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Set of The Watcher Is Unobtainable

trgluestickztrgluestickz Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
So there is an artifact weapon set in mod 16 that to my knowledge, doesn't drop anywhere. It says in the tooltip that it might drop in expeditions (there are question marks after the word expeditions) but nobody seems to be getting these weapons. I thought maybe the new dungeon would drop them and that this was tooltip error but still have yet to see anyone that has this set. When I asked about this set in chat, players said this set was unobtainable.

Here is screenshot of this set:

PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC


  • gryzellagryzella Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 51 Arc User
    Probably from end chest with 3 rage runes,but chance is very low.
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    gryzella said:

    Probably from end chest with 3 rage runes,but chance is very low.

    On which basis? Has anyone ever dropped one of those artifact weapons under those conditions or it's only a personal supposition?


    I wouldn't mind some riddle solving in order to get particular items in game, but that "you can find it in: Expeditions - ??" is definitely too vague to be interpreted and nobody to my knowledge has ever dropped a single mainhand or offhand of that set. There are beholders in the expeditions but nothing ever dropped other than standard 950 items, the daily quest rewards the Alabaster Set and there are no other sets linked to expeditions.

    Some insight about the way to obtain these weapons would be appreciated. It's a nice looking set and it would be a shame for it to be unobtainable for a reason or another.
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    It was said in the dev blog:

    "With so many new adventurers showing up in Undermountain upsetting the wildlife, some of the more dangerous creatures are going to come out to play. And if you are willing to lure out and defeat these rare monsters, you are sure to get their rare treasures! These summoned rare monsters drop hard-to-find armor pieces, vanity pets, and one of the best weapons sets you can find in Undermountain, the Watcher set! "

    So, if there's a riddle here it must be about some kind of hunt or a way to summon a beholder or some creatures...

    Or something that was changed before the release of mod 16 and the info is now messed up.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    There's a beholder hiding in the building where we go to blow up shrines in Terminus.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Terminus has a Beholder and Purple Worm
    Vanrakdoom has a Gelatinous Cube and Drider
    Wyllowwood has an Owlbear
    Twisted Caverns has a Tyrannosaurus
    There is a named Rust Monster in Waning Darkness.

    Apart from the poorly thought out found quest from the dino in Twisted, none of them have dropped anything for me.

    I think they are also supposed to drop the currency for Zox's vanity chest as well.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    Terminus has a Beholder and Purple Worm

    Vanrakdoom has a Gelatinous Cube and Drider

    Wyllowwood has an Owlbear

    Twisted Caverns has a Tyrannosaurus

    There is a named Rust Monster in Waning Darkness.

    Apart from the poorly thought out found quest from the dino in Twisted, none of them have dropped anything for me.

    I think they are also supposed to drop the currency for Zox's vanity chest as well.

    you mean the blue icon currency not the etching colored?
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User

    Hey folks, confirmed that this set is obtainable in game but it's meant to be an easter egg.

    I still lost as hell, lol.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    blag001 said:

    I still lost as hell, lol.

    Your mom hid your Easter basket and forgot where.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • kinamara#3934 kinamara Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    many people in rpg's love completing collections. so giving a 100% unobtainable collection is about the worst way to do an easter egg possible. just saying, especially when that collection is a weapon set people would likely be quite happy getting.
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User

    Hey folks, confirmed that this set is obtainable in game but it's meant to be an easter egg.

    Thank you for the clarification, at least we now know there's a chance to obtain it :)

    If it's not too revealing, may we know if expeditions are actually involved in the process to get that particular set? The new mod is huge and any hint would be helpful.
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2019

    Hey folks, confirmed that this set is obtainable in game but it's meant to be an easter egg.

    The new mod is huge and any hint would be helpful.

    Lets try to solve this...

    It says "summon creatures".... and this being an easter egg, what can be? where?? what kind???

    Creatures from the D&D Lore? Inside expeditions, as the devs post mentions it??
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    I think she means we may get it in the next Easter.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    It's supposed to be a fun puzzle to solve. Not meant to be easy. I'm sure when people start solving it, they will tell their friends and soon everyone know. Until then, just have fun trying to figure it out. I'm sad that by the time this launches on console, it probably won't be a secret. :(
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • nisckisnisckis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 655 Arc User

    Hey folks, confirmed that this set is obtainable in game but it's meant to be an easter egg.

    The question is if it needs runes to be active for it to work or not.
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    It's supposed to be a fun puzzle to solve. Not meant to be easy. I'm sure when people start solving it, they will tell their friends and soon everyone know. Until then, just have fun trying to figure it out. I'm sad that by the time this launches on console, it probably won't be a secret. :(

    It's even sadder for us PC players to have that weapon choice effectively barred in favour of Alabaster or Burnished set. With the new dungeon already available there will be little chance to have the Watcher's set as an option, considering that everyone will probably have already maxed out one of the other weapon sets for the time someone will discover the way to acquire it. With the costs of upgrading both weapons probably very few players will swap their new level 80 weapon set for the Watcher's, for the difference between it and the other ones is quite marginal.

    I'm afraid this will be another occasion in which console players will have the advantage of postponed content release: less bugs, no scaling issues and, on top, a nice looking weapon set available before it's too late :/

  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    Sometimes in REs, you get there and there will be a huge monster sitting in the middle of one.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    Appreciate the info, @nitocris83 - maybe you can check if the other "unobtainable" gear is really obtainable as well? I am referring to the Spy guild pants and shirts, which are not available from the seal vendor, and do not seem to drop anywhere.

    As for getting the watcher set, one hypothesis is that you have to "summon" the runic beasts and that they have a chance to drop those items. Possibly this has something to do with the "Essence of X" items - considering they can be opened/used, and not just used as restoration ingredients ... or maybe those are totally unrelated.

