Fairly constant. For the record, they drop in foundry quests as well--any place in which there are mobs within 7 levels of your own. Easy drops while grinding stuff for boons.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited May 2014
Check out The Lucky Bride, a foundry mission I made for slayer titles and Waukeen events. I am still (slowly) working on furture installments for more slayer titles.
Pretty much every 3rd mob was dropping them for me in Icewind, Dread Ring and Sharanblah.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Pretty much every 3rd mob was dropping them for me in Icewind, Dread Ring and Sharanblah.
Last time around there was a small cooldown between purses, best viewed in Underdark's Northern Duergar area. It's every couple of packs as you enter that area and circuit.
Drop was massively nerfed. I got 2750 AD from medium purse and a couple of blue leadership crafting resources, which I craft through leadership a couple of times per. Not worth farming anymore.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
Drop was massively nerfed. I got 2750 AD from medium purse and a couple of blue leadership crafting resources, which I craft through leadership a couple of times per. Not worth farming anymore.
Agree 100%
Last time I ran through Mt. Hotenow, killing those nicely grouped mobs, and on the average every other group would drop a purse - meaning at least a 10% drop rate. This year I am getting the same drop rate, but the reduction in the content (the most I have gotten is 700AD from a purse and 5500 from a strongbox), which makes the average expected return too low to bother farming the event.
I'll take the purses that drop while I am doing other things, but not go out of my way to get them...this event is a flop as far as I am concerned.
You are badly mistaken sorry to say , this was a huge nerf compared to the last time this event ran , has anybody bothered with the box that costs 36 purses? I don't want to use 36 purses or however many it is just to get a couple thousand AD or some worthless trash, no doubt the amount of RAD had to be cut back but nerfs like this make these events barely worth farming , so disappointing
This year I am getting the same drop rate, but the reduction in the content (the most I have gotten is 700AD from a purse and 5500 from a strongbox), which makes the average expected return too low to bother farming the event.
Yes, the drop rate of purses from mobs is approximately the same, but the items you can get from them are just a trash. I wasted 1 hour farming imps in Helm's Hold on 36 lvl character and those 700 ad + 2750 ad + 3 mining claims + dye and some random stuff I can't remember like coins is a pure disappointment.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
I wouldn’t go as far to say it’s flat out not worth it, but yeah, they seem to have been nerfed a bit. And you just know the boxes are gonna’ lumber you with teleport scrolls, while every reward in the highest chest is worth getting (some more than others). This event is also a good time to do foundries. Right now it’s on Lord Protector Daily, so you can get an easy 12k AD combo from him and the Kobold.
Check out Adventuring College! A 20 minute male-centric comedic solo adventure.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited May 2014
You get the purses for just playing the game. Don't waste time "farming" these things. Just look at it as a bonus.
The "up to" change greatly reduced the amount of RAD in purses/strongboxes/treasure chests. As I mentioned in the other thread, you have to go through 2 rounds of RNG now to get the maximum amount of RAD in each drop. When you can technically get lesser RAD in a treasure chest than an old purse, the attraction is not there for me anymore...
I agree with some of you that this event is no longer worth farming or be online longer than you need to complete your dailies. Yes, it is "free" and is something extra from not doing anything extra. But one of the main purpose of events is to get more players playing for a longer period of time than normal and that aim will sadly not be achieved well this time.
I think What Cryptic did wrong was to give us an amazing event with amazing drops the first time round and then nerf it to the ground the second time round. If they had start off this event with smaller rewards the first time round and then increase it by a little the second time, the response from the player base will be totally different. It's always better to add than take away rewards...usually. My 2 cents...
Well, not that big of a deal for me actually. All my chars are already pretty much capped out thanks to Leadership and farming, so I wouldn't know where to refine that amount anyway.
I jut opened 9 purses, got 700 AD in one, 350 AD in two and a whooping 8000 AD in a third one, so I can't complain
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited May 2014
An interesting note. You can estimate (by sampling) the expected average value of the purses, strongboxes and treasure chests. based on my experience it is a few hundred AD for the purses and a few thousand for the strongboxes - I haven't opened any treasure chests and probably will not. Last year the expected average value was much higher - so high in fact that they were selling (at least for a while) for less than their expected average value. I bought.....uhm....a lot - basically converting a pile of AD to a much bigger pile of RAD and then spent some months (across a few characters) refining the whole lot.
