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Game is very disappointing after watching MMORPG's stream

zarchoszarchos Member Posts: 47
edited February 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I don't know how cryptic studio's classifys this game as an MMORG. Here are my major gripes with the game

- The game looks like a console Hack and Slash game, it has the typical fast paced XBOX 360 gears of war look to it. I want a MMOG, not a simple hack and slash where everyone looks the same and gets the same abilities.

- Speaking of which I see nothing in this game for class diversity. It looks like everyone gets the same abilities and the loot looks like it's pretty much the same rewards for everyone.

- Also, can we just say that this Diablo but with a cash shop? This game does NOT look deep at all, it's nothing more than a console hack and slash game. It doesn't have any identity at all.

Very Disappointed.
Post edited by zarchos on


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    arkonagadearkonagade Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    The classes play very different, they even have their own dodge move as I have seen

    If you want the old tab to aim games with 500 skills on 10 quickbars, you are welcome to play one of those

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    lostboyashlostboyash Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't see how any of your points makes this game fail to be an MMORPG.

    As for your gripes, I completely disagree.

    - Combat looks action filled and faced paced and I like that.

    - Class diversity....I'll reserve judgement until I can actually play and see what is what. You should too.

    - It looks plenty deep to me and it is clear the devs are keeping a lot under wraps. Also, the possibility for expansions to both the setting, races and classes is huge. Lots of depth there.

    I'm pretty well pleased and looking forward to exploring this game. I respect your gripes though, even if I don't share or agree with them, and I hope you will at least try the game on launch day before making up your mind for good. In the end, this game is not going to please everyone. There are plenty of games I don't like and was disappointed in, that many others loved. They weren't for me. I moved along. This one is looking promising to me.
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    lyfebanelyfebane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 312 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    It does have similarities to Diablo and looks like it could convert to consoles fairly easily. They have always said it was more action and fast paced. I think everyone looking the same might have just been for speed of test, if you see the foundry videos you will see the customisation length you can go to with NPC and its similar to the lengths you can go in other cryptic titles like STO and CO for player characters.
    There is some variation with Paragon paths for each class, and although it appears everyone will get every skill +whatever path, due to the limited slots for skills it will mean poeple will set up differrently and likely have different sets up for different things. There is also feats, I do not think you can get every feat, but I do not know for sure, but they have mentioned different builds for each class on some interviews/clips.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not evil, I am just cursed.
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    zarchoszarchos Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2013
    Also, it is pretty awful that there are only 5 classes? That is boring to me, and leads to no diversity.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    zarchos wrote: »
    Also, it is pretty awful that there are only 5 classes? That is boring to me, and leads to no diversity.
    It's been stated, over and over, almost to the point of absurdity that... they plan on continually adding new classes and races. It wasn't so long ago that we only knew about a three classes... then China leaked the Cleric.. and they just announced the Great Weapon Fighter just a few weeks ago.
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    shaudiusshaudius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zarchos wrote: »
    Also, it is pretty awful that there are only 5 classes? That is boring to me, and leads to no diversity.

    So you think a melee tank is going to play exactly like a cleric or a wizard? What exact kind of diversity are you looking for here?
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    aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hi zarchos,

    I might add that first and foremost, this is an unreleased game at the moment. Next, your frame of reference is watching other people play a game that is unfinished. Sure it has that xbox look to it, I've noted that as well when discussing it with friends, but saying it has no identity? Maybe since it will be free to download and free to play, you will give it a try. It's so hard to show identity, or flavor, or lore of a game when you are watching other people just trying to level up as fast as possible, during a beta test where it is very likely that XP is being rewarded at an accelerated rate. Tests are often like that, so testers can advance fast and test more and more features, faster than they normally would during regular play (at release).

    So don't be too disappointed. And maybe don't set your standards so high for a video or two of people playing like mad through a beta test.

    When it's your turn to play this FREE game, you'll have every chance to look for the identity, for yourself, first hand!

    Good luck, I hope you stick around to find out for yourself.

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    providenttprovidentt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    shaudius wrote: »
    So you think a melee tank is going to play exactly like a cleric or a wizard? What exact kind of diversity are you looking for here?

    I think he means that because there are only 5 classes, that means that a relatively large percentage of people will be each class, compared to a game with 10 classes for example. It's a legitimate criticism and one I partially hold myself, however as more and more classes are launched down the line that will cease to be a problem.
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    deathssickledeathssickle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Look I can almost guarantee we will see Attack Wizard, Battle Cleric, Brawny Rogue, and the Two-Blade Ranger(down the line). You have to give them time though. Besides, things may be added between now and release
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    quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My reaction is the opposite on most counts. The gameplay of combat looks excellent. I don't see how everyone gets the same abilities (unless they play the same class, and pick the same abilities, of course). The classes look very distinct. There looks like there's real strategy and tactics possible, and needed. My only real concern is there doesn't seem to be a lot of variety in how we can build characters.

