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  • blazingvoltblazingvolt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gezakk wrote: »
    Uninstall the game, throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder, turn in a circle 3 times, drink a pint of goats blood, and youre ready to go!
    LOl i uninstall it 3 times and installed it but same error why?
    Please help with a correct answar
  • displayname04displayname04 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zurielamat wrote: »

    not sure how accurate this is but its an impressive list. And i thought this proly was not for this MMO .. but then noticed the only ones you can examine are the very ones available in this game so could this be a real list?
    Ooooo Warlocks! Yes pls and thank yous.
  • displayname04displayname04 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seems the Neverwinter launcher's been updated, "We are currently undergoing extended maintenance. Thank you." Something tells me this is gonna be a while.
  • blazingvoltblazingvolt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    He is the game under maintaince rite now?
    because when i open the launcher i get this text at below
    We are currently under manintainence.Thank you.
    Is it in maintaince?
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed that worries me too .. and i wish somethings were at will and not something you have to wait to use .. make getting hit more devastating but cool down on dodge is forcing me to take eyes off the intence fight to see if i can dodge or not and well .. defeats the intent of this game being different then other mmos in that respect.. just let us dodge and taunt at will you will still get hit due to animation times n such but failing cause of Stamina is kinda goofy IMO. it would free up the game play like was intended.
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blaze there is a whole post addressing your issue here on this forum with a fix.
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Servers Crashed hard for more then just our game and call it maintenance or fixing dont matter the servers are down tough and have been for a while
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL in fact top of this posting lol my bad click page 1 :P
  • stalogstalog Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been having issues with the log in server since the first. It will connect, run through everything, look for my character list, and then instantly DC me. I can try eight hundred times to get in, and the only other result I got was connection timed out. I've got my firewall set to let it through, about the only thing I have not done was totally shut my firewall off to see if I can log in. But needless to say I refuse to do that. Secondly, I would think that if it were my firewall, like with other MMOs I have played, it would stop me dead at my login screen instead of saying it's connected.
  • x83killshotx83killshot Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is a good time to give some constructive criticism of the game....as testers. Can i get a great axe plz?
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • freakonature1freakonature1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Great Spear, Polearm, Two handed Mace, Great Flail, a staff lol anything that is a 2 handed weapon, hell I agree that choices would be nice , but we should save that thought till after the game runs hehe
  • x83killshotx83killshot Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree...is still in a "basic" form.
  • ydnardotisdaydnardotisda Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You sure are smart...those big words. I can't quite keep up! Gonna quote what I posted just now so I can save my breath on a mouth breather such as yourself...When I just tried to log in it said "Currently undergoing extended maintenance. Thank you." So I'm assuming it will be a while. I would however like to leave this forum on a positive note(been looking for a reason to go fling a lightsaber at something anyway". Their first day of open beta, we experienced a ludicrous ammount of lag...they fixed it immediately though the q was a hundred miles long(it was like waiting to get on a ride at six flags only without the humidity and heat." The very next day, everything was running extremely smoothly. No lines, no hassle, on off switch no problem. I don't know exactly what is happening with them now, but I must say for a beta, they are doing what seems to me to be a tremendous job and giving it some serious effort. I for one will cut them some slack and simply say I look forward to playing again very soon!"

    And I've probably been playing mmo's since you were in diapers fyi...my earlier point was, it IS a beta...not labeled a beta it IS a beta. However, I'll concede your point on one account...this is a cryptic wide problem, not just NW. And as my quote states, they have been doing tremendous(ow, head hurts...big word strained brain). So stop your whining and really...seriously...DON'T BREED!

    You have got the right of it. It is beta. No different that any CB or OB I've done in the last nearly 15 years.

    For those of you up in arms, whining about the money you may or may not have spent . . . this is a Beta, Open Beta as it were . .it's the way it goes. . .it's here to fix some big issues before the actual release date. So Sit back, relax, clean the sand out of your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>'s and be patient. All will be well :)
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    plus i find the combat so **** fun and refreshing i dont really care about thoes things

    i love to play it.. me n by buddy tank and cleric did the 5 man tower dungeon at 14th and it was SO much fun and we completed it with out death. epic fun best ive had in any MMO. im siked!
  • x83killshotx83killshot Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well said :) to ydnardotisda
  • gregordarkthanegregordarkthane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just wish there was a thread where a dev is saying: "Ok, we have this done and that done and in an hour or so we should be seeing some progress on such and such but it looks like around a six hour period at best so if you're at all sleepy or have to work in the morning, hit the hay and we'll see you tomorrow..." or something like that.
  • stalogstalog Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zurielamat wrote: »
    The launcher isn't my issue. It runs and opens the game, even patches just fine. What happens is I log in, it says it's connecting to the log in server, runs the checks, searches for characters then instantly DCs me to the log in screen. No crashes or errors or anything. It just refuses to let me stay on. I don't have this issue with Aion, WoW or SW:ToR and I have well over 300-400 gigs of hardrive left, fact is my system MORE than meets or beats the requirements they reccomend.
  • x83killshotx83killshot Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They r busy writing code....uhh. What r u doing for free?
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well right now its doing that to all of us
  • daredevil2140daredevil2140 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    clidal2002 wrote: »
    wow obviously you've never ever ever played a computer game or done ANY beta testing at all....just because they say its a horse doesn't change the fact that its cow....if you had a clue(which you don't) you'd realize this....oh but wait you must have been in the closed beta right?? Cause I was, and at the end every character was wiped...once again to reiterate (sorry to use big words I know they're hard for you) cryptic can call it the Star Spangled Banner......that doesn't mean it is.....kinda gotta look at the facts.

