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Timed Out Connecting to Game Server



  • whotookmyname2whotookmyname2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    abe6471 wrote: »
    OK, I just got in. Last nite, I tried this, but for some reason it finally worked. Went to the launcher, looked at options, chose force verification and US proxy and pressed OK. Chose safe mode for the bugged toon and I got in. I had previously disabled on demand patching but not this time, so I don't know how that played into it.
    I need more coffee.
    Enabling the US Proxy allowed me to at least get in to Protector's Enclave on my second toon. First time I've been able to login to that one since last night. It warns that it might cause stability issues. Alright. Better than no logging in.
    Right click, left click, left click, left click, tab, E, R, tab, right click, left click, left click, 2, tab, E, R and repeat. What am I?

    Usually, dead.
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I was able to go back and re-enter the Foundry map that I was booted out of earlier. It had booted me when going from an outside to inside map. It started me inside, which is where it left off. I was able to complete that map and then return to Protector's Enclave. I can go to open zones as well on my first toon. Adds support to the idea it's not the game per se.

    On my second toon - the one I want to play - I can't even get in Protector's Enclave, which is where she was when I quit. Just keep the timeout trying to go to the game server.

    Something is up, certainly.
  • darkzangadarkzanga Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For the record, this post was what abe6471 and I both used to gain access (I was experiencing the same issue on my control wizard):


    We were both only experiencing this problem on ONE of our two characters each, which almost certainly must be a server issue (a corrupt database record, a bad patch file, who knows).

    I would like to thank you and ABE. I was able to get in and it looks like (stated in your link) the US Proxy with the safe mode was the trick. Abe gave details in her last post also

    The moderator should of left the post separate because they were two different issues. Although I understand the ISP server lag debate.
  • drunkensotdrunkensot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 73
    edited August 2013
    This is screwed up and its not my pc. I can play other games, and reloaded the entire NW program. Please fix it devs. Someone screwed it up.
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Enabling the US Proxy allowed me to at least get in to Protector's Enclave on my second toon. First time I've been able to login to that one since last night. It warns that it might cause stability issues. Alright. Better than no logging in.

    This is working for me as well. I will update further if that ceases to be the case, but thanks to abe and flag for this.
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkzanga wrote: »
    I would like to thank you and ABE. I was able to get in and it looks like (stated in your link) the US Proxy with the safe mode was the trick. Abe gave details in her last post also

    The moderator should of left the post separate because they were two different issues. Although I understand the ISP server lag debate.

    Although it seems like the fix solved both issues -- I hope.
  • kirwenkirwen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Midwest, Dallas FIOS user here. I started seeing the issue about half way though Saturday. Its just not east cost... There are numerous FIOS users having issues even authenticating to the game.
  • gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    East Coast Verizon FIOS User here as well. Logging into the game in Safe Mode does nothing, I still get the "An error occurred while transferring this character its destination map." even with Safe Login it still kicks me half way during loading screen and says "Timed out connecting to Game Server".

    And by the way, all my characters are in Protector's Enclave.
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
  • morphykarumorphykaru Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I fall into the East Coast (Florida) Verizon FIOS camp. This problem began Saturday August 3rd in the late afternoon/evening.

    1. All the patching, uninstalling, installing, etc appears to complete smoothly and error free for me.
    2. Once all the patching and updating completes in the Launcher, the Play button appears and I click it.
    3. The screen goes all black and I get the spinning Windows icon, I do not see the "CRYPTIC" text graphic any more
    4. After what seems to be a long time I eventually get the error message "Fatal Error: Unable to initialize on-demand patching and connect to Patch Server: The connection was idle for too long"

    5. No amount of the suggested actions from cryptic or listed in this thread affects my problem. Resetting, restarting, option variations, safe mode, firewall changes, etc etc. All this has just been a total waste of my time. Hours over the past 24 hours.