    Seems like you are just seeing the fast paced shinies, and can't see the depth. Having a slower combat system, like other MMOs, doesn't make them deeper. It just makes them more boring.
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    macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I have to agree that classes are very few, even if u add classes after the release its still very few comparing what we got in pnp.

    I was watching streamings for 4-5h and i must say im a bit dissapointed with some features of the game, first of all is character costumization, not how ur character will looks like, im speaking about feats, skills, powers, etc... Cryptic decided that a fighter will be always the tank in the game and cleric will always be the healer.... sry but thats not D&D, pnp d&d its all about building ur unique character and in neverwinter all clerics (as an example) will always look the same, no matter what paragon path u pick and o matter what feats u pick (they will just change some backstage numbers). I might be wrong about what im saying coz i dont even played the game.

    Dont get me wrong, i know it was a HUGE challange for cryptic to put D&D universe in an MMO, the last couple of years i saw a lot of neverwinter dev interview and debates about how hard is to pass pnp into an MMO and i still think cryptic did a good job but i thing they should have chossen a diferent path on character mechanics and costumization.

    But i dissagre with zarchos about the gameplay, it looks answome... i rly enjoy the action gamapley with trinity elements, that is just briliant.
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    arkonagadearkonagade Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    according to PC gamer preview there is class specialization at level 30, great weapon fighter can choose tank or dps
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    tinbender02tinbender02 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 209 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    macabrivs wrote: »
    I have to agree that classes are very few, even if u add classes after the release its still very few comparing what we got in pnp.

    I was watching streamings for 4-5h and i must say im a bit dissapointed with some features of the game, first of all is character costumization, not how ur character will looks like, im speaking about feats, skills, powers, etc... Cryptic decided that a fighter will be always the tank in the game and cleric will always be the healer.... sry but thats not D&D, pnp d&d its all about building ur unique character and in neverwinter all clerics (as an example) will always look the same, no matter what paragon path u pick and o matter what feats u pick (they will just change some backstage numbers). I might be wrong about what im saying coz i dont even played the game.

    Dont get me wrong, i know it was a HUGE challange for cryptic to put D&D universe in an MMO, the last couple of years i saw a lot of neverwinter dev interview and debates about how hard is to pass pnp into an MMO and i still think cryptic did a good job but i thing they should have chossen a diferent path on character mechanics and costumization.

    But i dissagre with zarchos about the gameplay, it looks answome... i rly enjoy the action gamapley with trinity elements, that is just briliant.

    that pretty much sums it up for me
    *sniffs* Me want ranger
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    trollololloltrollolollol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    I actually got boost to my excitement level when I read its quite fast paced and hack and slash style game.

    So this is sorta competitive "spiritually.." game...
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    shaudiusshaudius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    providentt wrote: »
    I think he means that because there are only 5 classes, that means that a relatively large percentage of people will be each class, compared to a game with 10 classes for example. It's a legitimate criticism and one I partially hold myself, however as more and more classes are launched down the line that will cease to be a problem.

    I don't know that it is a legitimate criticism from a release standpoint though, you only have 2 character slots(with the option of buying more), so unless you're deleting before you experience the whole class its going to be a bit of time before you even are able to run through the 5 classes that they have on release.

    That being said as far as actual game play is concerned, its based on 4th edition D&D which has 4 archtypes:


    which roughly correspond to the trinity of tank, healer/support, DPS and a less MMO developed fourth type the controller. At launch the game will have a class in at least each of these categories and one hybrid of two(Defender/Striker, the Great Weapon Fighter). Would the game be better with more options for each archtype? Yes, yes it would. Will it suffer immensely for their absence? I don't think so.

    Things like barbarian, bard, ranger are nice additions but the fit the trinity rules a lot less neatly than what they have right now. Personally I think they got the core roles in there while still ensuring that no one out there is going to be left out because their character doesn't fit neatly into a trinity roll at launch.
    Neverwinter Foundry Fansite with IRC Chatroom - http://www.tavernugc.com. Chatroom also available through IRC on irc.geekshed.net, #tavernugc.
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    lanessar13lanessar13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Depth of gameplay is fairly present for me, personally. I watched the mechanics of cleric, guardian warrior and rogue. Each had a "building energy" bar, which was tied to their primary role (block, DPS, heals). This "energy" could then be utilized in "Tab" mode, and seemed appropriate to the class (rogue stealth, cleric AoE heals, guardian protection).

    Honestly, that seems like a much better mechanic than anything DDO or WOW came up with. You're not limited by "mana" or "energy", your main abilities are always available (some on CDs). You can "spec" your characters two ways: Feats (permanent unless retconned) or abilities chosen and placed on your bar (priest can take more healing-focused encounter abilities or load out with DPS-style abilities).