    TFT! Here's a link for the benefit of gregorftardhead:


    The idea is to do *bug* testing & iron out last minute glitches. The entire server farm being down/offline for extended periods is most certainly NOT the purpose or intention of anyone's 'open beta' testing lol! That's the kind of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you expect pre/during alpha testing of the netcode. Someone did their capacity planning with just a tad too much optimism, and a tad too little realism methinks :).

    Look on the bright side - you could have been part of the Marvel Heroes closed beta & their wonderful BitRaider loader/patcher experience! But you're welcome to find out tomorrow in their open beta just how bad a dry run at launch can be <EG>.
  • bayneofhellebayneofhelle Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Right now, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all on coffee break reading the various threads while their intern-lackies try to put out the smoking helfires the servers have probably become. At least that is the image conjured in my mind at this point in time. A free-to-play game probably ranks low on the priority list of fix-this-NOW as compared to games people pay constantly to enjoy playing.. Me, I'm gonna try and install Baldur's Gate and see what D&D 2nd Ed was like in game version while I wait. In between reading this thread for chuckles.
  • gregordarkthanegregordarkthane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zurielamat wrote: »
    Agreed that worries me too .. and i wish somethings were at will and not something you have to wait to use .. make getting hit more devastating but cool down on dodge is forcing me to take eyes off the intence fight to see if i can dodge or not and well .. defeats the intent of this game being different then other mmos in that respect.. just let us dodge and taunt at will you will still get hit due to animation times n such but failing cause of Stamina is kinda goofy IMO. it would free up the game play like was intended.

    I get your point, and completely disagree with you in every way conceivable. Depending on class, you can greatly extend your stamina and cost for dodging. It makes sense that if you are constantly dodging you're gonna get tired and be unable to do it anymore until you've stopped doing it for a while. Whatever class you're playing there's always going to be adaptability in your combat. If you're a rogue and your stamina is low, wait until that big nasty 1/4 of your hp attack winds up then flash behind them or bait and switch. If you're a cleric...heal yourself, warrior, block or just keep swinging...you're tough. Mage, knock him back, freeze him, hold him whatever. Point is, this game is already fairly easy, don't ask for it to be ridiculously lacking in any kind of tactics or thought in combat. If you want that, WoW is still out there!
  • gregordarkthanegregordarkthane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Right now, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all on coffee break reading the various threads while their intern-lackies try to put out the smoking helfires the servers have probably become. At least that is the image conjured in my mind at this point in time. A free-to-play game probably ranks low on the priority list of fix-this-NOW as compared to games people pay constantly to enjoy playing.. Me, I'm gonna try and install Baldur's Gate and see what D&D 2nd Ed was like in game version while I wait. In between reading this thread for chuckles.

    That's a funny image. Imho, bg and bg2, though great when they came out are nearly unplayable to this spoiled to newest technology player. First of all they're both top down which is why I think diablo 3 bombed so bad. At the time, that was awesome, I mean I loved fallout one and two, diablo 1 and 2...etc. But I loved side scrolling mario bros when that's all I had...just a thought.
  • gaganutzgaganutz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Someone let us know when maintenance ends?
    Thx a lot
  • bayneofhellebayneofhelle Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's a funny image. Imho, bg and bg2, though great when they came out are nearly unplayable to this spoiled to newest technology player. First of all they're both top down which is why I think diablo 3 bombed so bad. At the time, that was awesome, I mean I loved fallout one and two, diablo 1 and 2...etc. But I loved side scrolling mario bros when that's all I had...just a thought.

    Yeah I have seen people that think or act that way towards games. Personally, all I care about is how quickly I can learn the controls and get into the story. I blame being raised as a bookworm, the story of the game means more than how they implement it.. Unless it's so horrible I have to have nine fingers on one hand just to do simple tasks. That's when I go play Pokemon.
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well i can dodge more then 2 times before getting tired .. totaly unrealistic.. n if u ever fought end bosses in the tower yould as a cleric with one other person yould know what i mean hehe

    3 or 4 ? idk just like it better of it was like some other mmos ive played. totaly takes away from the EYES on fight feel they were going for
  • zurielamatzurielamat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    new patch available
  • ecksdrkecksdrk Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oye, what happened to break the game? Maintenance was suppose to be Friday morning, not all of Thursday night and who knows how long because servers are still down.

    I like how there doesn't seem to be any official word of this current downtime, yet they still have the same slotted time for maintenance May 3 for all of 1 hours time. From my count it's been at least 3-4 hours that the game has been down since I first tried to get on last night. Game might have been down longer than I'm even aware of.

    Fix your stuff faster guys, please. This is not looking good to have all this downtime outside of official maintenance.
This discussion has been closed.