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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Ok so they nerf a GWF and make CWs/GFS and whatever more viable, so this then just leaves HRs and TRS as op so they nerf those to?

    See the issue, there is no such thing as complete class balance... dont even get me started on my DC, we cant even heal ourselves for goodness sake.. a HEALING class who cant even heal themselves, think about that for a second.

    I play gwf, cw and dc in dom matches and overall its not normally as OP or as bad as poeple state. right now people are upset about the GWF finishing move (IBS destroyer specced 30% extra damage per diminishing health of opponent) but what exactly are GWFs supposed to do if they cant prone and do damage quickly? Just make them sit around in the middle of the node and let range classes destroy them?

    Im in agreement that CWS could use a adjustment, DCs need some sort of feat rework (those feats are just beyond terrible, the supposed DPS ones are like 1% or less increases for 5 feat points ect)

    If you think something is so op, roll it and see for yourself, you might be surprised at how it really plays.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The whole point of Tenacity introduction was nerfing endless sustain and heavy damage hits. It worked, but then for some incomprehensible reason developers decided to nerf Sentinel and Instigator specs to the ground and overbuff Destroyer. Those buffs negated the initial purpose of Tenacity - reduce overall damage and CC. Before module 3 there were already a lot of GWFs, but now everyone and their mother is a machine of death in the person of Great Weapon Faceroller.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The GWf destroyer got immensely buffed as a compensation from the devs by fixing the bugged deep gash feet.
    Problem is that cryptic sees that a huge number of its most paying customers ,roll a GWF that is it keeps this farse of a class alive.

    Am i being too harsh?No.
    The 50-60% of the GWFs out there are nice folks who just happened to roll a spesific class.But after mod 2 the most trolish players of NW rolled a GWF for easy time and for being enjoyning being trolls and harrasing players.Just an example and i will not say a name:One of the four first leader GWFs in the moment in leaderboard he is famous by using leap slam and jumping in the respawn point of afk pug teams in order to get easy kills.
    Combine these trolls with an extreme buffed class that has everything you need to excell in NW and you have a recipe for disaster.

    These trolls are also frequent forumers and outright liars.And i explain:
    Some said that in order to hit IBS with 30-40k there were spesific buffs/debuffs.that is a lie plain and simple.Most players that reported being hit with 40+ k IBs were on 1vs1 and some actually in the begining of the encounter!
    As for pve?They are reports of 100k IBS !!! heared it in zone chat between 2 GWfs :)
    Yet the GWf forumers come here with thier normal arrogant elitist style to say to us the usual lies we hear everytime GWFs don't want to lose their easy mode crunch.
    "there were buffs going on"
    "I am just a 300k gs GWf and i hit a 6k gs cw that is why it happened"
    "it never happened"
    "Pugs exaggerate"
    "it is all a freakin lie"
    You want proof??Open the class forums and read their posts!! Gosh!!!In one moment they state in class forums "i had hitted IBS with 40k.Everything hits harder" and then come here "it is all a lie!" :mad:
    I am bored now ut if anyomne is challenge these i write, pls do it:I ll copy paste the posts from class forums-barracks in no time.they are so many that cannot erase then even after being pased 2 days.lol

    Post Mod3 Destroyer is plain ridicoulous.
    I do not hope for any fix.cause GWfs are a major financial contributor to cryptic and NW is a free game.i am not an illusionist :P
    However i could not hold my temptation to stir the GWfs a little :) by reading all these lies , written with the high and mighty dude style of the most trolish class in whole NW:the GWF. ;)
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ps: of course I agree with you, silverkelt. Not because I want to keep my gwf, I said the same since when gwf was the WORST class in the game (pve), and all I want is that the class be "competitive" in pve.

    is something so obvious, but the public is that there lies, intrigue ... I wonder how that the cw denounced until steelblitz must be feeling right now.

    above: gwf not lost deep gash. he lost sos. this was not just an injury that I brought to the class, it is a utility.

    now it is only dps: "The Destroyer is a torrent of unfettered rage and anger que deals the crushing amount of damage on foe is Likely to Survive."

    on my values ​​in pve, say my record here: 178k in ibs. not have anything to hide here.

    but I can guarantee that I played with a 17k gwf who was hit by a cw 14k. or I'm a genius of builds or have something wrong there, no?

