Big congrats! Could you please share the rotation and strategies you used? I used the HW+AS+SB combo and FF+AS+SB combo for healing. I got nothing since mod 3 released even if I was the only DC in some HEs. Thanks in advance!
My DC took a few tries but she got the bracers pretty easy after doing exclusively Epic HEs. I went all heals - healing word, AShield, Bastion and topped it off with Healer's Lore. I spammed Seals and SFlame when I could, also spammed HG for extra HoTs on everyone.
However, the other thing to consider is that when I got the bracers I was the only DC there for 80% of the battle and it was Raiders. I do generally have better luck with Raiders than Remo.
My GF? Keeps getting Hammerstone HAMSTER like @ripyourlipsoff... Sigh.
I do 10 -15 heroics a day during the week and having today off I just did 8 this morning... 4 of which I started on my own DPS specced, the other 4 I re specced Tank and full threat as to try and get my mainhand. All of which i got nothing but 75 black ice! REALLY? Are you kidding me?
Your Heroics are a fail! They favor DPS classes and as a GF I cannot compete, nor can I tank a heroic without healers and controllers helping me. So are we the low dps utility classes doomed? Did you develop this Mod to punish us more?
I've done countless beholders, and every other heroic that spawns, and get zip nada ziltch! If for some rare instance i manage to get a "Great Success" I end up with some random epic profession junk!
This is out of control! I HATE PVE... I hate it I only PvP, but because I need my black ice mainhand to finish my set I am FORCED to PVE over and over and over again for nothing!
I have done 4 Dominations this entire week! really, I normally do 6-8 a day! but because all I do is farm heroic after heroic all day every day trying to get that Mainhand to finish this god forsaken set I have done 4 all week.
You must change the drop rate chance to be EQUAL to everyone involved not just favor the DPS classes this is ridiculous!
END RANT, screw this I am going fishing!
Now you know how it feels when pve players want to get profound sets (i.e. rogues) and hate pvp...
Now you know how it feels when pve players want to get profound sets (i.e. rogues) and hate pvp...
Just sayin'
WHAT? There is no correlation at all between the two, Glory can be gained easily through Dominations, Gaunt which is more pve based, or daily quests. Every day you will gain glory to your objective. RNG mainhand Drop is stupid, and ridiculous! I have posted multiple posts on HAMSTER drops, and when i finally do get the drop its for another class!!!!!!!!!
Shieldbash60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard19.0k Overpowered60 CW~ Thaumaturge14.5k ==========================================
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
Not if you don't like it or aren't very good at it. By the way you are seeing the issue only from your perspective. I don't want to have to grind pvp to get HAMSTER I want and you don't want to have to grind pve to get HAMSTER you want. Get used to it... I don't like it anymore than you do.
As for the drop rate, meh... I've run VT over 100+ times and still don't have my armor set. I'm sick of it and I agree the RNG sucks.
As far as glory goes... you need seas of triumph too for the armor (as I stated in last post)... and that only happens when you win. It may be easier for you if you pvp all the time, but NOT for those that don't and do not get with a pre-made team.
Here is what I believe to be the issue with the DC's ability to achieve the highest level of success. Two words: Nothing Stacks.
Where are tasked to heal these encounters and , presumably, the more healing credit we get the better our chance at receiving one of the desired set drops.
Unfortunately for us, Astral Seal does not stack. Astral Shield does not stack. This leads us to a situation where if there are more than one DC fighting the encounter, they are constantly at odds with each other. If I am a DC and the other player (DC#2) places and Astral Seal on the boss, then I immediately have to replace his seal with one of my own, so that I am the one receiving the credit for healing.
Any time another DC places an Astral Shield on the ground then I better drop my Shield down to replace his. Please note that it may be the case where the first shield is the one that sticks and no other shield can get healing credit... either way though only one DC gets credit for healing).
This places us in a terrible situation compared to DPS class. In effect, all DPS STACKS, at least until the point where the encounter is over. No healing stacks. One on DC gets any credit for the two main healing spells.
THIS MUST CHANGE FOR MOD 4. No I am not looking for these spells to stack, but rather some compromised is made so that we have a fair chance at the best drops.
For far too long DC have knuckled under to being glossed over in our participation (For example, we had to plead to get assit credit in pvp - yet still suffer in double/triple kill ability).
Not if you don't like it or aren't very good at it. By the way you are seeing the issue only from your perspective. I don't want to have to grind pvp to get HAMSTER I want and you don't want to have to grind pve to get HAMSTER you want. Get used to it... I don't like it anymore than you do.
