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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Which is pretty much what they said about rogues long ago... then they decided to "lower them in certain damage areas"... Then went out and absolutely ruined the class in PvE and making it one of the most unwanted for dungeons when prior it was one of the most popular classes for Single target damage and boss mobs.

    And was doing exactly what it was designed to do.
    All because of some dork thougtht it was "OP" and thought this would "fix" things and "balance" things...

    Did it?

    Hell no... it made the situation worse, and caused all the problems you see today with Rogues.
    Well some moron, decided on the "nerf path".... thinking this would somehow "fix" things and "balance" them...

    Yeah it sure "fixed it" alright... fixed it so badly it caused massive problems in class balance to this day.

    You're never going to fix anything with any "adjustments" like that, these have been a failure over and over. And then you wonder... Why...

    Just requoting myself...

    Enough of this nerfaholic crp. Its only making things worse.

    Do you think GWFs could REALLY do any of this if they suddenly removed the nerfs on the other classes?

    Hell no... ergo... you're now standing in shoes of your own making with all this nerfaholic crp that didn't solve a **** thing and only made the problems worse, and unbalanced the classes to this day...

    Enough is enough... time to go back and realize... you screwed up.... by assuming these nerfs would fix anything.
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