To put it simple:
Closed Beta = testing
Closed Beta to Open Beta = Full system wipe and everybody starts for scratch in Open Beta
Open Beta = Game is essentially live, testing still in progress, cash shop is open, rollbacks to address major issues expected.
Open Beta to Live = No character wipe, testing finished, major problems have been fixed, only minor ones remain.
Live = Game officially opens, no major problems. Only major issues normally result in rollbacks.
LOL @ ANYONE who thinks this game is in beta, at this point beta is literally just a word, there will be NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOW AND WHEN THE GAME IS "RELEASED".
Really kid? You mean you weren't around when they did the *SAME* exact thing in STO?
It's not that they didn't learn their lesson... this was planned. There won't be a wipe because this event will inflate ADs, making more people buy Zen. They did this before, maybe the first time in STO it WAS an honest mistake in the the hard code, but they did very well from the effects it had on the economy for a good while thereafter
Yeah, sounds like a conspiracy theory huh? So you would rather believe they made the SAME EXACT mistake two times in a row?
YO...Paranoia will Destroy you! Do you belong to the "Conspiracy Theory of the Week" Club? Just Saying...
Don't Mess with the Affairs of Dragons for you are Crunchy and Good with KETCHUP!!:p
You guys keep deluding yourselves, gaming PR guys are experts at NOT saying certain things and only giving out dangling carrots of information such as this. which in turn causes this very conversation to happen on every other MMO beta board in existence and they all end the same way. with full server wipes before live launch. No where in those statements does it specifically say that they will not wipe characters at the end of beta phase.
They've said it over 3 times now on twitter. "No, there will be no character wipe between open beta and live launch.", "Characters and accounts will be unchanged between Open Beta and Live.", "No, there will be no character wipe with the Live launch.",
I don't know how much more specific you can get than that.
Conscience is the voice in the back of your head that warns you somebody may be looking.
REAL MONEY is rolling here man. Not fake, or virtual coin - REAL money. You do know what that is don't you? You *DO* understand that some people work and make gold in REAL LIFE. Real life, you do know what that is don't you? Can you appreciate the difference between a virtual fantasy world and reality?
I don't care what you call it: Beta, open beta, alpha, soft launch, fake launch... call it what you will, but we are NOT playing with fake money here. People have invested real money into this, money they earned by working.
You know what, never mind, asking people like you to think is akin to asking americans to grow the hell up and act like adults. Just move along.
You might be wasting your time here. Either the guy is trying to troll you to get under your skin or he is just a kid stealing his parents credit card and has no idea what it is like to work for money.
I highly doubt there would be a total wipe at all because it places Cryptic in a potential lawsuit situation. Even if they were to grant all zen to those who purchased zen it can still be a potential liability on their part and I think they are aware of this legal issue. Which is why they state they won't do character wipes.
i hear eso sucks bad my friend told me that races are faction based between 3 factions (breaks es lore) also the fact that each race can only do certain things like a nord can only be good with melee while high elf is only good for mage
a game can be both beta and charge real money for in-game items
welcome to the new model. and if you've spent money, you've supported the new model.
what you decide to call it doesn't matter.
the game is beta. AND you can buy things with real money in the game.
it is both of these things.
eidalanMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
I understand that there were supposed to be no character wipes after the 25th of April, however in a situation such as this, I think a wipe is the best course of action. As well as banning all offenders.
Also, I seem to remember there being the word "BETA" under the Neverwinter logo at the Character Select screen.
Look guys, There will not be a wipe. They have said so! Chill the hell out, and just wait. Theyre going to compensate us for the time that could have been spent Improving our stats and getting loot.
They'll be more content probly after game goes live. I'm still waiting to see Training books get released. My cleric is way under powered to heal me at higher lvl zones. I do enjoy this game and I want to keep playing.
vagrantzeroMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
It's been 2 hours since they said they had a plan to post and no announcement. Someone must have tightened that vice all their balls are being squeezed it.
superdeluxe75Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
2 hours ago they announced that they would announce a plan-of-action timeline...
2 hours later, they are still finalizing the post about it... 2 hours to get a post done about it... How many hours do you think they ll need now to actually do the fix they will announce
LOL @ ANYONE who thinks this game is in beta, at this point beta is literally just a word, there will be NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOW AND WHEN THE GAME IS "RELEASED".
Sigh , you sir must be one of the most HAMSTER people alive on this side of the universe ..
It's in a Open Beta since there are major bugs and problems , and yes , there will be a difference between now and when it goes Live , you dumb thundercunt ...
They've said it over 3 times now on twitter. "No, there will be no character wipe between open beta and live launch.", "Characters and accounts will be unchanged between Open Beta and Live.", "No, there will be no character wipe with the Live launch.",
I don't know how much more specific you can get than that.
i dont have a twitter account so you will have to provide links to those posts
The cylons had a plan too... I wouldn't advise putting too much stock in either.
Good, HAMSTER off and let us play in peace.
Closed Beta = testing
Closed Beta to Open Beta = Full system wipe and everybody starts for scratch in Open Beta
Open Beta = Game is essentially live, testing still in progress, cash shop is open, rollbacks to address major issues expected.
Open Beta to Live = No character wipe, testing finished, major problems have been fixed, only minor ones remain.
Live = Game officially opens, no major problems. Only major issues normally result in rollbacks.
I better get a lifetime free subscription out of this you can have the 3 month one. Lol
YO...Paranoia will Destroy you! Do you belong to the "Conspiracy Theory of the Week" Club?
They've said it over 3 times now on twitter. "No, there will be no character wipe between open beta and live launch.", "Characters and accounts will be unchanged between Open Beta and Live.", "No, there will be no character wipe with the Live launch.",
I don't know how much more specific you can get than that.
You might be wasting your time here. Either the guy is trying to troll you to get under your skin or he is just a kid stealing his parents credit card and has no idea what it is like to work for money.
I highly doubt there would be a total wipe at all because it places Cryptic in a potential lawsuit situation. Even if they were to grant all zen to those who purchased zen it can still be a potential liability on their part and I think they are aware of this legal issue. Which is why they state they won't do character wipes.
If it's anything like they did in Forsaken World the only way you will know the game went "live" is a zen sale & new items in the cash shop. lulz
I have the same fears, having done them every day from the HoTN head start till yesterday. I dont want to loose them because of all this brouhaha.
welcome to the new model. and if you've spent money, you've supported the new model.
what you decide to call it doesn't matter.
the game is beta. AND you can buy things with real money in the game.
it is both of these things.
Also, I seem to remember there being the word "BETA" under the Neverwinter logo at the Character Select screen.
That worked out great for the Champion's Online players.
2 hours later, they are still finalizing the post about it... 2 hours to get a post done about it... How many hours do you think they ll need now to actually do the fix they will announce
Sigh , you sir must be one of the most HAMSTER people alive on this side of the universe ..
It's in a Open Beta since there are major bugs and problems , and yes , there will be a difference between now and when it goes Live , you dumb thundercunt ...
i dont have a twitter account so you will have to provide links to those posts