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Official Feedback Thread: Hunter Ranger Changes



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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    As far as I know most of the mod 4 changes are done mainly to balance PVE, not because of PVP.

    Yes because Constricting Arrow was causing a major headache to elite mobs in dungeons what with them being interrupted from smacking us upside the head at will...
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    rayrdan1rayrdan1 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    lirithiel wrote: »
    Yes because Constricting Arrow was causing a major headache to elite mobs in dungeons what with them being interrupted from smacking us upside the head at will...

    come on costricting arrow nerf is definitely pvp oriented and so are 80% of the gwfs . and i dont even feel to complain about it.
    dont come to say "but pls the critter is going to him hard without it in pve" because lets be clear....critters arent really that controllable.

    Blade Hurrican future buff should be enough to raise the dps level to really good levels.
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    edelweiss90edelweiss90 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    NO, please! The Hunter Ranger needs to be the best DPS if Archery Tree. No one wants a HR in PVE cause they are uselles right now... We have better dps, control, tanky and helar classes than HR, so, what is its role on PVE? Please, Nerf this feats only on PVP, I agree it's overpowered on PVP, but on PVE HRs need to be the best DPS class, and quick attacks to do more damage to be called for dungeons.

    I agree with you for DPS in the archery tree.

    As far as Blade hurricane is concerned I think it would have been better to give the bonus to either an at will or an encoutner skill, but, for example, with a 60 sec cooldown. Even if without cooldown melee at wills deal 800/1100 dmg, so 2400 dmg or 800, I can't see a huge difference. And we're talking about a cap feat.
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    rodrant64rodrant64 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Most of the changes look good, but this one is REALLY going to hurt when we're soloing. Constricting Arrow is hugely useful now because it gives us that tiny window to get another encounter off without being interrupted, knocked back, knocked to our knees, knocked flying, etc. Getting rid of that leaves us no way whatsoever to force a critter to lay off for that critical second.

    If this is being done to satisfy the PvP community, let me be the first to say as a PvE player that the reason is wholly unacceptable. If that is the case, just have the encounter work differently on players!

    As far as PvE goes, the loss of that on a single target is made up for how great it is as an initial encounter on a mob of enemies. Testing it out in Biggrin's Tomb, shooting it into a mob gave me plenty of time to mow them down with split shot while they were stuck. It'll be a regular part of my PvE rotation now.

    It's definitely going to hurt it in pvp, though. Won't be many situations where you can nail a group with it, it'll basically be another binding shot.
    Just call me Rod. Member of Grievance!
    CW: Rodrant Turnbul
    TR: Rodran
    DC: Rodrat
    GWF: ROARdrant TurnBRAWL
    Other GWF: Shieldrant
    HR: Bowdrant
    SW: Wardrant Turnlock (my main!)
    OP: Paladrant (on Preview!)
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    syn100syn100 Member Posts: 137 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    The nerf in PvP in the Mod 4 for full archery path is too high:

    50% lesser heal by nerf the PvP set and the remotion of +20% incoming healing from T1 nature blessing (insert perma TRs smile)... remotion of all CC powers (insert GFs/GWFs/CWs smile) for a ridicule 25% increase dmg on single target with prey.

    In IWD with the live archery HR is easy soloing HE encounters.. with the preview archery (with 30+30% increase dmg) need alot more attention and alot of heal pots.

    Invert the dmg nerf of last path in preview: Unflinching Aim: grants (5/10/15/20/25%) +5% dmg from the 20% increase dmg from distance in live and Predator: grants 20% increase damage on single target.

    The actual 0.25 second root with costrict/binding arrows is a ridicule nerf (zero CCs)... give us 1 second (2 seconds in PvE) AoE root with costrict arrows and 2 seconds (4 seconds in PvE) with binding arrows.

    Add to the archery capstone 90' range and cap at 90' (at the end we are bow specialist) as compensation for the nerfed dmg for prey to 20% from 30%.

    The 90' capstone range give more flexibility and more build variations for archery... now the standard powers in PvP are: aspect of the falcon for 89' range and aspect of lone wolf for increase DR.

    Increase twin blade dmg to 5/10/15% from 4/8/12% so archery/melee have a little +3% increase dmg (if we slot twin blade the AoE dmg for 3 or more targets is increased without increase the dmg on 1/2 targets).

    The nerf of Bottomless Quiver: Grants (6/12/18/24/30% CD reduction) down from (10/20/30/40/50%) is good, but nerf more (atlest in PvP) or eliminate it ... those massive CDs reduction are dangerous... a bugged roar with 14 seconds CD is not a problem... a roar with 7 seconds CD is a game changer.
    HR Syncro - The Equalizer - PvP stats: 10000/4800 (kills/deaths)
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Bug(?): Bottomless Quiver
    This feat reduces cooldowns of Daily powers, which seems to be a bug. With 50% CD reduction Disruptive Shot has 5.9 sec CD, even with adjusting this feat to 30%, this makes DS out of the line.

