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Sooo when is GF getting nerfed?



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    l3l3l3l3l3l3l3l3 Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2013
    Sheild is stripped in seconds against people using high level enchants. And on my server there are always well geared players trolling 60 pvp. Good opponents have an uncanny ability to save their dodges. GF is not op, unless you havent figured out how to play the game yet.

    Balancing classes based on pvp has always been fail.
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    With that much more HP, a few classes like a GF or a GWF will cruelly become unstoppable especially if they got a nice regen going. Can you imagine how long it would take to take those two down?

    So scale regen down by 5x.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    chipsterchipster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    tang56 wrote: »
    So scale regen down by 5x.

    Why don't you get cryptic to up attack of CW by 5x?
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    tang56 wrote: »
    Buffing everyone's PvP health pool by 5x would solve so many problems. In any case, all you need to beat down a GF in PvP is a CW running some cold spells too keep them permanently locked down.

    Just what we need, a buff to tenebs :p
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    antonkyleantonkyle Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Why do people always want classes nerfed? I would much rather they spend the time designing more pvp maps. Some 10 v 10 would be a great start.
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    llantissllantiss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    l3l3l3l3 wrote: »
    Sheild is stripped in seconds against people using high level enchants. And on my server there are always well geared players trolling 60 pvp. Good opponents have an uncanny ability to save their dodges. GF is not op, unless you havent figured out how to play the game yet.

    Balancing classes based on pvp has always been fail.

    what server is that? a good gf will just wait patiently untill you burn your skills, they are so broken they don't even need to be at full hp, I've seen a gf letting a rogue bring him down to soulforge just so he can catch him with single prone and from there continue with more prones untill the rogue was dead. the class has too much dmg, they need to be more tanky, let them keep the prones, but nerf the dmg its insane atm
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    fusedmassfusedmass Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 252 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I use to complain about GF months ago. I even created a thread with nearly exactly the same titled. I believe I called it. "GF are over powered, when do they get their nerf" so many people responded with a learn to play, somehow it must be on my end. I played a level 60 CW at the time.

    I couldn't stand it, I waved three my strongest spells and it hardly did anything to them. So I ended up rolling a GF, nearly at level 60 with it now. It's been a blast. I usually come out the hardest to kill even with three people on me. It makes for a treasure to have in PVP.

    Because more time you spend trying kill one person, more time gives team mates time to recover. In closing. I just decided to roll one. Something thought it was a great idea mix a damage with a glass wears the best armor in the gain, in my personal point of view. They shouldn't be allowed do damage as much as they do with gear they wear.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    fusedmass wrote: »
    I use to complain about GF months ago. I even created a thread with nearly exactly the same titled. I believe I called it. "GF are over powered, when do they get their nerf" so many people responded with a learn to play, somehow it must be on my end. I played a level 60 CW at the time.

    I couldn't stand it, I waved three my strongest spells and it hardly did anything to them. So I ended up rolling a GF, nearly at level 60 with it now. It's been a blast. I usually come out the hardest to kill even with three people on me. It makes for a treasure to have in PVP.

    Because more time you spend trying kill one person, more time gives team mates time to recover. In closing. I just decided to roll one. Something thought it was a great idea mix a damage with a glass wears the best armor in the gain, in my personal point of view. They shouldn't be allowed do damage as much as they do with gear they wear.

    That's what's coming for you when you start a thread based on class balance. People will throw remarks like "l2p, l2dodge, if i beat them im pro if they beat me they're op, you're just undergeared" etc. It takes a strong person to take all that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> from angry GFs lol. But it has to be done :p
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    joncansjoncans Member Posts: 158 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    fusedmass wrote: »
    I use to complain about GF months ago. I even created a thread with nearly exactly the same titled. I believe I called it. "GF are over powered, when do they get their nerf" so many people responded with a learn to play, somehow it must be on my end. I played a level 60 CW at the time.

    I couldn't stand it, I waved three my strongest spells and it hardly did anything to them. So I ended up rolling a GF, nearly at level 60 with it now. It's been a blast. I usually come out the hardest to kill even with three people on me. It makes for a treasure to have in PVP.

    Because more time you spend trying kill one person, more time gives team mates time to recover. In closing. I just decided to roll one. Something thought it was a great idea mix a damage with a glass wears the best armor in the gain, in my personal point of view. They shouldn't be allowed do damage as much as they do with gear they wear.

