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Sooo when is GF getting nerfed?



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    arcmoon99arcmoon99 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    10.8k with lesser vorpal, still crit 8k with lashing from stealth max dps executioner build and 2400+ arp, then getting bull charged 10k back lol.. can't see your build for cleric btw, have to log into the website to see it :eek:

    Wait, wait, wait a minute lol. 8k LB crit from stealth with a lesser vorpal? My 9k TR executioner crits 16k without a vorpal lol. Either you're BSing or you really screwed up your build.
    Arc, proud officer of Novus Ordo
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    arcmoon99 wrote: »
    Wait, wait, wait a minute lol. 8k LB crit from stealth with a lesser vorpal? My 9k TR executioner crits 16k without a vorpal lol. Either you're BSing or you really screwed up your build.

    on a tr/cw that is surely possible, not for certain gfs/gwfs though
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Then the GFs you are fighting must be geared to the teeth.
    Any class is unfair and deadly when maxed out.

    As for my build, you can just make a guildportal account and then it will let you view all of those.

    And GF is the only class with (almost) one-shot abilities with very average gear on highly geared characters. It's called the Conqueror path. Here is the thing to nerf to the ground to stop that.
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    clearlyavirginclearlyavirgin Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 163 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    ice knife is easily dodged though ;p plus you can actually pop impossible to catch during most if not all of cw's cc's, that is not the case for gf sadly :/

    But a smart CW, like me will have two CCs on their skill board.
    So I choke you, you itc, I have three dashes to keep my distance, then once your itc goes off (after 4 seconds.)
    I shoot rays of ice at you which are undodgeable and then pop my ice knife on you.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    But a smart CW, like me will have two CCs on their skill board.
    So I choke you, you itc, I have three dashes to keep my distance, then once your itc goes off (after 4 seconds.)
    I shoot rays of ice at you which are undodgeable and then pop my ice knife on you.

    Bottom of the line though, there's nothing you can do once a gf starts ccing you
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    clearlyavirginclearlyavirgin Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 163 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    And GF is the only class with (almost) one-shot abilities with very average gear on highly geared characters. It's called the Conqueror path. Here is the thing to nerf to the ground to stop that.

    Not really, I don't call timeless average gear and they'd need that to even make a dent.
    I know because I recently fought a premade of 5 GFs from a guild on the Beholder server "PROMETO"
    And only one of their GFs had good gear (AKA timeless) the rest had w/e and the best they could do was pop my team around and wait for the heavy hitter to come in and finish us off.

    That match ended up lasting 36 minutes and it was them 1000 to our 878.
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    clearlyavirginclearlyavirgin Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 163 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Bottom of the line though, there's nothing you can do once a gf starts ccing you

    With your TR I suggest if you're fighting a geared GF to change your skill board for that specific target.

    I made what I like to call the "perma daze" spec. It works on enemies who can't pop CC immunity like DCs, CWs, and GFs.
    You use smoke bomb, dazing strike, and shadow strike. You wanna start off by stealth hitting your target with dazing strike to daze them, dazing strike also has the lowest cd out of all of those dazing moves. Then follow up with smoke bomb after about 5-6 seconds after using dazing strike, after another 5-6 seconds stealth and use shadow strike to daze them again.

    It's an endless chain because at that time dazing is now off cd and you can repeat again.
    In between dazes you want to use your at-wills to kill them.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Not really, I don't call timeless average gear and they'd need that to even make a dent.
    I know because I recently fought a premade of 5 GFs from a guild on the Beholder server "PROMETO"
    And only one of their GFs had good gear (AKA timeless) the rest had w/e and the best they could do was pop my team around and wait for the heavy hitter to come in and finish us off.

    That match ended up lasting 36 minutes and it was them 1000 to our 878.

    I made some tests on the test server with my own GF with a high general set. Barely 10k GS as a non conqueror, so, nothing special. The damage meter is getting crazy though when i fully spec in conqueror. Enough damage to kill someone repeteadly within 3s. With a tactician spec it takes more time, enough time for your foe to react.

