many, many Trs are posting recently the "most viable builds", be it MI sabo/scound or MI exe/scound. I have all of them meanwhile in my favourites and if someone is asking on reddit, forum or even in the Enclave, i post them or send them via Pm.
So my thoughts about the Tr actually are:
- Is the Tr viable to fill the only dps role in an meta group?
Yes, IF he is using these builds, IF he has focus on his gear on arpen, crit, recovery and power, IF he isn't discouraged in teh past to LEARN the rotations and be not upset to be CONSTANTLY outdpsd, or with simply words: He/She has to learn it the hard really hard way.
- The dungeon and the Bosses:
In Fbi i gave up, to play "technically perfect" because, they are all able to interrupt an Tr building up bleeding stacks, in an extremyly good geared or Bis group they have not that much Hp, so most feats are wasted again, or i haven't simply the time to build up my stacks, so all i could do is to go all out at the beginning with an sod procc, firing up all dailys, encounters and df..and that was it. my personal Nemesis, i hate it i don't play it...i was never able to survive the second boss TonG...absolutly the wet dream of every Tr, Bosses with huge Hp and adds, so i am able to hold up the whole fight against orcus and Ras Nih the IA classfeature buff, and against the Wither i am using my old shadowborn loadout.
- the Tr as class:
Is (for me) an "late starter", able to deal really good dps IF, (seen most the things i've posted above) build, rotation, focus on gear with needed stats (i give an Hamster about Gs) But on the other Hand it is not only actually in PvP an favourite class, and these are just my personal thoughts, the Tr is also an very attractive class for more "casual" oriented Players, people wich not that much interest to minmaxing, looking for viable builds, putting some points in features here and there... And these people wants also to run some content, and if they run something, they obviously are underperforming...
So please @rgutscheradev@terramak@miasmat@nitocris83 and so on it is really, really time to take an look, for the majority of the Tr (PvE) community, to make the class a little bit easier to play, even if some Tr's under specific circumstances are actually performing "good", the majority isn't, and for me it is somewhat frustrating to read sentences on reddit, in the forum or in the PE, when someone asks for advice for his/her Tr and the most given answer is: "Dump that Hamster class for something more viable and play (insert any random class) or PvP only instead."
So may i ask also, how many PvE Trs are left in some guilds (and i mean Mainchars, not invoking or leadership chars)? In the small guild i am in (something about 15 people)....i am the only one. We had more in the past, but since the "msva disaster", when everyone wanted their superior marks, so many swapped (ok only three bc small guild^^) to an Dc, Gf or Op.
I'd like to add my 2 cents here as a console player. I have played a TR as my main for a couple of years now. Invested a lot of time in my build, a lot of AD. I'm probably not the best TR out there but do pretty well at end game content. I stripped my TR recently at 15k ilvl and 2 legendary pets because it was getting a bit ridiculius that in order to keep up with equally geared and skilled HRs and GWFs I needed a 3rd legendary pet. I moved my enchants and companion gear (Gambit stuff) over to my OP who at 13.8k with no legendary pets and blue summoned rebel merc carries teams through ToNG and we get it done in 30mins. THAT is why TR needs a rework. The ROI of a TR is simply ridiculous.
Is it more fun to play? Sure. Is it viable? Yeah, mostly. Is it end-game worthy? Only if you run with patient friends or are willing to go the extra mile and invest a lot of AD. You get more bang for buck playing most other classes. I'm in a TR friendly guild and see a lot of TRs running around and doing well. You know how? They have 3-5 legendary pets. 6 offense slots on summoned. Our friends in other classes don't need to work as hard or gear up as much to get the job done equally well. At some point you just feel like a dunce for continuing to play a TR.
The game isn't and shouldn't be about how well a BIS player performs but how a mid-high il character does because that is where the majority of the community will end up. The 12-14k range with boons.
In terms of mechanics, we are nit harder to master than some other classes. But, IMHO, TRs are struggling because we have encounters with cooldowns or procs that are too long. We can't generate temp hp or lifesteal. Our "plus" is deflect severity, which isn't as great as it used to be. We have very poor group synergies in terms of buffs we give and so...bad ROI any way you look at it. If we're supposed to be boss killers...we ought to be outstanding at it. Otherwise, what's our unique role in the game?
