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    kengulnarkengulnar Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am really trying to keep up with all the posts here, but for every page I read there are 2 more popping up, lol... you dont realize how popular a game is till it goes down and the forum is flooded
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    solyad1solyad1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    sigaxel77 wrote: »
    Secondly, it's free. If you have chosen to support the developers with your real money, then that was your decision, in the knowing of the game's beta stage, despite its flaws, chances and possible losses. I didn't buy any packs or stuff, but I did spend some

    They lost their "beta test" cover when they started taking RMT during the soft launch. They are on the hook now and are trying to figure it out.
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    rb1641rb1641 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Finally . . . an issue more important than this silly little exploit business. ;)

    In the User CP, look on the left for "Permission Groups". Click on that then select the title you wish to display :)

    THANK YOU!! Been trying to figure this one out without sounding like a **** for a week.
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    ladywillow15ladywillow15 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    teircen wrote: »
    You're cracking me up. It's good to see someone with a positive attitude. :) Thank you for post.

    My unrelated thoughts on so many other posts...

    Personally I've found the game perhaps a bit too easy to level up. I've only played casually about 2 weeks and I'm nearly done leveling up (54 or 55-ish) and I know if I really wanted to level up fast I'd have done so faster. Since I'm not really interested in repeated "end game" repeat runs/raids/dungeons/etc I'm not really sure what I plan on doing once I get to 60 and run out of the solo and small group content. Maybe start another character.

    As far as the current kerfuffle I'd like to say I can't believe all the complaining people are doing but I've seen too many things like this happen in too many games and people will always whine. All the arguments for there "needs" to be a wipe or not are simultaneously funny and pointless. There doesn't "need" to be anything. The game developers will determine what they feel is needed and our feedback is only that, feedback. We aren't going to force them.

    Regardless of whether there is a wipe or not at some future point there will always be people who demand the opposite, make threats if their wants (not needs, wants) are not met, and will presume they know best. In the end it's almost a certainty that the final decision will be made based not on the squeaky wheel that posts loudest and most often but on whatever the analysts determine will net the game the most money. Our only options are to post feedback and, if we ultimately disagree, stop supporting it by no longer paying money or choosing to play the game. Anything more is about as effective as spitting in the wind.

    I feel like there are too few level-headed, mature people on this thread, glad to see that you are one of the rational people. :)

    And I just wish that more of us were realizing that in the end, Neverwinter is a game, meant for entertainment purposes... I've sunk a good chunk of real money into the game, as I know many other people have done. But no one held a gun to my head and made me pay, and quite frankly, the number of people saying "If I don't get my way I will demand a refund!" is a bit sickening. You made the choice to spend real money, and I'm pretty sure that in the ToS it even SAYS that when you pay real money, you don't get it back if you don't get your way...

    I don't know, I'm keeping a lighthearted and positive attitude on these forums, because hell, someone has to, but...

    I'm getting a bit disheartened at the lack of common sense and maturity on here (for the most part).

    All I know is that I hope the game comes back up soon, because my boyfriend is about to be home from a long day at work, and I know he is really looking forward to playing before bed tonight. :P
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    velornavelorna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you guys dont realise the true implication of a wipe..

    the Zen, there is not only via real money that someone can get some, there is the other games of perfectworld
    meaning that to know how much legit Zen every acount should have they will be forced to check the data bank of all the games of pw and that for everyone that is playing neverwinter, and also, there is in games ways to get legit Zen in other pw games, meaning they would not only have to check the Zen balance from real money bought Zen, but the exchange of resources to Zen, then how much of that Zen that been used in other games, so it mean all in all months of work just because they decide to wipe a single game data bank

    So the idea of a wipe is the worst possible choice and its to actualy respect all the payer that they dont do it, as it would result in a long time without the game and cause even more issues both game Wise and legaly if they decide to wipe.

    so stop thinking unidirectional and start looking at all the implication of a decision of that magnitude, asking for a wipe its been patheticaly selfish and not realising the amount of effort and work a team of dev and billing would have to do because of a single game.

