Like this: specced into it, hopped in a dungeon, servers crashed for the night lol
Gave me a little time to think about it though, I was hesitant to drop any sort of divinity gain, however I'm now thinking the extra recovery (Rising Hope) could possibly be more of a divinity gain, since I'll have spells coming off of cooldown sooner. Really depends on the proc rate of it.
Was also considering swapping out Enduring Relief for Deepstone Blessing... but if someone's getting attacked, they won't have a ward for long, so I think Enduring Relief is the way to go for the most healing there.
I also feel Ethereal Boon is one of our strongest feats, as it can give you divine power, even with divinity activated. Can anything else do that?
I have a point in Rising Hope and it procs constantly. In a sustained fight the buff never goes away. I'm now allocating points into Rage and then Boon is next. After that I'll start in on the Faithful line.
What are your favorite class passives in those T1/T2 dungeons? Divine Fortune? or is it not needed with the amount you regen anyways? I'm thinking of putting points into Benefit of Foresight with Foresight slotted to help the group and Holy Fervor for action point gain.
Gave me a little time to think about it though, I was hesitant to drop any sort of divinity gain, however I'm now thinking the extra recovery (Rising Hope) could possibly be more of a divinity gain, since I'll have spells coming off of cooldown sooner. Really depends on the proc rate of it.
I respecced today and ran around Mount Hotenow farming things while respeccing to test the proc rate of Rising Hope. I wanted to know how many points I needed to have 99% uptime on it while farming.
I was casting Forgemaster's Flame and Astral Shield in Divinity mode on CD every time and using Sun Burst normally on CD as well (not really relevant but it helps a lot with divinity gain).
After spending about 15 minutes mass pulling everything I could then running to the next mass pull (dungeon simulation ) I found 1 point only got me around 50% up time but 2 points gave me the near 100% uptime I was looking for.
Keep in mind if you decide to respec you don't have to distribute all the points at once and you can test it one point at a time to see how many points you need to get your desired effect out of it.
WIS isn't useless, but I don't feel it's the optimal stat for a cleric, because crit is so win. You could probably pull off this build with a WIS stacked character, you'd just be at some disadvantage. IF you didn't mind rerolling, you'd have better luck with a STR stack with my build.
However, one disadvantae of strength is that AS's heal can not crit. Since ,ost of your heal comes from AS, how do u deal with this problem? Thank you very much for your earlier reply.
What are your favorite class passives in those T1/T2 dungeons? Divine Fortune? or is it not needed with the amount you regen anyways? I'm thinking of putting points into Benefit of Foresight with Foresight slotted to help the group and Holy Fervor for action point gain.
Divine Fortune for the divinity gain, and Soothe for the agro reduction. It was getting hard to stay alive without it. I'd love to go for Holy Fervor if I had a 3rd passive slot
Thanks for the info, Unspecifiederror. What I keep juggling is whether or not I'll get more divine power. I figure I proc Boon about 5 times every 15 seconds or so, but with Rising Hope I'll end up with less power per procs. On the other hand, extra recovery is more APs, and the extra power is just a sweet bonus.
Gonna test a 1/21/9 build tonight since I'm already specced for it.
dixa1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
Does anyone have experience with "Breaking the Spirit" encounter? Based on the description, it has nice damage, cooldown, and some CC. I wonder if it's an AOE or a single target skill.
valtrayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
i don't get it.. why would you roll cha as the lowest one if you're going to add cha and str every 10 levels? this confuses me
wouldn't you want wisdom to be the lowest out of the 2 then?
i don't get it.. why would you roll cha as the lowest one if you're going to add cha and str every 10 levels? this confuses me
wouldn't you want wisdom to be the lowest out of the 2 then?
Because you can't get WIS as the lowest stat on a cleric?
valtrayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
No, this build is meant to focus on crit first, so you have a choice of either 16 CHA and 12 STR, or 16 STR and 12 CHA. STR = crit, so it wins out. If there was a 15/15/15 roll, I'd probably have gone that.
prunetracyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
No, this build is meant to focus on crit first, so you have a choice of either 16 CHA and 12 STR, or 16 STR and 12 CHA. STR = crit, so it wins out. If there was a 15/15/15 roll, I'd probably have gone that.
There is a 15/15/13 with 12 in INT for another 2% recovery. So you'd give up 1% crit for 3% recovery and 1% AP gain. You also get +1 CON for another 2% HP as well.
No, this build is meant to focus on crit first, so you have a choice of either 16 CHA and 12 STR, or 16 STR and 12 CHA. STR = crit, so it wins out. If there was a 15/15/15 roll, I'd probably have gone that.