Today the ask price of the purses and strongboxes is far higher than the expected value. There is nothing to be made there, unless there is a major price drop.
Hoping for improvements...
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
I think What Cryptic did wrong was to give us an amazing event with amazing drops the first time round and then nerf it to the ground the second time round. If they had start off this event with smaller rewards the first time round and then increase it by a little the second time, the response from the player base will be totally different. It's always better to add than take away rewards...usually. My 2 cents...
You pretty much hit the nail on the head, crit roll for you . Basic tenets of business (or used to be until idiots and greedy immoral a-holes appeared in mass) was that you could always lower a price but raising it was traditionally harder to do.
The general public also seems to have turned either a blind eye or just gotten dumber as often they seem ok with taking inflated pricing with no increase in actual value (lame perks generally padding the difference). So I guess its hard to blame companies completely but in defense of games if the public or gaming community decided they didn't like cryptics pricing and such then they would stop buying it, odds are if that happened (unlikely given the number of credit card babies blowing money like it grows on trees, paying to win) then instead of making changes i'm fairly certain this company would just stop supporting the game and move on to something else leaving a good game dead to the community.
Effectively speaking there doesn't appear to be any real solution to its either accept it and keep playing or stop playing and watch the game die if everyone does it en masse.
So far they don't seem to care about adjusting zen store pricing and the AD cost of in game items is ridiculous probably because apparently events like this gave people way too much money last year and they are trying to balance it out by removing AD from the game but sadly doesn't really seem to be working or if it is its so slow that by the time anything happens that is beneficial i'll and many other will probably have quit playing.
I do think that the previous prizes were too much, if people were getting MILLIONS of AD from them, I think the economy could be affected.
Yes, last Waukeen I hit that 256,000 AD an absurd amount of times. Of course it took an absurd amount of time to refine it all too.
The AD is really just a bonus now. I don't really need it now that I have Leadership bringing in a steady supply.
However this time I did get the Pantaloons and Cloak!
rs2965Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You are badly mistaken sorry to say , this was a huge nerf compared to the last time this event ran , has anybody bothered with the box that costs 36 purses? I don't want to use 36 purses or however many it is just to get a couple thousand AD or some worthless trash, no doubt the amount of RAD had to be cut back but nerfs like this make these events barely worth farming , so disappointing
I did and received 22k AD. Would not have been worth the effort if not for having collected the 36 purses while accomplishing other tasks. I don't mean for it to sound like a complaint, I'll take the free AD, but it's not really worth farming for.
Some reduction was in order, as the last time was a little OTT.
I feel though, its maybe a bit too heavy hand with the nerf hammer guys.
1 coin in two days , only 7k RAD three times.
Looks like I wont be opening any boxes this time.
The "up to" change greatly reduced the amount of RAD in purses/strongboxes/treasure chests.
Which is the exact same thing as happened with the Gifts of Tymora. Instead of a flat amount, the new drops are "up to" the old amount but are generally going to be significantly less.
Now, you really can't win. With the past iterations of these events, you got tons of crying about how the influx of RAD destroyed the economy. And I can tell you, those past events were a very good time to sell things, because of average/casual players suddenly feeling rich.
In the grand question of, "Just how much free money should we give away?", no answer is going to please everyone.
Me, I'm pleased about the change for the pantaloons and cloaks to be BoE, because last time I got 6 pants on a character trying for enough coins for a weapon transmute and coins enough to buy the world's ugliest disproportionate dagger skin but no pants on the guy I wanted them on. Which means that as more of them flood the AH, I can just bloody well buy what I want.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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Last time around there was a small cooldown between purses, best viewed in Underdark's Northern Duergar area. It's every couple of packs as you enter that area and circuit.
Agree 100%
Last time I ran through Mt. Hotenow, killing those nicely grouped mobs, and on the average every other group would drop a purse - meaning at least a 10% drop rate. This year I am getting the same drop rate, but the reduction in the content (the most I have gotten is 700AD from a purse and 5500 from a strongbox), which makes the average expected return too low to bother farming the event.
