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Set of The Watcher Is Unobtainable



  • mindachemindache Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    it was said it’s a fun puzzle to solve, apart from playing with the combinations of the runes, I don’t see any room for solving puzzles in master expeditions...
    <font color="FireBrick">All we ask for is satisfaction.</font>
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User

    Something new happened today. I performed the normal 3 ME runs. and was invited to help another group do there 3. the 4th run i noticed that some of the mushrooms where not lighted. 5th run even more. 6th run all where off. This does not include the mushrooms at the start, during the rune staging. Just my FYI

    That is connected with a graphic glitch I have also mistaken for a clue regarding the puzzles in ME. In some instances the glowing effect applied normally to mushrooms is missing, and in their place a glowing pattern of lights appear on some ceilings. Likely it's the same effect layer that has been misplaced during the area design.

    Getting back to the matter at hand, I've focused on something else that is directly related to the Watcher's Set and is evidently missing. This is the description of Expedition section under the Undermountain collections sorted by location:


    This instead is the description of what can be found in the chests exchanged by Zok:


    It's evident that the Chest of Lost Adventurers is not meant to be the primary source of 1000 IL items, which should actually be obtained mainly running expeditions. Connecting this info to what devs said about rare monsters that can be lured inside expeditions for high level loot and the Watcher's set, it's clear that there is a whole hunt system that is missing, either because it's meant to be released later or just because it's bugged and not working at all.

    Later today there will be a Driftwood Tavern stream and possibly one chance to interact with someone that could shed some light on all this mess. If someone partecipating in this thread will be watching it, I would suggest to press the matter during Q&A time in the hope that some answer will be given. Hopefully it will not be that the release of all this stuff has been set when the console version will come out, as it is getting nearer and nearer and it would feel kinda like a slap to the PC players' face.
  • farhannaje#7907 farhannaje Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Guys check this out.

    Staff of Flowersclass
    Recovered from the depths of Undermountain, the Staff of Flowers has the ability to create beautiful flowers with a simple touch. However a more forceful impact should create a deadlier specimen.

    Arcturia's Music Box
    Finely crafted wooden box that is magically charged to play music when opened. Rumors has it that the music will summon dangerous creatures that can hide in plain sight.
  • szerevaxszerevax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 33 Arc User

    Guys check this out.

    Arcturia's Music Box
    Finely crafted wooden box that is magically charged to play music when opened. Rumors has it that the music will summon dangerous creatures that can hide in plain sight.

    I think this description regard 2 summoned, always hungry for minion, dangerous mimics.
  • divectoredivectore Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    there is a chance that an item/artifact can summon a monster, but i doubt it based on their description, like the arcturia music box, just because that statement can be true for nearly all artifacts in the game, all of them have a description that in game does nothing, is jut there for lore i guess.
  • tjkernan#7315 tjkernan Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    They just said on stream just said it is in game, not bugged, and to be found???
  • skrewfaz3d#1482 skrewfaz3d Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    Julia gave a "hint" in the Q&A... she said to be aware of what npcs are saying/doing.

    They said y'all getting warmer at finding it, so there's something here to work with..
  • eclipse2go#8156 eclipse2go Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    It might actually be about the shadowfell areas...
  • maturutukimaturutuki Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    From my ideas: summon butterflies from wand on mimic, currently can't check, my graphic card hates butterflies.
  • midnightitamidnightita Member Posts: 228 Arc User

    Julia gave a "hint" in the Q&A... she said to be aware of what npcs are saying/doing.

    They said y'all getting warmer at finding it, so there's something here to work with..

    Saying / doing

    It has to be Halaster
  • dheffernandheffernan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 216 Arc User
    Back in the day, EQ added "epic weapons" during the Kunark era. Each class had their own complex line of quests leading to a major boss fight somewhere for a token to be turned in for your weapon(s).

    Problem was, the Ranger quest had no starting point. None. The Ranger community, thousands of players at that time, scoured the game and could not find one NPC or item or anything telling us where to start the epic weapon quest. Ultimately it was solved by said thousands of players handing random objects to random NPCs to see what they'd say. (EQ allowed you to hand things to NPCs. If they had no "use" for the item they'd hand it back, otherwise you'd get text related to the object's purpose in quests or whatnot.) Up to the point when I left the game this was never fixed.

    So, the devs could always say "the Ranger epic weapon is in game and obtainable" and that would be technically true, but the fact was the quest line was broken and it took a massive crowdsourcing effort to put the pieces together. (Then we had a problem on E'ci where one of the two necessary tokens didn't drop for months but that's another story.)

