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  • dawgpounddudedawgpounddude Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    allaerra wrote: »
    I wonder how many times the words idiot, moron and stupid have been used in this thread:rolleyes:.

    At least 3...

    Man, I don't care WHO the blue hell spent money, didn't spend it, ripped 'em off, ect...

    I worked all morning wanting nothing more than to come home and play...instead, I'm watching a bunch of dudes go apesh!t on a particular thread in a particular forum.

    Screw the AH. Shut it down, I don't care. Let's just PLAY!
  • mddoughtsmddoughts Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would be upset by a wipe because I really like my character. I've spent a lot of time building them up and I don't want to have to do it again.
  • clortbagsclortbags Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cutegay wrote: »
    +1 Finally someone who's not some 11yr old rat bag that QQ about people mentioning the word 'wipe'.

    It's just a game, if a wipe will fix the balance so be it.

    There you go, read up.

    Ok so your claim that "most people that are in favour of a server wipe are working adults" is based on one post in a one hundred page thread...

    That's amazing!

    *golf clap*
  • xzorphynnxzorphynn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lishyaak wrote: »
    Are we gonna be able to play today or not?

    Right!?!?!! People, stop *****ing about Wipes and rollbacks and what the hell else.... Let's just play the game for the games' own sake and move on...
  • sourcreamkingsourcreamking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    So... How do you suggest they handle the issue with ppl buying Zen from their site at different intervals during this "open beta"? Should they start with all purchased Zen after a wipe? Do they get the same 5-day head start as founders?

    I would think a lot of casual players will have issues with a wipe as well. Not everyone can play for hours every day, and to have to redo the same quests just to level up to where you were would feel like a hassle to a lot of people.

    The best solution would be a clean wipe for those who choose to have one. Termination of the accounts that have exploited the game mechanics, and a solid FIX of the AH/ADE.

    If you've struggled your way to lvl 30 inbetween jobs and diaper-duty, I don't think it cool to make them start all over. Even less so if they have used their hard earned cash along the way.

    And with this said: Whatt happens to Foundry Quests? Will they be wiped as well?
    The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC

    Individual quests:
    1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
    2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
    3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
    4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture ;)
  • falson1falson1 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    hamoct72 wrote: »
    just ban every idiot with over 5 million ADs problem solved...

    Uh no. I have over 5 million AP and I worked extremely hard to get it. Hours and hours of bidding on items to get them at a low price to sell higher.. I spent ALOT of time doing this. This is well within the rules. Just because you are not smart enough and don't want to work for anything does not mean you should ban innocent people.
  • scottligulascottligula Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So.... if we are not able to log in today... what happens to our coins? The ones that we pray to our god(s) for... the ones that I have been doing every day, that I hope will not be lost.

    Anyone thought of this yet?
    They came from.... BEHIND!!!! ;)
  • jackel4everjackel4ever Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love how people who used real money to purchase fake money actually think their fake money has value. You're technically purchasing an "exploit" that gives you an advantage over the non-paying players. Even though you're spending money, there is no monetary real-world value in Zen or AD. Perfect World is running a business here. Once the servers are back up, regardless wipe or no wipe, people are still going to head on over to the store and buy Zen. Why? Because most people who play games can't live without some kind of bonus on other players. You need that extra 2% critical or 3% dodge, which really makes no real difference when you run into a player with actual talent.

    They won't be doing a wipe, because that will place doubt in the minds of everyone who ever goes to buy Zen. That's like a bank saying, "Woops we had a break-in so we're gonna reset everyone to zero". Not a realistic solution. They're better off finding those who exploited and banning their accounts, fixing the glitch, and allowing the economy to repair itself over time.

    For those complaining about the economy, stand in line. There isn't a single MMO out there with a functioning economy. They're all broken somehow, so calling for a functional economy is like trying to buy the impossible dream. Hell, adults can't even get our real-world economy working so how the hell do you expect an economy run mostly by 12-year olds to actually function? It's unrealistic.

    The most we can hope for is a partial repair of the economy, a banning of those involved, and a repair of the exploit. Everything else will have to work itself out over time.
  • aeonaheartaeonaheart Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    When is anyone going to realize that Cryptic has nothing to do with this? It's PERFECT WORLD.

    Please learn the difference between creating a game and owning/operating a game. Mkay?
  • greymasquegreymasque Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Strange, keeps cutting off...
    @riven84 Just because they call it beta, doesn't make it so.

    Ohh, right. Because the developers know nothing about their own game, but you know everything. Right, kid?

    Listen, I'm not certain whether you're just a really sad troll or if you're just full of yourself. Either way, maybe you should sit down & let the grownups speak, hm?
  • creezyjeezycreezyjeezy Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2013
    Wow this thread is going places.
  • dawgpounddudedawgpounddude Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    allaerra wrote: »
    I wonder how many times the words idiot, moron and stupid have been used in this thread:rolleyes:.