    if doing a wipe is the only solution in your eyes, they may as well just close pw by declaring bankrupty then start the compagny on a ne name and laugh at you for having stole your money.
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    dismount11bravodismount11bravo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    North Korea set up our AD exchange system, they finally go us.
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    mikemotamikemota Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wipe the bloody game ! It's the only way
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    reserton87reserton87 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tsiskwa wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why anyone would do this. I am aware that hackers and exploiters are bottom feeding slugs but, what can they hope to gain from trying to get ahead in a beta where all of their criminal activity will be wiped once the game goes live? What's the sense in hoarding up AD or anything when all of it will be lost at game launch? Just the anarchy and bragging rights of it?

    I will just never understand the twisted and evil minds of hackers and that part of society who try to cheat through life. That isn't living. That's pathetic.

    Er, perhaps you missed the fact someone made over $6000 from selling the AD?

    Not hard to see what people would gain from it.

    And do not go being all "holier then thou", how dare you call anyone evil. Fact is a lot of people including you, would do the same, $6000 is not to be sniffed at.
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    leetsawcesleetsawces Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 81
    edited May 2013
    "We've made a decision on making a decision, and have decided to make that decision on a decision when we have collected all our facts need to make that decision. We do expect this decision to come shortly after we have made it." !
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    mericklightheartmericklightheart Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with you wholeheartedly
    ~~~~Welcome to the Federation Starship SS Buttcrack~~~~
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    ladywillow15ladywillow15 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    teircen wrote: »
    You're cracking me up. It's good to see someone with a positive attitude. :) Thank you for post.

    My unrelated thoughts on so many other posts...

    Personally I've found the game perhaps a bit too easy to level up. I've only played casually about 2 weeks and I'm nearly done leveling up (54 or 55-ish) and I know if I really wanted to level up fast I'd have done so faster. Since I'm not really interested in repeated "end game" repeat runs/raids/dungeons/etc I'm not really sure what I plan on doing once I get to 60 and run out of the solo and small group content. Maybe start another character.

    As far as the current kerfuffle I'd like to say I can't believe all the complaining people are doing but I've seen too many things like this happen in too many games and people will always whine. All the arguments for there "needs" to be a wipe or not are simultaneously funny and pointless. There doesn't "need" to be anything. The game developers will determine what they feel is needed and our feedback is only that, feedback. We aren't going to force them.

    Regardless of whether there is a wipe or not at some future point there will always be people who demand the opposite, make threats if their wants (not needs, wants) are not met, and will presume they know best. In the end it's almost a certainty that the final decision will be made based not on the squeaky wheel that posts loudest and most often but on whatever the analysts determine will net the game the most money. Our only options are to post feedback and, if we ultimately disagree, stop supporting it by no longer paying money or choosing to play the game. Anything more is about as effective as spitting in the wind.

    I feel like there are too few level-headed, mature people on this thread, glad to see that you are one of the rational people. :)

    And I just wish that more of us were realizing that in the end, Neverwinter is a game, meant for entertainment purposes... I've sunk a good chunk of real money into the game, as I know many other people have done. But no one held a gun to my head and made me pay, and quite frankly, the number of people saying "If I don't get my way I will demand a refund!" is a bit sickening. You made the choice to spend real money, and I'm pretty sure that in the ToS it even SAYS that when you pay real money, you don't get it back if you don't get your way...

    I don't know, I'm keeping a lighthearted and positive attitude on these forums, because hell, someone has to, but...

    I'm getting a bit disheartened at the lack of common sense and maturity on here (for the most part).

    All I know is that I hope the game comes back up soon, because my boyfriend is about to be home from a long day at work, and I know he is really looking forward to playing before bed tonight. :P
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    djdopeamindjdopeamin Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A server wipe and an xp boost that lasts to whatever level your highest char is it would be the best bet, imo.
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    keldidarkeldidar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Would like a response on when they might be back up.... My cleric needs me
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    scottligulascottligula Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ralphtr wrote: »
    First helpful post I've seen today. I'd say the Gods are the root cause. They saw the greedy way that some magicians were manipulating the market and cast a curse on everyone. They are going to relive their days over and over and learn the futility of seeking wealth.

