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XynTrynZia's Scoundrel Build

xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
edited October 2014 in The Thieves' Den
This thread is dedictated to sharing with everyone and putting it all in one place

Before I go into my builds specifics, I need to give credit to Todesfaella who inspired me with his stealth based TR Build.
The following thread has an incredible amount of useful information.
Banelorne's Stealth-Based Executioner Builds: Maximize Your TR's Solo Capabilities.

I did not want to copy anything verbatim, so instead, I took his guide and applied my own personal playing style to it and came up with My Sexy little killer, who excels in both PVE and PVP.
I can't thank Todesfaella enough. Before reading his guide, I was an OK PVE player and abysmal at PVP.
Now, I am significantly improved. The best part is the big smile I always have.

So without further ado, I present to you



I am playing the character I rolled on Day 1 of Neverwinter's original beta. Initially I put all my points into Str and Dex. I respeced and tried putting points into INT and was only able to get it up to 14. It worked ok, but I did lose damage. As such, I respeced back and put them all back into Strength and Dex.

The one thing you don't see from the screenshot below is the following basic stats

Attack/Healing 10391
38.2% Critical Chance
75% Critical Severity
21.3% Recharge Speed Increase
41% Action Point Gain

So if I had to describe my build, it's a more of a non crit consistent damage build that can tick off the Daily Powers at a fast rate



Since the PvP Patch, I have replaced my

Battlefield Skulker Armor
+450 Life Steal
25% more Stealth
5% more dmg while stealthed

With the

Pround Armor of the Scoundrel
+450 Crit
30% more Stealth
7.5% more dmg while stealthed

While it may seem like you gain crit, due to the set bonus, I did lose some, but for my build, that is not as much of an issue as I have gained more non critical stealth damage which is the meat and potatoes of my build. After reading about some suggestions, I found a pair of daggers that would bring my Crit back up to almost where it was in PVE, and with some Gem Swapping, I got my recovery back to about where it was too. I am still down on HPs, but in PvP that is offset by Tenacity

I have farmed like a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for Silvery's. My right column of gear is all Silvery for Offense and all Radiant for Defense. I have all Darks for Utility to help my movement. My Main Hand has a Silvery for PVE and a Vorpal to increase my Crit severity. In PvP I run a Perfect Bilethorn Enchantment. My Daggers will be detailed below. I have a Silvery in my off hand because I needed some more recovery to make up for my low INT score. When Artifacts were introduced, I chose the Lantern of Revelation. I bought the Raven head with 24,000 Glory points from PVP
and after successfully auctioning some Epic Gear, I bought a Water Artifact.

With those, my Recovery is in a nice state.

I had some fun/Pun with the names of my Companions.
I have a healer (Idle right now) named Buffy
A Firebird named Trans Am
A Sprite named 7-Up
A stone that circles your head called Lunar


Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
Leaving dead question marks everywhere
Post edited by xyntrynz1a on


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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Here are some screen caps of the important Configurations. I will explain my Power Choices in my PVE and PvP sections.

    One thing of note that will make some people scratch their heads is my choice to only spend one point in Dualist Flurry. For me, I like being able to control my encounter launches better and did not like waiting for DF to end. Also, being a Scoundrel, I have a feat that adds damage to Sly Flourish and Cloud of Steel, but lack the feat that adds Dazzling Blades. As such, I spent the extra 2 points elsewhere.
    I recently respeced and eliminated powers I just never use and added some I would like to play with. Below is my current setup.


    Feats - Scoundrel Path
    Action Advantage: 20% more AP from Combat Advantage
    Swift Footwork: 10% stamina regen
    Twilight Adept: Dodge roll restores 10% of stealth
    Improved Cunning Sneak: Stealth last 20% longer
    Cunning Stalker: While stealthed Build 20% more AP
    Sneaky Stabber: Gloaming Cut grants 10% of stealth
    Underhanded Tactics: Combat advantage is 20% more effective
    Nimble Blade: 35% chance to deal 20% more damage on a non critical strike
    Mocking Knave: 10% damage bonus to Cloud of Steel and Sly Flourish. Cloud of Steel's damage stack is increased 2.5%
    Action Rush: Encounters have a 15% chance to grant 15% AP
    Whirlwind Sneak: For 10 seconds after leaving stealth do 15% dmg+ with first encounter. I combine this with Impact Strike for some serious damage in PvP

    With my change to the Profound Armor of the Scoundrel I lost a bunch of Life Steal and Crit and decided to change around my Boons.
    I did gain a bunch of Power, so I swapped all boons that gave power to a different benefit.

