

    That's what it in essence comes down to yes. I tried to put it a little more subtle because I didn't feel like picking crushed toenails from under my slippers, but yes.

    - Boons: Part of the issue with increasing stats so much is with the fairly low soft caps and diminishing returns it starts forcing more and more players into the same builds. In the past when the game first hit OB a large part of the fun was the tradeoff between stats. Now there is no such tradeoff.

    So unless they are going to re-create the stat system (which I am in favor of BTW - no diminishing returns, all stats should work like power but they would need to severely decrease effectiveness to allow true "choice") the boons are PART of the issue, in giving players alot of freedom in stat choice aside from gear.

    - Class overhaul There have been so many nerfs/buffs its really landed classes in a bad spot... ALOT needs changing here, I wont go into it.

    - New tier gear THis is primarily because the PVE community needs harder dungeons. Instead of them contuninuing to fail with their version of new skirmishes and dungeons, which only give us two new PVE avenues. TO RE-DO the old T1 dungeons for 10 man versions. Then as a reward for 10 man dungeons, take the old T1/T2 gear and make a T3 version. Same stats as the base, new Set bonuses that are unique. This isnt even a big deal considering blackice and draconic gear. Maybe the T3 BIG improvement would be the overload slots on the gear along with attractive stats.

    - Refining My issue with refining is it REALLY gives incentive for bots. So players are best suited to buy rank 4s and use those, or in belts/weapons players buy the blue gear rather than giving incentive to farm epics. So doubling it sounds great (even though this furthers the divide you mentioned) but giving ALOT more RP for epics would work too. Basically the BEST way to refine SHOULD be Epics and the highest rank enchant you cna get... For instance. Putting a Rank 10 into an artifact should give ATLEAST the equivalent of rank 4s it takes to MAKE a rank 10.

    - PVP They need to make ALL consumables not work in PVP nor affect your character in PVP. They need to rework their crappy ELO system, its actually not ELO but matchmaking that is broken(alot of suggestions have been made). They need to release new PVP game MODES. An "OddBall" or "Murderball" would work perfectly on the same maps we have now. A cool spin NW could even put on it, is you pick up the "ball" at the middle node, and points tick for your team ONLY when you hold the ball on one of the node locations: Home/Mid/Far - this puts emphasis on the nodes again, lets you use the SAME maps we have now, with just a different twist.

    If they re-worked Matchmaking and put this new PVP TYPE into the game, that would do ALOT for PVP, ALOT!

    New 10 man dungeons and T3 gear would do ALOT for the PVE community.

    Class overhaul would make classes fun again.

    RP lessens the pointless grind there, it honestly just creates a MASSIVE divide between the rich and poor. Legendary shouldnt have been an RP thing but a LOW chance of random drops from the dungeon and skirmish, and the reward was the legendary equip. NOT a green artifact weapon you spend millions on RP for to get..... Shouldnt be an AD game, should be a PLAY thing.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    End-game is where one should delve more into theorycrafting and build creation, in my opinion. Once a player has the means to do so, I believe he should try to steer clear off the FOTM builds and explore. When you have so much toys to play with, build creation becomes increasingly fun.

    There are a lot of untested and unique builds that can be created in the game. Some may be less optimal than the others but it may be just the thing that could bring life back to your end-game characters.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    End-game is where one should delve more into theorycrafting and build creation, in my opinion. Once a player has the means to do so, I believe he should try to steer clear off the FOTM builds and explore. When you have so much toys to play with, build creation becomes increasingly fun.

    There are a lot of untested and unique builds that can be created in the game. Some may be less optimal than the others but it may be just the thing that could bring life back to your end-game characters.

    I agree when there are many options of build variety. But there are not alot currently. There used to be alot more because players had to choose which stats to have, stack, and what would work best with certain builds.

    Now a days though there is less of a "trade off" and more of "have everything" so the builds become MUCH less about stats/gear and more about powers/skills/feats

    The issue with THAT is that alot of the builds (like CW) have had their hand FORCED because of all the nerfs/changes and ontop of that, turned the class into a MUCH less "skill required" thing.

    There is also no avenue for player to appropriately test these builds once they theory them. PVE is a joke - its super easy to PUG the "hardest content" and PVP is a joke due to the horrible matchmaking system.

    If they want to, there is ALOT they can do to correct the wrongs here.

    As detailed above and previously:
    1) Boons - reduce boons to +100 of each stat and cut in HALF the things LIKE 10% stamina regen (sharandar capstone). This brings back limitations for builds because stats become more scarce - less of a chance to softcap everything.

    2) Class Overhaul - Again, ALOT can be said about this. So I wont get into it.