    Feedback: Fluid Hunter: While in Melee you gain 1/2/3/4/5% more Deflect Rating.
    This feat is very underpowered, if it gave 5% deflect chance, it would be viable, but 5% deflect rating is too little, I have about 2000 deflection and it gives me 100 more and only in melee stance, I wouldn't take it even if it was pure 5% deflect rating increase. Please, reconsider this feat, let it be 5% deflect chance.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    savraisavrai Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Being able to flag powers PvP/PvE would solve ~98% of the balancing problem. It's possible and currently being implemented, why can't it be for every power?

    My original toon, a TR, got nerfed so hard I can't contribute in a dungeon. I don't PvP. So I rolled every other class knowing that people in PvP will always be asking for buffs/nerfs to balance PvP and that it would change PvE. The dungeon mobs haven't significantly changed along with the buffs/nerfs to keep classes like the TR viable.

    But this is a business, so here's an argument that will hopefully ring true in the developer's ears: Those like like to do both may want armor and/or weapon sets for each, along with different power rotations. They MAY be willing to pay to get those sets faster.
    *Legit Community*

    Heather - Ranger
    James - Paladin
    Jet - Warlock
    Royal - Cleric
    Gray - Rogue
    Red - Wizard
    Ios - Barbarian
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    mrhinkypunkmrhinkypunk Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Bug: Readied Stance
    It appears that while this buff is on I gain next to no AP from anything. It almost seems like it is giving me 5% of my AP instead of 5% more, may need to look into it.
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    caexarcaexar Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    NO, please! The Hunter Ranger needs to be the best DPS if Archery Tree. No one wants a HR in PVE cause they are uselles right now... We have better dps, control, tanky and helar classes than HR, so, what is its role on PVE? Please, Nerf this feats only on PVP, I agree it's overpowered on PVP, but on PVE HRs need to be the best DPS class, and quick attacks to do more damage to be called for dungeons.

    They absolutely should not be the best DPS in game. Are you kidding me? You to give them the best damage and the best range? That's maximum reward for minimal risk. No balance there.

    The trapper tree needs more damage as it is the tree that most closely reflects how the ranger was meant to be played. Its wrong that a split shot spammer would be able to out do a full on hybrid using all of the class abilities. Nerf archer AoE damages
    Threat level 60 Guardian Fighter
    Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
    Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
    Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
    Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
    Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
    Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
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    isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Fighting a hunter ranger seems a lot easier but with wild medicine, if you cant burst them now in 3-5 powers aka if you arent a great weapon fighter it seems near impossible to to kill them. i do think they need a healing like wild medicine but it does need a longer internal cooldown or the heal percentage lowered. I am a gf so i dont really hit that hard but at the beginning of a fight it seems like i will win after about 4 hits but then after that the hr is back to full health and stays that way.
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    mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    isuuck2 wrote: »
    Fighting a hunter ranger seems a lot easier but with wild medicine, if you cant burst them now in 3-5 powers aka if you arent a great weapon fighter it seems near impossible to to kill them. i do think they need a healing like wild medicine but it does need a longer internal cooldown or the heal percentage lowered. I am a gf so i dont really hit that hard but at the beginning of a fight it seems like i will win after about 4 hits but then after that the hr is back to full health and stays that way.

    I just got my taste of wild medicine as well. I was able to burst one hr down to half hp then after the shifts in and out and the next time I see the hp bar its back to full. This seriously needs to be changed especially with the change to hr shift allowing them to shift away mid cast of an encounter. Or increase the casting time of encounters so that they need to commit to casting or else how will they ever die?
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Wild Medicine:this feat is ridiculously OP and needs to be toned down with this feat my HR can tank 3-5 fully bis geared players and even kill them all alone,the healing from it definitely need to be toned down the amount of stacks should be reduced to 5 with lower % of healing.
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    bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wait why is anything here even remotely viable? If any class needs the kneejerk treatment, we're one of them.
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
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    obsydian666obsydian666 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hi, i have a question: Why HR can brake stuns from other classes, and why he can be immune even if he was directly hit.
    There is one video:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfn086qxoAU , thank you Anti
    there is second:
    10:18- direct hit from IBS and dodged without any move
    12:00- dmg from frontline surge 2544 and why no prone?
    This same situation is when i am fighting with them on my CW, i havent got movie but i was fighting many times with HRs and always this same, i am using ray of frost and when i have 6 stack on my enemy he should be frozen, and in fact he is, but time of this stun is so short that it is almost unnoticeable, another classes are frozen so long that i can even use next skill, when hr is frozen it look like just: wt...? i have an ice boots, i dont like it, and he is just break this cc and go uot from freeze.
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    futuunfutuun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wild Medicine:this feat is ridiculously OP and needs to be toned down with this feat my HR can tank 3-5 fully bis geared players and even kill them all alone,the healing from it definitely need to be toned down the amount of stacks should be reduced to 5 with lower % of healing.