    Dread Ring Boons
    Conjurer's Gambit: 125 Critical Strike + Movement
    Illusionary Regeneration: 250 Regeneration
    Forbidden Piercing: 250 Armor Penetration
    Enraged Regrowth: Chance to heal 1000 Damage and 250 defense for 10 seconds
    Rampaging Madness: Gain Stacks of Madness. When 30 are reached get 600 Power, 300 LifeSteal and 300 Regeneration

    Sharandar Boons
    Dark Fey Warder: 250 Defense
    Fey precision: 250 Critical
    Elven Haste: 2% Action Point Gain
    Elven Tranquility: 400 Heal
    Elven Resolve: 10% Stamina/Guard recharge bonus
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    My PVE Setup

    At-Wills: Sly Flourish, Gloaming Cut or Cloud of Steel
    Encounters: Lashing Blade or Impossible to Catch, Path of Blades or Bait and Switch , Shadow Strike,
    Class Features: Tactics, Invisible Infiltrator
    Dailies: Lurker's Assault, Shocking Execution, Bloodbath or Whirlwind of Blades

    This setup gives me the benefit of Gaining 15% more Action Points and one more way to refill my stealth and thus stay concealed and in Combat Advantage

    When I use Lurkers Assault, my overall bonuses are
    7.5% more Damage from Profound Armor of the Scoundrel
    15% more Damage from Lurkers Assault
    20% more effective Combat Advantage
    10% Damage to Cloud of Steel or Sly Flourish
    2.5% Damage Stack to Cloud of Steel
    and the additional
    15% more damage for 5 Seconds from Invisible Infiltrator

    All while getting the following Action Point Gain bonuses while in Stealth
    20% More Effective Combat Advantage from the feat Underhanded Tactics
    20% More Action Points from Combat Advantage due to the Feat Action Advantage
    20% More Action Points from the feat Cunning Stalker
    15% More Action Points from the Class Feature Tactics
    2% Action Point Gain from Elven Haste
    2% Action Point Gain from my Sprite Companion

    For PVE, I use Lashing Blade for all the non bosses and ITC with the Boss. Lately I have been messing around with Path of Blades. It's been quite comical. I will go stealth, Run into the middle of a crowd, drop Path of blades. Hit Blitz, then throw Shadow Stealth and start my rotation to kill anything the PoB and didn't kill. I laugh my butt off watching the red caps just get tee'd up

    I change up the first At Will and my Class Features to adapt to the PVP match I am in. Lately I opt for having more speed and crit.

    My PVP Setup

    At-Wills: Gloaming Cut or Sly Flourish, Cloud of Steel(Always on my right mouse button)
    Encounters: Impossible to Catch or Smoke Bomb, Path of Blades or Bait and Switch , Shadow Strike,
    Class Features: Tenacious Concealment, Sneak Attack, Skillful Infiltrator, Invisible Infiltrator and Tactics
    Dailies: Lurker's Assault, Shocking Execution.

    I use Tenacious Concealment to reduce my stealth loss from damage by 90%. This helps me stay in stealth if I get caught in AOE or someone figures out where I am. Skillful Infiltrator gives me 15% run speed as well as increasing my Critical/dodge/deflect by 3%. Sometimes I use Invisible Infiltrator when I want to maximize my stealth. I always slot Tactics because I want to be able to gain as many action points as possible all the time. Most of the time I use Shocking Execution to finish off an opponent I see go below 15%, but if needed, I will use Lurkers Assault to help me stay in stealth and do more prolonged damage. It also can be a life saver if I have to bail out to get some health.
    Since the PvP patch, I have been experimenting with setups and have abandoned Impact Shot. I am pretty sad about that, as it used to be my go to skill. I now play stealthier, but will sit on Node two to help us maintain the win.

