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Official: M13 Scourge Warlock Changes



  • darkan#3756 darkan Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    I have a idea for survival soul puppet because in the new content TONG dead petry easy in damnation path can do make soul puppet grant 15 or 20 % damage resistence and deflection chance equal to damage bonus (form power base) and life steal severity be 100% instead 50% this away damnlocks can play with more stats for dps without worry soul puppet dead
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Darkan, I'm confused, you seem to be saying that ToNG is easy with Damnation, but as a result you want Damnation to be improved?

    That doesn't really follow.

    I find no real difference between running my Damnation or Temptation spec around in Chult, and as long as I'm careful both are perfectly capable of clearing everything they need to in there. But the reality is at 13k my SW is the most delicate of my of that iL I take into Chult. My CW and DC both have a far easier time in there than the SW does, and as I gear up my HR and get more of the campaigns completed I expect that toon to have a similarly easy time.

    So if you are saying, Chult and ToNG are hard with an SW and the Damnation spec could use a bit of the love being shown Fury and Temptation, absolutely, but otherwise I'm confused.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • darkan#3756 darkan Member Posts: 145 Arc User

    Darkan, I'm confused, you seem to be saying that ToNG is easy with Damnation, but as a result you want Damnation to be improved?

    That doesn't really follow.

    I find no real difference between running my Damnation or Temptation spec around in Chult, and as long as I'm careful both are perfectly capable of clearing everything they need to in there. But the reality is at 13k my SW is the most delicate of my of that iL I take into Chult. My CW and DC both have a far easier time in there than the SW does, and as I gear up my HR and get more of the campaigns completed I expect that toon to have a similarly easy time.

    So if you are saying, Chult and ToNG are hard with an SW and the Damnation spec could use a bit of the love being shown Fury and Temptation, absolutely, but otherwise I'm confused.

    no damnation its usefull in some cases not is viable run all dungeon with damnation at the moment (because need preformance rapid lost staks soul investure, few sinergy from feats damnation with curses and powers etc...). But really its more easy do DPS in AoE than fury. The problem is it all dps depend your soul puppet and the soul puppet gain deflect, life steal and damage resistence from summoner beacause the summoner should be some stats defensives more than media dps should carried and that make survive but i think can be more survival if soul puppet gain damage resistence and deflect chance like a gwf gain power in base you defense stat the idea its same but in reverse aply to soul puppet (gain stats defensives from summoner carried a risk lost dps summnoer) this it the main reason why clasic dps build try use damnation path and done insatisfactory more of spec
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,185 Arc User
    So. Hows going daydreamers squad..?
    Still hopping/dreaming that staff will start warlock rework?

    I can bet, since I abandoned warlock and this game, nothing changed at all. Well unless fact that I met plenty of NWO players who quited and moved to other IP's. :)

    I assume staff haven't respond to any post/comment for month.

    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • metalicum1metalicum1 Member Posts: 200 Arc User

    Apply the principle of KISS- 'Keep it simple stupid.'
    Stop playing with little increments of 1 or 2 % thinking this will have an effect on this class-it will not. Just go through all the feat trees and double all the numbers you come across, then put it on preview and go from there. It really is that easy.
    The inevitable exception: Make sure the feats and powers actually work then double the numbers you come across and you are done. I am sure you could replace the coding numbers in a day and then have it on preview next week and then move onto more pressing issues.

    KISS the SW

    With this approach, in two three years, you will end up like diablo 3 which has to make 50000% dmg bonuses to make a skill relevant. It's a mess. I;m not saying their solution is perfect, but in a long run KISS solutions break games.
    Aris Meyde CW MoF Renegade

    [PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User

    I know this is getting late in the game for Mod 13 but...

    While looking at Feat functionality can you please take a look at Parting Blasphemy and Relentless Curse. These feats both work "when your Curse is removed", which used to apply to a lot of powers, but now applies to 3 (Vampiric Embrace, Wraith's Shadow and Hadar's Grasp). In all other situations when your curse is removed the target is dead and so the feats do nothing. (They actually have a strange synergy with curses like TT which remove themselves, but that's cutting off your nose to spite your face a bit.)

    Even if you swapped the position of one of them with Syphoning Curse as an interim measure that would be a great help, both for people who want to play Damnation (crazy, I know) and for people that are splashing into Damnation for Power of the Nine Hells, instead of basically paying a 5 point tax to get to the useful feats in the Damnation tree.