    Ok, I will give example.
    My HR has 40k HP. 10 stacks of Wild Medicine gives me 25% HP (HD) in 15 seconds. It is 1.6% per second.
    Yea.. it's sounds soo OP... 1.6% from 40.000 HP = 640.
    But this is only when I have all 10 stacks!
    With 33% deflection chance (which is very difficult to achieve) I can have 10 stacks of Wild Medicine only after ~30 strikes.

    Thats why I would like to see this fight against "3-5 fully bis geared players".
    Even now on live server my very OP HR can't hold 2 bis geared players. On preview I have huge problems against one good CW. Who are this "fully bis geared players"? I would like to check them.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    I don't even...

    Dodged without any move - Fox Cunning, damage but no prone - short CC immunity frame. You'd prefer HRs had nonbugged dodge, so they would dodge the damage as well? Deflecting attacks reduces CC duration by 50% (75% for TRs).

    The best advice I can give - browse the forums, ask your guild mates before posting such newby complaints.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    obsydian666obsydian666 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    I don't even...

    Dodged without any move - Fox Cunning, damage but no prone - short CC immunity frame. You'd prefer HRs had nonbugged dodge, so they would dodge the damage as well? Deflecting attacks reduces CC duration by 50% (75% for TRs).

    The best advice I can give - browse the forums, ask your guild mates before posting such newby complaints.

    Really? When i was on my GWF with 48% deflection and any tank use on me Bull charge, i dont remember that i can make any move in air and land on my legs like this HR, it was always prone :) dont tell me it is ok becouse it isnt.Oh and I am in small guild and I cant ask them becouse there is no one who is playing HR thats why i am asking here ;P
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Really? When i was on my GWF with 48% deflection and any tank use on me Bull charge, i dont remember that i can make any move in air and land on my legs like this HR, it was always prone :) dont tell me it is ok becouse it isnt.Oh and I am in small guild and I cant ask them becouse there is no one who is playing HR thats why i am asking here ;P

    Because prones aren't affected by Tenacity, please, use forum search.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    I don't even...

    Dodged without any move - Fox Cunning, damage but no prone - short CC immunity frame. You'd prefer HRs had nonbugged dodge, so they would dodge the damage as well? Deflecting attacks reduces CC duration by 50% (75% for TRs).

    The best advice I can give - browse the forums, ask your guild mates before posting such newby complaints.

    Not being recognised as a bug doesnt mean it is working in balance with what the rest of the classes can do. HR, frankly, have a ton of mobility, a ton of mitigation, a ton of dps, a ton of cc/cc immunity, a ton of healing... is there anythin else?.. Hmm lets see, HR also have 30% and above crit chance with something ridiculous like 1000 in Crit Rate ( For reference my GWF has 33% crit chance from 3000+ Crit rate and my poor GF with 2700 crit rate has below 25% crit chance ) so ya, sorry if people come here to diss your class, its not because we all hate Legolas or something, it is because your class is a bit out of line imo.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    emilemo wrote: »
    Not being recognised as a bug doesnt mean it is working in balance with what the rest of the classes can do. HR, frankly, have a ton of mobility, a ton of mitigation, a ton of dps, a ton of cc/cc immunity, a ton of healing... is there anythin else?.. Hmm lets see, HR also have 30% and above crit chance with something ridiculous like 1000 in Crit Rate ( For reference my GWF has 33% crit chance from 3000+ Crit rate and my poor GF with 2700 crit rate has below 25% crit chance ) so ya, sorry if people come here to diss your class, its not because we all hate Legolas or something, it is because your class is a bit out of line imo.

    My class is DC. What is a bug? Short CC immunity frame? Or the thing that it's longer then damage immunity frame? If they fixed it, HRs would have longer damage immunity after they dodge - more complaints. Funny how you mentioned everything but the bugged set bonus, which is the only thing to make them god mode.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    syn100syn100 Member Posts: 137 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Wild Medicine:this feat is ridiculously OP and needs to be toned down with this feat my HR can tank 3-5 fully bis geared players and even kill them all alone,the healing from it definitely need to be toned down the amount of stacks should be reduced to 5 with lower % of healing.

