Thank you for the reply i will look into it as soon as i can get the gateway to work again its been down for me since this morning i do not know whats wrong with it, anyway yes i did mean the Alternate build, even tho i didnt go on int at the creation of my character it has 12 in on lvl60 xD i still changed him to Stealth and can upkeep the perma stealth rotation with Gloaming Cut without any issue and the AP gained through it is huge its like every 25 sec with the help of BnS i can use the Lurkers, and i am loving it for solo purposes since that is what i play most of the time.
Will update this with my Character sheet as soon as Gateway will allow me would appritiate any suggestions then, oh and the feats i use are like this but gonna change them a bit after the new Module messed up since i was kinda in a hurry when respeced to stealth stupid me, i am human between:
Edit: Sorry my mistake i have corrected it it does list now as it should, and that is why i have changed mainly to stealth coz i rly don't have time to play 5 hours/day or more because of the work and RL. Anyway here is my character sheet on Gateway, still getting the items together going a bit slow but i got time no rush at least the game is still fun to play and enjoyable Charactersheet Davud
As for Companion i have the Ioun Stone equiped will link a screenshot when i get home at work now xD
As for Encounters I use BaS, SS and either ITC/DS/POB/IS depends what I play,
for Class I use Tactics for the AP gainage and Skillful Infiltrator for the extra stats,
and as Daily I use Lurker's Assault and Whirlwind of Blades,
At-Wills Duelist's Flurry and Gloaming Cut.
If i remember somthin else i will write it here or reply on this post, tnx hf and gl to ya all.
P.S. Sorry for mistakes in the writing since english is not my Mother Language.
I can't see your current feats, Omuhao. The link seems to be broken. If you have the time, maybe you can list them down here so we can be sure that all of us will be able to see it and give some feedback.
Glad you're having fun with the build! I keep forgetting that there are so many of us right now that we can practically run the 5-man Stealth TR Delving Runs and have fun with others who are the same as us. If only I could get more time. Been drowned with work-related stuff recently.
I absolutely love the first build. My rogue is only 20. Not only is she tough as heck, but she also deals out insane damage. I'm topping damage and kill charts in skirmishes and quickly bring down groups while questing. As a new player, I found this build to be very helpful.
Glad you like the build, Trendor! Welcome to the family.
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Been awhile since I've played Neverwinter on a regular basis. I have been working on my Tera Warrior build which shares some of the same mechanics as TRs. I recently did pvp a few times in Neverwinter and discovered my build is still very strong because my team won 4 out of 5 matches. Thanks again for your build todesfaelle because I based my build off of it.
Note: You may want to clean out your message box todesfaelle. I tried sending a friendly hello and received "todesfaelle has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space".
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
Hey Bane! Could I meet up with you in game? I have a lvl 25 TR rogue that is a tiefling and I want to know if his current stats will be okay for following this build. IGN-SlasherMcGee
Been awhile since I've played Neverwinter on a regular basis. I have been working on my Tera Warrior build which shares some of the same mechanics as TRs. I recently did pvp a few times in Neverwinter and discovered my build is still very strong because my team won 4 out of 5 matches. Thanks again for your build todesfaelle because I based my build off of it.
Note: You may want to clean out your message box todesfaelle. I tried sending a friendly hello and received "todesfaelle has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space".
Hey, buddy. Glad to see you back. How's TERA going for you? Seems the game is blocked in SEA so I can't play it. Anyway I'll clean it up later! Drop by again sometime.
Hey Bane! Could I meet up with you in game? I have a lvl 25 TR rogue that is a tiefling and I want to know if his current stats will be okay for following this build. IGN-SlasherMcGee
Not a problem! Add me up in the game and let's set up a meeting when we catch each other online. Keep it up! It won't take long for characters to level to 60 thanks to the event.
Still liking the build. I have a couple of questions. What sort of priority for stats should I follow while leveling and occasional pvp? Also, what should my power bar look like as I don't have endgame abilities yet? My rogue is mid 30's.
Just go with any power setup as you won't be able to maintain increased to permanent stealth until you get to level 45. But make sure you have Bait and Switch slotted if you want to get a feel of how it is to play with extended stealth. Once you get 5/5 on Sneaky Stabber, 5/5 on Improved Cunning Sneak, and 3/3 on Gloaming Cut, the build will start to open up. But soon as you hit 45, that's when things get REALLY enjoyable since you can practically stealth up for prolonged periods of time.
Mid 30's, you'll want Gloaming Cut and Duelist's Flurry in your at-wills. For your encounters, you'll want Impossible to Catch, Bait and Switch, and Dazing Strike. ITC is indispensable for any TR that has DF as it makes it easier to land. PVE TRs get majority of their damage from DF, and our build is of no exception. For your class features, you'll want Tenacious Concealment slotted to be able to regain Stealth much more easier from Dodge. This way you will not be losing any stealth when you get hit while you're in the process of regaining stealth. You can then choose Sneak Attack for mobility, or Tactics for a whopping increase in AP. I personally chose Sneak Attack, however. Dailies, Lurker's Assault will never leave your bar. You can choose any other Daily that you think will help you but Lurker's Assault has it all for our build.