    ...and we'll call it, Ground-Trogg Day!!
    They came from.... BEHIND!!!! ;)
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    neoohmneoohm Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    orantina wrote: »
    The weekend is really when I get to spend time with my husband and so we play this together. We just killed the final boss in the dungeon that's in Blackdagger Ruins. We tried to do it yesterday but my heals kept aggro the boss and we were the absolute lowest level. We spent yesterday leveling up to 24 or 25 and we beat the boss despite the fact that we lost a player partway through and had to 4-man him. Hoot and holler for victory but before we finished killing the last of the adds, the server went down. I can only assume it's over this stuff.

    I had no idea there was an exploit or that the economy broke or any of that.

    I spent $40 on Zen and the hubby spent $20 so we could get extra character slots and open our lockboxes. It sucks to admit, but that's actually a lot of money for us to spend on something ultimately unimportant (I mean, it's just a darn game; it's not like it'll keep us fed or provide shelter, ne?). Therefore, I care about that Zen. If it turns out they refund purchased Zen, it'd be nice if they also gave back the lockboxes we opened or at least let us keep what we got out of them.

    I don't know enough about programing to understand how difficult or easy all the different ideas are to actually implement, but I do understand that some ideas which seem great are just not feasible.

    What I do know is that despite the fact that this game is free, it costs money to make and maintain. IF they don't have the money to keep it going, that's it. No more game. So really, I don't care how they fix the problem as long as the game doesn't go away. We like it very much so far and there's several things about it that I've just never experienced in other MMOs I've played. IF they need to pick the solution that appeases the people who paid for founders packs and bought lots of Zen with their hard-earned money, so be it. If they need to pick a different solution because it's more suitable to the game, then do that.

    I will be very, very irritable (the hubby even more so 'cause he's not as laid-back as I am I think) if my $40 of Zen and my hubby's $20 essentially vanishes. I will also be a bit irked if I have to start over entirely because, well, I put a lot of time into the crafting and learning to play different classes.

    I'll get over it. The game is just really, really fun and that's even taking into consideration the fact that my computer doesn't run the game nearly as smoothly as my husband's does (I get weird graphics, like stuff jutting out of nowhere and missing scenery, but it's still playable and I just use the Hubby's computer when he's at work).

    And I know that the bug or exploit or whatever, it affected a lot of you much more than it effected me because we have different playing styles so I understand that the voices of those people should perhaps be louder than mine.

    I just wanna play.

    I don't much see the point of arguing here, though. I imagine the developers/etc would like to know how we feel about the issue, but is it honestly realistic to expect them to sort through fifteen million arguments to find those few important posts AND still get the problem solved quickly?

    Hell, I probably wouldn't even be commenting at all except that I talk too much anyway and the rest of the house is too hot to do anything else because only the bedroom and computer room AC units work.

    I LOVE YOU!!! <3
    Best post i ever read, honest and just sweet!
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    bladen1234bladen1234 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 30
    edited May 2013
    Was there ever a decision on whether we would receive any tacos in compensation for this event?

    That may be fair compensation in California, but not in Florida. In FL, all tacos are generally of corporate origin.
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    harbingerdrumharbingerdrum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kengulnar wrote: »
    I am really trying to keep up with all the posts here, but for every page I read there are 2 more popping up, lol... you dont realize how popular a game is till it goes down and the forum is flooded

    30,000 following on twitter alone and that is probably 25% of the actual people.
    the Book Binding series by @HarbingerDrum ----> Help Defeat Lolth's Minions

    1- 20, 2- 35, 3- 18, 4- 20 min
    Comments to ->
    the Book Binding
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    justworknamejustworkname Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2013
    wow.. you sure were busy writing all these tickets! you deserve a medal! and all this time you've been ignored! wow! thats true heroic dedication!