    I took a screenshot of a PVP match.
    I think I did OK :cool:

    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    One thing I thought we be helpful for everyone to see is a direct side by side comparison of my Stats

    The left is when I had the Battlefield Skulker set equipped
    The right is with the Profound Armor of the Scoundrel
    Personally, I was worried about the loss of HPs, but I just don't seem to notice it. In PvP I do feel less squishy and seem to be doing better than I did post patch. HPs aren't really an issue for me in PVE, and if I mess up, my Soulforge bails me out once every 90 seconds.

    After someone mentioned it, I found out that there are 2 sets of Daggers that give a 450 Crit bonus that do not need to be crafted. As such, I went Dungeon Delving. I decided that it was brutal enough getting Weaponsmith to LvL 20 and do not want to go through that with Artificing just to get a recipe.

    The above stats are a direct result of equipping the following for PVE.
    [To be honest, I got one as a drop and I bought the other off the Auction house.]

    Previously I had a Radiant in the Main Dagger, but with all the power you gain from the Profound Armor, I removed that and swapped in a Silvery. As such, after a full gear switch, I am only .2% less critical chance and gained .2% recovery.

    For PvP I use a Profound Dagger of the Executioner and have it equipped with a Perfect Bilethorn and Rank 8 Radiant Enchant. Like my PvE Main hand, I need to swap out the Radiant for a Silvery, but a Drow Elff only has so much moola.

    I actually have 150,000 rough AD diamonds but since you can only refine 24,000 a day, it's going to take me a while to cash in enough to get me the silvery I need. The nice thing is that will free up another Rank 8 radiant and I can work towards upgrading that to a 9

    I've actually stopped salvaging stuff and am attempting to sell more on the Auction house. You get less AD but you have it immediately.

    I wish they would increase the amount you can refine in a day
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    darthtater68darthtater68 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hi Xyn for a build like yours what race would you recommend ? Can't wait to see how your powers look. Also as a new TR can you tell me what the difference is between this and the executioner style? Sorry for the n o o b questions.
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    todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    You finally posted your thread! One of the things that you may also wish to do (which I ALWAYS forget to do) is to take a screenshot of your skill bar just to show what powers you have in your skill bar. I keep trying to remind myself to do it, but once I get into the game I get distracted by all sorts of things.

    Nonetheless, great job and keep maintaining your guide, man.

    PS. This guy hits like a truck in PVP. Don't get hit without stealth or ITC. :p
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Hi Xyn for a build like yours what race would you recommend ? Can't wait to see how your powers look. Also as a new TR can you tell me what the difference is between this and the executioner style? Sorry for the n o o b questions.

    I have a Drow which gives +2 to Dex and +2 to charisma. Most things work well.
    I think Humans are pretty awesome as they get 3 additional Feats. For my build that could add 9% more damage
    It worked out well for me.

    The Executioner Style is the bottom row of feats. Todesfaella's original build is setup with that. I have a link to his post above
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Here are my first video tests


    While that was encoding I did The Moonless Knight
    I slotted BnS and almost did the whole run
    Both times I dropped out for a split second was user error.
    So this can be done 100% in stealth


    I realized the quality was lacking and vimeo suggested I up the bit rate to 5000 so I made that change and created my next video. This time I just wanted to fight in Stealth and not worry about it while grabbing treasure
    This is the Dread Ring Qwest to kill Zulkir

    Now that I know how to use the software, I can upgrade the quality and do some post record editing.

    Im hoping to catch some of our PVP matches.

    I hope you enjoy these.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    f2pnwf2pnw Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2014
    probably the best build for next module when tenacity changes come.
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I am thinking you might be right.
    Since its based on bonus damage vs crit
    The only change i will need to make is the weapon enchantment.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    f2pnwf2pnw Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2014
    xyntrynz1a wrote: »
    I am thinking you might be right.
    Since its based on bonus damage vs crit
    The only change i will need to make is the weapon enchantment.