For gear stats, those will not really matter at low levels, but you may want to collect as many gear with regeneration as you can. Makes leveling easier and PVP a whole lot more easier. Observations by l0th4ri0, a contributor. If there are further questions feel free to ask away in another post! I hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply. I may try pvp someday, but honestly, I don't see myself doing well. I've done pvp with my cw and just got owned by TR's. Just don't see myself doing that sort of damage, but the may have been built differently.
For gear stats, those will not really matter at low levels, but you may want to collect as many gear with regeneration as you can. Makes leveling easier and PVP a whole lot more easier. Observations by l0th4ri0, a contributor. If there are further questions feel free to ask away in another post! I hope this helps.
I'm using the original build (with some play-style preference tweaks on powers) as a drow elf, and I can concur on the regen gear. My survivability was much higher with good amounts of regen. I tried stacking about equal amounts regen to life steal, always keeping regen higher if I had to choose between the two, and it worked well for me as I was leveling up.
I also occasionally open lockboxes and got a sylven equipment pack, which I opened at level 31. I ended up with a nice set of daggers which made the 31-42 grind go pretty quick. I was able to solo normal Cloak Tower at level 35 without skipping any fights (didn't try it sooner). I made it solo to the Traven Blackdagger (last boss) fight in normal Cragmoor (is that the one in Blackdagger ruins - can't remember) at level 37, but got my HAMSTER$ handed to me pretty quick. Too much AoE in that confined space taking me out of stealth and the number of elites that pop along with the boss is insane. 12sec potion cooldown takes too long. I also possibly didn't spec into the right powers at the right time as I was leveling (no AoE of my own at the time, or I didn't have it on the bar), but who knows now. I haven't tried soloing anything since then.
Currently I'm equipped as follows (most of this was bought in AH since it was fairly cheap):
Battlefield Scavenger set (R6 Silvery on armor - all utility slots from other pieces currently empty)
Iceshard Dagger (R5 Azure)
Nightmare Dagger (R5 Silvery)
Exorcist's Necklace of Blessings (R5 Dark)
Occult Ring of Youth/offense slots (2) - gives 133 CS/Recovery, 110 Regen, each with R5 Savages (CS/ArmPen)
Occult Belt of Youth/offense slot (same stats as Rings), R4 Savage
Still only at 'Fancy' shirt/pants (green)
Stats look like this at the moment (still needs work with items/enchants):
Power 1,911
Defense 664
Critical Strike 2,316
Recovery 504
Armor Penetration 1,486
Regeneration 330
Health Steal 962
Deflection 360
Movement 108
Ability Scores (I always added DEX and split STR/CHA):
STR 13 (+4) 17
CON 11 (+2) 13
DEX 17 (+2 drow) (+6) 25
INT 11 (+2) 13
WIS 10 (+2) 12
CHA 13 (+2 drow) (+4) 19
At level 17 Leatherworking, so I'll be able to get my purple shirt/pants once I hit 20. Since that will be after module 2 goes live, I'll take the ones that give ArmPen instead of CS. CS seems easier to get in other places.
I outleveled pre-Sharandar PvE content doing farming for events (which also was so easy with this build), so I'm working on just finishing that to farm enchants at the moment and will then start working on getting a Skulker set and a matching dagger set. I finished off the entire Chasm area (minus the party dungeon) yesterday quite easily - around 2 hours with a couple breaks during that time. I'm generally a spellcaster-type player, but I love this build just as much.
I guess my only question would be, what are the general opinions on respec'ing to even out my ability scores somewhat to go for higher INT? Best I could do for INT is swap adding the 4 manual choices to DEX, dropping DEX to 21 and bumping INT to 17 (so STR 17, DEX 21, INT 17, CHA 19 or maybe STR 18, DEX 21, INT 17, CHA 18). Thoughts?
Sounds like you had a wonderful time leveling your TR. I'm glad you like the build and that it's working out fine for you, Syrus!
If you'll be switching to +4 to your INT, then you may wish to follow the gear and stat setup for the alternative version of this build. Based on what I'm seeing for your finalized stats after you respec, it seems you'll be getting a decent amount of deflect out of it. While it will not be optimal for INT or DPS, it should have a little of the best of both worlds. Your gear seems optimized for Recovery anyway, so the next thing you may wish to do is to farm AD's for Rank 7 silvers to replace your Rank 5/6's.