    When a conqueror does something like bull's charge, lunging strike and then anvil of doom, it hurts a lot, but when you switch lunging strike with knight's challenge it's 30k hits with anvil of doom. Ridiculous.
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    modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Loungin Strike needs a CD increase by around 50% or have it's base dmg reduced by around 25%. Thats about it. This abillity is simply to good.
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    Loungin Strike needs a CD increase by around 50% or have it's base dmg reduced by around 25%. Thats about it. This abillity is simply to good.

    Nah, it's really the only long-range gap closer a GF has. Fortunately, it's easy to interrupt with a CW (EF, Chill Strike, Shield bump, Icy Rays or Repel).
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am not assuming that anyone in this thread doesn't know how to play this game, but much of the qq'ing about "OP GF's" would ring much more true if pvp was purely 1v1. If your group sucks, ya a competent GF is going to rofl stomp through you, but I think that would happen without the gf also.

    How to deal with Conquerers? Don't let the GF take the initiative, force it to react and defend and actually tank for its crew. Aka you want it to be constantly blocking if at all possible. Playing GF against a bad crew makes you feel like a boss. Playing GF against a solid crew when your crew sucks can be incredibly frustrating. But each side gets a GF so even if it were OP things wold be even in pvp.

    In pve....GF's are not OP so much as other classes are slightly under powered.
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Nah, it's really the only long-range gap closer a GF has. Fortunately, it's easy to interrupt with a CW (EF, Chill Strike, Shield bump, Icy Rays or Repel).

    Lol. You have an at-will gap closer with no CD. GF's chase waaay better than TR's, especially after CoS momentum nerf. I agree with him, lunging strike is ridiculous.
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    faeriestormfaeriestorm Member Posts: 460 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Lol. You have an at-will gap closer with no CD. GF's chase waaay better than TR's, especially after CoS momentum nerf. I agree with him, lunging strike is ridiculous.

    umm, there is a bit of a delay between when you hit your target and can use it again. It's not instantaneous in activation or in getting that en charge. There is enough time for you opponent to slip away.
    zalcs wrote: »
    GWF already took that job :p
    TR and CW dosen't work, i dunno about dc though, but i've never missed on one, even while they were dodging lol

    On my DC I have been hit my ice knives and shocking executions while dodging and taken 0 damage. During that slide we get a short immunity.
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    silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    i am a GF and usually a good TR with perfect vorpal kill me lol.

    also som GWF kill me as well in the long run but those figths take forever and nobody has time for that.

    CW are like butter i have never being killed by a CW alone even with full daily op, however 2 cw or a cw and other class are a pain and usually kill me :S

    GF is the most balanced class around do no nerf it, in fact do not nerf any class from now on, i think all can be killed now properly in pvp.
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Lol. You have an at-will gap closer with no CD. GF's chase waaay better than TR's, especially after CoS momentum nerf. I agree with him, lunging strike is ridiculous.

    Note that I said, "Long Range" gap closer. Their at-will has a very limited range.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i am a GF and usually a good TR with perfect vorpal kill me lol.

    also som GWF kill me as well in the long run but those figths take forever and nobody has time for that.

    CW are like butter i have never being killed by a CW alone even with full daily op, however 2 cw or a cw and other class are a pain and usually kill me :S

    GF is the most balanced class around do no nerf it, in fact do not nerf any class from now on, i think all can be killed now properly in pvp.

    Yay! Let's PVP! Let me know if you're on Mindflayer. I love dueling GFs! Much fun!
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
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    modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    It's either Lunging Strike that needs CD increase or dmg nerf or Knights Challange the needs a duration nerf. You can get 2 LS in within the timeframe of Knights Challange. And LS have the potential to hit to every class in the game for 20k+ dmg if they spec for dmg. And if you manage to dodge the first one, you will be out of stamina/sheild or prone for the second one. It's pretty much Deft Strike and Slashing blade in one abillity with almoast the same dmg as Slashing Blade and the Teleport of Deft Strike. With lower cooldown.
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    bracer2bracer2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 566 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Seems to me many players want GF removed from game entirely. I think it should be as well, a realm of rogues and mages. Kinda like a pseudo japanimation cartoon dragon ball z style were the relic tank simply does not exist.