    3) New PVE dungeons and Tier gear - instead of NEW BAD dungeons, just redo the old ones, make them 10 man raids with magic immune monsters, physical immune monsters, un-controllable monsters, Monsters that HIT for 40-50k+ Making them truly require tanks/healers/skill to play against. ETC. With this, T3 gear with overload slots, brings back the old T1/T2 armor we loved. An additional idea here could be to create tenacity "re-inforcement kits" to allow players to put tenacity on PVE gear if they chose.

    4) Re-fining - is a joke.

    5) PVP needs new maps and gamtypes. Seriously, its getting old. Matchmaking is a joke. Its not ELO thats broken its the way they use ELO. SAME two maps are stale, same domination play is stale.........

    If you want people to excel at theory craft, there had to be a REASON and AVENUES to express that theory craft. Once you theory a cool new build then what? Run around in PE?
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    End-game is where one should delve more into theorycrafting and build creation, in my opinion.

    What about CONTENT!?!?
  • urterrorurterror Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    They need to make ALL consumables not work in PVP nor affect your character in PVP.

    <"Give that Man a Medal" meme removed>

    and all my respect! wise words!

    <"Courtesy Bow" meme removed>

    | Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
    < Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    Now a days though there is less of a "trade off" and more of "have everything" so the builds become MUCH less about stats/gear and more about powers/skills/feats

    The issue with THAT is that alot of the builds (like CW) have had their hand FORCED because of all the nerfs/changes and ontop of that, turned the class into a MUCH less "skill required" thing.

    Builds aren't always supposed to be about stats and gear, but that's just me. I see it more as an interplay of all the available tools we have to personalize our play style. Most builds tend to have "stats" as their prominent feature, which are easy to stack in most games, specially Neverwinter. But it is preferable to go beyond just stats.

    Some players may feel "forced" to play a certain build, but this is an experience that happens to players who like to play in the most optimal manner possible. Theorycrafting in my opinion, however, isn't always about what's optimal and what's not.

    We seem to be seeing two very different things right now. I just see build creation and theorycrafting as a challenge in innovation and creating new play styles, rather than a challenge in "skill" or creating elaborate methods of executing something which one could have done easier in another manner. But that's just me.
    ayroux wrote: »
    ...If you want people to excel at theory craft, there had to be a REASON and AVENUES to express that theory craft. Once you theory a cool new build then what? Run around in PE?

    IDK, man. Share it, let the others enjoy it and possibly improve it, then jump to the next build, I guess. The act of exploring our capabilities has been pretty much my main reason in playing MMOs. Some people play MMOs for the adventure, or to clash blades with other players. But in my opinion, the content can wait and shouldn't be rushed. But of course, this is coming from a non-hardcore gamer who merely like to build things and theorycraft.

    Tyranny of Dragons is a different story, though. The thing is just too d*mn long.
    What about CONTENT!?!?

    We've got a lot of those coming so I'm not too worried about it. It's slow, but it will come. People will always be hungry for new content.

    I for one believe that the Foundry should be significantly improved. We have a whole dang salvo of creative Foundry Artists, and it's so wrong not to give them the means to provide their fellow players with a challenging and rewarding experience using the Foundry.

    Cryptic can release some sort of Creators Pack for the Foundry Artists. Creators Pack can contain additional Foundry Functions and Content such as Boss Fights, better end-chest loot, additional creatures one can only encounter in the Foundry, additional textures such as Desert Terrain, additional animations and environmental effects, the ability to create PVP maps; sky's the limit!

    From my knowledge, hardcore RP-ers (and there are a lot of them too) would be more than willing to pay for the abilities to create such content.

    I for one, however, would settle for a REAL SOLO challenge. :) Playing in groups is nice, but I'd prefer to tackle an entire dungeon by myself if it's possible. It'd be a challenge for end-game players too.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    1) Boons - reduce boons to +100 of each stat and cut in HALF the things LIKE 10% stamina regen (sharandar capstone). This brings back limitations for builds because stats become more scarce - less of a chance to softcap everything.

    2) Class Overhaul - Again, ALOT can be said about this. So I wont get into it.

    3) New PVE dungeons and Tier gear - instead of NEW BAD dungeons, just redo the old ones, make them 10 man raids with magic immune monsters, physical immune monsters, un-controllable monsters, Monsters that HIT for 40-50k+ Making them truly require tanks/healers/skill to play against. ETC. With this, T3 gear with overload slots, brings back the old T1/T2 armor we loved. An additional idea here could be to create tenacity "re-inforcement kits" to allow players to put tenacity on PVE gear if they chose.

    4) Re-fining - is a joke.

    5) PVP needs new maps and gamtypes. Seriously, its getting old. Matchmaking is a joke. Its not ELO thats broken its the way they use ELO. SAME two maps are stale, same domination play is stale.