Try to get your Skulker set as soon as you are able to. It'll give you a decent boost in Stealth and the difference will be very significant. You'll notice it as soon as you complete the set. The Skulker daggers are also good in terms of its raw damage and stats. Can't go wrong with it. I'm still using my Skulker daggers right now because of the ArPen they give. I typically stack Silvery enchants on my offense slots so I can always use more ArPen. The CN/MC weapons have nice stats too if you are able to get them. But if not, Skulker daggers will be the next best thing. I hope it helps, and feel free to share your experiences with our other fellow TR's whenever you encounter or discover something new! This thread is open to every one who has a story to share about their Stealth Rogues.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time leveling your TR. I'm glad you like the build and that it's working out fine for you, Syrus!
If you'll be switching to +4 to your INT, then you may wish to follow the gear and stat setup for the alternative version of this build. Based on what I'm seeing for your finalized stats after you respec, it seems you'll be getting a decent amount of deflect out of it. While it will not be optimal for INT or DPS, it should have a little of the best of both worlds. Your gear seems optimized for Recovery anyway, so the next thing you may wish to do is to farm AD's for Rank 7 silvers to replace your Rank 5/6's.
Try to get your Skulker set as soon as you are able to. It'll give you a decent boost in Stealth and the difference will be very significant. You'll notice it as soon as you complete the set. The Skulker daggers are also good in terms of its raw damage and stats. Can't go wrong with it. I'm still using my Skulker daggers right now because of the ArPen they give. I typically stack Silvery enchants on my offense slots so I can always use more ArPen. The CN/MC weapons have nice stats too if you are able to get them. But if not, Skulker daggers will be the next best thing. I hope it helps, and feel free to share your experiences with our other fellow TR's whenever you encounter or discover something new! This thread is open to every one who has a story to share about their Stealth Rogues.
Thanks for the tips, especially on the daggers - I was flip-flopping on which set to pursue. I'm not up on all the min/maxing choices. I'm an older gamer (41) who doesn't get a lot of playtime, and been in the same gaming guild for 17 years now since the original Neverwinter Nights on AOL. There's so much activity on the forums that it's hard to follow and know what is ok and what will gimp you. I'm only starting to get a grip on the soft-cap stat values. I really wish Cryptic would at least implement rerolling the base stats on a full respec, or not deleting your bank on a character delete. I'd be willing to pay for extra bank slots to store comps/mounts/gear if I wouldn't lose it. Deleting a char and losing everything is just not an option.
I'm still experimenting on the gear/enchants aspect, trying to weave some more regen back into my stats without losing too much elsewhere. That is why I have those blue Occult items of Youth right now and using Savages to boost both crit and armpen instead of just Silverys I will probably swap some of those other stones for different types once I figure out where I want to get each stat now that it will only cost gold to remove them. I still need to get an augment companion for my TR as well and will have space to load some enchants there.
I switched to this build tonight after getting my free respec. I'd tried it out a bit on Preview and liked what I saw except that I don't have the listed armor set. My rogue was already level 60 and wearing the Master Duelist set (every 5th at will reduces encounter cooldowns by 1 second.) That wasn't quite enough to get Shadowstrike and Bait and Switch back quickly enough. However, since I was able to unslot enchants on my stone tonight, I was able to shift a Silvery 7 to her and buy a high recovery icon for it. My recovery is now around 1500 and as long as I get the timing right/pay attention to my stealth bar, the build seems to be working great. I've only tested it on trash in Sharandar, hope to do something with longer fights soon.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
I'm glad you find this useful, Centralcal! Thank you.
i guess on your accesoryes (rings/belt/neck) u have silvery' u get the 2600 recovery
What i highly dont how you have then 3400 crit ?? i barely reach 2600 with crit boon..and same set...
Do you have Ioun Stone or pet that boost ur status ??only explanation ??i dont understand from were all that crit...Same for lifesteal :"
And i use Ancient set wep meaning 450 more crit..and still i barely have 2600 crit ( yea i know 2.6 cap)
I can't really get a handle what I should be starting out with.........I've heard people say that perma-stealth sucks and is inferior to pure dps executioner in every way. I have also heard that it's pretty cool and does a great job in both pve and pvp, I'm not sure what to believe as there isnt a whole lot of build info out there.
Thanks for the tips, especially on the daggers - I was flip-flopping on which set to pursue. I'm not up on all the min/maxing choices. I'm an older gamer (41) who doesn't get a lot of playtime, and been in the same gaming guild for 17 years now since the original Neverwinter Nights on AOL. There's so much activity on the forums that it's hard to follow and know what is ok and what will gimp you. I'm only starting to get a grip on the soft-cap stat values. I really wish Cryptic would at least implement rerolling the base stats on a full respec, or not deleting your bank on a character delete. I'd be willing to pay for extra bank slots to store comps/mounts/gear if I wouldn't lose it. Deleting a char and losing everything is just not an option.
