Wow, you guys are fast! I was *just* about to make a post about 'em
Thanks for updating it! This is a good sign for all the Foundry authors=)
Congrats to the featured authors!
imaginaerum1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 378Arc User
edited April 2014
Ok, seriously, what does it take to get Featured? What am I missing?
I've got the highest-ranked quest with under 100 reviews in the entire game. If you expand it to less than 500 reviews, there are maybe two above me that aren't exploit farms (not counting the newly featured). I'm in the top 100 on the "best" tab. I've gotten absolutely glowing reviews from many people. I've put together a classic quest that combines both story and combat. And I *still* can't get featured.
Have I not pushed the quest enough in the forum? Did I err in some way? I am truly at a loss.
What am I not doing that I need to do to get "Missing Children" featured?
Ok, seriously, what does it take to get Featured? What am I missing?
I've got the highest-ranked quest with under 100 reviews in the entire game. If you expand it to less than 500 reviews, there are maybe two above me that aren't exploit farms (not counting the newly featured). I'm in the top 100 on the "best" tab. I've gotten absolutely glowing reviews from many people. I've put together a classic quest that combines both story and combat. And I *still* can't get featured.
Have I not pushed the quest enough in the forum? Did I err in some way? I am truly at a loss.
What am I not doing that I need to do to get "Missing Children" featured?
He only features three quests at a time, and this is the first time the featuring has happened for like two months now since we just got our new community manager. Lots of good quests didn't get featured, I'm sure you'll get it soon.
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
Just wanted to say, Welcome to the NW foundry akromatik.
Are you solely working on NW or are you working on other projects as well?
"...projects are never finished, only abandoned....." HellsHot is a proud member of Scribes' Enclave.
1. The Haronomous Saga NWS-DJIKP5IWK a four part, story driven, campaign.
2. The Ruins of Xylon NWS-DC76ORA4I a two part, dungeon crawl.
3. Armor Odyssey NWS-DAUPTR46M a three part, story driven, odyssey.
Ok, seriously, what does it take to get Featured? What am I missing?
I've got the highest-ranked quest with under 100 reviews in the entire game. If you expand it to less than 500 reviews, there are maybe two above me that aren't exploit farms (not counting the newly featured). I'm in the top 100 on the "best" tab. I've gotten absolutely glowing reviews from many people. I've put together a classic quest that combines both story and combat. And I *still* can't get featured.
Have I not pushed the quest enough in the forum? Did I err in some way? I am truly at a loss.
What am I not doing that I need to do to get "Missing Children" featured?
This may seem a bit obvious, but since I've found many people (myself included) have a tendency to overlook the obvious solutions because they're too obvious... Did you click "Submit to Cryptic"?
Ok, seriously, what does it take to get Featured? What am I missing?
Actually, I'm very curious about the selection process too.
I mean there must literally be thousands and more quests being submitted for featuring on a daily basis, right?
Since attention and time for testing and screening is limited, especially since it is just the Community Manager alone doing all the work, how are the quests to be tested filtered?
Is it by number of plays, number of 5/4 stars reviews, the quality of the qualitative reviews, random or some other method?
I think this information is really important to us, especially to newer authors like me who would not fare well in most of the quantity type of method (ie number of plays/review etc) since then we will have some goal to work towards after clicking the "Submit to Cryptic" button, instead of just sitting and waiting only to be disappointed after a few months.
Also, if an author submits a quest on week 1, by say week 4 if his/her quest is still not featured, is it at the bottom of the list, removed, placed on the top of the testing list or what?
What about if an author submits for featuring in week 1, he makes a major upgrade or change to the quest in week 3 and in week 4, his/her quest gets selected for testing? Will the version tested be week 1's or week 3's?
These information will be important too.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2014
Hey, thank you very much for the Feature fellas, much appreciated glad everyone liked chapter 2 Ill Fortunes of the Ravenloft series still working on chapter 3 it's just taking a while since I work now, keep it going strong Foundry community lets see what new toys we get when mod 3 releases.
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Hey, thank you very much for the Feature fellas, much appreciated glad everyone liked chapter 2 Ill Fortunes of the Ravenloft series still working on chapter 3 it's just taking a while since I work now, keep it going strong Foundry community lets see what new toys we get when mod 3 releases.
I don't think I've played the one that is currently featured but I loved the map designs in the 2 chapters in Ravenloft. I really liked the innovation used for the impaled zombies in the village for the second 1.
If the quality from those 2 quests that I have played is any indication of the quality of the one that is currently featured, you really earned it=)
EDIT: Hahaha..just took a closer look and turns out the featured quest IS the 2nd one of Ravenloft. Played through that one with a friend along with chapter 1 some time back. It was awesome!
Actually, I'm very curious about the selection process too.
I mean there must literally be thousands and more quests being submitted for featuring on a daily basis, right?