Now that I've got some extra T9G gear courtesy of my OP, I might gear up my TR again and give it a go but a rework *is* necessary. It's not ok that for several mods now the class is told go play as dc or op, and now also gwf, if you want to progress. It is insulting, actually.
Pve sucks in every game but even more so in this one. If you play this game on console I kind of get it. But if you play this game for pve on pc wtf are you doing.
I understand that both your comment and my reply are a little bit off topic, but since your comment is here, I will speak my mind:
So, are you claiming the PVE in this game sucks so bad that everyone on PC should play PVP instead? If so, that is a first. I literally have never heard anyone say that and I have been playing this game for at least 3 years.
PVE in this game does better than PVP because PVE gets way more resources allocated to it than PVP does. Despite the many issues this game's PVE still has, PVE is undeniably Cryptic's favorite child and most content released is PVE content. This is why no matter the platform, the majority of NW's population is currently made up of PVE-only players.
PVP on the other hand, routinely goes mods upon mods without any bones being thrown their way at all and when they do get something, its usually something small. The few times the devs did try to help PVP, they abandoned PVP midway through the process and left us with unstable uncompleted fix attempts and only a few upsides. The little bit of attention PVP got during modules 12-12.5 was the first time I saw PVP get any updates since module 7 and the devs have pretty much gone silent on PVP since these changes happened. Usually when something becomes unbalanced in PVP, the devs leave it unfixed for months or even years before finally doing something about it. The "fixes" that do get rolled out are usually bandaids intended to treat a few symptoms of problems instead of the problems themselves. Often both the PVP community and the PVE community end up negatively effected by these poorly thought out and often unsuccessful fix attempts.
Now don't get me wrong, the combat system in this game and the base design for this game's PVP was excellent and attracted a lot of PVPers back in the day. But nowadays, PVP has been neglected for so long and so much powercreep has been added to the game that few people still find PVP appealing. I am one of the freaks like you who has managed to weather the storm and is still able to enjoy PVP even in its current state. I think this game's PVP can be saved but only if the devs are consistent in their efforts to improve PVP. They need to keep tweaking their PVP adjustments until they get them right instead of abandoning PVP midway through their efforts. They also need to stop implementing bandaid fixes and actually work on fixing the problems themselves instead of the symptoms of problems.
Post edited by trgluestickz on
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
edited December 2017
Pvp is being systematically removed from never winter by the players.
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
I wanted to make a positive message that still shows my disappointment will the lack of communication when it comes to the promised TR rework, but honestly you devs should be ashamed of yourselves for lying to this community the way you have. It would be one thing to just keep putting TRs on the backburner, but you went as far as to say that we would be the next class that gets reworked. Why say that and then lie? SWs feel like they don't do enough damage and that's unfortunate, but we have to deal with lower damage AND having to deal with expensive enchantments that don't even proc on our encounter powers! This is incredibly unacceptable. Even if you have no idea when you will actually get around to keeping your word, the TR community at the very least deserves an apology.
Ok, so I have started playing neverwinter about 8 months ago and choose a tr as my main due to the nostalgia of ra Salvatore’s books , I have heard many times the tr class was the bomb by many untill it got nerfed , this was before my neverwinter days , Since I have played I have seen other classes get reworked for the better , and it seems like every other class has better things coming , but nothing for us tricksters
My big question is why no devs are answering us and listening to us and giving the trickster class it’s mich needed and very anticipated rework,
Even a simple , we got something coming for the tricksters in the next mod would be good , Devs please communicate with us or there will be many more in happy tricksters talking to you via forum , It’s unfair to leave us in the dark , yes that’s we’re tricksters thrive but we are not mushrooms , kept in the dark and fed poo, Please communicate and let us know what is in the works and when we can expect it , and don’t be vague , a simple clear answer is all we need
So may i ask also, how many PvE Trs are left in some guilds (and i mean Mainchars, not invoking or leadership chars)? In the small guild i am in (something about 15 people)....i am the only one. We had more in the past, but since the "msva disaster", when everyone wanted their superior marks, so many swapped (ok only three bc small guild^^) to an Dc, Gf or Op.