I'm still experimenting on the gear/enchants aspect, trying to weave some more regen back into my stats without losing too much elsewhere. That is why I have those blue Occult items of Youth right now and using Savages to boost both crit and armpen instead of just Silverys I will probably swap some of those other stones for different types once I figure out where I want to get each stat now that it will only cost gold to remove them. I still need to get an augment companion for my TR as well and will have space to load some enchants there.
It's cool that your gaming guild has been solid for 17 years. You guys keep it up!
And I agree that it would be awesome if Cryptic would release a system that would allow us to change the values of our primary starting stats. Better if they just gave us the ability to control what stats we want to be the highest whether it be a primary/secondary stat or not. The illusion of "rolling" for your stats just isn't convincing enough for me.
If you need a reference for how much stats you need to get a certain percentage you want, you may wish to refer to this nice website someone created for the community. Not sure who made it but kudos to the guy.
I switched to this build tonight after getting my free respec. I'd tried it out a bit on Preview and liked what I saw except that I don't have the listed armor set. My rogue was already level 60 and wearing the Master Duelist set (every 5th at will reduces encounter cooldowns by 1 second.) That wasn't quite enough to get Shadowstrike and Bait and Switch back quickly enough. However, since I was able to unslot enchants on my stone tonight, I was able to shift a Silvery 7 to her and buy a high recovery icon for it. My recovery is now around 1500 and as long as I get the timing right/pay attention to my stealth bar, the build seems to be working great. I've only tested it on trash in Sharandar, hope to do something with longer fights soon.
Try to get the Skulker set as soon as you are able to, Pitshade. It'll show a significant difference for your rotations after which and I'm pretty sure you'll love it! Good luck and keep it up! Feel free to drop by any time you feel like posting or when you have a story to tell about your rogue.
i guess on your accesoryes (rings/belt/neck) u have silvery' u get the 2600 recovery
What i highly dont how you have then 3400 crit ?? i barely reach 2600 with crit boon..and same set...
Do you have Ioun Stone or pet that boost ur status ??only explanation ??i dont understand from were all that crit...Same for lifesteal :"
And i use Ancient set wep meaning 450 more crit..and still i barely have 2600 crit ( yea i know 2.6 cap)
3400 Umm crit..sounds like buff from pet:
Yes! You got that right. I've got an Ioun Stone with me. Let me grab a screenie for you.
I hope this answers your question, pufy2010! For Life Steal, I get a lot from the Skulker Set, Skulker Blades, and I've got 2 Dark Enchants slotted on my Defense slots (Pants + Armor).
I can't really get a handle what I should be starting out with.........I've heard people say that perma-stealth sucks and is inferior to pure dps executioner in every way. I have also heard that it's pretty cool and does a great job in both pve and pvp, I'm not sure what to believe as there isnt a whole lot of build info out there.
Hi, Vahlenx. DPS Executioners and Stealth Executioners have different play styles and roles. DPS executioners are offensive, they kill things fast, deal high amounts of burst damage, but their defensive capabilities aren't the best. Stealth Executioners on the other hand have high defensive capabilities thanks to being spec-ed for extended stealth. We are able to permastealth without the need of High INT and Recovery, but at the same time we are able to spec for high DPS because of the flexibility of this setup. All we need are the bare necessities for this build, and you can gear up however you wish (aside from the Skulker Set. It's one of the prerequisites for a complete Stealth Build).
For PVP, it'll be very hard to use this build. It requires a lot of practice because you have absolutely no room for mistakes. You are not able to kill things as fast as a DPS executioner, but you can survive much more than what most DPS executioners could. The best part is that you are able to become completely independent, not needing clerics or tanks to back you up, just like a Sentinel GWF though not as OP. You can back-cap nodes and not worry about being ganked 5 vs. 1.
Bottom line is, for both PVE and PVP, what you gain is high solo capabilities. You do not need to rely on anyone else as long as you do not commit mistakes. I hope this sort of clears some stuff up for you, man.
Thanks very much for your guide. It is nice to get some input on what you can do to improve on what you are doing. Still working out the kinks in play style but liking it.
My question has to do with the introduction of artifacts. Now Im not totally up on what is going to happen, but everyone over lvl20 will have there hands on one pretty quick. Suggestion on which to take? I was thinking Aurora's for movement but the Waters of Elah'zard sounds good for that extra heal. Input?
Thanks for the feedback, Argentangelus! I'm glad you're enjoying the build.
I took the Lantern simply because of the damage buff it gives to us for 6 seconds. It'll make one of our DF rotations hit faster and it'll be best used when we're about to go into Lurker's Assault and strike a boss or something. Aurora's Catalog's movement boost is good too, but Movement has severe Diminishing Returns. Waters of Elah'zad's heal is nice, and it gives us Recovery and Regeneration which are both very useful stats.