This is slightly missleading statement, since you do have other options aside from 16 STR or 12 STR, namely you can go with 15, 14 or 13 STR. However, the basic issue is the same: If we consider STR to be THE way to go, CHA to be the 'secondary', and WIS as something that's nice to have but not necessary.. then.. the highest possible STR we can have is 16, and for that, the 16/16/12 is the only possible option.
You can improve CHA, but it will always be at the cost of STR, you cannot have more than 28 STR + CHA combined, no matter what, and so with the above principle anything else than the 16/16/12 roll will be 'weaker' - again only if we abide by the original principle that STR is important above all, and STR and CHA are the only things that truly matter, with WIS being a nice bonus.
This holds even if we try to maximize the sum of STR + CHA + WIS, since 44 (16+16+12) is the highest you can get.
valtrayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
there is 15/15/15 though i just got it on a roll, though including the 2+ str
on the way to leveling shud I skip chain of blazing completely? I can either do 2 cobl 2 DF & 1 sooth or the other way around or skip cobl and put pt somewhere else
If only i knew what all the abbreviations meant...
Maybe you should try reading the post? The abbreviations are explained when they're first introduced, after that he only refers to them by abbreviation to simplify.
Hi deistik, first off thanks for the great write up! I was watching the 90s video linked and I would like to ask how important the 4th pip of divinity really is ? As a low level cleric I doubt I understand the full dynamics of end gaming healing but these were some of my observations during the video:
1. The divinity build up never reached 4 pips (though partial increments beyond the 3rd were common) and never fell below 2 almost the entire time.
2. Divinity usage appeared to be limited by the cooldown of your encounter powers rather than the actual availability of divinity due to your incredible divine power build up.
I wonder if your particular build actually devalues the 4th pip for you since the bottleneck appears to be the encounter power cooldowns instead of divine power availability and that there was no circumstance where a burst-usage of divinity (eg. requiring the usage of all 4 pips in a very short interval) was needed. I could see the value of having some pips on standby for urgency divinity HWs perhaps but healing appeared comfortable enough in your videos that it was largely unnecessary.
Hi guys, I'm new here and looking forward to starting a Devoted Cleric, but I'm curious, what stats would be good to roll first for leveling (and which should I put points into during leveling)
also, is it possible to re-roll the starting roll during a respec?
And finally, what would be the best roll to go with for something like yults endgame healing build?
Thanks a lot
egothhaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
1) Do you notice Linked Spirit proccing that often? My experience has been it doesn't proc anywhere near as often as I'd like it to. Though if you're not using Foresight it's probably the best option to get deep in the tree.
2) Does Healing Word proc Ethereal Boon?
From my testing "Linked Spirit" can only proc if youre in Divine mode - if you put up astral seal and switch into divine mode every 10 secs -youll have like 100% uptime on your group.
On a different note: i cant express how frustrating character finetuning is in this game. Tooltips are vague, some stuff isnt correctly worded or doesnt appear in the charsheet. It makes me wanna cry.
Hi deistik, first off thanks for the great write up! I was watching the 90s video linked and I would like to ask how important the 4th pip of divinity really is ? As a low level cleric I doubt I understand the full dynamics of end gaming healing but these were some of my observations during the video:
1. The divinity build up never reached 4 pips (though partial increments beyond the 3rd were common) and never fell below 2 almost the entire time.
2. Divinity usage appeared to be limited by the cooldown of your encounter powers rather than the actual availability of divinity due to your incredible divine power build up.
I wonder if your particular build actually devalues the 4th pip for you since the bottleneck appears to be the encounter power cooldowns instead of divine power availability and that there was no circumstance where a burst-usage of divinity (eg. requiring the usage of all 4 pips in a very short interval) was needed. I could see the value of having some pips on standby for urgency divinity HWs perhaps but healing appeared comfortable enough in your videos that it was largely unnecessary.
The problem with that video is that it's a t1 dungeon and we're clearing t2s now. I could almost run in a full dps spec for Cloak Tower lol
We were clearing the Pirate one last night, and it was all I could do on some bosses to get even 1 pip, there's a LOT of movement for me. I was using a 1/21/9 build, it seemed to satiate my need for divinity gain though, so after some more testing this weekend, I'll decide which one I like better, and probably just put both in the thread.
I respecced today and ran around Mount Hotenow farming things while respeccing to test the proc rate of Rising Hope. I wanted to know how many points I needed to have 99% uptime on it while farming.
I was casting Forgemaster's Flame and Astral Shield in Divinity mode on CD every time and using Sun Burst normally on CD as well (not really relevant but it helps a lot with divinity gain).