I am the only 14k+ TR in my guild, and in my alliance I see about 3-4 that play during my time. This is amongst hundreds of people. While I do ok in places like ToNG, I am always blown away by other DPS classes of similar skill/gear. So while I am not failing at TR end game content, I just can't see any real benefit to inviting me over another DPS class that adds more than just single target DPS. I am stubborn tho and am continuing to improve my toon. If I can get another 15-20% increase in my DPS perhaps I can at least bring decent DPS to the parties I play with.
On the other hand my 13k OP with a fraction of the awesome gear my TR has, can easily get into mSP, ToNG, FBI and bring a ton of buffs along with my tanking and protection. Its so tempting to swap to OP, but as mentioned above I am
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
When are the TR's getting a re-work? We have sat back and tried to be patient, but patience is wearing thin. I've been playing this character for over a year and put a lot of time and effort into it and I would appreciate some communication. What are you going to fix? When are you going to fix it?
It has been 2 weeks since I started this thread. Are we any closer to getting any word or even an acknowledgement that you all are even hearing us? @nitocris83
Lilia Drakon - PVE Executioner TR She Looked Lvl 18
idk why's the cry, TR is one of the strongest class, in PvE in TONG, one of the fastest run involved TR (actually two TRs). Although one would do too. Then HR or before TR the HR, it really depends on how personal build it is also one of the best choice then, only then, is the GWF before all of it, tops the Guardian Fighter of course. But GWF is safer choice, if you suck at TR you can suck at 15k TIL, you hardly can suck at 15k TIL on GWF because most of times you only use Hidden Daggers, press one of the atwills mouse buttons, tab occasionally and use indomitable battle strike when possible lol and will do. And people will rather pick GWF cause its easy to play than hard to master TR.
That is where the whole mode 12 was a massive fail. it is only ment to be played by bis players(unless you are gf/op/dc/gwf). and offer nothing for mid level gamers. Yes tr's that are 17k are awesome in tong but a tr that are 14k will not get an invite. I am not a tr but have seen this happen time and again tr's get overlooked for lower il from other classes. it is sad but it is what is happening
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
@schietindebux GWFs are preferred because they're the standard class. The dude with the big sword. Look at Dark souls, Darksiders, any of the FF games... it's always someone with a big HAMSTER sword. A person who has just started playing will play it because it's the most common class in the games - every RPG game has a "big effin sword" class. And people gravitate towards what's familiar. It's highly unlikely that people will change class once they're used to the class they've already leveled, especially if they play casually. The only thing that can drive people away from the class is the SW tier bs that's going on atm.
All classes can bring DPS in at least one dungeon, GWFs are just versatile. What other DPS classes need is the opposite of their class definition. For example, TRs are usually strictly single target due to lack of spammable AOE (with the exception of blade flurry). Give them a tool they can use for AoE and you'll have a smaller problem. CWs have the same problem, but to a much lesser extent.
Right now, looking at people I know, every class has a really, REALLY good player. And the thing is, some classes are harder to play, some are easier. It's just a fact that easier class to play will have more "good" players. So yeah.
I have no problem with the dps a gwf hands out i do have a problem that it is basically a mini tank(and a healer with restoring strike). they need to be more vulnerable like all the other dps classes
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Pvp is being systematically removed from never winter by the players.
The fact that you do not get a decent pvp matchmaking causing bis vs noob games killed PVP in neverwinter if they ever get it right and have noobs like me play other noobs and bis players play each other the pvp will be fun again. i love playing pvp before lvl 70. i do not even try anymore after i get a toon to 70.
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
idk why's the cry, TR is one of the strongest class, in PvE in TONG, one of the fastest run involved TR (actually two TRs). Although one would do too. Then HR or before TR the HR, it really depends on how personal build it is also one of the best choice then, only then, is the GWF before all of it, tops the Guardian Fighter of course. But GWF is safer choice, if you suck at TR you can suck at 15k TIL, you hardly can suck at 15k TIL on GWF because most of times you only use Hidden Daggers, press one of the atwills mouse buttons, tab occasionally and use indomitable battle strike when possible lol and will do. And people will rather pick GWF cause its easy to play than hard to master TR.