    Finally Vampiric Embrace says "Warlock's Curse Consume: Gain Temporary Hit Points equal to double the amount of health stolen. Warlock's Curse is expended." This seems to not function at all, or perhaps fails if you do not receive healing from VE - making using the Curse Consume feature only relevant to Parting Blasphemy and Relentless Curse - so if you don't have those feats this part of the power does nothing at all except force you to reapply your curse.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Well, with M13 going on preview soon according to the devs, we should see how all these changes affect the class in total. Could anyone compile a list of changes to each path?
  • duckntrollduckntroll Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    A bit too late, a bit too little and bit too absurd changes.

    • SW is the most complex class to play. And it's a big part of why it's fun to play.
    • In SW background, the devils reward well but only the worthy.
    So outperforming all other classes is legit, when the player does a perfect job ( a hellish one :s ).

    Giving SW all-round underperforming results is a bit ... Undeserved, to say the least.

    In my opinion asking for simplistic buff/de-buff don't match well with SW wicked mechanics
    • Cursing mechanics
    • Sparks’s mechanics
    • Long casting powers
    • [All/Fury] DoT (Damage over Time)
    • [Damnation] Soul Puppet
    • [Temptation] Soul bonding
    • Warlock bargain mechanics
    • ...
    Those are all time dependant (time hungry) mechanics that reward only the ones surviving long enough.

    Why not increasing the difficulty and the reward?

    Let's create a value monitoring the player effort in combat ( disappear/diminish out of combat? ) then providing a matching bonus for the SW role.
    For example things like that...
    • [Fury] COUNT the received and done damage, BONUS increase damage over time.
    • [Damnation] COUNT the Puppet received and done damage, BONUS increase Puppet health, speed and damage.
    • [Temptation] COUNT the healing received and provided, BONUS increase allies and reduce foes recharging times and stamina efficiency ( what is the need for stupid face-eating-damage temporary health when you can be a worthy one and dodge/block/prevent it like a boss? ).
    • ...
    So that is increasing the reward. Now let's increase the difficulty >:) as the SW became more devil like...
    • SW see like a devil : redden the screen / make it black and white / reduce visible elements / ...
    • SW reject its not-devil-like body : diminish received healing / regeneration / losing health / ...
    • SW reaching its limit : invoke lesser devils attacking everyone / transform as a major devil (like a Pit Fiend) for some time / blow up...
    • ...

    PS : I think I'm crazy, just like you! Probably!
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    I wanted to click disagree just because of the "hellish" pun.

    Anyways, a rework on that scale isn't exactly what the devs intended. They just want a small buff to make SWs desirable at least in some form (and they are on the way to get exactly that), until they make a complete rework later on this year (possibly, if we get a level cap increase, they'll get good feats but then they'd have to do the balancing act again, which is a pain).
  • darkan#3756 darkan Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    i dont understood if sw give bonus roll for increase damage or anything the others clases should be a bonus roll and others clases dps i suppos still more damage, and dont see the point make bonus roll in referent a make dps do more damage peharps the rewards its fine have sense the sw temlock that have roll leader give bonus ad from skirmsh and dungeons like a dc
  • pyrosorcererpyrosorcerer Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 137 Arc User
    Idea for Power of the Nine Hells feat for mod 13: enemies also keep the debuffs on them for 1/2/3/4/5 seconds after leaving the pillar.

    This in addition to keepinh the buffs after leaving it.
  • duckntrollduckntroll Member Posts: 95 Arc User

    I wanted to click disagree just because of the "hellish" pun.

    Why so mutch hate o:)

    Anyways, a rework on that scale isn't exactly what the devs intended. They just want a small buff to make SWs desirable at least in some form (and they are on the way to get exactly that), until they make a complete rework later on this year (possibly, if we get a level cap increase, they'll get good feats but then they'd have to do the balancing act again, which is a pain).

    • So cheap and dirty solutions?
    • Not conflicting SW background?
    • Not copying other classes?
    • Synergizing well with other classes?
    • Making SW good to go (up to must have) for those so called "speed run"?