As for the drop rate, meh... I've run VT over 100+ times and still don't have my armor set. I'm sick of it and I agree the RNG sucks.
As far as glory goes... you need seas of triumph too for the armor (as I stated in last post)... and that only happens when you win. It may be easier for you if you pvp all the time, but NOT for those that don't and do not get with a pre-made team.
Get Black Ice Gear its better than Profound and its all gathered through PVE!
Shieldbash60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard19.0k Overpowered60 CW~ Thaumaturge14.5k ==========================================
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
edited July 2014
As of 20:37 UK GMT time
169th run and no main weapon
only purple i got in all those runs was a CW chest piece
Thanks for making a fun game a joke ..................
Hell even basic RNG would be fine compared to this "participation" based system which is...there are no words to adaquately express my frustrations with it. I've done everything I can think of doing to do more damage, take more damage, heal more, be the total package, be the top ranked in any specific factor...etc...
I gave up. Plain and simple. And the reports of people putting far less effort into participation getting drops just makes my skin crawl and was a major cause for my frustration. People complain they are getting drops for other classes but even those would make me happy at this point because I get blue crafting junk virtually every time which are absolutely worthless without the gauntlets or main hands.
I have also fought over 100+ HE, Epic Encounters countless Freakin Beholders and have never seen the HR or CW main hand as well.. You know its really bad when even community moderators dont get their gear as well. I have also gave up on BI gear as well as IWD.. its a shiat deal to try to get the MH item. I went a different route. Spent 7-8 days, leveling up Weaponsmithing, made my Fallen dragon bow.. which BTW is HELLA Better then the BI Bow. NWO, Cryptic you guys need to fix this severely.. I'm out!
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
edited August 2014
Tried Debuffing with Tide of Iron
Tried Marking also
Tried DPS spec and Tank spec
Made sure i DPS all the adds and boss
15 runs of Raiders
211 Runs of Beholder later still nothing...... If this goes live in mod 4 Heaven **** help me
And yet nothing from Panderus/GC/ regardless of how many people post.... Glad to see when its an easy question they answer but if its a Sensitive topic they do nothing......
Not if you don't like it or aren't very good at it. By the way you are seeing the issue only from your perspective. I don't want to have to grind pvp to get HAMSTER I want and you don't want to have to grind pve to get HAMSTER you want. Get used to it... I don't like it anymore than you do.
As for the drop rate, meh... I've run VT over 100+ times and still don't have my armor set. I'm sick of it and I agree the RNG sucks.
As far as glory goes... you need seas of triumph too for the armor (as I stated in last post)... and that only happens when you win. It may be easier for you if you pvp all the time, but NOT for those that don't and do not get with a pre-made team.
I get what you are trying to say, but at least you can see progress in PVP while grinding for Profound gear. Every victory seal, every bit of glory - no matter how little - is a step closer to your gear. On the other hand, every HE that gives you 75 - 150 Black Ice and a Potion of Coalesced Bollocks is not even one-millionth of a millimetre closer to your Black Ice mainhand or arms. You see no progress in your grinding. Hours wasted running between two zones and racing to encounters trying all manner of silly gimmicks (deliberately taking damage, dying on purpose, running around rezzing people, doing as much DPS as possible, standing on your head and whistling Dixie) and all you get is 75 Black Ice and a potion I immediately go and sell for some copper.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
I get what you are trying to say, but at least you can see progress in PVP while grinding for Profound gear. Every victory seal, every bit of glory - no matter how little - is a step closer to your gear. On the other hand, every HE that gives you 75 - 150 Black Ice and a Potion of Coalesced Bollocks is not even one-millionth of a millimetre closer to your Black Ice mainhand or arms. You see no progress in your grinding. Hours wasted running between two zones and racing to encounters trying all manner of silly gimmicks (deliberately taking damage, dying on purpose, running around rezzing people, doing as much DPS as possible, standing on your head and whistling Dixie) and all you get is 75 Black Ice and a potion I immediately go and sell for some copper.
I did post I hated currency systems for loot and I do, but I also remember I posted something similar from a different perspective in agreement while I was trying to get my black ice stuff.