That is where the whole mode 12 was a massive fail. it is only ment to be played by bis players(unless you are gf/op/dc/gwf). and offer nothing for mid level gamers. Yes tr's that are 17k are awesome in tong but a tr that are 14k will not get an invite. I am not a tr but have seen this happen time and again tr's get overlooked for lower il from other classes. it is sad but it is what is happening
Maybe I'm just feeling like a contrarian today but I disagree, mod 12 is great and there is absolutely nothing wrong with making it ENDgame content. There are many months worth of quests that fill the midgame gap.
And as a long-time TR main, in my opinion TRs below 15k shouldn't be in ToNG, unless they get in with friends or guildies, and this is true for most other DPS classes as well. Who'll take a 14k GWF when there are dozens of 15k+ asking for spots? It will stay this way until the devs fix the current meta include more than 1-2 dps slots in a 5-man party.
Does it suck? Yes, it does. I probably do 1/10th the number of runs that well-connected DCs do but at least it keeps ToNG "special" for me and probably kept me playing longer than I would have otherwise. Because once the only challenging content in the game becomes trivial, there's nothing left to do and believe me I'm almost there.
You know what I find funny? People whining about not getting into groups, while 80% of 'em never even tried to MAKE a group. But stick to what ya know, eh lads?
You know what I find funny? People whining about not getting into groups, while 80% of 'em never even tried to MAKE a group. But stick to what ya know, eh lads?
“Stick to what you know” said the GWF player in the TR thread...
Lilia Drakon - PVE Executioner TR She Looked Lvl 18
You know what I find funny? People whining about not getting into groups, while 80% of 'em never even tried to MAKE a group. But stick to what ya know, eh lads?
“Stick to what you know” said the GWF player in the TR thread...
I main a GWF, yeah, but I know TRs well, as, you know, I play one. But yeah, I'll stick to doing what I know, and that is DPS
> @sirjimbofrancis said: > Hi, > I'm glad the SWs got some attention, but where is the TR rework? We've been promised to be the next class worked on for a full year plus, now. Can we please please get some (any) communication regarding this? If you are working on it, great, we'd like some confirmation. If you are not working on it, and it has been shelved until several mods down the road, let us know that, too. > > The TOTAL lack of communication is unacceptable. Thank you in advance. > > @nitocris83
Been playing this game for a year and a half now, I’ve always played a duel wield rogue type character on MMOs. I really enjoyed this class up until I reached lvl 70, getting in a group is extreamly hard. I found a really good rogue who helped me with my build but the dps will not show its true colors until I have 100% Crit chance, working on it. I guess until then I will have to settle for being kicked out of groups or passed over for other classes, in support classes for TR is the only real job to pick up downed players? Should I really have to change out a weapon enchantment and an artifact between each phase of a dungeon so it looks like I am actually trying? Every day I wonder, is this the day I move all my enchants a bondings to my GF and put my rogue on the shelf? I just want to play my rogue and feel like the effort was worth it. Please help!
First let me begin by saying I love my tr and really enjoy the challenge of playing correctly. Some of the issues I have are already in discussions numerous times, (sod calculations, animation glitches, stealth bugs, eyc.) . Some I find rarely mentioned. Those being that there is only one or two real ways to build a effective tr. After struggling for a year trying to make whisper build work, I moved to infiltrater and almost doubled my dps fairly easily. But even within MI there is a very narrow selection of choices that work effectively. Class build diversity would be amazing. Watching good trs run is like watching a recording over and over on loop. Artifact-stealth-db-cb-sb-stealth-lb-df, rinse and repeat. Though I feel the bigger rework needs to be 8 man dungeons with aspects that drive the use of specific classes to achieve meta results. Some examples of mu thoughts on this would be, areas where weakness inflicts debuffs on parties that don't have a dc, summoning circles that constantly spawn demons on groups that don't have a sw to close them, rooms that are filled with animated gaurdians that can be nullified by a trs disarm traps, floor, conditions/movement hampers that a cw can counter, overgrowth/beasts that a hr counters, tombs,crypts that only a op can open /sanctify. Areas that require a gf to push through effectively, and specific foes that a gwf will excel against. All of these tasks can still be won through by any mixture of groups but the meta would be the complete mix. Base reward systems upon the success rate of each zone. With meta groups always receiving the best rng. Then you would start seeing every class called for in zone chat.
