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Set of The Watcher Is Unobtainable



  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    They drop randomly from the chest, putting more than 1 rune doesn't make any difference. Got 3 on a toon, 2 on another one and 1 on the third. Evidently I'm lucky with those and not with the Alabaster weapons, because none of them has ever seen an offhand since they started doing ME (couple days after mod release) :/
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2019

    hey, i just wanna know. if you do the puzzle, whatever it might be, is ti 100% chance to get the set or piece? or is it something vague that you could do and not recive anything becouse rng and miss it ?
    And you even ask?? :);)

  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    I walked all around the zones in undermountain trying to open the essences and as often as I could in 3 expeditions today, and still I can't find any use for them. No one in my alliance has any idea either. So whatever these things are for, y'all (the devs) coulda been a little less vague.

    Considering no one knows what essences are for nor where nor how to use them, and that no one has solved the Watcher set thing, that means NO ONE HAS TESTED IF THEY EVEN WORK! The use of these essences and the obtainability of the Watcher set ought to be thoroughly tested internally with actual game play on a live build (or build that is going live), and make sure to log the logs y'all have in house so they can be parsed for potential errors.

  • leonidrexleonidrex Member Posts: 401 Arc User

    I walked all around the zones in undermountain trying to open the essences and as often as I could in 3 expeditions today, and still I can't find any use for them. No one in my alliance has any idea either. So whatever these things are for, y'all (the devs) coulda been a little less vague.

    Considering no one knows what essences are for nor where nor how to use them, and that no one has solved the Watcher set thing, that means NO ONE HAS TESTED IF THEY EVEN WORK! The use of these essences and the obtainability of the Watcher set ought to be thoroughly tested internally with actual game play on a live build (or build that is going live), and make sure to log the logs y'all have in house so they can be parsed for potential errors.

    i blame betatesters, must have been them for sure.
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    They also said this is an easter egg....
    Im not an D&D tabletop player, I dunno the lore... so if it's related to that, I won't have any idea of what can be.
    Maybe it's related to the game itself.
    Related to beholders, as its the motif of the weapons?
    I haven't seen any thing like carvings, paintings or items at Expeditions related to it neither.
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    Even if the "rare undermountain monster hunt" has been thought to be some kind of secret that players have to discover, Essence awakening to restore the Successor Set should in some way at least be hinted at in order to complete the content that has been added with last module.

    As I stated before I don't mind solving riddles and doing a bit of thinking other than killing anything that moves, but with all the bugs and glitches that have come with Undermountain it would be helpful to get some general direction on where to look. We should be able to test if the Watcher's set and the materials needed to restore the Successor's set can realistically be obtained or not.

    As for now, the Essence's tooltip state that the item can be used or opened, but double clicking or using the command menu doesn't work. Exploring again all the new maps show no new interaction that could have been activated by having those items in inventory and the same can be said in the master exploration areas.

    I think everyone trying to figure out this mystery feel a bit at loss. Can we please know if someone has tested this code and found it viable and working as intended? It would be nice to spare us an easter egg hunt where eggs could be unreachable or, at least, have a little hint to start seeing by ourselves if there's something broken to report. It would really be appreciated.
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User

    ... It would be nice to spare us an easter egg hunt where eggs could be unreachable ...

    I didn't take it as a egg hunt, but an easter egg from some D&D lore stuff, something from the game itself, likke a portrait, a paiting, a carving with some symbol...
    I tried to interact with all paintings in the Well, but nothing...
    I bet that theres maybe an achievement if you sit in all chairs there, lol.

    I've found that theres at least 2 achievements if you jump inside wells. :)

  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    I went and murdered the beholder in one of the shrines in the lava area a few times, he always spqwns back the same. There are maps on the tables in that room, with X's on them but the res is low, and they don't resemble any area.

    Btw. Has anyone tried using these 'new' essences instead of runes in the ME plinths..?
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    jonkoca said:

    I went and murdered the beholder in one of the shrines in the lava area a few times, he always spqwns back the same. There are maps on the tables in that room, with X's on them but the res is low, and they don't resemble any area.

    Btw. Has anyone tried using these 'new' essences instead of runes in the ME plinths..?

    I tried it but the plinths don't accepts anything other than resonances and runes.

    While looking for something related to rare monsters and a way to use essences, I've killed plenty of times the named monster in the leveling areas of Undermountain but they have never dropped anything more than standard loot (coins and maybe a black pearl). I don't think that the named creatures around have anything to do with what has been said in the developer's blog; my guess is that there should be something like hunts in Chult but either is really hard to find out how to lure these creatures or the system is bugged and it's currently impossible to do it.
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  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    I couldn beat the Dungeons Yet, anyone have already tried to use the new essence in the places we find the memories in Vanrakdoom to see if you can lure sometyhing there ?
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    There is a secret room in LoMM after final boss. You go back to campfire and there is a room with a big table (I assume is a table for Trobiand because is very big) with papers and other things on it.

    When you are down you see like something is interactable on the table but when you reach up, it dissapears. Tryed to use essences but nothing.
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • halo0816halo0816 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    You can jump on top of the table and talk with it. Then you get an achievement.
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    halo0816 said:

    You can jump on top of the table and talk with it. Then you get an achievement.

    Then maybe a teammate did it because when I reached top of the table I couldnt interact with it. Will try in next run
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    Just type /systemhack createitem watcherset 01
  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    After getting some of the successor gear, I'm thinking the essences are use to create the "awakened" essence you need to restore those gear pieces.

    As for the Watcher set, I'm still clueless. They said "rare" monsters in Undermountain, I have gone over every inch of those maps, twice, can't find anything like in chult, I killed the rare creatures, beholder, t-rex, giant worm, etc, but I only ever get a black opal and maybe some copper.