    6. I can only conclude this is not a local problem, it must be with the network external to my house or with the cryptic server. There seems to be plenty of evidence the problem is due to some dispute between the isp's involved and since so many of us are on Verizon FIOS they have to be a key player. There is no way any of us can know until the right technical person directly involved weighs in.

    The bottom line for me, and apparently many others, is that I can no longer play Neverwinter. It's gone. I have been playing and enjoying it for months, since beta, but now it's gone.

  • vordraxianvordraxian Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkzanga wrote: »
    The moderator should of left the post separate because they were two different issues. Although I understand the ISP server lag debate.

    Agreed - (s)he conflated two separate and distinct issues. The fixes for the problem some are experiencing where they can only play one of their characters or they get booted from the game when they try to access certain zones is COMPLETELY different from the issue of some (primarily Verizon DSL/FIOS??) users being unable to even get the launcher to execute (because it hangs while attempting to connect to the autoupdater).

    And, honestly, for those of us sitting here since yesterday hoping for some help from Perfectworld/Cryptic, having one of their emissaries lump our problem together with a different, unrelated one, just adds insult to injury.
  • gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For the record, this post was what abe6471 and I both used to gain access (I was experiencing the same issue on my control wizard):


    We were both only experiencing this problem on ONE of our two characters each, which almost certainly must be a server issue (a corrupt database record, a bad patch file, who knows).

    Update, confirmed. This process allowed me to get back into the game with my characters. Thanks so much for this.
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
  • gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Here's how I got back in, seems to be working for other people as well:

    1) Run the launcher as administrator.
    2) In the "Options" tab, make sure that you have Safe Mode checked, Force Verify checked, and Proxy set to either US or EU, depending on where you are.
    3) Click OK and close down the launcher.
    4) Run the launcher as administrator again, login, and wait until all your files are done being verified.
    5) While this is happening check to make sure that Safe Mode is checked in the Options tab again, I think it automatically resets this option when you close the launcher.
    6) Click play.
    7) After getting to the character selection page, select Safe Login on whatever character you were having this problem with and VOILA! You should get in.

    Solution from here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/archive/index.php/t-271071.html
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
  • morphykarumorphykaru Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gctrl wrote: »
    Here's how I got back in, seems to be working for other people as well:

    1) Run the launcher as administrator.
    2) In the "Options" tab, make sure that you have Safe Mode checked, Force Verify checked, and Proxy set to either US or EU, depending on where you are.
    3) Click OK and close down the launcher.
    4) Run the launcher as administrator again, login, and wait until all your files are done being verified.
    5) While this is happening check to make sure that Safe Mode is checked in the Options tab again, I think it automatically resets this option when you close the launcher.
    6) Click play.
    7) After getting to the character selection page, select Safe Login on whatever character you were having this problem with and VOILA! You should get in.

    Solution from here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/archive/index.php/t-271071.html

    This issue is totally unrelated to the issue many of us have of connecting and timing out. These 2 issues should have never been combined. I never get to the point of seeing my character list.
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I agree they are two separate issues. This thread should be for people who had the Timed Out Connecting to GameServer message, as is the title of the thread, and not people who are experiencing login issues.
  • chukillzdaklownchukillzdaklown Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    morphykaru wrote: »
    This issue is totally unrelated to the issue many of us have of connecting and timing out. These 2 issues should have never been combined. I never get to the point of seeing my character list.

    Actually you are 100% WRONG!!!

    I bet you havent even tried what gctrl said to do.

    I tried it and been playing for about an hour and a half now. Before i tried doing this i was unable to get to my character list either.