I am a lurker by nature, so I do not respond much or comment on forums.
I have player MMOs for over 20yrs now, I have seen the gambit. I fell in love with Neverwinter because I have always loved playing D&D and still do play with friends. I love the lore, quirky play, and in depth of Charecter growth.
I have always liked playing rogues in general. They are strategists and the thrill of being a glass cannon is exciting. It was my first char in this game actually. I still love playing him, and I do well with him. I have most of the BiS items and good custom builds from well known builds as a base.
I also ran with some of the top DPS TRs in the game, true monsters. They also had custom controllers, maxed out gear scores, super fast internet, and a lot younger then my old data mined out hands.
This class is not very forgiving, its most likely one of the more technical of classes across many games. Which is fine, except the amount that is broken just makes it worse. From being stealth locked, to whiffing DF or LB from target latency.
I have built other toons as well. Some are just bank alts, one DC and a HR. Both started as just char for Sigils, and every guild needs more DCs. But the HR was just insanely easy to play, I am topping DPS without any DPS companions yet. No bugs or issues on the level of a TR and everything works well. We need to apply this level of balance to TR class, its seriously cannot be that hard to make simple changes like forceing a target lock on a DF or LB, AoE at-wills.
My brother is a DC with barely 12k IL and his daunting light encounter hit way harder than my lashing blade (tr higest dmg encounter) while in the same group and Lashing has over 2x the cooldown and is not AOE. Here u go. TR in 1 sentence.
My brother is a DC with barely 12k IL and his daunting light encounter hit way harder than my lashing blade (tr higest dmg encounter) while in the same group and Lashing has over 2x the cooldown and is not AOE. Here u go. TR in 1 sentence.
Are you sure you're even playing the class right, or have a decent build? My TR hits hard, it's just very inconsistent.
many, many Trs are posting recently the "most viable builds", be it MI sabo/scound or MI exe/scound.
I have all of them meanwhile in my favourites and if someone is asking on reddit, forum or even in the Enclave, i post them or send them via Pm.
So my thoughts about the Tr actually are:
- Is the Tr viable to fill the only dps role in an meta group?
Yes, IF he is using these builds, IF he has focus on his gear on arpen, crit, recovery and power, IF he isn't discouraged in teh past to LEARN the rotations and be not upset to be CONSTANTLY outdpsd, or with simply words: He/She has to learn it the hard really hard way.
- The dungeon and the Bosses:
In Fbi i gave up, to play "technically perfect" because, they are all able to interrupt an Tr building up bleeding stacks, in an extremyly good geared or Bis group they have not that much Hp, so most feats are wasted again, or i haven't simply the time to build up my stacks, so all i could do is to go all out at the beginning with an sod procc, firing up all dailys, encounters and df..and that was it. my personal Nemesis, i hate it i don't play it...i was never able to survive the second boss
TonG...absolutly the wet dream of every Tr, Bosses with huge Hp and adds, so i am able to hold up the whole fight against orcus and Ras Nih the IA classfeature buff, and against the Wither i am using my old shadowborn loadout.
- the Tr as class:
Is (for me) an "late starter", able to deal really good dps IF, (seen most the things i've posted above) build, rotation, focus on gear with needed stats (i give an Hamster about Gs)
But on the other Hand it is not only actually in PvP an favourite class, and these are just my personal thoughts, the Tr is also an very attractive class for more "casual" oriented Players, people wich not that much interest to minmaxing, looking for viable builds, putting some points in features here and there...
And these people wants also to run some content, and if they run something, they obviously are underperforming...
So please @rgutscheradev @terramak @miasmat @nitocris83 and so on it is really, really time to take an look, for the majority of the Tr (PvE) community, to make the class a little bit easier to play, even if some Tr's under specific circumstances are actually performing "good", the majority isn't, and for me it is somewhat frustrating to read sentences on reddit, in the forum or in the PE, when someone asks for advice for his/her Tr and the most given answer is:
"Dump that Hamster class for something more viable and play (insert any random class) or PvP only instead."
So may i ask also, how many PvE Trs are left in some guilds (and i mean Mainchars, not invoking or leadership chars)?
In the small guild i am in (something about 15 people)....i am the only one.