    About the only other game that offered more "in-depth" game play was TSW, and that was 90% "talents" or feats, and it just got confusing at points. It was actually restricting in its limitlessness, if that makes sense.

    Covering the four base roles was perfect. That's what's needed for a release. I'm fairly certain we'll see at least 2-3 more classes within a decent amount of time, based on the dev responses in the live feeds that I watched. They just couldn't say much about:

    a) Future beyond release
    b) Anything under marketing/publisher control (like cash shop pricing).
    c) PvP

    And honestly, not many non-PvP-centric games gave any PvP details out this early before release.
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    kubasereecokubasereeco Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lanessar13 wrote: »
    Depth of gameplay is fairly present for me, personally. I watched the mechanics of cleric, guardian warrior and rogue. Each had a "building energy" bar, which was tied to their primary role (block, DPS, heals). This "energy" could then be utilized in "Tab" mode, and seemed appropriate to the class (rogue stealth, cleric AoE heals, guardian protection).

    Honestly, that seems like a much better mechanic than anything DDO or WOW came up with. You're not limited by "mana" or "energy", your main abilities are always available (some on CDs). You can "spec" your characters two ways: Feats (permanent unless retconned) or abilities chosen and placed on your bar (priest can take more healing-focused encounter abilities or load out with DPS-style abilities).

    About the only other game that offered more "in-depth" game play was TSW, and that was 90% "talents" or feats, and it just got confusing at points. It was actually restricting in its limitlessness, if that makes sense.

    Covering the four base roles was perfect. That's what's needed for a release. I'm fairly certain we'll see at least 2-3 more classes within a decent amount of time, based on the dev responses in the live feeds that I watched. They just couldn't say much about:

    a) Future beyond release
    b) Anything under marketing/publisher control (like cash shop pricing).
    c) PvP

    And honestly, not many non-PvP-centric games gave any PvP details out this early before release.

    Well that's pretty optimistic :) You've just stated that NWO is the second most in-depth game ever and has the perfect amount of classes. It also has better mechanics than WoW and DDO, because there's no resource management.

    I hope you're right, but I think I'm probably more of a realist than you.
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    denkasaebadenkasaeba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    After watching the stream i've thought exactly the opposite: not only the game is very fast paced, but it maintains a really incredible d&d spirit overall.

    It even managed to suprise me with the Stealth, Block and Channel Divinity mechanics, which are incredibly good and add so much depth to combat.

    The only thing that kinda disturbed me is the supposed easy difficulty of the game, overall. The last boss of the first instance didn't even manage to wipe the mmorpg.com party, even if they were playing really really really bad. But, well... let's give the game the benefit of the doubt, since it's only the first dungeon.

    Overall, i can't wait playing the game. Now much more than yesterday.
    Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)

    St. Augustinus
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    bobcat1313bobcat1313 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I loved the feed! I am set on playing this game now, I am almost ready to start on all my friends from wow and eq2 and RL friends to play but I am going to wait till beta to make sure, but what i've seen last night it looks great.

    The only thing that kind of worried me was I watched a dwarf and halfling rogue playing last night and that identity loot dropped almost like every other drop.
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    sirsitsalotsirsitsalot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, zarchos...

    I often find that there is a big difference between watching someone playing a game and being able to play it myself. Perhaps you may feel differently after you've downloaded it and have actually tried it for yourself. There's no risk involved as it will be a free download when it goes live. If you don't like it, you can just delete it and move on to something else.
    I'm not really a John Galt,
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    shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Not dissapoint. Not for that streaming or for the others I watched. There may be some reasons to be concerned but nothing too big . imho
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    denkasaebadenkasaeba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    macabrivs wrote: »
    I might be wrong about what im saying coz i dont even played the game.

    You most certainly are ;). Just the fact that there are 3 feat "routes" BEFORE paragon paths kick in means that you will really strive to find two identical clerics (obiouvsly this is before optimization and theorycrafting...)
    Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)

    St. Augustinus
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    zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    zarchos wrote: »
    I don't know how cryptic studio's classifys this game as an MMORG. Here are my major gripes with the game

    - The game looks like a console Hack and Slash game, it has the typical fast paced XBOX 360 gears of war look to it. I want a MMOG, not a simple hack and slash where everyone looks the same and gets the same abilities.

    - Speaking of which I see nothing in this game for class diversity. It looks like everyone gets the same abilities and the loot looks like it's pretty much the same rewards for everyone.

    - Also, can we just say that this Diablo but with a cash shop? This game does NOT look deep at all, it's nothing more than a console hack and slash game. It doesn't have any identity at all.

    Very Disappointed.

    Your dissapointed and I am estatic for all those reasons. No worries mate, plenty of games coming out or that are out now to suit your tastes. Not every game is meant for everyone.