What I noticed was when you are farming T2 (and 2.5) you are as wealthy as you will ever be in this game due to play, so even while you are not getting the gear you want you are generating material that is useful. You trivially keep your refinement maxed (sometimes back logged for weeks), and you occasionally generate a big score of a drop that injects half a million + AD into your bank. All that while *not* getting the drops you are actually after. When my group was running T2 every day for an hour , I would say we were each averaging about 1 million AD in a month, and that while trying to finish armor sets which was the real goal, so 30 hours of effort for a million AD each. That is real material to advance your character even if your not getting the drops you want. You are better off than people that don't try even if you don't succeed.
When you are farming black ice gear, and you don't get what you want, you get nothing in particular to advance your character. It is super high variance. In IWD you put 30 hours of effort in and nobody in the economy hands you a million AD. You just get nothing of particular importance. You sink all your time into a black hole and you are nobody then someone that didn't try on average.
With T2 gear, you are not "no better than someone that didn't try" on average. You have all that wealth generation that comes from just chaining epic dungeons. I found IWD to be shocking that there was no similar concept. I agree there is a problem with IWD with what happens when you get unlucky for days on end.
Oh yes, this is so normal. My main two characters still have not got the drops.
I stopped trying a few weeks ago and only do Need for Mead for those two characters anymore. I'll wait for Mod 4 stuff at this point than suffer through countless encounters . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
lol @ this game, they make us grind forever for the measly HAMSTER they put out and then reward the bots by their "infinite" patience.
making this game even time consuming, useless grindy and boring to play. good job, cryptic
also you can expect the same from the new module... if you arent a super dps class you will never get nothing here, apparently they cant be bothered to fix it
I feel bad, I got bracers on my HR in 2 days, the day that I got them i was on the phone playing with 1 hand when I got my bracers. Casually walked into a prospectors and held right click while talking (aimed shot) and what do you know..bracers.
they aint going to fix it,they screw it up
I am sure that like 10% of the community have a full set of black ice set (IWD community)
and the RNG dont help
I think if you that intelligent to built a game you must have some common sense to apply some good rules,but looks like the common sense is lost
the RNG dont work its lower than low,in IWD the epic HE's drop is a nightmare you get great succces! and get garbage
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
edited August 2014
The last MMO I played had a form or RNG but it was a guarnteed drop of some sort. Frankly what I wish they would do is have the Beholder and others drop one thing and let people roll for it ... eventually i'm think everyone would get something. The other problem is the spawn rate sucks so with this in mind, say the beholder and remohoraz and such should always drop their perspective pieces but always drop 3 pieces and then let everyone roll for it ... this way everyone knows something is dropping and its just a matter of getting the winning roll (not sure how those games deal with ties since well 20 - 50 people appear to be showing up for beholder fights).
In the dungeons, the other game I played always dropped something on the bosses before the final and the final always dropped a random set piece (token actually) but it would drop it for a random class ... but it was 100% the boss dropped something it was a matter of who in the group would get it. In this game the final boss can drop a set piece or some piece of junk no body wants and might not even be salvagable. Why they do this I have no idea. With the RNG the way it is in this game they really need to move non set pieces to other bosses (including optional bosses nobody seems to fight or know about) and let the final boss always drop a random set piece for some random class. Ideally keeping to the same formula of boots from one dungeon head from another gloves another etc.
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
edited August 2014
My other question is, with so many people zerging the beholder everytime one is found, do all these people even need the drop? Or are people now dpsing the HAMSTER out of the HE but not needing anything from it but actually HAMSTER other people out of getting a drop by doing it?
My other question is, with so many people zerging the beholder everytime one is found, do all these people even need the drop? Or are people now dpsing the HAMSTER out of the HE but not needing anything from it but actually HAMSTER other people out of getting a drop by doing it?
Oh I know plenty of people who have full sets and just enjoy doing HEs. These are also the people who are lucky enough to get the better drops every time. It sucks to be us, the unlucky ones
ya pretty normal... there are at least 20 threads on the forum since the patch that nerfed drop rates discussing about this. The only response we received was a picture of gauntlets. Hopefully something real can be done to fix this. Right now I am just going to give up and wait for mod 4.
Here is what I believe to be the issue with the DC's ability to achieve the highest level of success. Two words: Nothing Stacks.
Where are tasked to heal these encounters and , presumably, the more healing credit we get the better our chance at receiving one of the desired set drops.
Unfortunately for us, Astral Seal does not stack. Astral Shield does not stack. This leads us to a situation where if there are more than one DC fighting the encounter, they are constantly at odds with each other. If I am a DC and the other player (DC#2) places and Astral Seal on the boss, then I immediately have to replace his seal with one of my own, so that I am the one receiving the credit for healing.