Take the Waters first and level it up. And once you get the ability to take the Lantern (Dungeons, Artifact Boxes etc), you can use it to swap around from time to time.
Not able to log in to the game yet, but did the paragon/heroic feats for the class changed?
I dont get how/where there are supposed to be 3 more feats for the Whisperknife paragon path...
If i go Whisperknife will i hv the option to get Sneaker Stabber? Isnt that a little useless? If they did change can someone plz post a pic/text with what changed? ty
Today i try MD,first boss and MD see me and atack me, is this normal or it's new ?
Hi. Are you sure the first boss is seeing you? From my experience, that never happened to me. Unless you are attacking the boss with other people then the MD first boss may be using AoE's against your "presence" as opposed to "you." Bosses, like all mobs, know when someone is stealthed, but they don't know where. So their AI's tell them to just stand there.
So to answer your question, yes and no. It can't see you, but it can detect you.
Not able to log in to the game yet, but did the paragon/heroic feats for the class changed?
I dont get how/where there are supposed to be 3 more feats for the Whisperknife paragon path...
If i go Whisperknife will i hv the option to get Sneaker Stabber? Isnt that a little useless? If they did change can someone plz post a pic/text with what changed? ty
Not sure what you mean. I won't be respec-ing to Whisperknife. But to answer your question, nope. You won't get Sneaky Stabber because Whisperknife is a separate path from Master Infiltrator which has Gloaming Cut and Sneaky Stabber in it.
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Hey, buddy. Glad to see you back. How's TERA going for you? Seems the game is blocked in SEA so I can't play it. Anyway I'll clean it up later! Drop by again sometime.
I decided to dance back over and noticed your reply. It does seem NA (North American) Tera does have a block against SEA. This is rather unfortunate but not the end of the world. There are EU (European) Tera and K(Korean) Tera versions. Tera is a massive game and is split up by regions. You can also use a proxy to access NA Tera. The versions of the game are not linked together. I do apologize for discussing another game in neverwinter forums. I only want to help.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
I know what you mean with 'presence' no its not that i was alone , she attack me and MD also atack me with his "cone" AoE(not only on start), only thing stealth 'helps' is that they dont move .
I decided to dance back over and noticed your reply. It does seem NA (North American) Tera does have a block against SEA. This is rather unfortunate but not the end of the world. There are EU (European) Tera and K(Korean) Tera versions. Tera is a massive game and is split up by regions. You can also use a proxy to access NA Tera. The versions of the game are not linked together. I do apologize for discussing another game in neverwinter forums. I only want to help.
Maybe I'll try em one of these days. It seems like a really good game, but so far this game isn't giving me much reasons to leave. And it's cool, man. Apologies for the late reply.
I know what you mean with 'presence' no its not that i was alone , she attack me and MD also atack me with his "cone" AoE(not only on start), only thing stealth 'helps' is that they dont move .
Yes it's actually normal for some bosses to do that. Bosses that have AoE powers (circle, cone, cylinder) WILL use their AoE powers even if you're stealthed. It depends on their AI. It's the main reason why it's best to experience everything first and take note of the boss behaviors whenever you are running dungeons. But IMO you're doing good so far if you're noticing those things. Keep up the good work!
Is gloaming cut still a viable at-will for pve/pvp? It refills stealth bar on kill, not on hit. Works ok with groups of weak mobs, but vs stronger mobs and other players not so good...
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited December 2013
The trick with Gloaming Cut is you *must* take the Sneaky Stabber paragon feat in Saboteur. Then it does replenish stealth on hit. You'll still generally want to use Duelist's Flurry in your rotation on big critters, which you should be able to finish before your bar depletes, then queue a Shadow Strike or Bait and Switch and start over if necessary. But you'll also get a feel for how to manage your stealth bar using Gloaming Cut. Sometimes it's better to leave a bunch of little critters alive at first, and go one-shot a bunch of them when you need a refill, saving your encounters.
Gloaming Cut my main at-will attack on my stealth rogue, though I don't do a lot of PvP.
In order for Gloaming Cut to become useful for any TR who wants to use Gloaming Cut, he has to take Sneaky Stabber from Sab. Against beefy mobs, you may want to weave in DFs to stack bleeds.
I PVP from time to time as well. If you want to hit people with Gloaming Cut, make sure you stay a good distance away from them so you can take advantage of Gloaming Cut's homing mechanic. It will home in on the nearest player you are able to hit and it has a decent range too. Try practicing on dummies in Trade of Blades to get a feel of the distance you can hit targets with Gloaming Cut. And make sure they are alone or else you'll have to deal with additional factors on the node. Gloaming Cut works best against squishy targets like TR's, CW's, and HR's. So if I'm facing GF's, GWF's, and DC's, I usually switch my 2nd at-will, Cloud of Steel for Duelist's Flurry in the middle of the fight. I try my best to find the time to switch at-wills while in Stealth in order to optimize my time against them. Gloaming Cut starts to shine once your target's HP is below 50% because that's when it does 35% additional damage. When it crits, it crits big.