We had more in the past, but since the "msva disaster", when everyone wanted their superior marks, so many swapped (ok only three bc small guild^^) to an Dc, Gf or Op.
Is it more fun to play? Sure. Is it viable? Yeah, mostly. Is it end-game worthy? Only if you run with patient friends or are willing to go the extra mile and invest a lot of AD. You get more bang for buck playing most other classes. I'm in a TR friendly guild and see a lot of TRs running around and doing well. You know how? They have 3-5 legendary pets. 6 offense slots on summoned. Our friends in other classes don't need to work as hard or gear up as much to get the job done equally well. At some point you just feel like a dunce for continuing to play a TR.
The game isn't and shouldn't be about how well a BIS player performs but how a mid-high il character does because that is where the majority of the community will end up. The 12-14k range with boons.
In terms of mechanics, we are nit harder to master than some other classes. But, IMHO, TRs are struggling because we have encounters with cooldowns or procs that are too long. We can't generate temp hp or lifesteal. Our "plus" is deflect severity, which isn't as great as it used to be. We have very poor group synergies in terms of buffs we give and so...bad ROI any way you look at it. If we're supposed to be boss killers...we ought to be outstanding at it. Otherwise, what's our unique role in the game?
Now that I've got some extra T9G gear courtesy of my OP, I might gear up my TR again and give it a go but a rework *is* necessary. It's not ok that for several mods now the class is told go play as dc or op, and now also gwf, if you want to progress. It is insulting, actually.
So, are you claiming the PVE in this game sucks so bad that everyone on PC should play PVP instead? If so, that is a first. I literally have never heard anyone say that and I have been playing this game for at least 3 years.
PVE in this game does better than PVP because PVE gets way more resources allocated to it than PVP does. Despite the many issues this game's PVE still has, PVE is undeniably Cryptic's favorite child and most content released is PVE content. This is why no matter the platform, the majority of NW's population is currently made up of PVE-only players.
PVP on the other hand, routinely goes mods upon mods without any bones being thrown their way at all and when they do get something, its usually something small. The few times the devs did try to help PVP, they abandoned PVP midway through the process and left us with unstable uncompleted fix attempts and only a few upsides. The little bit of attention PVP got during modules 12-12.5 was the first time I saw PVP get any updates since module 7 and the devs have pretty much gone silent on PVP since these changes happened. Usually when something becomes unbalanced in PVP, the devs leave it unfixed for months or even years before finally doing something about it. The "fixes" that do get rolled out are usually bandaids intended to treat a few symptoms of problems instead of the problems themselves. Often both the PVP community and the PVE community end up negatively effected by these poorly thought out and often unsuccessful fix attempts.
Now don't get me wrong, the combat system in this game and the base design for this game's PVP was excellent and attracted a lot of PVPers back in the day. But nowadays, PVP has been neglected for so long and so much powercreep has been added to the game that few people still find PVP appealing. I am one of the freaks like you who has managed to weather the storm and is still able to enjoy PVP even in its current state. I think this game's PVP can be saved but only if the devs are consistent in their efforts to improve PVP. They need to keep tweaking their PVP adjustments until they get them right instead of abandoning PVP midway through their efforts. They also need to stop implementing bandaid fixes and actually work on fixing the problems themselves instead of the symptoms of problems.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
I have heard many times the tr class was the bomb by many untill it got nerfed , this was before my neverwinter days ,
Since I have played I have seen other classes get reworked for the better , and it seems like every other class has better things coming , but nothing for us tricksters
My big question is why no devs are answering us and listening to us and giving the trickster class it’s mich needed and very anticipated rework,
Even a simple , we got something coming for the tricksters in the next mod would be good ,
Devs please communicate with us or there will be many more in happy tricksters talking to you via forum ,
It’s unfair to leave us in the dark , yes that’s we’re tricksters thrive but we are not mushrooms , kept in the dark and fed poo,
Please communicate and let us know what is in the works and when we can expect it , and don’t be vague , a simple clear answer is all we need
I am the only 14k+ TR in my guild, and in my alliance I see about 3-4 that play during my time. This is amongst hundreds of people. While I do ok in places like ToNG, I am always blown away by other DPS classes of similar skill/gear. So while I am not failing at TR end game content, I just can't see any real benefit to inviting me over another DPS class that adds more than just single target DPS. I am stubborn tho and am continuing to improve my toon. If I can get another 15-20% increase in my DPS perhaps I can at least bring decent DPS to the parties I play with.