After spending about 15 minutes mass pulling everything I could then running to the next mass pull (dungeon simulation ) I found 1 point only got me around 50% up time but 2 points gave me the near 100% uptime I was looking for.
Keep in mind if you decide to respec you don't have to distribute all the points at once and you can test it one point at a time to see how many points you need to get your desired effect out of it.
Hey Unspecifiederror, i liked your video on the cleric, i'm getting ready to re-spec as i have points all over the place, i see you redid your build, are you going to post a new vid or anything, i'm curious to see what you are running with now and wondering how it would help me moving forward past 26.
right now i am mostly doing crit as well but my main stat is wis and gear wise its power and crit. It does better on dps than it does healing. None the less it sucks we lose 40% on heals on ourselves. Anyway i'm mostly waiting to hear back from you before i use my re-spec token
Hey Unspecifiederror, i liked your video on the cleric, i'm getting ready to re-spec as i have points all over the place, i see you redid your build, are you going to post a new vid or anything, i'm curious to see what you are running with now and wondering how it would help me moving forward past 26.
right now i am mostly doing crit as well but my main stat is wis and gear wise its power and crit. It does better on dps than it does healing. None the less it sucks we lose 40% on heals on ourselves. Anyway i'm mostly waiting to hear back from you before i use my re-spec token
I will be posting another video of a new build, and discussing some builds I've tried, shortly. I just want to get a bit more testing in on my current spec in T2 dungeons.
I've pulled some inspiration from Deistik's build here though I've also dropped Moontouched entirely. Hallowed Ground lasts 15 seconds so you get 5 ticks off the heal and since I have ~21k health, the GWF I run with has ~26k health, and the TRs and CWs have less it's only 5k-6k, or less, healing over 15 seconds and I don't feel that's worth 5 points after all. Currently I'm using a 2/14/15 spec but that's likely to change to a 2/20/10 today or tomorrow :-/
Oh, and Divine Advantage does not proc off Astral Shield, Forgemaster's Flame, or Sun Burst so I dropped it entirely. It will proc off Healing Word, Bastion of Health, and Soothing Light but those are, imho, not worth using most of the time and even if you did use them the up-time on Divine Advantage would be really low so I don't believe it's worth 5 points.
Like this: specced into it, hopped in a dungeon, servers crashed for the night
Gave me a little time to think about it though, I was hesitant to drop any sort of divinity gain, however I'm now thinking the extra recovery (Rising Hope) could possibly be more of a divinity gain, since I'll have spells coming off of cooldown sooner. Really depends on the proc rate of it.
Was also considering swapping out Enduring Relief for Deepstone Blessing... but if someone's getting attacked, they won't have a ward for long, so I think Enduring Relief is the way to go for the most healing there.
I also feel Ethereal Boon is one of our strongest feats, as it can give you divine power, even with divinity activated. Can anything else do that?
What are your favorite class passives in those T1/T2 dungeons? Divine Fortune? or is it not needed with the amount you regen anyways? I'm thinking of putting points into Benefit of Foresight with Foresight slotted to help the group and Holy Fervor for action point gain.
<Rarely Sober> - Beholder
I respecced today and ran around Mount Hotenow farming things while respeccing to test the proc rate of Rising Hope. I wanted to know how many points I needed to have 99% uptime on it while farming.
I was casting Forgemaster's Flame and Astral Shield in Divinity mode on CD every time and using Sun Burst normally on CD as well (not really relevant but it helps a lot with divinity gain).
After spending about 15 minutes mass pulling everything I could then running to the next mass pull (dungeon simulation
Keep in mind if you decide to respec you don't have to distribute all the points at once and you can test it one point at a time to see how many points you need to get your desired effect out of it.
Divine Fortune for the divinity gain, and Soothe for the agro reduction. It was getting hard to stay alive without it. I'd love to go for Holy Fervor if I had a 3rd passive slot
Thanks for the info, Unspecifiederror. What I keep juggling is whether or not I'll get more divine power. I figure I proc Boon about 5 times every 15 seconds or so, but with Rising Hope I'll end up with less power per procs. On the other hand, extra recovery is more APs, and the extra power is just a sweet bonus.
Gonna test a 1/21/9 build tonight since I'm already specced for it.
encounter powers dont heal for teh 15% the feat is supposed to do i've noticed. only the at-wills
wouldn't you want wisdom to be the lowest out of the 2 then?
Because you can't get WIS as the lowest stat on a cleric?
There is a 15/15/13 with 12 in INT for another 2% recovery. So you'd give up 1% crit for 3% recovery and 1% AP gain. You also get +1 CON for another 2% HP as well.