Will update this with my Character sheet as soon as Gateway will allow me would appritiate any suggestions then, oh and the feats i use are like this but gonna change them a bit after the new Module messed up since i was kinda in a hurry when respeced to stealth stupid me, i am human between:
My current Feats
Edit: Sorry my mistake i have corrected it it does list now as it should, and that is why i have changed mainly to stealth coz i rly don't have time to play 5 hours/day or more because of the work and RL. Anyway here is my character sheet on Gateway, still getting the items together going a bit slow but i got time no rush
Charactersheet Davud
As for Companion i have the Ioun Stone equiped will link a screenshot when i get home at work now xD
As for Encounters I use BaS, SS and either ITC/DS/POB/IS depends what I play,
for Class I use Tactics for the AP gainage and Skillful Infiltrator for the extra stats,
and as Daily I use Lurker's Assault and Whirlwind of Blades,
At-Wills Duelist's Flurry and Gloaming Cut.
If i remember somthin else i will write it here or reply on this post, tnx hf and gl to ya all.
P.S. Sorry for mistakes in the writing since english is not my Mother Language.
Glad you're having fun with the build! I keep forgetting that there are so many of us right now that we can practically run the 5-man Stealth TR Delving Runs and have fun with others who are the same as us. If only I could get more time. Been drowned with work-related stuff recently.
Note: You may want to clean out your message box todesfaelle. I tried sending a friendly hello and received "todesfaelle has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space".
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
Hey, buddy. Glad to see you back.
Not a problem! Add me up in the game and let's set up a meeting when we catch each other online.
Mid 30's, you'll want Gloaming Cut and Duelist's Flurry in your at-wills. For your encounters, you'll want Impossible to Catch, Bait and Switch, and Dazing Strike. ITC is indispensable for any TR that has DF as it makes it easier to land. PVE TRs get majority of their damage from DF, and our build is of no exception. For your class features, you'll want Tenacious Concealment slotted to be able to regain Stealth much more easier from Dodge. This way you will not be losing any stealth when you get hit while you're in the process of regaining stealth. You can then choose Sneak Attack for mobility, or Tactics for a whopping increase in AP. I personally chose Sneak Attack, however. Dailies, Lurker's Assault will never leave your bar. You can choose any other Daily that you think will help you but Lurker's Assault has it all for our build.
For gear stats, those will not really matter at low levels, but you may want to collect as many gear with regeneration as you can. Makes leveling easier and PVP a whole lot more easier. Observations by l0th4ri0, a contributor.
I'm using the original build (with some play-style preference tweaks on powers) as a drow elf, and I can concur on the regen gear. My survivability was much higher with good amounts of regen. I tried stacking about equal amounts regen to life steal, always keeping regen higher if I had to choose between the two, and it worked well for me as I was leveling up.
I also occasionally open lockboxes and got a sylven equipment pack, which I opened at level 31. I ended up with a nice set of daggers which made the 31-42 grind go pretty quick. I was able to solo normal Cloak Tower at level 35 without skipping any fights (didn't try it sooner). I made it solo to the Traven Blackdagger (last boss) fight in normal Cragmoor (is that the one in Blackdagger ruins - can't remember) at level 37, but got my HAMSTER$ handed to me pretty quick. Too much AoE in that confined space taking me out of stealth and the number of elites that pop along with the boss is insane. 12sec potion cooldown takes too long. I also possibly didn't spec into the right powers at the right time as I was leveling (no AoE of my own at the time, or I didn't have it on the bar), but who knows now. I haven't tried soloing anything since then.
Currently I'm equipped as follows (most of this was bought in AH since it was fairly cheap):
Battlefield Scavenger set (R6 Silvery on armor - all utility slots from other pieces currently empty)
Iceshard Dagger (R5 Azure)
Nightmare Dagger (R5 Silvery)
Exorcist's Necklace of Blessings (R5 Dark)
Occult Ring of Youth/offense slots (2) - gives 133 CS/Recovery, 110 Regen, each with R5 Savages (CS/ArmPen)
Occult Belt of Youth/offense slot (same stats as Rings), R4 Savage
Still only at 'Fancy' shirt/pants (green)
Stats look like this at the moment (still needs work with items/enchants):
Power 1,911
Defense 664
Critical Strike 2,316
Recovery 504
Armor Penetration 1,486
Regeneration 330
Health Steal 962
Deflection 360
Movement 108
Ability Scores (I always added DEX and split STR/CHA):
STR 13 (+4) 17
CON 11 (+2) 13
DEX 17 (+2 drow) (+6) 25
INT 11 (+2) 13
WIS 10 (+2) 12
CHA 13 (+2 drow) (+4) 19
At level 17 Leatherworking, so I'll be able to get my purple shirt/pants once I hit 20. Since that will be after module 2 goes live, I'll take the ones that give ArmPen instead of CS. CS seems easier to get in other places.