    GOAL : Make the SW improve the game speed.
    There are other way than the direct damage increase/buff.
    • Increase movement => Increase (self/team) speed => Reduce time between fights => Run is faster.
    • Increase recorvery => Reducing powers reload => Increase damage => Run is faster.
    Before technical implementation, tune that for the distinct roles
    • [Fury] Self recorvery and speed => Yeah I'm first reaching the mobs, that way I can warmup SW mechanics!
    • [Damnation] Puppet and self recorvery and speed => Same as for Fury but with a puppet ( that can get aggro? )!!
    • [Temptation] Allies (and self) recorvery and speed => It's rush hour!!!
    Choose some Capstone or/and Feats or/and Powers and add/improve the previous changes.

    GOAL : Make the SW improve the game security.
    There are other way than the direct damage reduction/debuff.
    • Decrease foes movement => Foes became more obvious, more group-able and more avoidable => Run is safer.
    • Decrease foes recorvery => Less attacks => Run is safer.
    Tune ... Mainly for Temptation I guess, because other Roles will logicall not invest in those changes.

    Choose some Capstone or/and Feats or/and Powers and add/improve the previous changes.

    So are those changes okay ???
  • darkan#3756 darkan Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    improve speed and recovery i dont think same equal improve damage that its just one of many things should improve if devs think make sw competitive dps and each path have specific feats need rework imeditly feats are unusless like relentless curse or syphoning curse in damnation path feats like eldrich momentum or aura of cruelty in temptation path. Encounters like Harrowstorm or dreadthefft just mention some ones need improve remember sw was good dps just trougth the bugs fixed TT fixed soulpuppet and basicaly kill dps of warlock thats meaning never has have properly necesary for be roll hdps
  • someone3x7#7846 someone3x7 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I should preface by stating I do not, have never, and have no desire to play SW. I was merely reading this thread out of curiosity when some thoughts occured.

    The one common thought I noticed in nearly every reply to this thread, whether or not explicitly stated, is that merely tweaking the values of the common abilities several other classes already provide will not solve the problem. No matter how good those tweaks are. What SW players seem to be clamoring for is something unique to bring to the encounter that makes them wanted for anything. They want a purpose to exist.

    Which brings me to the one potential flaw of the game as I see it. Which is that every class is self-sufficient. With no specific need for any type of support there is no room for variety of support. This means if it doesn't buff, debuff, or do more damage its useless. With only those 3 options available there is nothing unique available to offer any class, let alone the poor SWs, at the encounter level. Yet, if we shift our point of view upwards from the encounter to the overarching quest of MMO-life some opportunities can be made avail.

    So I would like to stop briefly and discuss my SW prejudices. When I think Scourge Warlock what first comes to mind are curses, diseases, and soul-flavored margaritas. Yet, when I seperately think Warlock what comes to mind is soul-collecter. A prejudice probably reinforced by decades of playing MMOs where that was the Warlock motif. Thinking about soul-collecting in civilized society my mind turns to soul-ranching(WTF???). Therein lies a potential offering.

    First off Warlocks and aura-buffs are like gorillas and spandex. Conceptually the combination is revolting. Instead an SWs abilities should be contained within their curses. Such that a soul-drinking buff-dot applies a one-hit buff to each damager for their next and consecutive hits against the cursed-target(only). Possibly stacking a bit to reward helping the warlock punish their target.

    Stepping up from this humble beginning would be a damage-dealer scaled buff or debuff. A mid-tier curse that scales in effectiveness based on how many players'(up to 5) last-hit was on the target. Such that when 3 are focused its about normal, yet, when 5 are focused its above average.

    Then in the final tier would be a raw dps scaled buff or debuff balanced on the target gear-level of the encounter. The idea being that when the party is gear appropriate it would be lacklusterly similar to what every other supporter offers. As will always be since there is nothing new that can be offered at the encounter-level for progression. However, when a party is significantly overgeared they are no longer there for progression and instead are farming it as part of some daily grind. No one enjoys grinding/farming, yet, accepts it as part of the MMO life. With dps-scaled curses what the SW could uniquely bring to the table is the ability to significantly reduce the grind-time in legacy content. Much more so than just another nearly overpowered dpser. Thus allowing the party to more quickly return to the more enjoyable content of their current progression.

