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The new Lockbox of Dark Omens is now available on all platforms.
Siphon all hope and joy off your foes with the new Omen of Despair mount, and much more!Known Issues
With the release of the new Lockbox of Dark Omens, there are a couple issues in this release that will be addressed soon, ideally next week.
- The Omen of Despair mount can be consumed even if the player already has the mount in its stable. This will cause the item to vanish and a secondary copy of the Stalwart power to apply to the powers list.
- The Corrupted Unicorn mount has the same issue as the Omen of Despair mount.
- (new) The Dragon Hunter is not available at the RCA for Account Wide Claim.
- (investigating - need more details) The Omen of Despair and Corrupted Unicorn mounts are not available at the RCA for Account Wide Claim.
PROBLEM: Dragon Hunter - Account - Not actually reclaimable by other characters on account
Another strange thing about this companion is that the first two appearances are male, but the 3rd and 4th are female! The females are a much slighter build than the males so it's not that they are in drag either....
I got the new mythic mount and equipped it on one of my 'mains', but my other characters do not see it in any of the reward agents tabs.
If that’s not the case , sorry
Guess it’s a bug , seeing a lot of posts saying same thing
On the PS4 version btw.
Sounds like there is the same issue with the Legendary version as well.
Only bound the Mythic version and it's not there.
Not to metion there is a visual bug with the Lockbox contents description:
Doesn't show the companion at all, lol. Even the official images in the announcement on here had the same issue until they fixed it.
With the release of the new Lockbox of Dark Omens, there are a couple issues in this release that will be addressed soon, ideally next week.
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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I merged all threads here to help us investigate all issues related to the Lockbox of Dark Omens.
The team was unfortunatly not able to reproduce the issue regarding the mounts that are not available at the RCA for some players. If you are experiencing this issue, please let us know your Character'sName@handle. It will be very helpful for the devs to investigate and fix it.
@thunderfoot3406#7908 @drartwhodent @arieswytch#9832 @mrdanthedeadman#3794 @hardrockl1l @tgwolf
Thank you in advance!
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
Neverwinter: Discord - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Customer Support - Terms of Service
I claimed all 3 on Aeryn ShadowCloak@arieswytch#9832.
I am able to summon both mounts to ride. I am able to summon the companion. I have access to both versions of the mount combat power, but I only have the legendary version of the mount equip power. I have access to both the enhancement and the equip power from the companion (although the enhancement may also be from another companion I already had. I didn't check for that before equipping).
I believe the equip order was companion, mythic mount, legendary mount, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I spot checked on 3 other toons and cannot claim either of the 2 mounts or the companion.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
ETA there are clipping issues on the mount, female wood elf.