    In RE's I once, *once*, saw a remorhaz spawn in one, we tried to kill it, but it was one of those RE's that the mobs heal themselves super fast, and we couldn't put a dent in it, it would just heal right back to full health after a rotation, and we'd only bring it down to like 97% hp anyways. So no chance to kill it, not sure if it drops anything, but again, that was only once when the mod first dropped, a few patches later, and I haven't seen any other "rare" critters spawn in RE's.

  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2019

    In RE's I once, *once*, saw a remorhaz spawn in one,


    We were a big group with nice DPS power and we couldnt even bring it to half HP...

    This one sounds as a bug, as people are runing those REs as crazy and so far no one got a piece of that set. And I just saw a Remorhaz too.

    This don't give ant clue of an easter egg in any way.

    And that wasn't intentionally summoned... so I really think this is not the way.

  • midnightitamidnightita Member Posts: 228 Arc User

    In RE's I once, *once*, saw a remorhaz spawn in one, we tried to kill it, but it was one of those RE's that the mobs heal themselves super fast, and we couldn't put a dent in it, it would just heal right back to full health after a rotation, and we'd only bring it down to like 97% hp anyways.

    I did find remorhaz multiple times and we did kill it but it dind't drop anything...

  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    One of my theories proved true in today's ME. While the environment in the various areas is identical in every other aspect, there is a subtle addiction that appears randomly. On some cavern ceilings, in specific places, there's a chance for some kind of luminescent starry pattern to be present; it doesn't always appear in the same map but, when it does, it's always in the same spots.

    While in the starry pattern area I've looked for any kind of interactable, tried to activate the essences, pull adds to kill them in that location, used emotes but nothing happened. Even if any attempt to find those lurable rare monster has failed, I'm still convinced that the starry pattern is of some significance, otherwise the maps would appear perfectly the same as it always happens in any other content.

    The following screenshot shows the light pattern I was referring to:


    Pay attention to the ceilings next time you'll run your daily MEs and share your infos, it could be helpful ;)
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    I used to be part of a Easter egg hunter team on BF4 search in youtube, theres was some crazy stuff to do there but here theres no start, no discrepancy to search, or maybe is because there are soo many bugs keeping our attention that we cant look to something weird and think thats a clue...

    I mean, there if you find something weird like:
    a summoning portal switched for a peasant skin or
    weird people in place of your usually recruted guards on Stronghold
    that would be a clue not a bug, here you look o this kind of stuff and say ok nice bug...
  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User

    Pay attention to the ceilings next time you'll run your daily MEs and share your infos, it could be helpful ;)

    What about in other zones were there is no 'ceiling'?

  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User

    What about in other zones were there is no 'ceiling'?

    In Chult there are specific places where you can lure out hunts; it's completely possible that the "rare monsters" in Undermountain could only be lured near the spots where that pattern appears.

    This could be the kind dicrepancy @rafaelda was referring to. With all the stuff going on with this module, why should the devs add a variable that lets that pattern appear randomly in some expedition instances if not for a specific reason? It's something that can be easily missed while running a ME as fast as possible to optimize time but it's definitely something that catches attention once you start noticing it.

    By the way, a guildmate of mine discovered that there are spots where you can fish inside the expedition areas. It also happens that they are in the same areas where the pattern appears but, as for now, it wasn't possible to catch anything. No idea if the two things are connected or if by fishing it could be possible to find a lure needed to summon those rare monsters...could be worth trying, though.
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  • gormenghast1gormenghast1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 88 Arc User
    If someone wants to try it, you can use the fishing rod while standing on top of the waterfall running down the chasm and, if I guess correctly, also in the pool after the second campfire in the area where there's a big wooden floor that collapses.

    If fishing is broken and it's needed to proceed in the hunt for rare monsters, that would definitely be a serious problem.
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Theres also the gray-ish forcefield that apears sometimes during the MEs.
  • rysiek86rysiek86 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    Hey ... how about the runes setup should creat Mod 16... 16 = X V I ... what runes look like X V I ?? :D

    Jeeeeeeez why Devs dont want to give us any clue...... any...
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  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User

    tooltip says "expeditions -??" as the source of the set, so it has to be something in an expedition. its not gonna be some random location in undermountain, and its not gonna be LOMM

    Yup... looks like.

    Some place inside expeditions, but ppl already have explored the maps step by step and no interaction point so far.

    Maybe we need to finish the entire campaign to get this option avaliable. I mean, finishing the Rune-Etched Armor quest, which lead us for a kind of bug because they "fixed" this quest making it mandatory for the final chests to drop the rune related loot. So we can assume that it wasn't working before.

    Dunno, just a tought
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    blag001 said:

    tooltip says "expeditions -??" as the source of the set, so it has to be something in an expedition. its not gonna be some random location in undermountain, and its not gonna be LOMM

    Yup... looks like.

    Some place inside expeditions, but ppl already have explored the maps step by step and no interaction point so far.

    Maybe we need to finish the entire campaign to get this option avaliable. I mean, finishing the Rune-Etched Armor quest, which lead us for a kind of bug because they "fixed" this quest making it mandatory for the final chests to drop the rune related loot. So we can assume that it wasn't working before.

    Dunno, just a tought
    I hope not because is a BIG farming for a armor restoring just to trow away and have a chance to get the weapons...
  • blag001blag001 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    rafaelda said:

    I hope not because is a BIG farming for a armor restoring just to trow away and have a chance to get the weapons...

    But you just need 5 rune-etched to finish the quest, not to restore an armor piece.

    I said that because from the hunts we know so far, you need to advance in the questline before be able to starting hunting some tier monsters/rewards.
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