    Maybe you should try it before you give negative feedback. Also i bet you haven't paid a single penny to the game so you dont even have any rights to be giving any negative feedback at all.
  • chukillzdaklownchukillzdaklown Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    did you force verify the files as well? maybe you moved them or edited the files (dont worry you dont have to admit to it alot of people try to edit the files without reading the TOS)
  • originallaiceoriginallaice Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Actually I haven't touched the files and yes, I did verify :p So if you're done trying to sound like some freakin' expert, I think I'll just leave and wait for my ticket response. Thanks anyway :p
  • squeaksunesqueaksune Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Tried the steps listed by GCTRL and still not working.
    Maid ClariS lvl 60 GF
    ClariS lvl 60 DC
  • watzittuyawatzittuya Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have attempted the solutions presented and I can say that I have had no enduring success. The problem remains persistent in cropping up, unfortunately making the game unplayable for both myself and my wife. We are Verizon DSL east coast users going through the Boston Server according to tracert.
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Can we stay on topic please and stop the AMOGing the thread so that people can report accurately what is happening with a view to getting it resolved? Thanks.
  • ozzyfest186ozzyfest186 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Free to Play does not mean that you can get things your way for free. If you want better support, Pay for it.

    Newsflash idiot

    Money doesn't solve my technical problem stop being a Douch e.
  • ozzyfest186ozzyfest186 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Every time I try to launch never winter in Admin mode or not I just get "Attempting to connect to launcher 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5"

    Same error

    Unable to connect to patch server. Tried reinstalling patcher still wont open.
  • alphachaosnowalphachaosnow Banned Users Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    No reason at all? You really believe everything you read, dont you? "shakes my head"

    Clearly you are a troll who has nothing better to do than to troll threads. I doubt you even read it or bothered looking for the other issues presented by paying customers. Paying does not give you any entitlements at all. You were also in error when you accused morphykaru of not investing a single dime into this game. You even failed to answer my question if you were using Verizon. I will not be responding any further to posts made by you troll unless they are on the subject of this thread. Everyone else should simply ignore you as well since you have made your purpose clear and that is to troll. Moving on now, have a nice day. :)
  • alphachaosnowalphachaosnow Banned Users Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    Can we stay on topic please and stop the AMOGing the thread so that people can report accurately what is happening with a view to getting it resolved? Thanks.

    I apologize and will stay on topic. The individual's attitude just irritated me because the purpose of the thread was to get help for this issue.
  • chukillzdaklownchukillzdaklown Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Clearly you are a troll who has nothing better to do than to troll threads. I doubt you even read it or bothered looking for the other issues presented by paying customers. Paying does not give you any entitlements at all. You were also in error when you accused morphykaru of not investing a single dime into this game. You even failed to answer my question if you were using Verizon. I will not be responding any further to posts made by you troll unless they are on the subject of this thread. Everyone else should simply ignore you as well since you have made your purpose clear and that is to troll. Moving on now, have a nice day. :)

    actually you are wrong. i am sitting here telling you what has worked for myself and 6 other people around me. if it didnt work i wouldnt be saying anything. but you and the other people are the ones calling people names and such. Im not the troll and you said a long time ago that you wasnt going to be replying to this post anymore and wait for you ticket to be answer. I state what has worked for me and others around me. so grow up and get a life. because i just reply to things that have me as a part of it.
  • alphachaosnowalphachaosnow Banned Users Posts: 58
    edited August 2013
    actually you are wrong. i am sitting here telling you what has worked for myself and 6 other people around me. if it didnt work i wouldnt be saying anything. but you and the other people are the ones calling people names and such. Im not the troll and you said a long time ago that you wasnt going to be replying to this post anymore and wait for you ticket to be answer. I state what has worked for me and others around me. so grow up and get a life. because i just reply to things that have me as a part of it.

    Ok, you got me. You are the one who needs to get a life because you are a little tiny snotty child that does not have one. Go sit in a corner you complete loser ******. I never said anything about waiting on a ticket. You are the one who began insulting people by claiming that they do not have a right to complain since they may not have put a penny into this game. Wait, you were wrong there because the individual you were attacking has put money into this game. How about you grow up and stay on topic instead of insulting people and making false accusations. Come on, accusing people of altering files? It all screams troll and loser! I rest my case. Peace out everyone and hopefully the thread can go back on topic now. Of course this loser is going to respond.
  • bethshebabethsheba Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Every time I try to launch never winter in Admin mode or not I just get "Attempting to connect to launcher 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5"

    Same error

    Unable to connect to patch server. Tried reinstalling patcher still wont open.