    At least 3...

    Man, I don't care WHO the blue hell spent money, didn't spend it, ripped 'em off, ect...

    I worked all morning wanting nothing more than to come home and play...instead, I'm watching a bunch of dudes go apesh!t on a particular thread in a particular forum.

    Screw the AH. Shut it down, I don't care. Let's just PLAY!
  • shiphtur1gshiphtur1g Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    everyone on here commenting with their sarcastic, condescending remarks should probably just stop and save themselves from looking dumber. theres a reason you dont have a job working for a company like PW because believe it or not, you dont know what youre talking about. things will get worked out, when they get worked out. complaining about what you think should get done or how long its taking them to do whatever solution theyre working on, isnt helping anyone. just sit here and wait for the servers to come back up, or go watch tv; do something else. you clearly have zero affect on what is going to happen.
  • mamagrimlockmamagrimlock Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think these guys are doing a great job. I've been playing MMOs since EQ (and even MUDs before that). I've gone from lifetime pay, to monthly subs, to the F2P model. In my experience, Neverwinter offers the most content for the least amount of money. The only other F2P system that I think is better is LotRO - and Neverwinter is still in Beta! The game style is fun and action-oriented and has so much room for advancement. These hiccoughs will become fewer and farther between after time goes on and we'll eventually forget about it while we're having fun dungeon-delving, crafting, guilding, socializing, adventuring, partying, skirmishing, PvPing, and making Foundry adventures.
  • bigbraidybigbraidy Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Scratch that, lol, dude running the twitter came back with...'nothing just yet'.
  • carlitakoscarlitakos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    entalyan wrote: »
    Actually NAT is used at the provider level, possibly higher as well, on the internal networks. This is where the linking takes place between the tier1, 2 and 3 operators. I think they use it to more easily scale their traffic.

    Please, do not bother your mind with something you have absolutely no clue about!
  • sourcreamkingsourcreamking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    So... How do you suggest they handle the issue with ppl buying Zen from their site at different intervals during this "open beta"? Should they start with all purchased Zen after a wipe? Do they get the same 5-day head start as founders?

    I would think a lot of casual players will have issues with a wipe as well. Not everyone can play for hours every day, and to have to redo the same quests just to level up to where you were would feel like a hassle to a lot of people.

    The best solution would be a clean wipe for those who choose to have one. Termination of the accounts that have exploited the game mechanics, and a solid FIX of the AH/ADE.

    If you've struggled your way to lvl 30 inbetween jobs and diaper-duty, I don't think it cool to make them start all over. Even less so if they have used their hard earned cash along the way.

    And with this said: Whatt happens to Foundry Quests? Will they be wiped as well?
    The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC

    Individual quests:
    1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
    2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
    3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
    4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture ;)
  • yoyoyomyoyoyom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    allaerra wrote: »
    I wonder how many times the words idiot, moron and stupid have been used in this thread:rolleyes:.
    I say we play a game and everytime we see one of those words we have to take a shot LOL
  • belgarion44belgarion44 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    leo2fish wrote: »
    Not understanding why you wouldn't just shut the servers down due to the severity of this exploit. The economy of the game is broken in so many ways that no amount of traced bans will solve it, I fail to see what "data" needs to be collected for you guys to understand that simple concept.

    While we all understand the frustration for the game being down for hours upon end we all need to remember two things;

    1) This is still in Beta test stage and;

    2) They are I am very sure aware of the frustrations involved on the player end of the game. This is a make or break deal for them as if they lose the play base they have now they are working for nothing.
  • rictrasrictras Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    aphrid wrote: »
    the only people upset over a wipe are the ones who made the AD exploiters $ by using 3rd party transactions to gain Ad in game.

    I would prefer there isn't a wipe because I want to continue using my original character. If there happened to be a wipe, I certainly won't quit, and I'll still enjoy the game. I would be a little disappointed, is all.
    The meaning of life, is to give life meaning.
  • slugormasterslugormaster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The root cause of the problem is AD is being sold for REAL MONEY. The solution is VERY SIMPLE.

    Rule #1: You CAN'T get any more than 24,000 AD per day by refining. Period. Unless you bought a founders pack, after 20 days, at full refining, no one should have more than 480,000 AD. That's how it works. Maybe update the refining to 50,000 per day.

    Rule #2: Make a CONVERSION of ZEN to AD, call it 400-1. SELL EVERYTHING in AD. ALL vendors should accept AD or Drakes, or whatever. ZEN should NOT be used to purchase items. If you HAVE 1000 Zen, you can trade it for 400,000 AD. That would be enough to get you a bag of holding, or whatever. The ZEN to AD is just begging for exploting.

    Rule #3: Disable and REMOVE the AH as it stands. Change the AH to an AH Vendor, where you POST your items for a price, and other people buy it. No Bidding, just buyouts.