    At this point I have to come back around to remind I don't play SW. These have merely been my uninformed disassociative ramblings. So I will now take opportunity to shut up.
  • @duckntroll
    Warlocks are easy to play with, it's not the most complex class in the game. Also, "increasing movement" & "increasing recovery"?! You can do these on your own. My main is a 13k SW and i'm not having any problem with speed or recovery... Templock already have speed buffs, recharging speed is not a problem since the DC keep spamming AA.
    The current small buffs are more than enough.. Damnlock already have an aggro feat for puppet (threat)... about the debuffs,, i don't know what to say ._. , my intention is not to be rude or anything like that, i'm pretty sure you're inexperienced and new to the game.
    PS : i'm not saying that you should "stfu" or something simillar
  • duckntrollduckntroll Member Posts: 95 Arc User

    What SW players seem to be clamoring for is something unique to bring to the encounter that makes them wanted for anything. They want a purpose to exist.

    Spot on!
    At least SWs don't want to be UNWANTED...

    First off Warlocks and aura-buffs are like gorillas and spandex.

    Great principle! And amazing example!
    (I'm more fan of duck and rubber but...)

    At this point I have to come back around to remind I don't play SW. These have merely been my uninformed dissociative ramblings. So I will now take opportunity to shut up.

    Rejoice yourself, you have a better understanding of SW predicament than Munchausen syndrome players of SW.

    Warlocks are easy to play with, it's not the most complex class in the game. Also, "increasing movement" & "increasing recovery"?! You can do these on your own. My main is a 13k SW and I’m not having any problem with speed or recovery... Templock already have speed buffs, recharging speed is not a problem since the DC keep spamming AA.
    The current small buffs are more than enough.. Damnlock already have an aggro feat for puppet (threat)... about the debuffs,, i don't know what to say ._. , my intention is not to be rude or anything like that, I’m pretty sure you're inexperienced and new to the game.
    PS : I’m not saying that you should "stfu" or something similar

    • A class that evilly relies on bug/exploit/extensive testing to be able to survive isn't complex to play, no...
    • A class that evilly relies on the most wicked and bad synergizing mechanics for each f***ing distinct power isn't complex to play, no...
    • When nearly 30% of this thread posts complain about super long recharge powers, your MIGHTY 13K SW doesn't have any problem that can be solved with speed nor recovery, no...
    • It's because of those wonderfully "well scaled" Templock buff on speed+recorvery that ther are always call like "lfg SpeedLock + GF + optional DC", no ... If even HUGE IMPROVEMENT of speed+recorvery are still weak or un-necessary in comparison of Devoted Clerics buff, then simply DEBUFF speed+recorvery of foes : that at least Devoted Clerics shouldn't max those, no?

    [Troll Mode On]
    Depressing to think that even with extreeeeeeem effort to explain simply, clearly and entertain the reader, I get this sort of answer...
    But I got an answer! Super!
    No never mind.

    Sigh... I at least should feel better to be found young at something. Especially when even games fill my grave with title as "The Old Guard/Founder/Ancestral/..."?

    [Troll Mode Off]
  • arkai#8115 arkai Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Hello all, I'm SW 16k I played lot of time, all fury pact or templock all SW hellbringher run around a pop mechanics, it's not good for gameplay .we need a kind like pop is a mechanics base not a power to use.i mean auto pop thinks or a sort of aura that give us same effect of pop.yu force all to run pop for try to be usefull, is like a div mode 4 DC is a mechanics like pop for us.we have to auto malediction all enemy no more lesser curse change it in standard curse (no more R1 I'm PS4 player ) and press R1 not 4 malediction but for summon pop.im Italian I hope is all understandable :) so we have spot 4 use a 3 power finally
  • zeroscarlett#9233 zeroscarlett Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    I'm noticing none of these changes seem to really be helping the sw to be a viable dps in line with other classes. Helping the temptation path isn't going to fix anything for the sw's overall...
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    I'm noticing none of these changes seem to really be helping the sw to be a viable dps in line with other classes. Helping the temptation path isn't going to fix anything for the sw's overall...

    Well you should start reading. This isn't the main dish. This is like a cookie a few hours until you get to the meaty parts of the dinner, so to speak. Just to make SWs viable at all. Paths other than temptation will get reworked later, as they'd just be creating extra work for themselves, while they can hardly handle what they have now.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    So as Mod 13 is practically upon us I went through the Bug Fix summary (and some of the original posts) and this thread and gathered everything that we should be looking at/for once 13 goes up for testing.

    • Soul Scorch (SW encounter) should not have it's curse effect triggered by Tyrannical Curse.
    • Brood of Hadar's Bite (SW daily secondary effect) is not supposed to be increased by Warlock's Curse.
    Details Required:
    • Gates of Hell (SW daily) doesn't proc Creeping Death
    • Many SW and HR offhand artifact class features don't work.