    Of course youre not making any of this up! You posted it on an honest adults only forum, lol.
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    stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I do think that Cryptic has done a really good job keeping us up to date about what's going one and they aren't jumping the gun and doing the Knee jerk reaction that a lot of the exploiters wanted and best of all those of us who played the game the way it was intended are not going to be punished for what the cheaters did.

    I'm almost positive that we are going to see rollbacks and bans where warranted on the ones who gained due to the exploits and from reading the Massively comments it's apparent that they are going after the Mule accounts as well. This was the absolute best way they could have handled it.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
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    frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well i will wait 12 minutes more... at 5:00 am i will call it a night and head the bed
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    lobotomizelobotomize Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    awdeoh wrote: »

    What, you don't remember them pulling FULL RAID BOSSES to the gates of stormwind and having to shut down servers, and restart?

    Tons of people were pulling raid bosses to cities, or across the terrain, because they hadn't implemented anything to designate a non-player character zone.

    I mean bugs like that were very frequent. There were a number of other bugs that I can't think of off the top of my head, but almost all of them ended with a server shutdown or restart, much like that one.

    Also, this isn't 4'chains', so keep the memes on the downlow.
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    genxer0genxer0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So much hate from all these ... i assume children. This game is still beta, the same people who keep just saying just do a wipe are probably the weeds in the garden that don't want to be found by the "data collection" = find out who was exploiting and the damage done then just roll them back or remove those involved. Easy solution is to do something else for a while so when you get back its all good. Problems don't fix themselves you know and sometimes it takes time.
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    solresolsolresol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    djdopeamin wrote: »
    This game IS NOT IN OPEN BETA, It even says on the main perfect world pagehttp://www.perfectworld.com/ where you select which game you want, it has an L next to neverwinter, which according to their key means live.

    Or, you simply go to the main webpage where in bold letters it states

    "Now in Open Beta".
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    amyciaamycia Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Shame there is absolutly nothing about what is happening on french forum from your staff, i speak english a little,but most don t..
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    odidee12odidee12 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    NEW PLAYER LEVELING 1-60 NEED A WEEK and hard find AD

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    hylan1983hylan1983 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Further info forthcoming on the gathering of data to formulate a decision about what information is needed in the case where a decision may be reached within the current session set to occur on or before the date of the gathering of the info necessary to provide a basis for deciding the proper course of action in regards to the effect intended.

    you sir made me lol for like 5 minutes keep it up till servers are back
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    paganhawkpaganhawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tsiskwa wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why anyone would do this. I am aware that hackers and exploiters are bottom feeding slugs but, what can they hope to gain from trying to get ahead in a beta where all of their criminal activity will be wiped once the game goes live? What's the sense in hoarding up AD or anything when all of it will be lost at game launch? Just the anarchy and bragging rights of it?

    I will just never understand the twisted and evil minds of hackers and that part of society who try to cheat through life. That isn't living. That's pathetic.

    Apparently your not reading everything.... they have stated NUMEROUS times that they do NOT plan on a wipe when they go live.
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    fazemladaiyafazemladaiya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sigaxel77 wrote: »
    First of all, it's a game.

    Secondly, it's free.


    Insert Kirk's voice here as if he is screaming at Khan:


    Okay . . . all is well . . .
    sigaxel77 wrote: »
    If you have chosen to support the developers with your real money, then that was your decision, in the knowing of the game's beta stage, despite its flaws, chances and possible losses. I didn't buy any packs or stuff, but I did spend some

    Yup. My own choice, and I still do not regret it. And still in deep anticipation of the future Ranger class with no regrets :)
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    dismount11bravodismount11bravo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I bet there are far fewer brazillians playing this game after the finish making their decision on the decision about the decision.
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    mikemotamikemota Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the rothschild bought everything for near nothing! YOU NEED TO WIPE!
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