    If the Watcher weapons haven't been found at this point, or even a convincing lead as to where or how they might be obtained, then the odds are that either the mechanism for doing so is actually broken or it's too well-hidden. I know from experience (30+ years of GMing) that clues which seem obvious to people who know the answer can in fact be totally impenetrable to people who don't.
    @Venture-1 @Venture from City of Heroes if you remember that far back. Yes, *that* Venture. Yes, I probably trashed your MA arc. For me it was Tuesday.
  • dexymandexyman Member Posts: 91 Arc User

    Julia gave a "hint" in the Q&A... she said to be aware of what npcs are saying/doing.

    They said y'all getting warmer at finding it, so there's something here to work with..

    Saying / doing

    It has to be Halaster
    I agree.
  • ailliver#7283 ailliver Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Hmm... but does he ever actually show up in the MEs?
  • bungabunga#5136 bungabunga Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    If it's halaster then it's probably looking at him in every zone until he teleports away.

    If its in just MEs I have no idea. Tried just about anything inside there.

    Doesn't matter anymore. Today after 1 month MEs I dropped both mainhand and offhand.
    Won't be needing this 😂
    (This set is actually bad, you lose the effect/stacks if you get downed)

    Saying that "we are getting warmer" without anything else sounds like another massive troll. "Especially since the claim was 'it's a puzzle' " ain't seen anything close to a puzzle. WTS dictionary.

    They could've at least said if it's only inside MEs or world or dungeon. Or if its all three.
  • maturutukimaturutuki Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    Maybe something with this beholder (0:19) from trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INR-dDiQuVY
  • photeus#7983 photeus Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    There's been no reply to my bug report so maybe it's related.

    The small chests in MEs reset every 5 minutes. The same chests that can be mimics. If you find one, loot it completely, wait 5 minutes, and it'll reset with new loot. You kinda have to 'watch' them until you can loot again.

    I have not tried if runes have any effect on these chests. Maybe the 'eye' combo lets them drop the set after a 20 minute wait or something
  • beigeman#7856 beigeman Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited May 2019

    Spent some time with Halaster, here's what he had to say...

    Halaster: "I'm sure I left it here..."
    Halaster: What a view! I do such good work.
    Halaster: "That's a nice boulder... Did I make it?"
    Halaster: What was I doing again?
    Halaster: Should I be here?
    Halaster: "Hmm... This level needs more levels."
    Halaster: "This needs something... different. I need to think."
    Halaster: "Where did I put it? Where? Where?!"

    Not sure if it helps.. but.. in wyllowwood at the encounter to the top right of the map there is a scrying orb that when you look thru it shows halaster on a boulder in the lake - 'pillars of madness'. Halaster also appears there during the encounters.. as he also appears at the cave mouth leading to the lake at the back of the encounter bottom right.
  • farhannaje#7907 farhannaje Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    I can understand watcher set is Easter egg but what about LOMM gear restorations items. Says need awakened version. We get normal from ME end chest but the question is how upgrade them to awakened. Even this is Easter egg ?
  • baronstragenbaronstragen Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    The beholder fight shows them in the Lower Catacombs at the Crystal. Halabasty shows up there. We spent an hour trying to activate or do something. We can't figure it out.
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  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    I just spent 2 hours in ME's trying a few different things.

    I used the music box and ring artifacts in different locations including inside bubbles, nothing happens except the artifacts get activated.

    I tried different emotes in various locations including inside buggles, nothing happens.

    I tried going to every area of the maps, a few times I "left" the map, and was way underneath or outside of the usual areas, pretty sure we're not supposed to even be there. I went into water and used pots constantly to stay alive, a couple times I got a notification "New Area Discovered", but eventually I just fall off the map and am able to either wonder around or just die.

    Julia confirmed that the method for obtaining the set is working, and live, so we are definitely missing something. I talked to every NPC in YP and didn't gather any information that seemed relevant, at least to me. The barmaid says something about another weapon and in the lore section of the journal it says that Durnan has a crossbow that fires two bolts.

    Someone said that standing in the bubbles sometimes summons a beholder or an undead beholder, I have not seen this. What I have seen are various beholders and miniboss beholders including undead beholders that are already spawned, nothing that appears out of thin air or from walls. None of these beholders have dropped anything different, the miniboss beholders have dropped 950 gear. I have seen an a part member aggro an undead beholder into a bubble once, and it fell from a bridge above where we were at, and sometimes critters get stuck in walls, so I could see that confusing someone.

    I tried opening essences all over including inside bubbles, nothing.

    Idk if it's something like we have to stand on one leg and rub our bellies or what, but it's starting to seem like it would be along those lines. I'm totally stumped.