The last MMO I played had a form or RNG but it was a guarnteed drop of some sort. Frankly what I wish they would do is have the Beholder and others drop one thing and let people roll for it ... eventually i'm think everyone would get something. The other problem is the spawn rate sucks so with this in mind, say the beholder and remohoraz and such should always drop their perspective pieces but always drop 3 pieces and then let everyone roll for it ... this way everyone knows something is dropping and its just a matter of getting the winning roll (not sure how those games deal with ties since well 20 - 50 people appear to be showing up for beholder fights).
In the dungeons, the other game I played always dropped something on the bosses before the final and the final always dropped a random set piece (token actually) but it would drop it for a random class ... but it was 100% the boss dropped something it was a matter of who in the group would get it. In this game the final boss can drop a set piece or some piece of junk no body wants and might not even be salvagable. Why they do this I have no idea. With the RNG the way it is in this game they really need to move non set pieces to other bosses (including optional bosses nobody seems to fight or know about) and let the final boss always drop a random set piece for some random class. Ideally keeping to the same formula of boots from one dungeon head from another gloves another etc.
The very cool thing about this could be it drops say 2-3 epics each time, however only that class can "need" the item. This gives more players more chance to get their specific gear.
My DC took a few tries but she got the bracers pretty easy after doing exclusively Epic HEs. I went all heals - healing word, AShield, Bastion and topped it off with Healer's Lore. I spammed Seals and SFlame when I could, also spammed HG for extra HoTs on everyone.
However, the other thing to consider is that when I got the bracers I was the only DC there for 80% of the battle and it was Raiders. I do generally have better luck with Raiders than Remo.
My GF? Keeps getting Hammerstone HAMSTER like @ripyourlipsoff... Sigh.
Now you know how it feels when pve players want to get profound sets (i.e. rogues) and hate pvp...
Just sayin'
WHAT? There is no correlation at all between the two, Glory can be gained easily through Dominations, Gaunt which is more pve based, or daily quests. Every day you will gain glory to your objective. RNG mainhand Drop is stupid, and ridiculous! I have posted multiple posts on HAMSTER drops, and when i finally do get the drop its for another class!!!!!!!!!
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
As for the drop rate, meh... I've run VT over 100+ times and still don't have my armor set. I'm sick of it and I agree the RNG sucks.
As far as glory goes... you need seas of triumph too for the armor (as I stated in last post)... and that only happens when you win. It may be easier for you if you pvp all the time, but NOT for those that don't and do not get with a pre-made team.
Where are tasked to heal these encounters and , presumably, the more healing credit we get the better our chance at receiving one of the desired set drops.
Unfortunately for us, Astral Seal does not stack. Astral Shield does not stack. This leads us to a situation where if there are more than one DC fighting the encounter, they are constantly at odds with each other. If I am a DC and the other player (DC#2) places and Astral Seal on the boss, then I immediately have to replace his seal with one of my own, so that I am the one receiving the credit for healing.
Any time another DC places an Astral Shield on the ground then I better drop my Shield down to replace his. Please note that it may be the case where the first shield is the one that sticks and no other shield can get healing credit... either way though only one DC gets credit for healing).
This places us in a terrible situation compared to DPS class. In effect, all DPS STACKS, at least until the point where the encounter is over. No healing stacks. One on DC gets any credit for the two main healing spells.
THIS MUST CHANGE FOR MOD 4. No I am not looking for these spells to stack, but rather some compromised is made so that we have a fair chance at the best drops.
For far too long DC have knuckled under to being glossed over in our participation (For example, we had to plead to get assit credit in pvp - yet still suffer in double/triple kill ability).
We would like a chance at drops too.
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
Get Black Ice Gear its better than Profound and its all gathered through PVE!
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
169th run and no main weapon
only purple i got in all those runs was a CW chest piece
Thanks for making a fun game a joke ..................
I have also fought over 100+ HE, Epic Encounters countless Freakin Beholders and have never seen the HR or CW main hand as well.. You know its really bad when even community moderators dont get their gear as well. I have also gave up on BI gear as well as IWD.. its a shiat deal to try to get the MH item. I went a different route. Spent 7-8 days, leveling up Weaponsmithing, made my Fallen dragon bow.. which BTW is HELLA Better then the BI Bow. NWO, Cryptic you guys need to fix this severely.. I'm out!