    Glad you chose the class, welcome to the minority club! Being that you said your main was a CW would you have made this comment if they boosted assist points? I say this because what I fear from CW is the set up to get owned. Meaning, choking me, freezing me, repelling me, so your team mate TR's can finish me off. Also I fear the Ice Knife Daily, that is a great Daily that definitely kills me often.

    As a GF player who is uber geared, I can still safely say we need no nerf. In PVE even if we are specced DPS we are not wanted. In PVP we are rare. Most GF's roll PVE tank specs in PVP, so they just lug around on nodes protecting squishies. They are easy targets, and once prone, I chew my own class up 9/10.

    For those whining about our 'perma-prone' Bull Charge is the only prone I use. It has a medium CD, and you have to be in close. Plus with latency issues, it doesn't even work (consistently) and CW's can dodge it with ease. Basically if we aren't running with Knight's Challenge, we are a pure support PVP role with no chance being anywhere high on the leaderboards, which lets face it, is always discouraging; regardless if the boards are FUBAR
    BladeRunner-Proud member of the BlackCloaks.
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    nightgameznightgamez Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2013
    joncans wrote: »
    Glad you chose the class, welcome to the minority club! Being that you said your main was a CW would you have made this comment if they boosted assist points? I say this because what I fear from CW is the set up to get owned. Meaning, choking me, freezing me, repelling me, so your team mate TR's can finish me off. Also I fear the Ice Knife Daily, that is a great Daily that definitely kills me often.

    As a GF player who is uber geared, I can still safely say we need no nerf. In PVE even if we are specced DPS we are not wanted. In PVP we are rare. Most GF's roll PVE tank specs in PVP, so they just lug around on nodes protecting squishies. They are easy targets, and once prone, I chew my own class up 9/10.

    For those whining about our 'perma-prone' Bull Charge is the only prone I use. It has a medium CD, and you have to be in close. Plus with latency issues, it doesn't even work (consistently) and CW's can dodge it with ease. Basically if we aren't running with Knight's Challenge, we are a pure support PVP role with no chance being anywhere high on the leaderboards, which lets face it, is always discouraging; regardless if the boards are FUBAR

    Lies Erika. I am always at the top of the leaderboard's in kills because I know how to play the class
    (its all about timing) have a very good ping, and maxed recovery = 1 Bad Dwarf. But you are right we need no nerf.
    This game is designed to make as much money as possible on a day to day basis. It is not designed to be a great long term game.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    joncans wrote: »
    Glad you chose the class, welcome to the minority club! Being that you said your main was a CW would you have made this comment if they boosted assist points? I say this because what I fear from CW is the set up to get owned. Meaning, choking me, freezing me, repelling me, so your team mate TR's can finish me off. Also I fear the Ice Knife Daily, that is a great Daily that definitely kills me often.

    As a GF player who is uber geared, I can still safely say we need no nerf. In PVE even if we are specced DPS we are not wanted. In PVP we are rare. Most GF's roll PVE tank specs in PVP, so they just lug around on nodes protecting squishies. They are easy targets, and once prone, I chew my own class up 9/10.

    For those whining about our 'perma-prone' Bull Charge is the only prone I use. It has a medium CD, and you have to be in close. Plus with latency issues, it doesn't even work (consistently) and CW's can dodge it with ease. Basically if we aren't running with Knight's Challenge, we are a pure support PVP role with no chance being anywhere high on the leaderboards, which lets face it, is always discouraging; regardless if the boards are FUBAR

    No. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmcueXkhdu8&feature=c4-overview&list=UUsfqZVczgPZWD0cu3lJgaRw
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    nightgameznightgamez Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »

    He is running greater tene you cant nerf the class because of the enchant
    This game is designed to make as much money as possible on a day to day basis. It is not designed to be a great long term game.
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    gannicsgladiatorgannicsgladiator Member Posts: 413 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    it is kinda of funny see rogues complain of how gwf and gf are OP here in this topic.

    let me try to understand, rogues players want to absolutely kill everyone in the game, tank them, and still be the top dps in pve?

    I am one top tanking gwf, i can tank multiples enemies many times, except rogues...
    even sometimes weak rogues, lashing blade. cant do much. if a team with 2, or 3 rogues. tanking does not exist.

    just play and deal with each char powerness.
    gf game play is annoy and cc chain people.
    gwf is tanking, rogue is killing.
    Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
    Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
    Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
    "There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
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    esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited September 2013
    it is kinda of funny see rogues complain of how gwf and gf are OP here in this topic.

    let me try to understand, rogues players want to absolutely kill everyone in the game, tank them, and still be the top dps in pve?