Since attention and time for testing and screening is limited, especially since it is just the Community Manager alone doing all the work, how are the quests to be tested filtered?
Is it by number of plays, number of 5/4 stars reviews, the quality of the qualitative reviews, random or some other method?
I think this information is really important to us, especially to newer authors like me who would not fare well in most of the quantity type of method (ie number of plays/review etc) since then we will have some goal to work towards after clicking the "Submit to Cryptic" button, instead of just sitting and waiting only to be disappointed after a few months.
Also, if an author submits a quest on week 1, by say week 4 if his/her quest is still not featured, is it at the bottom of the list, removed, placed on the top of the testing list or what?
What about if an author submits for featuring in week 1, he makes a major upgrade or change to the quest in week 3 and in week 4, his/her quest gets selected for testing? Will the version tested be week 1's or week 3's?
These information will be important too.
As far as I know the person featuring it plays through everything that is submitted and manually chooses his/her three favorites to be featured.
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
As far as I know the person featuring it plays through everything that is submitted and manually chooses his/her three favorites to be featured.
That's ideally what should happen but I'm thinking the number of quests submitted should be really really high.
This is even more so since there was a period where there was probably nobody doing the feature quests selection.
I mean, realistically speaking, it would be very tough for 1 person to play through all of them and select 3 every week since there are also incoming new quests being submitted daily.
I'm sure if it is a large team doing this then perhaps it's possible, assuming they play through all submitted quests diligently on a daily basis, but it's just the community manager, right?
So, I thought it might be good if akromatik could give us some information on this, unless there is an official reason not to do so.
I think it's more of a collaboration (due to the sheer number submitted I'm sure) that any team member can "flag" anything they've recently played that has been marked as "Submitted to Cryptic" and then one or a few people play through the top dozen or so of those and choose three.
There are probably far too many submitted to be chosen by one person.
Feel that you've got an adventure that's worth featuring? PM me! I'm ALWAYS happy to play through new and exciting foundry content. Even if you just want feedback too (Note: This might take a while, but I'm happy to do it)
As for our selection process...Let's just say that Umberlee empowers me to play *a lot* of Foundry missions and make good choices.
Feel that you've got an adventure that's worth featuring? PM me! I'm ALWAYS happy to play through new and exciting foundry content. Even if you just want feedback too (Note: This might take a while, but I'm happy to do it)
Hoho.. I can sense a bombardment of pms coming your way.. Good luck=)
The last thing we need to do is have the new CM fall into the path of the old one, joining groups which leads to an appearance of favoritism (regardless of the truth of favoritism or not, even the appearance neeeds to be avoided).
The last thing we need to do is have the new CM fall into the path of the old one, joining groups which leads to an appearance of favoritism (regardless of the truth of favoritism or not, even the appearance neeeds to be avoided).
While i could agree with this concept, i want to clarify that Sominator was never a member or otherwise involved with SE at all. One of the devs (blue names) had visited a few times to see what we were talking about, mostly due to myself and another member having traumatic issues with Module 1 map corruption, but otherwise we've had no relationships with anyone in any position to grant any favoritism. SE is made up of several dedicated and talented foundry authors, and everyone who has had their quests featured has earned it. We have a catalog full of amazing and beautiful quests that have never been featured or made the "Best" list, and some haven't even made it to daily eligibility yet. We've had no favors, just dedication and effort.
To add: A large portion of the active foundry community are members of SE, primarily because it is the only guild of it's kind at this point. Many of our members that are still active in-game and on these forums are no longer active on our own forums, and many of the quests featured from our members were never even posted on our own forums. Simply most of the foundry community that is dedicated and interested have joined our guild to see what it is about, so our roster holds a lot of foundry author names, 126 at the moment, to be exact.
While i could agree with this concept, i want to clarify that ...
I was not singling out SE. The community manager being a member of any game related group gives the impression of impropriety. Witness what happened when only "Team Fencebane" members (of which the former CM was the part of) won all the prizes (logitech keyboards, mice etc) given out during the giveaway livestreams. Could have been entirely random, but people noticed and called it out. If the new CM is going to have a chance, he/she/it has to avoid the impression of favorktism.
I wasn't sure if you were, but still wanted to clarify because of the mention of SE. I don't know anything about prize giveaways, and not much about the "Team Fencebane" group, so wasn't aware of any issues there. Guess i've been out of the loop.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited April 2014
. . . Closing this now as it has veered off topic and into the realm of instigation, accusation, and assumption. If one has an issue or grievance with any PWE Staff member, please contact Support or the employee themselves. Besides, Spotlights are starting up again.
Thanks for updating it! This is a good sign for all the Foundry authors=)
Congrats to the featured authors!