    Speaking of weapons,
    We were alternating between Valindra and Malboge yesterday and I managed to get the
    Fallen Dragon Parrying Blade
    I will have to update the one screenshot

    yeah and there is new profound armor which has separate stats for every tree scoundrel looks the best:


    Main Status : ARP/Deflect

    Profound armor of Scoundrel good sides : It have ARP and Deflect ( may work for deflect builds) + increased set effect (Crit/stealth metter)
    Profound armor of Scoundrel Bad sides : Lower status then Skulker/ No HP.

    here is the rest
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I finally got enough Fey Sparks to finish the Sharandar Boons.

    I chose Elven Resolve for the Stamina regeneration.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I updated some of the pics to reflect new Enchantments and Boons.

    I slotted a Silvery into my Off hand to bring up my PvP Recovery a little more
    and used the Radiant that was in there, to raise the Radiant in my Main hand up one level.

    So I lost some Power, but not much, but bumped up my Recharge to 22% which is pretty good for a non Int based TR.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The guide's looking good, Xyn. Keep up the good work and keep updating!
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I played 2 PvP games today and they were both comical.


    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Wow, that's awesome! I gotta give this a try sometime.
    Also I'd love to see some PVP videos aswell.
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I'll have to remember to que up the video before I get in games.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Lately I feel like I have been tanking a bit. That's really not a TR way I should be playing, but it seems to be working out.
    Except for the HR's stealing all my kills after I work so hard

    I would like to point out in the game below, that I was fighting the GWF and took him down 6 times.
    I don't think he got me at all. If I remember correctly, the other team's TR's got all 3 of my deaths so all around that is a TR job well done!!! Those guys were pretty good. It was fun playing against them
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Just a note that you might want to black out the other names on those scoreboards. The mods have been super-touchy about people posting anything pvp-related that names anyone without their permission, even if it does not directly "shame" them.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    If a mod asks me, I will gladly oblige. I'm posting to show my effectiveness, not to put others down and have provided kudos to the players who made me work my butt off in those matches.

    The following pics are to demonstrate 2 items in this build
    1. Survivability
    2. DPS does depend on alive time

    Please note that I took less than half the damage of the next closest player, while dealing the most.



    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    norsemanxnorsemanx Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Those are some impressive PvP performances. I'm using Banes 1st build atm and gearing up still. I have the t1 pvp gear and was starting to think about moving into the skulker gear but then I saw all the upcoming changes and skulker not getting tenacity. I'm not sure what I want to go at the moment but I dig this build, I'm thinking I'll have to give it a try soon. Thanks for sharing it!
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    There will be a stealth set that gives Tenacity and for PvP it will be the must have set for us TR's.
    But for now, the Scavenger set is still extremely good and essentially free since you purchase it with Glory. After you earn the Blood Raven Crystal, and buy some PvP potions, there really isn't anything else worth spending the Glory on.
    I hope the new tenacity armor will be bought with Glory. To me, since you earn Glory in PvP, it only makes sense that you could use it to buy the new armor.

    I added a bunch of information to my first couple of posts. 2 things of note were the damage stacking while being in stealth and how my Action Points are gained.

    I'll go back and detail all the things that aid to keeping me in stealth at another time.

    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    norsemanxnorsemanx Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Is the stealth generation/sustain similar to the bane build?

    I've been over on the preview forums and my impression is that there will be a few armor sets that can be bought with glory. They are bumping up the cap from 25k to 50k and I think some of the sets may go for around 200k glory. And they seem to be reducing the amount earned per match a bit also. So the new gear will have to be earned but as you pointed out, getting pvp gear by playing pvp does make sense.

    Ive actually gotten two of the blood raven crystals. For refining, I cant remember if it's better to dump the one that's been leveled some into the unleveled one, or the other way around.

    Thanks for the guide and the updates!!!
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Yes it is. My build is more similar to his original Build, but I chose the Scoundrel Path vs the Executioner path in Feats.
    As I state in my very first post, I learned alot from Todesfaella and give him serious credit for turning me into a very formidable player.

    The differences lie in the fact that I have a low intelligence score so I put my points into Strength and Dexterity
    In order to increase my recovery whch affects the Recharge rate, I am more dependant on silvery enchantments and the Water and Blood Crystal Artifacts.

    Conversely, though, my high Strength and Dex give me very good sustained non Critical damage and the Scoundrel feats help with that.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    norsemanxnorsemanx Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks for the info. I'm using his original build so I'm kind of used to the playstyle. The big change I see is yours is missing the health regen, which has made me lazy I think. I have stacks of 100 health pots because I rarely use them lol.