    I am one top tanking gwf, i can tank multiples enemies many times, except rogues...
    even sometimes weak rogues, lashing blade. cant do much. if a team with 2, or 3 rogues. tanking does not exist.

    just play and deal with each char powerness.
    gf game play is annoy and cc chain people.
    gwf is tanking, rogue is killing.

    Whoever is asking for a nerf/buff on the forums is a bad or unskilled player(except for GWF PvE), put that in mind. No need to waste time trying to talk sense into them, they follow one and only one logic:

    "If i can kill them, i'm pro. If i can't, they are OP/pay2win and need to be nerfed".
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    joncansjoncans Member Posts: 158 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »

    Haha, ok. That is just the enchants dude. He went BOOM over a 10k crit. I can hit that without crit simply using Cleave. That's a poor example of a true PVP GF. The fact he still uses Frontline Surge shows he's a n o o b.
    BladeRunner-Proud member of the BlackCloaks.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    joncans wrote: »
    Haha, ok. That is just the enchants dude. He went BOOM over a 10k crit. I can hit that without crit simply using Cleave. That's a poor example of a true PVP GF. The fact he still uses Frontline Surge shows he's a n o o b.

    Hahah, good to know, obvious troll post though :p
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    nightgamez wrote: »
    He is running greater tene you cant nerf the class because of the enchant

    the 10k bull charge could have been way higher if he had ARP instead of tenes, true.
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    heavenshand2heavenshand2 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    If you r getting 2 shotted by a gf;
    1-ur eating 3 encounters (including knight's challenge) and getting ambushed
    2-eating crit with a max crit chance of 30%(if he has timeless set bonus up at that moment)
    3-he is a thousand dollar build one...
    4-ur gear is sh*t
    5-thats pretty fair
    6-l2p n stop QQ'ing...
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    If you r getting 2 shotted by a gf;
    1-ur eating 3 encounters (including knight's challenge) and getting ambushed
    2-eating crit with a max crit chance of 30%(if he has timeless set bonus up at that moment)
    3-he is a thousand dollar build one...
    4-ur gear is sh*t
    5-thats pretty fair
    6-l2p n stop QQ'ing...

    Lol, this never gets old
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    stalesmokestalesmoke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    As a TR, I don't think either fighter needs a nerf.

    only slight unbalance, imo , if you mess up once, they can lock you out kill you (decently geared),

    if I don't mess up, they will die, its just a fine line of timing , rotations and cool downs.

    assuming a 1v1 in group based pvp and similarly geared
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    dkcandy wrote: »
    Ignore the troll. Most likely got killed in PvP and had to QQ on the forums.

    Last Patch:

    Knights Valor was nerfed pretty hard. Went from generating about 75-80% of Action Bar down to 15% or so.

    Best Armor set in-game had the bonus reworked to a worthless mechanic. (Interesting since TR's QQ'ed about their Lurkers being reworked into a worthless mechanic and Cryptic reverse the change and makes it a nerf!)

    There is no fixing GF in PvP due to Knights Challenge giving a 100% Damage increase. The class will always be very strong in PvP because it's a TANK class and designed to mitigate damage same goes with GWF.

    So stop the QQ and go L2P.

    while I agree that GF is fine you act we got super nerfed lol ;)

    Who uses knight's valor in pvp? I know people used Stalwart simply b/c a couple guides said it's BiS, but pretty much everyone in my PvP guild had already switched out of it as you simply get more raw damage even with non set epics, and the loss of defense was minor.

    And if I'm not mistaken they actually got a slight prone duration buff, at least for bull charge and daily.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    while I agree that GF is fine you act we got super nerfed lol ;)

    Who uses knight's valor in pvp? I know people used Stalwart simply b/c a couple guides said it's BiS, but pretty much everyone in my PvP guild had already switched out of it as you simply get more raw damage even with non set epics, and the loss of defense was minor.