    But is see a problem... who would everyone blame then when there is a party breakdown or mistake?...... hmmmm. better keep um, in that case..... Of coursed they must be redesigned so they are weak though.

    That way they can still be blamed for other players poor play and cant kill anything either.. sweet.:)
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    trollgretrollgre Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2013
    i see lots of players that havent tried creating GF
    they say its damage are OP and can 1 hit you? really? or is it tene?

    even if the GF is using conqueror path they cant 1-2 hit you unless they have tene/or rank 8+ enchants
    but yes conquerors damage is high

    other 2 paths damage are low cant kill a cw with 2 skill rotation GF damage are OP right?

    those who dont know how to deal with block should learn how to counter it stealth is more OP than guard bec you cant see them completely

    make a GF always join pvp and learn from others on how they beat/counter you

    off topic
    If i beat them im PRO
    if they beat me their class are OP and should be nerfed
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    ladysylvialadysylvia Member Posts: 946 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    on a tr/cw that is surely possible, not for certain gfs/gwfs though

    LOL. 50% DR 20k first strike Hit without any debuffs from TR from stealth.(okay it was before the FoF). I eat the TR after i have ~10% of my life left. Is it because i'm op? Yeah 9k gear with lesser flame weapon. REALLY OP...

    I can't 1/2/3 shoot people. =(
    My damage list:
    bull: 3k
    front: 2,4k
    daily: 4,2k
    +100% to all:
    19,2k if it not mitigate and every hit deal max-dmg. So it's impossible for me to kill someone with a full rotation. I'm not con? Protector!
    And Ice Knife? Nah. I don't see a really good one. Or i don't remember one. 18k crit of Ice Knife: <10k after mitigate.
    I got one 11k Crit but i don't know how high the 'normal' damage was before. So please let the CW with her poor Ice Knife. =(
    And a good CW don't see any shieldimmunity. ^^
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    lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I'll admit some things I find fishy fighting against GF's. Let me note early that I'm not a GF, and don't know the ins and outs of their class or their various hardships. But here's my small and mostly undereducated list of complaints:

    - GF's can block attacks from above, like Ice Knife and Slam, while their shield is up. I sincerely doubt the game is designed to compute above or below direction damage, but there it is.

    - GF's, either due to too-wide of a blocking arc or latency, can often block attacks from behind.

    - Any CC that puts an opponent prone is extremely powerful compared to any other form of CC. There are a handful of these in the game, each of which has their own arguments. Dailies that allow this are time-gated by Action Points. Giving a class the ability to prone opponents so easily with at-wills and encounters on the other hand, while the 'Control Wizard' doesn't have many (or any, not sure) options for that form of control, is a bit overpowered. Yes, I consider GWF takedown to be OP, as well.

    Notice, I'm not complaining about GF's being too tanky, or about them having such decent DPS. It's mainly the area coverage of their shield and their knockdown capabilities. You could easily swap the knockdowns for stuns, and widen by 10 degrees or so the 'gap' in their back coverage, and the class would probably be fairly balanced.

    I have noticed, however, a ton of GF's in pvp compared to before the GWF unstoppable nerf. Probably a good thing, too, because they seemed a bit scarce before. Also probably a pretty solid indicator of which class is flavor of the month and has the easiest build to OP with.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
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    iergoiergo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Don't nerf the GF please. I don't care if they are giving the other classes a beat-down in PVP. I have a GF it's for PVE~ tactician build and I rely on lunging strikes cool-down for threat and to interrupt certain enemies in Spellplague etc. I deal very low damage, I also rely on bull charge for re-positioning enemies though I admit I've been using Frontline surge more often. When I enter an encounter the first thing I do is try to give my team combat advantage by circling around the enemy and then facing my team. Any enemy that is too far from the action I punt to my teammates because I simply do not deal damage.