    I am seeing that those with this issue are not, repeat, NOT the same issue that the Verizon customers encountered or are encountering. The two threads should not have been merged.

    I can't help with this particular problem, if the Launcher is not even loading, that is a completely different problem.

    Now, you Verizon users should be able to play following the stated fix above in link. Follow every step. INCLUDING the one that says "Close the Launcher" after setting proxy, and update via proxy, force updates, safe mode.
    Once you CLOSE the launcher, restart it , go to options and make sure all the check boxes you checked are still checked. Sign in. It should begin verifying your files. Wait. It should take you to your character screen. Select a character you had issues with. When the window pops up, select Safe Mode not Normal mode. If it doesn't pop up at all, it will just log you in to your last location.

    I'm talking to you mr and mrs.
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ok, I am a little doubtful with posting here considering how this thread is being trolled. I have tried gctrl's fix and it does not work for me. I tried it thoroughly on two computers that are having the same issue.

    I am on Verizon Fios East coast. The issue began yesterday with the launcher not even loading and timing out. Today I had Verizon assign me a new ip address. I was able to have the launcher load after the new ip address was assigned. Now the Gameclient freezes for a bit and then produces an error that the communication with the update server was lost. After reading all the posts in this thread it appears to be an issue mainly with Verizon users trying to access the Neverwinter servers. I have also read the articles on the battle between Cogent&Verizon. It does look like it could be the main reason why Verizon users are having difficulty connecting.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bethsheba wrote: »
    I am seeing that those with this issue are not, repeat, NOT the same issue that the Verizon customers encountered or are encountering. The two threads should not have been merged.

    I can't help with this particular problem, if the Launcher is not even loading, that is a completely different problem.

    Now, you Verizon users should be able to play following the stated fix above in link. Follow every step. INCLUDING the one that says "Close the Launcher" after setting proxy, and update via proxy, force updates, safe mode.
    Once you CLOSE the launcher, restart it , go to options and make sure all the check boxes you checked are still checked. Sign in. It should begin verifying your files. Wait. It should take you to your character screen. Select a character you had issues with. When the window pops up, select Safe Mode not Normal mode. If it doesn't pop up at all, it will just log you in to your last location.

    I'm talking to you mr and mrs.

    Does not appear to work even if the launcher is working. The launcher is basically Internet Explorer in a box. If the connection with the Servers is not working properly then the launcher will not work. This means the launcher could be affected as much as the gameclient if the fight between Cogent and Verizon is making traffic to be messed. This is just me speculating after testing the posted solutions.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • jameshlnjameshln Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have tried everything posted here to no avail. That includes (and is nowhere near limited to) disabling on-demand patching, no good. Enabled the proxy and forced verify, no good. Run in safe mode, no good. As well as variations of these. I am happy for those who got there game working, but mine still does not.

    Other things I've tried that did not work:
    Rebooting PC and Router.
    Disabling Firewall and Antivirus (Antivirus shouldn't affect things, but wanted to rule it out).
    Uninstalling and Re-installing the game.
    Installed game on my laptop, didn't work there either.

    I have confirmed that it is a connection issue somewhere. It is not on my end though, as everything else other than Neverwinter is working. Here are a couple threads that I found that confirmed that the connection between me and Cryptic was bad:


    The issue between Cogent and Verizon is not hard to verify. Simply Google "Cogent vs Verizon" and you will get several articles on the issue. This may very well be causing the issue for most of the Verizon subscribers out there. I spoke with someone at Verizon who claimed no knowledge of any issue, and that is what I would expect since I was talking with someone at or near the bottom of the ladder.

    Lastly, as I posted this there was another thread claiming to resolve the issue with Verizon connections using a VPN. I tried both links and McAfee red flagged both downloads as being dangerous. Here is the link to the thread if anyone wants it, though I cant recommend it:http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?433481-Can-t-log-in-Using-Verizon-Read-This!
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