I've got the highest-ranked quest with under 100 reviews in the entire game. If you expand it to less than 500 reviews, there are maybe two above me that aren't exploit farms (not counting the newly featured). I'm in the top 100 on the "best" tab. I've gotten absolutely glowing reviews from many people. I've put together a classic quest that combines both story and combat. And I *still* can't get featured.
Have I not pushed the quest enough in the forum? Did I err in some way? I am truly at a loss.
What am I not doing that I need to do to get "Missing Children" featured?
-- @Gruffydd
He only features three quests at a time, and this is the first time the featuring has happened for like two months now since we just got our new community manager. Lots of good quests didn't get featured, I'm sure you'll get it soon.
Just wanted to say, Welcome to the NW foundry akromatik.
Are you solely working on NW or are you working on other projects as well?
"...projects are never finished, only abandoned....."
HellsHot is a proud member of Scribes' Enclave.
1. The Haronomous Saga NWS-DJIKP5IWK a four part, story driven, campaign.
2. The Ruins of Xylon NWS-DC76ORA4I a two part, dungeon crawl.
3. Armor Odyssey NWS-DAUPTR46M a three part, story driven, odyssey.
Check out my Foundry questline, The Brightstone Explorers' Guild, now archived on Youtube!
Actually, I'm very curious about the selection process too.
I mean there must literally be thousands and more quests being submitted for featuring on a daily basis, right?
Since attention and time for testing and screening is limited, especially since it is just the Community Manager alone doing all the work, how are the quests to be tested filtered?
Is it by number of plays, number of 5/4 stars reviews, the quality of the qualitative reviews, random or some other method?
I think this information is really important to us, especially to newer authors like me who would not fare well in most of the quantity type of method (ie number of plays/review etc) since then we will have some goal to work towards after clicking the "Submit to Cryptic" button, instead of just sitting and waiting only to be disappointed after a few months.
Also, if an author submits a quest on week 1, by say week 4 if his/her quest is still not featured, is it at the bottom of the list, removed, placed on the top of the testing list or what?
What about if an author submits for featuring in week 1, he makes a major upgrade or change to the quest in week 3 and in week 4, his/her quest gets selected for testing? Will the version tested be week 1's or week 3's?
These information will be important too.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I don't think I've played the one that is currently featured but I loved the map designs in the 2 chapters in Ravenloft. I really liked the innovation used for the impaled zombies in the village for the second 1.
If the quality from those 2 quests that I have played is any indication of the quality of the one that is currently featured, you really earned it=)
EDIT: Hahaha..just took a closer look and turns out the featured quest IS the 2nd one of Ravenloft. Played through that one with a friend along with chapter 1 some time back. It was awesome!
Check out my Foundry questline, The Brightstone Explorers' Guild, now archived on Youtube!
As far as I know the person featuring it plays through everything that is submitted and manually chooses his/her three favorites to be featured.
That's ideally what should happen but I'm thinking the number of quests submitted should be really really high.
This is even more so since there was a period where there was probably nobody doing the feature quests selection.
I mean, realistically speaking, it would be very tough for 1 person to play through all of them and select 3 every week since there are also incoming new quests being submitted daily.
I'm sure if it is a large team doing this then perhaps it's possible, assuming they play through all submitted quests diligently on a daily basis, but it's just the community manager, right?
So, I thought it might be good if akromatik could give us some information on this, unless there is an official reason not to do so.
There are probably far too many submitted to be chosen by one person.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
First rule of Foundry is no-one (from Cryptic) talks about Foundry!
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Feel that you've got an adventure that's worth featuring? PM me! I'm ALWAYS happy to play through new and exciting foundry content. Even if you just want feedback too
As for our selection process...Let's just say that Umberlee empowers me to play *a lot* of Foundry missions and make good choices.
Hoho.. I can sense a bombardment of pms coming your way.. Good luck=)
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
While i could agree with this concept, i want to clarify that Sominator was never a member or otherwise involved with SE at all. One of the devs (blue names) had visited a few times to see what we were talking about, mostly due to myself and another member having traumatic issues with Module 1 map corruption, but otherwise we've had no relationships with anyone in any position to grant any favoritism. SE is made up of several dedicated and talented foundry authors, and everyone who has had their quests featured has earned it. We have a catalog full of amazing and beautiful quests that have never been featured or made the "Best" list, and some haven't even made it to daily eligibility yet. We've had no favors, just dedication and effort.
To add: A large portion of the active foundry community are members of SE, primarily because it is the only guild of it's kind at this point. Many of our members that are still active in-game and on these forums are no longer active on our own forums, and many of the quests featured from our members were never even posted on our own forums. Simply most of the foundry community that is dedicated and interested have joined our guild to see what it is about, so our roster holds a lot of foundry author names, 126 at the moment, to be exact.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
I wasn't sure if you were, but still wanted to clarify because of the mention of SE.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
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