    My stats are similar to yours other than my con is 2 more and my str is 2 less. I hope that doesn't gimp me too much with this, I guess I'll find out!
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    :oIts rare that I use a health potion in PVE. I have not bought a potion since I created this build and I sell any that go over 99 to keep my inventory clear.
    What my build lacks in Regen, It makes up with Life Steal. Having a higher strength means i gain more health from my damage and I have the boon that gives me a chance to triple the amount of life steal.
    When the Challenge of the Gods was in play the 2 hardest challenges I had were
    Killing enemies while below 50% health and using potions as I just could not stay injured enough.
    ITC and stealth go a long way to keeping you healthy and consistently I do much more damage than I take.
    My Skirmish results can show you the % of damage vs health I average.

    In PVP, I will snag health pots occasionally and use the Blood Crystal combined with the PvP potions to save my butt when needed.

    I think you will be fine with your choice. Its just another way if attacking the issue. More HP is never a bad thing
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    norsemanxnorsemanx Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So I made the leap and so far so good! In PvE I see an increase in damage and don't really miss the regen. Haven't done any epics yet or tried to solo a dungeon boss but I rarely do that stuff anyway.

    PvP now, this really fits me better. I can go toe to toe more with opponents yet still do the perma stealth back capping thing just as effectively. My kill rate went up for sure and keep in mind I am still in Scavengers gear, don't have all my boons yet and only two artifacts one blue and one green. Oh and no enchants over rank 5 or 6. (yeah I am poor hah.)

    I made another TR mad in PvP. We ended up at the far end of the map and dueled it out. I lost but just by a sliver. He was all in top end gear and still almost lost. He was complaining in /zone that all I had was stealth (which I did maintain most of the fight) and other than that I was a zero. I was laughing because he almost lost so.....it was awesome because before I couldn't fight high GS TR's with my old perma stealth build.

    I'm not sure I'll ever get scores like yours but I can see it getting much better once I get all purpled out.
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    That's awesome. Nothing says you won a fight, when the other person has to verbally put you down. I think once you get used to this and slowly increase some of your gear, your Kill to death will get better. Unless my team is totally outmatched, I die very rarely and it's normally due to being ping-ponged between a couple of big hitters.

    Just keep farming for Enchants like a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. It's not hard getting to a Rank 7, but then, to get to a Rank 8, you need a Rank 7 as a component. This is why I still have some Rank 7 Darks

    Do you have the Blood Crystal Raven Artifact?
    That's a big help in PvP

    As far as leveling Artifacts, what I did was sell Epic gear for AD in the Auction house, then bought Rank 5 Training stones. People normally sell them in groups of 99 and then use them to level your Artifacts. If you can ring farm, some of the ones like Ancient Slavemaster of Control can fetch a good auction selling price to cover the training stones cost.
    I am working on my Blood Crystal now and just dumping any enchant I get on it.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    norsemanxnorsemanx Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Ugh the forum is kind of buggy after the down time....

    Yep I have the blood crustal artifact. I have two actually, one is lvl 40 and the other is unleveled. I'm trying to remember at what level I dump the leveled one into the unleveled one. There is some trick to it to get the max refine points.

    I'm going to have to get more proactive in farming. I'm mostly a pvp guy. After years of MMOs I'm burnt out on farming lol. Thanks for the tips in that area!
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    xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Forum is still messed up.
    I posted a new thread in the general area so hopefully people see that.

    Are you able to equip 2 of the same artifact?

    If you do the qwests to get the Boons from the Dread Ring and Sharandar, you end up getting a decent amount of enchantments in the process.
    In 2 days I got 2 radiants up to Rank 6. I want to work on on getting both of my equipped Radiants to a level 9 and will need a level 8 to do that. Which means I will technically need 4 level 7s. I think that is B.S. but it's part of the game.
    Other choice is to farm for Epic gear, sell for AD then buy from Auction House. Thats a little more fun as the Epic dungeons can be a challenge
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
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    nyebba1nyebba1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If you went human what extra feats would you choose with the 3 additional?
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