I outleveled pre-Sharandar PvE content doing farming for events (which also was so easy with this build), so I'm working on just finishing that to farm enchants at the moment and will then start working on getting a Skulker set and a matching dagger set. I finished off the entire Chasm area (minus the party dungeon) yesterday quite easily - around 2 hours with a couple breaks during that time. I'm generally a spellcaster-type player, but I love this build just as much.
I guess my only question would be, what are the general opinions on respec'ing to even out my ability scores somewhat to go for higher INT? Best I could do for INT is swap adding the 4 manual choices to DEX, dropping DEX to 21 and bumping INT to 17 (so STR 17, DEX 21, INT 17, CHA 19 or maybe STR 18, DEX 21, INT 17, CHA 18). Thoughts?
Rar'rizton Kenana, Level 60 Drow Elf Trickster Rogue
Syrus Greycloak, Level 30 Moon Elf Control Wizard
Lucan Huntinghawk, Level 17 Moon Elf Hunter Ranger
Sacred Silver Blades (
If you'll be switching to +4 to your INT, then you may wish to follow the gear and stat setup for the alternative version of this build. Based on what I'm seeing for your finalized stats after you respec, it seems you'll be getting a decent amount of deflect out of it. While it will not be optimal for INT or DPS, it should have a little of the best of both worlds. Your gear seems optimized for Recovery anyway, so the next thing you may wish to do is to farm AD's for Rank 7 silvers to replace your Rank 5/6's.
Try to get your Skulker set as soon as you are able to. It'll give you a decent boost in Stealth and the difference will be very significant. You'll notice it as soon as you complete the set.
Thanks for the tips, especially on the daggers - I was flip-flopping on which set to pursue. I'm not up on all the min/maxing choices. I'm an older gamer (41) who doesn't get a lot of playtime, and been in the same gaming guild for 17 years now since the original Neverwinter Nights on AOL. There's so much activity on the forums that it's hard to follow and know what is ok and what will gimp you. I'm only starting to get a grip on the soft-cap stat values. I really wish Cryptic would at least implement rerolling the base stats on a full respec, or not deleting your bank on a character delete. I'd be willing to pay for extra bank slots to store comps/mounts/gear if I wouldn't lose it. Deleting a char and losing everything is just not an option.
I'm still experimenting on the gear/enchants aspect, trying to weave some more regen back into my stats without losing too much elsewhere. That is why I have those blue Occult items of Youth right now and using Savages to boost both crit and armpen instead of just Silverys I will probably swap some of those other stones for different types once I figure out where I want to get each stat now that it will only cost gold to remove them. I still need to get an augment companion for my TR as well and will have space to load some enchants there.
Rar'rizton Kenana, Level 60 Drow Elf Trickster Rogue
Syrus Greycloak, Level 30 Moon Elf Control Wizard
Lucan Huntinghawk, Level 17 Moon Elf Hunter Ranger
Sacred Silver Blades (
i guess on your accesoryes (rings/belt/neck) u have silvery' u get the 2600 recovery
What i highly dont how you have then 3400 crit ?? i barely reach 2600 with crit boon..and same set...
Do you have Ioun Stone or pet that boost ur status ??only explanation ??i dont understand from were all that crit...Same for lifesteal :"
And i use Ancient set wep meaning 450 more crit..and still i barely have 2600 crit ( yea i know 2.6 cap)
3400 Umm crit..sounds like buff from pet:
It's cool that your gaming guild has been solid for 17 years. You guys keep it up!
And I agree that it would be awesome if Cryptic would release a system that would allow us to change the values of our primary starting stats. Better if they just gave us the ability to control what stats we want to be the highest whether it be a primary/secondary stat or not.
If you need a reference for how much stats you need to get a certain percentage you want, you may wish to refer to this nice website someone created for the community. Not sure who made it but kudos to the guy.
Try to get the Skulker set as soon as you are able to, Pitshade. It'll show a significant difference for your rotations after which and I'm pretty sure you'll love it! Good luck and keep it up! Feel free to drop by any time you feel like posting or when you have a story to tell about your rogue.
Yes! You got that right. I've got an Ioun Stone with me. Let me grab a screenie for you.
I hope this answers your question, pufy2010! For Life Steal, I get a lot from the Skulker Set, Skulker Blades, and I've got 2 Dark Enchants slotted on my Defense slots (Pants + Armor).