    And if I'm not mistaken they actually got a slight prone duration buff, at least for bull charge and daily.

    well you are mistaken they nerf the duration the feat was 10%-20%-30% more duration so in the past prone happen to last 1 more second however now is 0.1 -0.2 - 0.3 lol.

    again i as GF i think KC it is really unbalanced, damage should be 50% more not 100%, there is no longer going to be 1 hit kill with it, cause at the end you have 2 good encounters that you can use plus a daily with KC (lunging,bull charge , indomitable strength) that can one hit kill you with KC up plus usually the people that use it always go from behind to gain combat advantage.

    with that the damage will be really reduced and people will start using normal rotation and that if you avoid one hit or 2 hits you will be able to continue fighting without dying so is more balanced, and to avoid one of those hits is not that complicated. a have encounter quite some DC/CW and TR that are able to do it, and in fact a TR has being able to kill me a couple of times in pvp in a 1x1 without one hit kills lol XD it was pretty amazing if you ask me lol
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    well you are mistaken they nerf the duration the feat was 10%-20%-30% more duration so in the past prone happen to last 1 more second however now is 0.1 -0.2 - 0.3 lol.

    again i as GF i think KC it is really unbalanced, damage should be 50% more not 100%, there is no longer going to be 1 hit kill with it, cause at the end you have 2 good encounters that you can use plus a daily with KC (lunging,bull charge , indomitable strength) that can one hit kill you with KC up plus usually the people that use it always go from behind to gain combat advantage.

    with that the damage will be really reduced and people will start using normal rotation and that if you avoid one hit or 2 hits you will be able to continue fighting without dying so is more balanced, and to avoid one of those hits is not that complicated. a have encounter quite some DC/CW and TR that are able to do it, and in fact a TR has being able to kill me a couple of times in pvp in a 1x1 without one hit kills lol XD it was pretty amazing if you ask me lol

    I thought it used to be 5/10/15% which would be .1/.2/.3 on frontline but less on bull charge and daily, I could be mistaken though. still that's a loss of .3 seconds on frontline alone and no change to the others.

    Also I never use KC, I find it more reliable to have 2 prones and lunging. KC has longer CD and I'd rather have more CC always than a guarenteed win 1v1 every ~20 seconds. And it's not quite guarenteed, if you get cc'd and your target has time to get up then he deals double to you.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    kaylos29kaylos29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    KC has a counter. It is called CC the KC'd GF and blow him up. Easier to do with teamwork, but possible even without. GF popped it on my GWF, I turned around, knockdown + IBS and with a lucky crit he was dead from around 50% health when I was near death. Not only that, you lose the damage from another encounter. It puts all your eggs in one basket.
    Mindflayer - Exodus
    Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
    Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
    Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
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    joncansjoncans Member Posts: 158 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Knight's Challenge is the ultimate gamble. I would not recommend using it if you aren't wearing Timeless. People seem to forget that whoever we target ALSO deals double damage back at us, and if we engage anyone else who isn't marked we deal 1/2 damage. Use with caution. The pay off is BIG, but like I said it is a gamble. And with a 22 second CD, it is impossible to spam.
    BladeRunner-Proud member of the BlackCloaks.
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    silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    yes taht is why they use KC on your back XD, kc bull charge and then lurking and you are certanly dead or almost dead XD lol with one of those criting you deal 30k in 2 hits XD even more sometimes, i do use it it feels cheap i prefer normal encounters so pvp is more fun
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
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    seraphidseraphid Member Posts: 158 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Getting kinda tired of getting 2 hit by them, almost 1 hit if they have tenebrous. Nothing to stop their cc chain, you just lay there while they can easily DPS rotate you. Also, they are the only class that can avoid shocking execution, just a FYI.

    Are we playing same game?or u have 14k hp on ur TR?**** im doing pvp so much just to find that GF who can 1-2 shot me, 2months - still nothing. plz show a video of it or stop lying.
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    kaylos29kaylos29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Head on swivel in PvP. It is that way in any game with pvp. The red beam is pretty obvious. Moves can be hard to avoid sometimes, but I have had plenty of people block/dodge/unstoppable my big moves, and teamwork can help you peel him off of you if they are paying attention. Nevermind the fact that I can do 70% of the damage with a 3rd encounter that also allows me to stun lock and a lot more flexibility in how I use my encounters.
    Mindflayer - Exodus
    Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
    Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
    Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
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    beastywestsidebeastywestside Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    GFs definitely have to get nerfed. Their knockback combo is just waaaaay too strong; you're just laying there thinking: F*CK THIS ****
    Their defense/resistance is simply off the charts, often 3-4 party members are needed to kill a GF with a GS of about 10k
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    elahra1rahelahra1rah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Their defense/resistance is simply off the charts
    I don't think you got what a tank is.
    GF is even squishy compared to tanks of some other mmos.
    often 3-4 party members are needed to kill a GF with a GS of about 10k
    It works better if you equip your weapons.
    If you want to over-exaggerate, you had to say a full Gauntlgrym group can't kill a GF ! (roll on the floor screaming and tearing your shirt off while saying that)

    What a pile of bull****s seriously. L2P
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