    My two main dailys are Fighter's recovery and Indomitable Strength, the only time I switch Indomitable Strength for Villain's Menace is on the last boss of Spell Plague.
    I love my AP gain especially for spell plague where I simply aggro all the enemies after using Villain's Menace followed by Enforced Threat and Threatening Rush. I have no aggro issues, and can basically heal myself by using Fighter's recovery and Enforced Threat.

    My main Character is a Control Wizard, verus a GF if it's 1v1 and we had a good amount of distance before the encounter, then the GF will lose. However, most likely GFs and GWFs do not 1V1, they usually fall down on top of you out of who knows where and 2V1 every chance they get with a Trickster rogue or Mage that caught you with an entangling force when you were just about to finish the opponent.

    Edit: link to feats:http://nwcalc.com/gf?b=cn4:2hwcg:5m9s,1rk3c30:60000:b0u00:buuu1&h=0

    Yes, conqueror build is an issue.
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    nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The primary issue is with the Conqueror Paragon tree IMO.

    Testing with GFs, those who have that tree can 2 shot my almost BiS GWF as well as DC easily.
    Since the Feywild patch, I have yet to see another class manage to do that to me.

    In my opinion, GFs are supposed to be tanks (and they have Guard and defense boosting feats) and as tanks, they should not be able to out DPS other (DPS) classes. Just as Cleric as a healer cannot 2 shot anyone (even if the enemy was naked).
    It is perfectly OK for a GF to deal more damage than a Cleric, but not more than a TR/CW/GWF to a single target.
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    facexcontrolfacexcontrol Member Posts: 281
    edited August 2013
    Another QQ thread about how op this and that is....

    Guardia Fighers are and wer the most balanced class before and after.
    Everybody is hating on this class since no matter that its the slowest and static one ,focusing the 2-3 encounter advantages we have rather then aiming for the 5-6 disadvantages. In general we are even the smallest populated class on Dragon shard....

    You cry becouse you are stupid and you cant play your class.
    Pvp is not just unloading encounters n a target
    A good CW,TR,GWF can always win against a GF if using brain and skill.I consider myself a good pvp player and i really win most my games with crazy scores that even a TR gets envious.But the thing is that from time to time i pvp with people that dont have that much better Gear then mine but manage to kite and kill me.SO like i said in different posts - The bad players will be bad and the good will be good ,even if 100 more nerfs come to the game.

    And what is this LS nerf u all ask for ? We dont have sprint ,we dont have teleport or slide,all we got is one medium gap closer with 6-8 seconds cooldown.

    You all cry for being overplayed but do me a favor and re-think the advantage you have against your target before posting other useless threads like this.


    I really think u are mentaly unstable for bringing things like this thread-up.
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    elahra1rahelahra1rah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Best way to tank in this game is by doing damage, if you nerf the GF damage that is already not so high compared to a well played TR/CW, we're going to be back pre-threatfix patch where the clerics were tanking everything. Except that now there is no double astral shield to save their asses and some of their healing spells also got nerfed since. CWs can't control as much alone, TRs are squishy and GWF are nerfed. You want to make dungeons that are already horrible in this game even more horrible throuth the patches? They're on this way though.

    Nerfing shieldblock would be ridiculous, in PVE it breaks with 1-2 red areas + minions attacks (especially in Malabog, dungeons like frozenheart with tons of adds or the red dancefloor it is sometime) and they increased it even a little bit last time admitting it was not enough (it still isn't enough, imo). If you can't break it with your cloud of steel + 1-2 attacks if you're on 1vs1... well, I don't know, then wait for your groupmates and it'll vanish in a sec.

    They just have to add a diminishing return in pvp for the prone/cc duration like in wow or most of the mmo. It's amazing it is still not in game at this point.
    But please, don't nerf Gf damage and/or block just because of pvp whiners like you. It's already annoying enough to see 2-3 CWs parties and so few of GFs/GWFs

    QQ or L2P
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    veramis1veramis1 Banned Users Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    You cry becouse you are stupid and you cant play your class.

    Can I use this as my sig please?
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    overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bracer2 wrote: »
    Seems to me many players want GF removed from game entirely. I think it should be as well, a realm of rogues and mages. Kinda like a pseudo japanimation cartoon dragon ball z style were the relic tank simply does not exist.