I'll take the purses that drop while I am doing other things, but not go out of my way to get them...this event is a flop as far as I am concerned.
You are badly mistaken sorry to say , this was a huge nerf compared to the last time this event ran , has anybody bothered with the box that costs 36 purses? I don't want to use 36 purses or however many it is just to get a couple thousand AD or some worthless trash, no doubt the amount of RAD had to be cut back but nerfs like this make these events barely worth farming , so disappointing
Yes, the drop rate of purses from mobs is approximately the same, but the items you can get from them are just a trash. I wasted 1 hour farming imps in Helm's Hold on 36 lvl character and those 700 ad + 2750 ad + 3 mining claims + dye and some random stuff I can't remember like coins is a pure disappointment.
The "up to" change greatly reduced the amount of RAD in purses/strongboxes/treasure chests. As I mentioned in the other thread, you have to go through 2 rounds of RNG now to get the maximum amount of RAD in each drop. When you can technically get lesser RAD in a treasure chest than an old purse, the attraction is not there for me anymore...
I agree with some of you that this event is no longer worth farming or be online longer than you need to complete your dailies. Yes, it is "free" and is something extra from not doing anything extra. But one of the main purpose of events is to get more players playing for a longer period of time than normal and that aim will sadly not be achieved well this time.
I think What Cryptic did wrong was to give us an amazing event with amazing drops the first time round and then nerf it to the ground the second time round. If they had start off this event with smaller rewards the first time round and then increase it by a little the second time, the response from the player base will be totally different. It's always better to add than take away rewards...usually. My 2 cents...
Remember getting millions of ADs from this one. Good times.
You probably weren't the only one....hence the nerf.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Today the ask price of the purses and strongboxes is far higher than the expected value. There is nothing to be made there, unless there is a major price drop.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head, crit roll for you
The general public also seems to have turned either a blind eye or just gotten dumber as often they seem ok with taking inflated pricing with no increase in actual value (lame perks generally padding the difference). So I guess its hard to blame companies completely but in defense of games if the public or gaming community decided they didn't like cryptics pricing and such then they would stop buying it, odds are if that happened (unlikely given the number of credit card babies blowing money like it grows on trees, paying to win) then instead of making changes i'm fairly certain this company would just stop supporting the game and move on to something else leaving a good game dead to the community.
Effectively speaking there doesn't appear to be any real solution to its either accept it and keep playing or stop playing and watch the game die if everyone does it en masse.
So far they don't seem to care about adjusting zen store pricing and the AD cost of in game items is ridiculous probably because apparently events like this gave people way too much money last year and they are trying to balance it out by removing AD from the game but sadly doesn't really seem to be working or if it is its so slow that by the time anything happens that is beneficial i'll and many other will probably have quit playing.
Yes, last Waukeen I hit that 256,000 AD an absurd amount of times. Of course it took an absurd amount of time to refine it all too.
The AD is really just a bonus now. I don't really need it now that I have Leadership bringing in a steady supply.
However this time I did get the Pantaloons and Cloak!
I did and received 22k AD. Would not have been worth the effort if not for having collected the 36 purses while accomplishing other tasks. I don't mean for it to sound like a complaint, I'll take the free AD, but it's not really worth farming for.
I feel though, its maybe a bit too heavy hand with the nerf hammer guys.
1 coin in two days
Looks like I wont be opening any boxes this time.
Tenacity Who? Versus GF Master means nada.
Which is the exact same thing as happened with the Gifts of Tymora. Instead of a flat amount, the new drops are "up to" the old amount but are generally going to be significantly less.
Now, you really can't win. With the past iterations of these events, you got tons of crying about how the influx of RAD destroyed the economy. And I can tell you, those past events were a very good time to sell things, because of average/casual players suddenly feeling rich.
In the grand question of, "Just how much free money should we give away?", no answer is going to please everyone.
Me, I'm pleased about the change for the pantaloons and cloaks to be BoE, because last time I got 6 pants on a character trying for enough coins for a weapon transmute and coins enough to buy the world's ugliest disproportionate dagger skin but no pants on the guy I wanted them on. Which means that as more of them flood the AH, I can just bloody well buy what I want.
Neverwinter Census 2017
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