    People do not have the game dimension to make up numbers...
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    hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    No problem with the guy stating that and i was not refering to him.But just a statement from a GWF in another thread:

    " The 40% increased damage from fully stacked Destroyer's Purpose is just insanity. Couple that with 30% more IBS damage, and I have hit players at 40-50% health with IBS for 25-30k. I have had Takedown crits in the 20-25k region"
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    No problem with the guy stating that and i was not refering to him.But just a statement from a GWF in another thread:

    " The 40% increased damage from fully stacked Destroyer's Purpose is just insanity. Couple that with 30% more IBS damage, and I have hit players at 40-50% health with IBS for 25-30k. I have had Takedown crits in the 20-25k region"

    screenshot or gtfo.
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    proneificationproneification Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 494 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    The real problem in this game is that abilities/feats/items are BUGGED. Or at least not really functioning as in their descriptions.

    Devs try to balance some class, they look at feats, look at encounters, dailies, mess with all that, but they forget to count in the gear and how it will interact with the new changes. Will X proc Y? Who cares, too much work to test each combination.

    Then they introduce PvP stat to reduce burst and CC duration. Ooops, but some powers ignore parts of this stat completely.

    So what happens in the end is that people will find broken specs and use them, and they will be OP, cause they are broken and not performing as other normal ones.

    After this, people come to forum, and in an emotional rage, ask for whole class nerfs (again...), instead of reporting exactly what was broken in their experience. This topic is a bit of an exception though.

    People should keep in mind that GWFs are supposed to be great damage dealers, especially when they spec for that. It is good that the class is able to be frightening in combat.

    What is questionable, in my opinion, is the amount of tankyness GWF should be able to achieve when they do so much damage - but who can stop us gear up for surviving? Also questionable is the amount of CC a GWF should have.

    In my opinion, GWF damage should be top of the line for Destroyer. The debate is open on amount of CC and survival capability.
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    right now the thread turned into ultimate QQ/nerf reguest fest with ppls talking about imaginary numbers w,o any kind of proof
    i dont even know why this thread is still not closed
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    ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I don't care if GWf do the highest burst in the game! I want their DR / Deflection and Healing abilities lowered. The GWF should not be a better tank then a GF.
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    right now the thread turned into ultimate QQ/nerf reguest fest with ppls talking about imaginary numbers w,o any kind of proof
    i dont even know why this thread is still not closed

    Yeah... apparently they still haven't gotten a clue yet...

    It was NERFS that put everyone in these shoes... those need to end... and they need to be revoked now...

    They were a total failure.

    Just like every other nerf in the game, it caused more problems than it solved and created problems where there were none before.
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    syn100syn100 Member Posts: 137 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    Im the 2° HR (syncro) as number of kills in the leaderboard and as wrote in anothers threads one the way to rebalance the PvP game is bring back the old splitshot for HRs.

    The main fixes for the PvP match are easy:
    a) remove the damage bonus (or add a malus) for the TR that hit from stealth.
    b) cut in half the autohealing for all GWFs (this is also good for the role of GFs and DCs in PVE)
    c) bring back the old splitshot for HRs
    d) increase a bit the damage of GFs and DCs

    with this simple fixes the PvP become more balanced

    PS: as HR I dont have particular problem against GWF... in 2/3 of the 1vs 1 duell I kill the GWF, but 2 vs 1 is istant death for the HR.
    HR Syncro - The Equalizer - PvP stats: 10000/4800 (kills/deaths)
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    I don't care if GWf do the highest burst in the game! I want their DR / Deflection and Healing abilities lowered. The GWF should not be a better tank then a GF.
    because you say so?
    GWF is never immune to dmg like any other class so its simple THEY NEED TO COMPENSATE LACK OF PROPER DODGE SOMEHOW.
    what u want to have a class that ill do no dmg and have no chance of fighting back?
    also its funny, now u dont care about how much dmg they do but u want their surv to be nerfed.
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    demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    because you say so?
    GWF is never immune to dmg like any other class so its simple THEY NEED TO COMPENSATE LACK OF PROPER DODGE SOMEHOW.
    what u want to have a class that ill do no dmg and have no chance of fighting back?

    well, gwf's have the best mobility, damage, and crowd-control. personally, i think the ranged prone is the 1st thing that should be removed. it's fine on guardians, but not for gwf's.
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    well, gwf's have the best mobility, damage, and crowd-control. personally, i think the ranged prone is the 1st thing that should be removed. it's fine on guardians, but not for gwf's.
    idc about frontline surge, broken Roar all day long!
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    hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    screenshot or gtfo.

    janus408 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidisstupid View Post
    I have a Iron Vanguard Sent build GWF and was wondering if the Destroyer path is better overall now or what....
    It really depends on your gearing and what playstyle you are after. I think for the most part the answer here is yes. Most GWFs are now Destroyer (though I would say there are 3 main variations here, specifically for PVP). The damage increase to Destroyer, and the damage decrease to Sent has really set these two apart, as they should be.