    I am msot excited because it isnt a WoW clone and it will not suffer from lack of endgame content thanks to the Foundry. Those 2 are all the reasons I am most excited for. Now I sure do wish there were more classes to release with but eventually it'll get there so untill that time I'll settle for the GWF and be content knowing I'll never face endgame fatigue because I exhausted al lthe developers content within the first month or 2.

    TGIF or Thank God Its Foundry
    Character is what a man is in the dark
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    syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited February 2013
    shaudius wrote: »
    which roughly correspond to the trinity of tank, healer/support, DPS and a less MMO developed fourth type the controller.

    Controllers in an HP-based damage system are effectively ranged tanks, since their role is to prevent HP loss. Unless they're geared more toward DPS. They still fit into the trinity, just in a ranged way.
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    denkasaebadenkasaeba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Controllers in an HP-based damage system are effectively ranged tanks, since their role is to prevent HP loss. Unless they're geared more toward DPS. They still fit into the trinity, just in a ranged way.

    Exactly. In 4e usually it's said that Defenders are melee-range controllers, but i guess it's only a change of point of view.
    Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)

    St. Augustinus
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    providenttprovidentt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    shaudius wrote: »
    I don't know that it is a legitimate criticism from a release standpoint though, you only have 2 character slots(with the option of buying more), so unless you're deleting before you experience the whole class its going to be a bit of time before you even are able to run through the 5 classes that they have on release.

    That wasn't the point I made though. I'm not talking about being able to roll all the classes, I'm talking about being the same class as 20% of other players instead of 10% of other players. Specialisations at lvl 30 probably fix this anyway so most likely not a huge deal.
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    denkasaebadenkasaeba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    providentt wrote: »
    That wasn't the point I made though. I'm not talking about being able to roll all the classes, I'm talking about being the same class as 20% of other players instead of 10% of other players. Specialisations at lvl 30 probably fix this anyway so most likely not a huge deal.

    No, it's not. Keep in mind that each class will have at least 2 paragon paths, and 3 feat specialization paths. So, each class is worth at least 6 different types of character.
    Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)

    St. Augustinus
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    syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited February 2013
    providentt wrote: »
    That wasn't the point I made though. I'm not talking about being able to roll all the classes, I'm talking about being the same class as 20% of other players instead of 10% of other players. Specialisations at lvl 30 probably fix this anyway so most likely not a huge deal.

    I would expect that within a reasonable timeframe, we'll see every "build" in the Player's Handbook represented with an ingame class. Further, since the devs have said they will not charge for classes, even if they change that plan I'd expect all the PH builds will be free classes.

    You might have to reroll - that's in the grand scheme of things not a bad thing, it makes the game fresh.
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    lanessar13lanessar13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well that's pretty optimistic :) You've just stated that NWO is the second most in-depth game ever and has the perfect amount of classes. It also has better mechanics than WoW and DDO, because there's no resource management.

    I hope you're right, but I think I'm probably more of a realist than you.

    Your interpretation of my comment was not entirely correct. I have some doubts. Segregating the classes into different roles and limiting their functions that way, I think, was not a good move. But I can see why they would do it. We'll see how that goes in the long run.

    I think the selection of class roles are perfect for a release. To be a fully fleshed out DnD game, you'll need at least to add ranger (ranged and DPS options, monk, (probably warlock), paladin and another rogue role. I'd also like swordmage, but that's personal preference (control tanks can be very fun). There is a big difference between getting a game started to getting a game fully-featured. The roles are enough for start.

    However, you're right that I think NWO has more utilization of different customization points than other games have done. I haven't played every game out there, mind you. But it feels like a good mix of the three best ideas (guild wars, TSW, talents from WOW). Based on the descriptions I've seen, you never get shoehorned into "shadow priest" role, but you can "spec" into a priest DPS role just by selecting DPS abilities. Feat duality will be the key in this, "feat does 5% more damage or 5% more heals". We'll see how they laid all this out this weekend, I suppose.
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    zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    denkasaeba wrote: »
    After watching the stream i've thought exactly the opposite: not only the game is very fast paced, but it maintains a really incredible d&d spirit overall.

    It even managed to suprise me with the Stealth, Block and Channel Divinity mechanics, which are incredibly good and add so much depth to combat.

    The only thing that kinda disturbed me is the supposed easy difficulty of the game, overall. The last boss of the first instance didn't even manage to wipe the mmorpg.com party, even if they were playing really really really bad. But, well... let's give the game the benefit of the doubt, since it's only the first dungeon.

    Overall, i can't wait playing the game. Now much more than yesterday.

    It is a level 16 dungeon after all. besides GW2 I cant name 1 MMO out of the hundreds Ive played that had deep meaningful dungeon delving at a low level. Lets al lwait till we see hwo the level 50+ dungeons play out before we make any assumptions.
    Character is what a man is in the dark
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