  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    How many spawn point on each map Halaster has, ? are all of the reachable ?
  • silvertailsilvertail Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 97 Arc User
    I noticed today that in the Catacombs part of the map is still dark and can't figure out how to get there. Does anyone have the whole map lite up in the Catacombs? That may have something to do with it too.
    stealth is survival skills (and not tanking skills, that is really different)
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    everything is stealth
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  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User

    Not sure if it helps.. but.. in wyllowwood at the encounter to the top right of the map there is a scrying orb that when you look thru it shows halaster on a boulder in the lake - 'pillars of madness'. Halaster also appears there during the encounters.. as he also appears at the cave mouth leading to the lake at the back of the encounter bottom right.

    Scrying stones only show you what is there. If Halaster appears when you use the scrying stone, it means he is actually there at that time.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • deaddregerdeaddreger Member Posts: 49 Arc User

    Not sure if it helps.. but.. in wyllowwood at the encounter to the top right of the map there is a scrying orb that when you look thru it shows halaster on a boulder in the lake - 'pillars of madness'. Halaster also appears there during the encounters.. as he also appears at the cave mouth leading to the lake at the back of the encounter bottom right.

    Thanks, I'll check that out. I think we're on the right track with listening to him, and possibly other NPCs. Also, the odd monsters.

    I noticed today that in the Catacombs part of the map is still dark and can't figure out how to get there. Does anyone have the whole map lite up in the Catacombs? That may have something to do with it too.

    This is where I sat and listened to him, there was one of those odd mobs that doesn't belong to the area that spawns just before that broken bridge while listening to Halaster there. I was thinking that maybe that mob could knock me across the way to the unreachable area, but haven't gotten it to work yet. It could be that we need to kill it, then go to the next area, find the odd monster out and kill it, and the next and so on till we've killed all those monsters.. Also, there's that whole bottom of the Undermountain map that is zoneless/portalless.. could be following Halaster could open up a new area at the bottom...

    I don't know, but I be trying.
    WAI - Neverwinter fools!!!!!!
  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    I've been trying to find all of the scrying orbs in UM. There is an achievement for it, there are 16 of them, I have found 9 so far. Someone suggested that might have something to do with it, so I'll try, at the very least I get an achievement.

    While looking for scrying orbs I have seen Halaster around in many different places, he always says the same things, nothing in particular stands out as having anything to do with the Watcher set, except "I thought I left it here" or something like that. I've seen him spawn in some areas that are impossible for players to get to, pretty far from Runic Encounters, so I don't think him spawning has anything to do with those, more likely he's there for flavor, and just observing us. The Watcher set is supposed be about beholders after all, not Halaster. In fact, I see him mostly around the scrying orbs, maybe he's looking for those?

  • deaddregerdeaddreger Member Posts: 49 Arc User

    I've been trying to find all of the scrying orbs in UM. There is an achievement for it, there are 16 of them, I have found 9 so far. Someone suggested that might have something to do with it, so I'll try, at the very least I get an achievement.

    While looking for scrying orbs I have seen Halaster around in many different places, he always says the same things, nothing in particular stands out as having anything to do with the Watcher set, except "I thought I left it here" or something like that. I've seen him spawn in some areas that are impossible for players to get to, pretty far from Runic Encounters, so I don't think him spawning has anything to do with those, more likely he's there for flavor, and just observing us. The Watcher set is supposed be about beholders after all, not Halaster. In fact, I see him mostly around the scrying orbs, maybe he's looking for those?

    Possibly... We've been through so many MEs, and I've gone through them solo inch by inch looking for any clue with no luck. I'm thinking they're in the regular zones myself, but I haven't made it to 20k IL and LoMM yet so..
    WAI - Neverwinter fools!!!!!!
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    > @maturutuki said:
    > Maybe something with this beholder (0:19) from trailer:

    The problem with the trailer is that things have changed since it was produced.

    For example the Purple Worm you see in the trailer looks like the one that was there when public preview started, now only it’s baby cousin is left in that spot.

    So even though some of those things look like they should give clues, they are completely unreliable.

    Another example, the 2 giants that exist in Catacombs used to drop seals and be Hill Giants that sometimes spawn in ME as Randoms.

    It’s worth noting that if you have 3 or more players you always get a bonus boss, it’s hard to tell if some of these reports are “special” or specific.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
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  • b4t1b4tb4t1b4t Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    Here is a fun fact. D&D Dungeon of the mad mage. In there there is 1 rune when active will summon a beholder. I found that odd because if you go back and read on that book your see that they setup the entire mod based off a large part of it and how ME are done and how Obeya is done it all came from that source.
    However from reading it I noticed that there was more runes that was used rather then what is in game right now. makes me wonder for a moment that what if that right set of runes we atune is only to get the bane result that summons a beholder? Surely its not that simple but worth pointing out at least.
  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    Maybe it's nothing, but the fire at this arena doesn't have the same intensity

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