    Quote Originally Posted by stupidisstupid View Post
    I heard prior to Mod 3 that Destroyer tree was able to have more dps output then the sent build, and have almost the same amount of defenses.. Is this still true?
    Sent has always had vastly more defenses than Destroyer. Sent has: 20% increased effectiveness of the Defense stat, 10% Deflect (technically 15% but you can easily get the 5% deflect even as Destroyer so I wont include it), and 5 AC (pretty huge).

    Quote Originally Posted by stupidisstupid View Post
    So what do you all feel is the best overall Paragon path and tree build for GWF right now (pve and pvp)
    For PVP I think Destroyer is winning out with current PVP gear. However this might change as people get full Black Ice gear maxed out. The class plays completely different now though, not just as Destroyer vs Sent, but as pre-Mod3 Destroyer vs post-Mod3 Destroyer. The 40% increased damage from fully stacked Destroyer's Purpose is just insanity. Couple that with 30% more IBS damage, and I have hit players at 40-50% health with IBS for 25-30k. I have had Takedown crits in the 20-25k region. The damage you do as Destroyer vs some players that are either outclassed or outgeared can have them dead before they pose any threat to your healthbar.

    "The 40% increased damage from fully stacked Destroyer's Purpose is just insanity. Couple that with 30% more IBS damage, and I have hit players at 40-50% health with IBS for 25-30k. I have had Takedown crits in the 20-25k region. "

    Ok Cookie?Now you gtfo.
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    janus408 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidisstupid View Post
    I have a Iron Vanguard Sent build GWF and was wondering if the Destroyer path is better overall now or what....
    It really depends on your gearing and what playstyle you are after. I think for the most part the answer here is yes. Most GWFs are now Destroyer (though I would say there are 3 main variations here, specifically for PVP). The damage increase to Destroyer, and the damage decrease to Sent has really set these two apart, as they should be.

    Quote Originally Posted by stupidisstupid View Post
    I heard prior to Mod 3 that Destroyer tree was able to have more dps output then the sent build, and have almost the same amount of defenses.. Is this still true?
    Sent has always had vastly more defenses than Destroyer. Sent has: 20% increased effectiveness of the Defense stat, 10% Deflect (technically 15% but you can easily get the 5% deflect even as Destroyer so I wont include it), and 5 AC (pretty huge).

    Quote Originally Posted by stupidisstupid View Post
    So what do you all feel is the best overall Paragon path and tree build for GWF right now (pve and pvp)
    For PVP I think Destroyer is winning out with current PVP gear. However this might change as people get full Black Ice gear maxed out. The class plays completely different now though, not just as Destroyer vs Sent, but as pre-Mod3 Destroyer vs post-Mod3 Destroyer. The 40% increased damage from fully stacked Destroyer's Purpose is just insanity. Couple that with 30% more IBS damage, and I have hit players at 40-50% health with IBS for 25-30k. I have had Takedown crits in the 20-25k region. The damage you do as Destroyer vs some players that are either outclassed or outgeared can have them dead before they pose any threat to your healthbar.

    "The 40% increased damage from fully stacked Destroyer's Purpose is just insanity. Couple that with 30% more IBS damage, and I have hit players at 40-50% health with IBS for 25-30k. I have had Takedown crits in the 20-25k region. "

    Ok Cookie?Now you gtfo.
    ./10 char
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    suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    zacazu wrote: »
    ps: of course I agree with you, silverkelt. Not because I want to keep my gwf, I said the same since when gwf was the WORST class in the game (pve), and all I want is that the class be "competitive" in pve.

    is something so obvious, but the public is that there lies, intrigue ... I wonder how that the cw denounced until steelblitz must be feeling right now.

    above: gwf not lost deep gash. he lost sos. this was not just an injury that I brought to the class, it is a utility.

    now it is only dps: "The Destroyer is a torrent of unfettered rage and anger que deals the crushing amount of damage on foe is Likely to Survive."

    on my values ​​in pve, say my record here: 178k in ibs. not have anything to hide here.

    but I can guarantee that I played with a 17k gwf who was hit by a cw 14k. or I'm a genius of builds or have something wrong there, no?

    People do not have the game dimension to make up numbers...

    178k is pretty damned nice. I haven't seen that high an amount but have seen close to it.
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    so ... your proof is someone who thinks that the executioner style begins to work when the enemy is at 40/50% hp?
    178k is pretty damned nice. I haven't seen that high an amount but have seen close to it.

    yes, it is a high value ... and unfortunately far from my real damage playing solo. and I do not have a clue at the moment how far the damage of a specified pvp against another specified pvp is far from fictitious 30k.

    between 10/15k? (13k?) Is possible. the rest is urban legend.
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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    macjae wrote: »
    When they gave GWFs Iron Vanguard, that really put them right over the top. With Module 3, they've basically repeated a mini-version of that mistake with the Roar cooldown boost.