    Fixed Bugs:
    • Brood of Hadar (SW daily) doesn't proc Creeping Death
    • Flames of Empowerment (SW class feature) offhand bonus doesn't work.
    • Pillar of Power (SW encounter) cannot critically strike.
    • Murderous Flame (SW feat) is double mitigated by level 73 monsters.
    • Vampiric Embrace (SW encounter) doesn't give temp HP on curse consume.
    • Tyrannical Curse (SW daily) deals less damage to level 73 enemies.
    • Tyrannical Curse (SW daily) causes an SW to deal less damage when used in single target.
    • The re-activation of Wraith's Shadow (SW encounter) doesn't benefit from Warlock's Curse.
    • Immolation of Spirits (SW daily) doesn't benefit from Warlock's Curse or Tyrannical Curse.
    • Soul Scorch (SW encounter) only ticks 5 times instead of 6 causing it to do 5/6ths of its intended damage.
    • Fiery Bolt (SW encounter) curse synergy is based off of the Warlock's target instead of the entity receiving the damage.
    • Tyrannical Curse (SW daily) is double mitigated by higher level enemies.
    • Tyrannical Curse (SW daily) doesn't properly benefit from armor penetration.
    • Pillar of Power (SW encounter) ability conceals any nearby warning splats
    • Warlock’s Gates of Hell (SW daily) targeting fx draw long lines on certain terrain textures
    • Warlock’s Pillar of Power (SW encounter) fx flicker in and out of sight when a lot of FX are onscreen
    • Feytouched enchantment has its cooldown extended when used by Icy Terrain (CW encounter) and Pillar of Power (SW encounter), even if it was already on cooldown.
    • Lesser Curse when reapplied within 1.5s no longer causes damage not to be dealt.
    • Tyrannical Curse: Damage debuff effectiveness increased to 25% (up from 20%)
    • Tyrannical Curse: Damage debuff effectiveness should no longer be decreased against level 73 mobs.
    • Daughter's Promise: The damage dealt from this power now scales with power/buffs
    • Critical Promise: The damage dealt from this power now scales with power/buffs
    • Critical Promise: Damage reduced to 4/8/12/16/20% (down from 10/20/30/40/50%)
    • Killing Curse: The damage dealt from this power now scales with power/buffs
    • Killing Curse: Damage increased to 5/10/15/20/25% (up from 3/6/9/12/15%)
    • Killing Curse: Fixed an issue where this feat was dealing less damage than intended
    • Creeping Death: Damage increased to 75% (up from 60%)
    • Brutal Curse: Now also increases Tyrannical Curses's damage debuff effectiveness by 2/4/6/8/10% (so it will be 35% at 5 points)
    • Ghastly Commander: Damage increased to 3/6/9/12/15% (up from 2/4/6/8/10%)
    • Ghastly Commander: Lifesteal Chance increased to 1/2/3/4/5% (up from 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0%)
    • Power of the Nine Hells: No longer grants 10/20/30/40/50% of Pillar of Power's buff amount to allies. The only thing Power of the Nine Hells grants you is the Pillar of Power buff lasting an additional couple of seconds after you, or allies, leave its area.
    • Pillar of Power: Now grants 75% of its buff effect to allies standing in it (Which is the same as it does now with 5/5 in Po9H.)
    • Dark Revelry: This buff can now be refreshed while active
    • Aura of Cruelty: Now also grants 10% Life Steal Severity
    • Aura of Despair: Now also causes enemies to take 5% increased damage
    • Darkness: Now causes enemies to take 10% increased damage from you
    • Darkness: Tooltip updated to mention Harrowstorm (functionality unchanged)
    • Eldritch Momentum: This feat has been reworked and now triggers when a daily power is used
    • Eldritch Momentum: Now gives you, and nearby allies, 3/6/9/12/15% of your stamina when a daily is used
    • Eldritch Momentum: Now gives you, and nearby allies, Combat Advantage for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds
    • Soul Bonding: Now passively grants 10% Life Steal Chance
    • Soul Bonding: Now causes Warlock's Bargain to heal nearby allies for the full amount
    • Soul Bonding: Allies now deal 20% increased damage to targets affected by your Warlock's Curse (specifically, so other powers that “curse” the target, like Tyrannical do not count).