    What does this do. It won't stop AD vendors from selling on the web. Sure, but you'll be paying for AD from the web at a higher than 400-1 ratio that you get from cryptic. So what. If people HAVE extra AD, let them resell it. It doesn't hurt me at all. But it DOES control the economy much better. Remove the ability to exploit AD, and you can control the economy.
  • ambermajambermaj Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    Probably younger players who've made fail build characters that don't have the means to buy respec token so are screaming for a wipe or that are maybe jealous of the some of the amazing characters that other randoms/fellow guildies have invested hundreds of hours and/or a fair amount of money in... who knows?

    Or perhaps they feel a couple of days to relevel to 60 is a small price to pay for a functioning economy (kinda a mature way to look at it). As for money, I expect PWE could do the same thing they did during the closed betas. They can just refund all bought Zen when they wipe/restart.

    I am personally hoping they find a good way to avoid a wipe. I like my characters. I'll accept one if it turns out to be the only way to get the game back online with a working economy though.
    Cuz you sebestimated me!
  • deepblue5deepblue5 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lag forced double post /facepalm xD
  • wennidwennid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    allaerra wrote: »
    I wonder how many times the words idiot, moron and stupid have been used in this thread:rolleyes:.

    It's over 9000!
  • greymasquegreymasque Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm willing to bet that the server downtime isn't counted toward the CC countdown.
    So.... if we are not able to log in today... what happens to our coins? The ones that we pray to our god(s) for... the ones that I have been doing every day, that I hope will not be lost.

    Anyone thought of this yet?
  • tredotredo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well if they have to wipe i think we all should get free 250 zen! so least we can buy sum keys to see whats in them lockboxes :)

    It's beta, they don't owe us anything for a wipe!!
  • naero111naero111 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clortbags wrote: »
    Ok so your claim that "most people that are in favour of a server wipe are working adults" is based on one post in a one hundred page thread...

    That's amazing!

    *golf clap*

    Working adult...supports a wipe.
  • deepblue5deepblue5 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seriously I dont know why people are even still discussing the options of to wipe or not to wipe - The Staff have already officially posted:
    Neverwinter ‏@NeverwinterGame 59m
    Whatever ends up happening, complete wipes are off the table, and we'll work to minimize the impact while fixing the issue.

    So how about you save making mine and others eyes bleed with the broken record and just let them do what they got to do...this is gaming, bugs happen, exploits happen, botting happens - there is not one company out there that has a 100% clean MMO game at all times - as long as there are bored individuals who want to spend their days trying to hack their way around game files and processes there will ALWAYS be a new bug/exploit/way to bot...especially on a game that is as new as this and in the early stages of its potential development. Every new update, patch, added piece of content has the potential to have a huge bug/exploit attached to it, yes the testers try to eliminate as many of these as possible and in most cases they do but there will always be the chance of one appearing that was not noticed during the testing stages..thats gaming for you. You can blame the exploiters or the developers as much as you like, neither are at more or less fault then the other - yes the devs might have missed a bug, they are only human - yes the morally corrupt fellow human beings didn't report it and used it to their own advantages - ranting on the forums isn't helping anyone, scaremongering and spreading propoganda isnt helping anyone - being patient, constructive, polite and just learning to deal with it when something that interrupts what you would rather be doing happens will not only give yourself peace but the rest of us peace too.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aphrid wrote: »
    the only people upset over a wipe are the ones who made the AD exploiters $ by using 3rd party transactions to gain Ad in game.People who spent $ in zen don't really care because a wipe would return that zen to them, but the AD/gold buyers would be **** out of luck with no one to complain, and AD/gold sellers out of stock and out of a fast supply to. Legit players would just start over again with a market that was stable with prices they could afford in auction. the only thing that would really be lost is ardent coin count from time spent playing, which they could just do a gift or something to compensate.

    I assure you that's not always the case. Myself, I could care less about a wipe. If they do I get my zen back. I made some poor choices early on so I wouldn't mind getting it back. And if they don't I keep my character's progress. Win - Win for me. My kid however would be devastated. She doesn't get as much time to play as me. And couldn't afford the zen shortcuts I could. I am sure there are many more people that would feel the same way as her. So not everyone wanting to avoid a wipe is an exploiter.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • snappypantssnappypants Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xdprophet wrote: »
    You are an idiot as well. They were exploiting with a standard mobile device and web browser. They posted the negative prices not through the game interface but the web/browser interface. They didnt use their regular game accounts!!! Guess how many mobile phones share the same public IP address behind Verizon and AT&T Nat'ed routers? Wait, let me guess. 8th grade was the hardest 3 years of your life?

    It would seem that by calling everyone an idiot you would make yourself a genius. Again you fail. You assume that every mobile device used in such an exploit was connected via 3G/4g/LTE. Once again NAT has nothing to do with validity of an IP ban.

    Tracking down the actual user(s) is a different story. I do hope they get the servers up soon so you can stop making such a fool of yourself.
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