Tried Marking also
Tried DPS spec and Tank spec
Made sure i DPS all the adds and boss
15 runs of Raiders
211 Runs of Beholder later still nothing...... If this goes live in mod 4 Heaven **** help me
And yet nothing from Panderus/GC/ regardless of how many people post.... Glad to see when its an easy question they answer but if its a Sensitive topic they do nothing......
I get what you are trying to say, but at least you can see progress in PVP while grinding for Profound gear. Every victory seal, every bit of glory - no matter how little - is a step closer to your gear. On the other hand, every HE that gives you 75 - 150 Black Ice and a Potion of Coalesced Bollocks is not even one-millionth of a millimetre closer to your Black Ice mainhand or arms. You see no progress in your grinding. Hours wasted running between two zones and racing to encounters trying all manner of silly gimmicks (deliberately taking damage, dying on purpose, running around rezzing people, doing as much DPS as possible, standing on your head and whistling Dixie) and all you get is 75 Black Ice and a potion I immediately go and sell for some copper.
I did post I hated currency systems for loot and I do, but I also remember I posted something similar from a different perspective in agreement while I was trying to get my black ice stuff.
What I noticed was when you are farming T2 (and 2.5) you are as wealthy as you will ever be in this game due to play, so even while you are not getting the gear you want you are generating material that is useful. You trivially keep your refinement maxed (sometimes back logged for weeks), and you occasionally generate a big score of a drop that injects half a million + AD into your bank. All that while *not* getting the drops you are actually after. When my group was running T2 every day for an hour , I would say we were each averaging about 1 million AD in a month, and that while trying to finish armor sets which was the real goal, so 30 hours of effort for a million AD each. That is real material to advance your character even if your not getting the drops you want. You are better off than people that don't try even if you don't succeed.
When you are farming black ice gear, and you don't get what you want, you get nothing in particular to advance your character. It is super high variance. In IWD you put 30 hours of effort in and nobody in the economy hands you a million AD. You just get nothing of particular importance. You sink all your time into a black hole and you are nobody then someone that didn't try on average.
With T2 gear, you are not "no better than someone that didn't try" on average. You have all that wealth generation that comes from just chaining epic dungeons. I found IWD to be shocking that there was no similar concept. I agree there is a problem with IWD with what happens when you get unlucky for days on end.
and nothing no dagger no gloves
is this normal?
And since lowered the droprate (for enchants?), the best was 2 purple craft material, the others BI or green mat.
I stopped trying a few weeks ago and only do Need for Mead for those two characters anymore. I'll wait for Mod 4 stuff at this point than suffer through countless encounters . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
making this game even time consuming, useless grindy and boring to play. good job, cryptic
also you can expect the same from the new module... if you arent a super dps class you will never get nothing here, apparently they cant be bothered to fix it
once I was fighting the remorhaz alone for maybe 7 mins too, but then a horde appeared and all I got was green ****.
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
droppnig % to get epic loot but making it easier to get great success
All this has done is Pissed alot of players off including myself
as of 1 hour ago
Edit 3 19:07
251 runs Beholder
24 runs Riders
14 runs Remo
No Main hand
No Gloves
And what did it give me when i did get it a CW robe for a GF?
Absolute Disgusting isnt even close to how poor this RNG system is
Look for Wedges and Splinters and you'll get weapons and bracers.
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
I am sure that like 10% of the community have a full set of black ice set (IWD community)
and the RNG dont help
I think if you that intelligent to built a game you must have some common sense to apply some good rules,but looks like the common sense is lost
the RNG dont work its lower than low,in IWD the epic HE's drop is a nightmare you get great succces! and get garbage
In the dungeons, the other game I played always dropped something on the bosses before the final and the final always dropped a random set piece (token actually) but it would drop it for a random class ... but it was 100% the boss dropped something it was a matter of who in the group would get it. In this game the final boss can drop a set piece or some piece of junk no body wants and might not even be salvagable. Why they do this I have no idea. With the RNG the way it is in this game they really need to move non set pieces to other bosses (including optional bosses nobody seems to fight or know about) and let the final boss always drop a random set piece for some random class. Ideally keeping to the same formula of boots from one dungeon head from another gloves another etc.
Oh I know plenty of people who have full sets and just enjoy doing HEs. These are also the people who are lucky enough to get the better drops every time. It sucks to be us, the unlucky ones
Wait... they don't stack? That's wonderful...
The very cool thing about this could be it drops say 2-3 epics each time, however only that class can "need" the item. This gives more players more chance to get their specific gear.