    Other Notes

    On Page 14 ( https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1235687/official-m13-scourge-warlock-changes/p14 ) og the thread the Dev posted a series of notes on Murderous Flames, Soul Desecration, Power of the Nine Hells, Pillar of Power and Dark Revelry as things that are being considered by are unlikely to occur in Mod13. There are also a number of proposed changes for Eldritch Momentum that could be done for Mod 13.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Time to test that stuff.
    Honestly I am pretty sure, if you cancel actual bugs out of the bill, a furylock will stay far away from being a competetive striker in mod 13, wich is the main role of the class.
    Dealing near double dps on bosses due to some weared interactions from powers, I can´t hold against several strikerclasses in this game on a same level atm. A GWF, a good SS-CW or TR, same as Hunter or a true dps GF smash this class, bugged or not.

    In this game the request for your class correlates 100% with the dps it can deal or the buffs it can spend, simple as that.
    Nothing else is from interest, especialy not things like staminagain and CA-advantage for the group. If eldritch was ment to be a encounterreset ability or a feat that buffs AP gain on top of that staminaaspect it would be a considerable tier 5 feat, at least a better pick than CA in terms of group compatibility.
    Does anyone think the buffs in the fury tree will double the dps of a furylock? If not we are far away from being competetive.
    The only "hope" to get back in action is an unpredictable bug from powers like TC, or maybe Brutal curses interaction with TC bugs out.
    Did not even read about that feat interacting with TC?

    We all are going to end as buff/heal/dps templocks. But we will see.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    All things considered, that seems like a decent for a small scale rework as it was initially said. We'll see how everything works once it's up. Can't wait, I hope they're in a better position than right now.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2018

    All things considered, that seems like a decent for a small scale rework as it was initially said. We'll see how everything works once it's up. Can't wait, I hope they're in a better position than right now.

    Yes, sure it was said. But considering the actual situation, wich lead a lot of player to simply leave this class, due to it´s "incompatibility", a small and long lasting adjustment feels more like a punch in the face.
    The actual situation is at least "an urgent issue" .
    I can only shake my head about the general attitude towards stuff like this reading about small adjustments on the one hand and the fact that devs/Company tolerate stacking megabuffs from supporter classes for several years now on the other hand, leading to the actual situation, in wich striker classes in general do not get access to endcontent the way they definitely should.

    * beside that I think there are more urgent issues in a hole for sure, like fixing bugged content etc.
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • arakk00arakk00 Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    .... Anyone who doesn't think these buffs are significant is smoking something. Especially considering the bugfixes to Pillar of Power (can now crit), Tyrannical Curse (now benefits from Arpen properly and properly increases damage vs a single target), and Creeping Death (some hard hitters now proc Creeping Death that didn't before). Critical Promise and Killing Curse alone will add at least 10-15% to your BASE DPS, before Power scaling, given their current function on live. I've tested this on Preview, and can confirm that. I say 'base DPS' because you'll also be looking at 'damage taken' buffs, curse debuffs, etc which will now add to the damage these feats deal. Overall- these are small, but meaningful and hard-hitting changes. I'm actually mildly concerned they'll cause a round of nerfs, to be honest. Flat out, M13 SWs will be able to compete with GWF for HDPS spots, and with DCs for 'primary supporter' slots.
    A <Friendly Dragon>!
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    All things considered, that seems like a decent for a small scale rework as it was initially said. We'll see how everything works once it's up. Can't wait, I hope they're in a better position than right now.

    Yes, sure it was said. But considering the actual situation, wich lead a lot of player to simply leave this class, due to it´s "incompatibility", a small and long lasting adjustment feels more like a punch in the face.
    The actual situation is at least "an urgent issue" .
    I can only shake my head about the general attitude towards stuff like this reading about small adjustments on the one hand and the fact that devs/Company tolerate stacking megabuffs from supporter classes for several years now on the other hand, leading to the actual situation, in wich striker classes in general do not get access to endcontent the way they definitely should.
    Yeah, it's true that they really do need and deserve a massive rework, but as I said multiple times, the devs are probably holding it off for after they increase the level cap. The fact that they'd have to balance it now, and again when they increase level cap, and AGAIN once they introduce new races or classes... it's just tedious. For now, should be enough, but I think it's well within our rights to expect a full TR/SW rework right after LC increase, assuming it happens in 13b/14/14b (wink wink nudge nudge @noworries#8859 )
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    arakk00 said:

    Critical Promise and Killing Curse alone will add at least 10-15% to your BASE DPS,

    Yep, you did smoke something.
    I tested this on preview too, CP same as killing curse scales arroun 1% or lower in a group atm (critbuild). A buffed weapon damage like that is by no means a 15% dps increase in the sum.
    Flat out, mod 13 fury locks are not on any level with other striker at all 100%, currently they run bug setups and are decent by that, but far from competetive.
    We talk afterwards I guess and I will remind you of your writings. "Overall- these are small, but meaningful and hard-hitting changes" lol, honestly

    About Pop critting, for most of the player it will be a dps decrease using Owlbear, for some it will be a small dps increase (100% critbuilds)

    @gromovnipljesak#8234 I witnessed enough "reworks" and fixes and enough promises to be at least skeptical about a "fix in time", otherwise I should call myself naive
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • werdandi#8366 werdandi Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited January 2018

    arakk00 said:

    Critical Promise and Killing Curse alone will add at least 10-15% to your BASE DPS,

    Yep, you did smoke something.
    I tested this on preview too, CP same as killing curse scales arroun 1% or lower in a group atm. A buffed weapon damage like that is by no means a 15% dps increase in the sum.
    Flat out, mod 13 fury locks are not on any level with other striker at all 100%, currently they run bug setups and are decent by that, but far from competetive.
    We talk afterwards I guess and I will remind you of your writings. "Overall- these are small, but meaningful and hard-hitting changes" lol, honestly

    About Pop critting, for most of the player it will be a dps decrease using Owlbear, for some it will be a small dps increase (100% critbuilds)

    @gromovnipljesak#8234 I witnessed enough "reworks" and fixes and enough promises to be at least skeptical about a "fix in time", otherwise I should call myself naive
    I went on preview yesterday: I am not sure about CP and KC, but all I can say is that the increase of creeping death % is not yet in place (it is still 60%).

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  • darkan#3756 darkan Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    the things should improve in damnation path for make more aviable seem not have considered the soulpuppet really need extremly buffing and have that 5 staks soul investure for make dps wich on single boss soul puppet will still fail if not improve others ways procs soulpuppet gain investure souls and spirit fire actually in act the maximun damage dealt its around 9k (feated wrathful souls and burning puppet wich increase damage also spirit fire), if scale with power/buff but puppet not reach maximun stacks or increase or do something about this feat will be still ridiculoous
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited January 2018

    arakk00 said:

    Critical Promise and Killing Curse alone will add at least 10-15% to your BASE DPS,

    Yep, you did smoke something.
    I tested this on preview too, CP same as killing curse scales arroun 1% or lower in a group atm. A buffed weapon damage like that is by no means a 15% dps increase in the sum.
    Flat out, mod 13 fury locks are not on any level with other striker at all 100%, currently they run bug setups and are decent by that, but far from competetive.
    We talk afterwards I guess and I will remind you of your writings. "Overall- these are small, but meaningful and hard-hitting changes" lol, honestly

    About Pop critting, for most of the player it will be a dps decrease using Owlbear, for some it will be a small dps increase (100% critbuilds)

    @gromovnipljesak#8234 I witnessed enough "reworks" and fixes and enough promises to be at least skeptical about a "fix in time", otherwise I should call myself naive
    I went on preview yesterday: I am not sure about CP and KC, but all I can say is that the increase of creeping death % is not yet in place (it is still 60%).

    No, it´s not on preview. But to underline a statement with irrelvant informations seems to be common , so I can play this game too.
    I don´t know how much that buffed weapondamage will be like, maybe compare it with procs from weaponenchants. I only know it needs a lot of adjustments in procrate from those feats to make that 45% weapondamage a "meaningfull and hard hitting improvement".
    And I aslo know that compared to other striker at same IL warlock is far behind (legit setup).
    A maybe 6-8% dps increase from buffed weapondamage, same as a proc from CD for 75% instead 60% will not make that class a competetive striker in terms of focus dps, CD procs from BoH won´t either imo.
    Honestly, who run beside a good performing Hunter or GWF, same as SS-CW, legit setup for the lock provided, should know what I am talking about.
    The only buff that can be considered to be a strong buff is the buff towards Temptation capstone.
    That´s why I think, if double DC meta will get addressed somehow, templock might get a foot into the door, but only as a supporter.
    Post edited by schietindebux on
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