    Decided to post my replies on your suggestions on a different post, so things would be clear. :)

    1. Good idea. Or, if possible, just change all the stats that Boons provide to the exotic ones we do not have access to from gear alone such as Action Point Gain, Control Resist/Penetration, Incoming Healing etc. Those stats are highly situational and is hard to stack to kingdom high unlike the ones we usually see in our gear.

    3. Yep, redesigning the current content to be more challenging would be nice. PVPVE dungeons, anyone? Adding a whole new element of danger in dungeons would introduce a new dimension to both PVP and PVE.

    4. Yes. Overly tedious and uncreative.

    5. Not much to say here. I just want new maps myself, preferably maps with creative layouts that would inspire different strategies and team plays.
  • abecassisabecassis Member Posts: 255 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Decided to post my replies on your suggestions on a different post, so things would be clear. :)

    1. Good idea. Or, if possible, just change all the stats that Boons provide to the exotic ones we do not have access to from gear alone such as Action Point Gain, Control Resist/Penetration, Incoming Healing etc. Those stats are highly situational and is hard to stack to kingdom high unlike the ones we usually see in our gear.

    3. Yep, redesigning the current content to be more challenging would be nice. PVPVE dungeons, anyone? Adding a whole new element of danger in dungeons would introduce a new dimension to both PVP and PVE.

    4. Yes. Overly tedious and uncreative.

    5. Not much to say here. I just want new maps myself, preferably maps with creative layouts that would inspire different strategies and team plays.

    Why are you only "former"-community moderator. you seem like an awesome guy and should have continued. Anyway, im not an RP fan and i like playing with other people and doing parties.

    This game fooled me a little because its an "MMOrpg". but really it caters mostly to solo players like you. Usually i would tell you to l2p and go play another game, but it looks like most of the NW players are solo players and im worried they will never offer anything to end game players (mix/maxers).

    PvP is kinda lost and forgotten and the PvE dungeons are so easy now since our stats is 10x times higher then what it was when the dungeons were made. I will just call them Addgeons from now on, because of the adds.

    If the addgeons get adjusted in difficulty, it would be great to scale the gear up for the next module so enchants/artifact/boons dosent mean 90% of your stats. I've made an easy suggestion in this thread which would IMO close the gap a bit from old players and new players and we would get some competitive PvP again. And if the addgeons got adjusted abit(alot) in difficulty it wouldent matter much with greater stats on gear because everything would be easily balanced out.
    Dr. Phil
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    I agree with Ayroux.

    Dailies are not endgame content. Dailies are work to get to the endgame content.

    So where is the endgame content?

    Dungeons don't give good loot and depend on RNG of the artifact weapon chest.
    Open world pvp is dead.
    Heroic encounters give you the same reward for AFKing and participating.
    We still have 2 maps and no new pvp modes

    Does cryptic really want to wait 2 more modules before introducing new endgame content?
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    abecassis wrote: »
    Why are you only "former"-community moderator. you seem like an awesome guy and should have continued. Anyway, im not an RP fan and i like playing with other people and doing parties.

    This game fooled me a little because its an "MMOrpg". but really it caters mostly to solo players like you. Usually i would tell you to l2p and go play another game, but it looks like most of the NW players are solo players and im worried they will never offer anything to end game players (mix/maxers).

    PvP is kinda lost and forgotten and the PvE dungeons are so easy now since our stats is 10x times higher then what it was when the dungeons were made. I will just call them Addgeons from now on, because of the adds.

    If the addgeons get adjusted in difficulty, it would be great to scale the gear up for the next module so enchants/artifact/boons dosent mean 90% of your stats. I've made an easy suggestion in this thread which would IMO close the gap a bit from old players and new players and we would get some competitive PvP again. And if the addgeons got adjusted abit(alot) in difficulty it wouldent matter much with greater stats on gear because everything would be easily balanced out.

    Thank you very much, Abecassis! The game isn't actually too friendly for us solo players as well. We have very limited means to truly tackle anything solo, and it takes a lot of effort to experience the challenge of soloing an epic dungeon nowadays, as compared to before. I'd love to be able to challenge myself with soloing dungeons again, but it's just not possible right now.

    Sometimes I think of how dungeons would be if we aren't able to see the red splats on the ground whenever our enemies are about to use powerful skills. Part of me is wishing to see this luxury removed from the game. :) It's what making dungeons so easy, and removes the need to have any semblance of defense because the red splats allows us to "see the future," giving us all the time we need to act accordingly and move out of range.

    By having the telegraphs removed, PVE players would need to be more attentive about details, enemy movements and their behaviors rather than relying on the red splats to tell them what to do next. It's a simple idea but could breath new life unto PVE.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Thank you very much, Abecassis! The game isn't actually too friendly for us solo players as well.

    You hit the dragon once and you go to a safe spot and AFK. That is not very hard.
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