    The full GWF package remains too strong in PvP, and there are a number of things they could do to fix that. Not everything, obviously, just lowering them in one or two areas. It's extremely disappointing that they didn't properly fix GWFs with the recent changes. The damage that they can output is what currently seems most out of order.

    Which is pretty much what they said about rogues long ago... then they decided to "lower them in certain damage areas"... Then went out and absolutely ruined the class in PvE and making it one of the most unwanted for dungeons when prior it was one of the most popular classes for Single target damage and boss mobs.

    And was doing exactly what it was designed to do.
    All because of some dork thougtht it was "OP" and thought this would "fix" things and "balance" things...

    Did it?

    Hell no... it made the situation worse, and caused all the problems you see today with Rogues.
    Well some moron, decided on the "nerf path".... thinking this would somehow "fix" things and "balance" them...

    Yeah it sure "fixed it" alright... fixed it so badly it caused massive problems in class balance to this day.

    You're never going to fix anything with any "adjustments" like that, these have been a failure over and over. And then you wonder... Why...
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    zacazu wrote: »
    so ... your proof is someone who thinks that the executioner style begins to work when the enemy is at 40/50% hp?

    yes, it is a high value ... and unfortunately far from my real damage playing solo. and I do not have a clue at the moment how far the damage of a specified pvp against another specified pvp is far from fictitious 30k.

    between 10/15k? (13k?) Is possible. the rest is urban legend.
    just ask them for SS/vid proof 1v1 with that imaginary numbers , they ill come with nothing
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ps: I do not think repeating the cowndown is an error equal to iv. iv itself is a mistake.

    the ideal would be that the gwf had its "own version" of the same powers. the same goes for the swordmaster gf.

    I do not know whether they will launch another paragon now (kensei?) but could get to the next.

    no one would have the slightest excuse to not dodge a ibs.
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    zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    just ask them for SS/vid proof 1v1 with that imaginary numbers , they ill come with nothing

    I do not doubt anything people are able to do to prove something (change gear and other things) ... not seeing i believe.

    if the dev want to give a nerf, the problem is for the game as well as specified as the silverquick ... see that rogue is the second most popular class in the game at the time of creation.

    well... since today my game gives crash when I try to login, then neither makes a difference. ahhah

    anyway, Icewind is not exciting as I wanted. nw created a module, based on feedback, specific to the players they kill themselves (you know, pve is not "challenging"). but then when they find a challenge in pvp, need to nerf the challenge.
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    cookiecrisp15cookiecrisp15 Banned Users Posts: 532 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    zacazu wrote: »
    I do not doubt anything people are able to do to prove something (change gear and other things) ... not seeing i believe.

    if the dev want to give a nerf, the problem is for the game as well as specified as the silverquick ... see that rogue is the second most popular class in the game at the time of creation.

    well... since today my game gives crash when I try to login, then neither makes a difference. ahhah

    anyway, Icewind is not exciting as I wanted. nw created a module, based on feedback, specific to the players they kill themselves (you know, pve is not "challenging"). but then when they find a challenge in pvp, need to nerf the challenge.
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    cryptfoundationcryptfoundation Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I agree, if the TR wasn't nerfed GWFs would be a joke. Lashing blade Shocking execution dead. Who remembers when SE hit for up to 20k no crit nor any health missing damage
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    risendragonrisendragon Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2014
    Why not just fix it so that DoT enchants and feats no longer give destroyer purpose stacks? That way GWFs can no longer get 20 stacks of purpose in 1 unstoppable. Completely balances the damage for pvp, and in pve you're going to be able to proc unstoppable enough during boss fights to keep 20 stacks going for the entire boss. During the actual dungeon you'll be hitting multiple targets, thereby giving you your 20 stacks very quickly.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Why not just fix it so that DoT enchants and feats no longer give destroyer purpose stacks? That way GWFs can no longer get 20 stacks of purpose in 1 unstoppable. Completely balances the damage for pvp, and in pve you're going to be able to proc unstoppable enough during boss fights to keep 20 stacks going for the entire boss. During the actual dungeon you'll be hitting multiple targets, thereby giving you your 20 stacks very quickly.

    Just limit the amount of stacks they may build per second.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    risendragonrisendragon Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2014
    Yeah, because internal cooldowns haven't completely slaughtered every other feat in the past. (sarcasm)
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    midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    Just limit the amount of stacks they may build per second.

    I'd rather just have weapon enchants/DoT not affect Destroyer's Purpose instead of getting an internal cooldown, simply because:
    Yeah, because internal cooldowns haven't completely slaughtered every other feat in the past. (sarcasm)
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