    Dont post fake impression... the heal of oakskin: 480 hp every second x 10 seconds (+ increase defence), every 15 seconds in preview heal me about the same of a full 10 stack of wild medicine (2.5% x 10 = 25% heal HP in 15 seconds): tick for around 430 hp (I have only 27K hp and low gear).

    Both heals about 5-6K hp every 15 seconds for me (sure, a HR with 38/40K hp and with high power can heal alot more: around 8-10K, but that its all and need min 35/40 hits for raise the stack at 10).

    In live oakskin with a +20% increase from nature blessing feat heal more.

    The only class that is really screwed 1 vs 1 from the 1/2 heals are the low damage perma TRs.
    HR Syncro - The Equalizer - PvP stats: 10000/4800 (kills/deaths)
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    seigharthseigharth Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    We are making a change to the shift powers for all classes to make them more responsive and improve player survivability as long as you can react. Being able to shift out of encounters and dailies will make reacting a much more important factor in high end PVE and PVP combat.

    Guardian Fighter: Block: Block can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Great Weapon Fighter: Sprint: Sprint can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Devoted Cleric: Dodge: Dodge can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Trickster Rogue: Shift: Shift can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Hunter Ranger: Shift: Shift can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.
    Control Wizard: Teleport: Teleport can now interrupt all powers and should feel much more responsive.

    This change can have some serious impacts on balance, so when it reaches Preview we would like players to test it as much as possible, but we believe that players should not be punished for attempting to cast powers before an area is threatened. This change should alleviate much of that, as well as improving interactions for all the shift mechanics.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!

    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer

    You say this as if sprint could prevent from recibing any kind of damage, it's currently the worst dodging ability in the game and it's only good to chase down oponents, that's it.
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    faerbotfaerbot Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    FEEDBACK: You really have not made the HR ANY less tanky. My CW vs HR still no contest due to inability to inflict meaningful damage to HR.
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    zomdzomd Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Aspect of the Serpent Feedback:

    It's pretty awkward trying to keep the correct buffs up at the right time. Currently the buffs work like they are on an axis like so:

    • Melee Buff 2
    • Melee Buff 1
    • No Buffs
    • Ranged Buff 1
    • Ranged Buff 2

    So we need to walk through each point on the axis before accruing the other buff. This usually means if you're swapping too quickly between melee and range you don't really benefit much and it becomes a bit onerous to sit there and count hits like, melee encounter 1, 2, melee at will, 1, 2, 3, ranged encounter 1, 2, ranged at will 1, 2, 3, melee encounter 1, 2, etc.

    Why not just have two free floating buffs where a melee attack adds a stack of the ranged buff, but subtracts a stack of the melee buff and then the opposite for ranged attacks

    So instead of walking along an axis it would look like this:

    R= Ranged Buff
    M = Melee Buff
    0 is no stacks, and each buff as a max of 2 stacks, min of 0.

    So given, R/M, it's basically +1/-1 stacks for melee attacks, and -1/+1 stacks for ranged attacks.

    As an example:

    Start State


    Melee attack
    Melee Attack

    Ranged Attack


    Ranged Attack


    Melee Attack


    This, imo, provides more flexibility for switching between ranged and melee attacks while providing more consistent benefit from the buffs and is consistent with the intent of the original version by providing a bonus for switching between ranged and melee attacks.

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    myrnymmyrnym Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 80
    edited July 2014
    No Hard CC and no CC breaks... how are we supposed to counter CWs?
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    grimslawgrimslaw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 43
    edited July 2014
    Constricting arrow seems pretty weak. The aoe radius is incredible small and last like 1 second. Anyway to extend both of these so we could kinda play a ghetto cw. As in gather all the mobs aoe root em, team aoes them down. At the moment, constricting now seems useless in pve and pvp.
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    isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    myrnym wrote: »
    No Hard CC and no CC breaks... how are we supposed to counter CWs?

    counter cw? with your dps, dodges fox shift, marauders escape. You will not get a feature like unstoppable or itc. your class is already to strong as it is.
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    crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    myrnym wrote: »
    No Hard CC and no CC breaks... how are we supposed to counter CWs?

    HR is best pvp class is the game, being able to dodge everything and regen more than anyone, with very high dps and then being able to go stealth I don't think you need anything else.
    Crixus - PVP GF
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    grimslawgrimslaw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 43
    edited July 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    HR is best pvp class is the game, being able to dodge everything and regen more than anyone, with very high dps and then being able to go stealth I don't think you need anything else.

    What about Pve. . No one wants a HR
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    crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    grimslaw wrote: »
    What about Pve. . No one wants a HR

    No one really wants a TR or GF either but at least HR are best at something.
    Crixus - PVP GF
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