Hi, Vahlenx. DPS Executioners and Stealth Executioners have different play styles and roles. DPS executioners are offensive, they kill things fast, deal high amounts of burst damage, but their defensive capabilities aren't the best. Stealth Executioners on the other hand have high defensive capabilities thanks to being spec-ed for extended stealth. We are able to permastealth without the need of High INT and Recovery, but at the same time we are able to spec for high DPS because of the flexibility of this setup. All we need are the bare necessities for this build, and you can gear up however you wish (aside from the Skulker Set. It's one of the prerequisites for a complete Stealth Build).
For PVP, it'll be very hard to use this build. It requires a lot of practice because you have absolutely no room for mistakes. You are not able to kill things as fast as a DPS executioner, but you can survive much more than what most DPS executioners could. The best part is that you are able to become completely independent, not needing clerics or tanks to back you up, just like a Sentinel GWF though not as OP. You can back-cap nodes and not worry about being ganked 5 vs. 1.
Bottom line is, for both PVE and PVP, what you gain is high solo capabilities. You do not need to rely on anyone else as long as you do not commit mistakes. I hope this sort of clears some stuff up for you, man.
My question has to do with the introduction of artifacts. Now Im not totally up on what is going to happen, but everyone over lvl20 will have there hands on one pretty quick. Suggestion on which to take? I was thinking Aurora's for movement but the Waters of Elah'zard sounds good for that extra heal. Input?
I took the Lantern simply because of the damage buff it gives to us for 6 seconds. It'll make one of our DF rotations hit faster and it'll be best used when we're about to go into Lurker's Assault and strike a boss or something. Aurora's Catalog's movement boost is good too, but Movement has severe Diminishing Returns. Waters of Elah'zad's heal is nice, and it gives us Recovery and Regeneration which are both very useful stats.
Take the Waters first and level it up. And once you get the ability to take the Lantern (Dungeons, Artifact Boxes etc), you can use it to swap around from time to time.
I dont get how/where there are supposed to be 3 more feats for the Whisperknife paragon path...
If i go Whisperknife will i hv the option to get Sneaker Stabber? Isnt that a little useless? If they did change can someone plz post a pic/text with what changed? ty
Hi. Are you sure the first boss is seeing you? From my experience, that never happened to me. Unless you are attacking the boss with other people then the MD first boss may be using AoE's against your "presence" as opposed to "you." Bosses, like all mobs, know when someone is stealthed, but they don't know where. So their AI's tell them to just stand there.
So to answer your question, yes and no. It can't see you, but it can detect you.
Not sure what you mean. I won't be respec-ing to Whisperknife. But to answer your question, nope. You won't get Sneaky Stabber because Whisperknife is a separate path from Master Infiltrator which has Gloaming Cut and Sneaky Stabber in it.
I decided to dance back over and noticed your reply. It does seem NA (North American) Tera does have a block against SEA. This is rather unfortunate but not the end of the world. There are EU (European) Tera and K(Korean) Tera versions. Tera is a massive game and is split up by regions. You can also use a proxy to access NA Tera. The versions of the game are not linked together. I do apologize for discussing another game in neverwinter forums. I only want to help.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
I know what you mean with 'presence' no its not that i was alone , she attack me and MD also atack me with his "cone" AoE(not only on start), only thing stealth 'helps' is that they dont move
Maybe I'll try em one of these days. It seems like a really good game, but so far this game isn't giving me much reasons to leave. And it's cool, man. Apologies for the late reply.
Yes it's actually normal for some bosses to do that. Bosses that have AoE powers (circle, cone, cylinder) WILL use their AoE powers even if you're stealthed. It depends on their AI. It's the main reason why it's best to experience everything first and take note of the boss behaviors whenever you are running dungeons. But IMO you're doing good so far if you're noticing those things. Keep up the good work!
Gloaming Cut my main at-will attack on my stealth rogue, though I don't do a lot of PvP.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
In order for Gloaming Cut to become useful for any TR who wants to use Gloaming Cut, he has to take Sneaky Stabber from Sab. Against beefy mobs, you may want to weave in DFs to stack bleeds.
I PVP from time to time as well. If you want to hit people with Gloaming Cut, make sure you stay a good distance away from them so you can take advantage of Gloaming Cut's homing mechanic. It will home in on the nearest player you are able to hit and it has a decent range too. Try practicing on dummies in Trade of Blades to get a feel of the distance you can hit targets with Gloaming Cut. And make sure they are alone or else you'll have to deal with additional factors on the node. Gloaming Cut works best against squishy targets like TR's, CW's, and HR's. So if I'm facing GF's, GWF's, and DC's, I usually switch my 2nd at-will, Cloud of Steel for Duelist's Flurry in the middle of the fight. I try my best to find the time to switch at-wills while in Stealth in order to optimize my time against them. Gloaming Cut starts to shine once your target's HP is below 50% because that's when it does 35% additional damage. When it crits, it crits big.