This is slightly missleading statement, since you do have other options aside from 16 STR or 12 STR, namely you can go with 15, 14 or 13 STR. However, the basic issue is the same: If we consider STR to be THE way to go, CHA to be the 'secondary', and WIS as something that's nice to have but not necessary.. then.. the highest possible STR we can have is 16, and for that, the 16/16/12 is the only possible option.
You can improve CHA, but it will always be at the cost of STR, you cannot have more than 28 STR + CHA combined, no matter what, and so with the above principle anything else than the 16/16/12 roll will be 'weaker' - again only if we abide by the original principle that STR is important above all, and STR and CHA are the only things that truly matter, with WIS being a nice bonus.
This holds even if we try to maximize the sum of STR + CHA + WIS, since 44 (16+16+12) is the highest you can get.
This is a crit build. STR takes priority over everything else because you're maxing crit. There is no other option but 16 STR.
15/15/15 means before bonuses.
Maybe you should try reading the post? The abbreviations are explained when they're first introduced, after that he only refers to them by abbreviation to simplify.
Greater Fortune - 2/3
Toughness - 3/3
Domain Synergy - 4/5
Weapon Mastery - 3/3
Repurpose Soul - 3/3
Cleanse - 2/3
Bountiful Fortune - 3/5
Rising Hope - 2/5
Enduring Relief - 5/5
Linked Spirit - 5/5
Benefit of Foresight - 5/5
Moon Touched - 5/5
Greater Divine Power - 1/1
Righteous Rage of Tempus - 5/5 (I would switch this with Divine Advantage but I'm not sure mobs get CA on players??)
Restoration Mastery - 3/5
1. The divinity build up never reached 4 pips (though partial increments beyond the 3rd were common) and never fell below 2 almost the entire time.
2. Divinity usage appeared to be limited by the cooldown of your encounter powers rather than the actual availability of divinity due to your incredible divine power build up.
I wonder if your particular build actually devalues the 4th pip for you since the bottleneck appears to be the encounter power cooldowns instead of divine power availability and that there was no circumstance where a burst-usage of divinity (eg. requiring the usage of all 4 pips in a very short interval) was needed. I could see the value of having some pips on standby for urgency divinity HWs perhaps but healing appeared comfortable enough in your videos that it was largely unnecessary.
also, is it possible to re-roll the starting roll during a respec?
And finally, what would be the best roll to go with for something like yults endgame healing build?
Thanks a lot
From my testing "Linked Spirit" can only proc if youre in Divine mode - if you put up astral seal and switch into divine mode every 10 secs -youll have like 100% uptime on your group.
On a different note: i cant express how frustrating character finetuning is in this game. Tooltips are vague, some stuff isnt correctly worded or doesnt appear in the charsheet. It makes me wanna cry.
Hello, for the greater fortune, for example, i have 25 Wisdom. How doe the 3% work, is it 15%+3% or it is 15%*(1+3%)
The problem with that video is that it's a t1 dungeon and we're clearing t2s now. I could almost run in a full dps spec for Cloak Tower lol
We were clearing the Pirate one last night, and it was all I could do on some bosses to get even 1 pip, there's a LOT of movement for me. I was using a 1/21/9 build, it seemed to satiate my need for divinity gain though, so after some more testing this weekend, I'll decide which one I like better, and probably just put both in the thread.
Hey Unspecifiederror, i liked your video on the cleric, i'm getting ready to re-spec as i have points all over the place, i see you redid your build, are you going to post a new vid or anything, i'm curious to see what you are running with now and wondering how it would help me moving forward past 26.
right now i am mostly doing crit as well but my main stat is wis and gear wise its power and crit. It does better on dps than it does healing. None the less it sucks we lose 40% on heals on ourselves. Anyway i'm mostly waiting to hear back from you before i use my re-spec token
I will be posting another video of a new build, and discussing some builds I've tried, shortly. I just want to get a bit more testing in on my current spec in T2 dungeons.
I've pulled some inspiration from Deistik's build here though I've also dropped Moontouched entirely. Hallowed Ground lasts 15 seconds so you get 5 ticks off the heal and since I have ~21k health, the GWF I run with has ~26k health, and the TRs and CWs have less it's only 5k-6k, or less, healing over 15 seconds and I don't feel that's worth 5 points after all. Currently I'm using a 2/14/15 spec but that's likely to change to a 2/20/10 today or tomorrow :-/
Oh, and Divine Advantage does not proc off Astral Shield, Forgemaster's Flame, or Sun Burst so I dropped it entirely. It will proc off Healing Word, Bastion of Health, and Soothing Light but those are, imho, not worth using most of the time and even if you did use them the up-time on Divine Advantage would be really low so I don't believe it's worth 5 points.
I've respecced 4 times since 60 already.