On the other hand my 13k OP with a fraction of the awesome gear my TR has, can easily get into mSP, ToNG, FBI and bring a ton of buffs along with my tanking and protection. Its so tempting to swap to OP, but as mentioned above I am
Weapon mirage daggers, lightning enchantment.
Build main focus stealth regeneration stamina regeneration lifesteal mobility power.
I am not the strongest tr in game, but I'm damn near the fastest player in game. That's what keeps the game fun to me.
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
French guild : L'Ordre Du Dragon Noir
That is where the whole mode 12 was a massive fail. it is only ment to be played by bis players(unless you are gf/op/dc/gwf). and offer nothing for mid level gamers. Yes tr's that are 17k are awesome in tong but a tr that are 14k will not get an invite. I am not a tr but have seen this happen time and again tr's get overlooked for lower il from other classes. it is sad but it is what is happening
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
And as a long-time TR main, in my opinion TRs below 15k shouldn't be in ToNG, unless they get in with friends or guildies, and this is true for most other DPS classes as well. Who'll take a 14k GWF when there are dozens of 15k+ asking for spots? It will stay this way until the devs fix the current meta include more than 1-2 dps slots in a 5-man party.
Does it suck? Yes, it does. I probably do 1/10th the number of runs that well-connected DCs do but at least it keeps ToNG "special" for me and probably kept me playing longer than I would have otherwise. Because once the only challenging content in the game becomes trivial, there's nothing left to do and believe me I'm almost there.
But stick to what ya know, eh lads?
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
> Hi,
> I'm glad the SWs got some attention, but where is the TR rework? We've been promised to be the next class worked on for a full year plus, now. Can we please please get some (any) communication regarding this? If you are working on it, great, we'd like some confirmation. If you are not working on it, and it has been shelved until several mods down the road, let us know that, too.
> The TOTAL lack of communication is unacceptable. Thank you in advance.
> @nitocris83
Class build diversity would be amazing. Watching good trs run is like watching a recording over and over on loop. Artifact-stealth-db-cb-sb-stealth-lb-df, rinse and repeat.
Though I feel the bigger rework needs to be 8 man dungeons with aspects that drive the use of specific classes to achieve meta results. Some examples of mu thoughts on this would be, areas where weakness inflicts debuffs on parties that don't have a dc, summoning circles that constantly spawn demons on groups that don't have a sw to close them, rooms that are filled with animated gaurdians that can be nullified by a trs disarm traps, floor, conditions/movement hampers that a cw can counter, overgrowth/beasts that a hr counters, tombs,crypts that only a op can open /sanctify. Areas that require a gf to push through effectively, and specific foes that a gwf will excel against. All of these tasks can still be won through by any mixture of groups but the meta would be the complete mix. Base reward systems upon the success rate of each zone. With meta groups always receiving the best rng. Then you would start seeing every class called for in zone chat.
I have player MMOs for over 20yrs now, I have seen the gambit. I fell in love with Neverwinter because I have always loved playing D&D and still do play with friends. I love the lore, quirky play, and in depth of Charecter growth.
I have always liked playing rogues in general. They are strategists and the thrill of being a glass cannon is exciting. It was my first char in this game actually. I still love playing him, and I do well with him. I have most of the BiS items and good custom builds from well known builds as a base.
I also ran with some of the top DPS TRs in the game, true monsters. They also had custom controllers, maxed out gear scores, super fast internet, and a lot younger then my old data mined out hands.
This class is not very forgiving, its most likely one of the more technical of classes across many games. Which is fine, except the amount that is broken just makes it worse. From being stealth locked, to whiffing DF or LB from target latency.
I have built other toons as well. Some are just bank alts, one DC and a HR. Both started as just char for Sigils, and every guild needs more DCs. But the HR was just insanely easy to play, I am topping DPS without any DPS companions yet. No bugs or issues on the level of a TR and everything works well. We need to apply this level of balance to TR class, its seriously cannot be that hard to make simple changes like forceing a target lock on a DF or LB, AoE at-wills.