    Possibly there is something like a summoning circle somewhere in the ME maps, and you have to do something special there.

    Hoping for improvements...
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    rysiek86 said:

    oooooh i didnt see this topic :D... Thanks for the info :). I bet it have to be a propper Rune setup ... since we have 3 altars... 5 runetypes... its 3x3x3x3x3 combinations :D.

  • pelgraxpelgrax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 486 Arc User
    maybe that's what those " essence " drops that started dropping recently are for ????
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    pelgrax said:

    maybe that's what those " essence " drops that started dropping recently are for ????

    Do they have one called Essence of Futility? The way my RNG in this game works, that's what I'd get ;)

    I aim to misbehave
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    pelgrax said:

    maybe that's what those " essence " drops that started dropping recently are for ????

    This is what I've been investigating recently. So far I've found three different items called Essence of Regret (icon shows some kind of hoof, like the ones of a Goristro), Essence of Despair (a broken mask adorned with feathers) and Essence of Longing (an hilt of a broken rapier). The names remind me strongly of Umbraxxar memories of Vanrak in Vanrakdoom during one of the campaign quests, so I went on that UM layer and tried to use those items in the general areas where the visions appeared. Unluckily this didn't lead anywhere but, reading the flavor text of the items, it leads to believe that those items are related to some kind of longing to fight in an undisclosed area where "the thirst to fight can be quenched".

    It is possible that these items have an addictional function other than simple restoration materials for the armor sets, but still I'm not been able to pinpoint their use. Their names have a strong connection to the lore in Vanrakdoom and I suppose they could be some kind of lure to those rare monster described in the developer's blog.

    If someone has suggestions or other ideas about where the Watcher's set can be obtained, feel free to share ;)
  • vordaynvordayn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,283 Arc User

    pelgrax said:

    maybe that's what those " essence " drops that started dropping recently are for ????

    This is what I've been investigating recently. So far I've found three different items called Essence of Regret (icon shows some kind of hoof, like the ones of a Goristro), Essence of Despair (a broken mask adorned with feathers) and Essence of Longing (an hilt of a broken rapier). The names remind me strongly of Umbraxxar memories of Vanrak in Vanrakdoom during one of the campaign quests, so I went on that UM layer and tried to use those items in the general areas where the visions appeared. Unluckily this didn't lead anywhere but, reading the flavor text of the items, it leads to believe that those items are related to some kind of longing to fight in an undisclosed area where "the thirst to fight can be quenched".

    It is possible that these items have an addictional function other than simple restoration materials for the armor sets, but still I'm not been able to pinpoint their use. Their names have a strong connection to the lore in Vanrakdoom and I suppose they could be some kind of lure to those rare monster described in the developer's blog.

    If someone has suggestions or other ideas about where the Watcher's set can be obtained, feel free to share ;)
    Where did you find those essences? I'm thinking that they drop as RNG from Lair of the Mad Mage, but I haven't had any of them drop so far ...
    Vordon CW        Vordayn DC        Axel Wolfric GWF        Logain SW        Gawyn GF        Galad OP        Aspen Darkfire HR        Min TR
  • pelgraxpelgrax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 486 Arc User
    For me they dropped from the expeditions , chest at the end . RNG obviously .
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    > @gormenghast1 said:
    > maybe that's what those " essence " drops that started dropping recently are for ????
    > This is what I've been investigating recently. So far I've found three different items called Essence of Regret (icon shows some kind of hoof, like the ones of a Goristro), Essence of Despair (a broken mask adorned with feathers) and Essence of Longing (an hilt of a broken rapier). The names remind me strongly of Umbraxxar memories of Vanrak in Vanrakdoom during one of the campaign quests, so I went on that UM layer and tried to use those items in the general areas where the visions appeared. Unluckily this didn't lead anywhere but, reading the flavor text of the items, it leads to believe that those items are related to some kind of longing to fight in an undisclosed area where "the thirst to fight can be quenched".
    > It is possible that these items have an addictional function other than simple restoration materials for the armor sets, but still I'm not been able to pinpoint their use. Their names have a strong connection to the lore in Vanrakdoom and I suppose they could be some kind of lure to those rare monster described in the developer's blog.
    > If someone has suggestions or other ideas about where the Watcher's set can be obtained, feel free to share ;)

    The essences themselves are not the restoration materials needed for Successor armorpieces. The list in the "restore" menu has "awakened" essences in it.
    Elite Whaleboy
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    wilbur626 said:

    The essences themselves are not the restoration materials needed for Successor armorpieces. The list in the "restore" menu has "awakened" essences in it.

    Yeah, I've noticed that too, even if the icons are identical. The flavor text for the awakened Essence of Despair says: "A feeling of despair washes over you when you touch this sigil", so it's different from the unawakened one. There has to be some way to transform the unawakened item into his awakened form and it could have some connection with its use to lure the rare monste-

    I'm roaming Vanrakdoom to see if having those items in inventory or by clicking on them does something but, at least till now, I didn't have any luck.
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User

    Maybe it's related with those grayish forcefields during expeditions? Maybe they're more than a debuff/mobs buffs area?
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    3 toons running 3x ME didnt got those weird essences yet...
  • leonidrexleonidrex Member Posts: 401 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    It's supposed to be a fun puzzle to solve. Not meant to be easy. I'm sure when people start solving it, they will tell their friends and soon everyone know. Until then, just have fun trying to figure it out. I'm sad that by the time this launches on console, it probably won't be a secret. :(

    hey, i just wanna know. if you do the puzzle, whatever it might be, is ti 100% chance to get the set or piece? or is it something vague that you could do and not recive anything becouse rng and miss it ?
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