    But is see a problem... who would everyone blame then when there is a party breakdown or mistake?...... hmmmm. better keep um, in that case..... Of coursed they must be redesigned so they are weak though.

    That way they can still be blamed for other players poor play and cant kill anything either.. sweet.:)

    hahaha exactly! I will admit to still being a newb compared to many others here, but in pve pugs it so often seems if your not carrying the group as gf, they say you suck.
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    blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    Getting kinda tired of getting 2 hit by them, almost 1 hit if they have tenebrous.

    Second tankiest class in the game for pvp (after gwf, which by the way is ridiculous with tenebrous too), and they have rogue dps and better cc than cw. .

    Thats your problem right here.... and im surprised noone said that earlier, but any class with Tenebrous is OP...
    so you want a class to be nerfed because of some enchants?

    learn to play, learn to dodge the bullrush, learn to dodge the frontline surge.... you dont even know why they are doing so much damage to you....

    here's a hint : if you have a laser beam pointing at you from the GF, run, dodge or go stealth, thats KC, an encounter that allows us do do double damage... or dodge and attack us because in that time we are taking double damage also... but i see that you are a bad player.
    i cant even tell you how many times a GOOD player have dodge my attacks, leaving me 15+ sec without nothing to do except auto attack....
    but from your posts i can see that you are like the ones that try to facetank other classes and then wonder why they died, ragequitting the team afterworks claiming that other classes are OP...

    and by reading that you main a rogue, that post is more ridiculous that what i thought...
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    trollgretrollgre Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2013
    lobo0084 wrote: »
    I'll admit some things I find fishy fighting against GF's. Let me note early that I'm not a GF, and don't know the ins and outs of their class or their various hardships. But here's my small and mostly undereducated list of complaints:

    - GF's can block attacks from above, like Ice Knife and Slam, while their shield is up. I sincerely doubt the game is designed to compute above or below direction damage, but there it is.

    - GF's, either due to too-wide of a blocking arc or latency, can often block attacks from behind.

    - Any CC that puts an opponent prone is extremely powerful compared to any other form of CC. There are a handful of these in the game, each of which has their own arguments. Dailies that allow this are time-gated by Action Points. Giving a class the ability to prone opponents so easily with at-wills and encounters on the other hand, while the 'Control Wizard' doesn't have many (or any, not sure) options for that form of control, is a bit overpowered. Yes, I consider GWF takedown to be OP, as well.

    Notice, I'm not complaining about GF's being too tanky, or about them having such decent DPS. It's mainly the area coverage of their shield and their knockdown capabilities. You could easily swap the knockdowns for stuns, and widen by 10 degrees or so the 'gap' in their back coverage, and the class would probably be fairly balanced.

    I have noticed, however, a ton of GF's in pvp compared to before the GWF unstoppable nerf. Probably a good thing, too, because they seemed a bit scarce before. Also probably a pretty solid indicator of which class is flavor of the month and has the easiest build to OP with.

    can dodge/immune any attacks whatever position the attacks came from or wherever the attacker is
    can only block front (if youre at the back and use ice knife to a GF it will hit them L2P)

    fair right?
    lets make block less useful
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    zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    trollgre wrote: »
    i see lots of players that havent tried creating GF
    they say its damage are OP and can 1 hit you? really? or is it tene?

    even if the GF is using conqueror path they cant 1-2 hit you unless they have tene/or rank 8+ enchants
    but yes conquerors damage is high

    other 2 paths damage are low cant kill a cw with 2 skill rotation GF damage are OP right?

    those who dont know how to deal with block should learn how to counter it stealth is more OP than guard bec you cant see them completely

    make a GF always join pvp and learn from others on how they beat/counter you

    off topic
    If i beat them im PRO
    if they beat me their class are OP and should be nerfed

    GFs cant 2hit without tenebs or rank 8s? BUFF PLEASE, UNDERPOWERED.

    You're right though, conquerer path is op and gives them no reason to spec defensively when gwf out-tanks them easily.
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