@jaime4312#3760 btw... Creeping Death doesnt have have a cooldown like that it can very well proc 20 times a second or more, it depends on what procs it.
My maxed SW retired since mod 11 and have no regret not playing for a 1 or 2 years now and not going to play until sw dps can be good as a freaking tank ( GF ) Look youtube for gf videos or xbox live / ps4 full of gf videos. Paingiver board GF top spot - 1.983.889.328 damage. Not even 10 sw's with bugged puppet would have this amount of damage on paingiver board.
You see anyone complaining about tanks doing crazy dps? No ! You have seen anyone complaining about sw's bugged puppet ? Yes.. a lot of them.
Looks like we have to wait another 2 or 3 years and hope sw dps can be good as other dps classes lmao.
> @finalfantasyac7 said: > My maxed SW retired since mod 11 and have no regret not playing for a 1 or 2 years now and not going to play until sw dps can be good as a freaking tank ( GF ) > Look youtube for gf videos or xbox live / ps4 full of gf videos. > Paingiver board GF top spot - 1.983.889.328 damage. > Not even 10 sw's with bugged puppet would have this amount of damage on paingiver board. > > You see anyone complaining about tanks doing crazy dps? No ! > You have seen anyone complaining about sw's bugged puppet ? Yes.. a lot of them. > > Looks like we have to wait another 2 or 3 years and hope sw dps can be good as other dps classes lmao.
Ppl complained about the puppet before cuz the puppet itself was being buffed by epic dungeons and the sw didnt need as much investment overall when u spec down damnation, gf dps need the buffs for them to do that much damage and have to time their heavy hitters with their grp buffs. Sw currently arent in the best place, theyre decent rn and the very good sw can still top dps occasionally, but they need alot of improvement. Self buffs for instance would help immensely.
> My maxed SW retired since mod 11 and have no regret not playing for a 1 or 2 years now and not going to play until sw dps can be good as a freaking tank ( GF )
> Look youtube for gf videos or xbox live / ps4 full of gf videos.
> Paingiver board GF top spot - 1.983.889.328 damage.
> Not even 10 sw's with bugged puppet would have this amount of damage on paingiver board.
> You see anyone complaining about tanks doing crazy dps? No !
> You have seen anyone complaining about sw's bugged puppet ? Yes.. a lot of them.
> Looks like we have to wait another 2 or 3 years and hope sw dps can be good as other dps classes lmao.
Ppl complained about the puppet before cuz the puppet itself was being buffed by epic dungeons and the sw didnt need as much investment overall when u spec down damnation, gf dps need the buffs for them to do that much damage and have to time their heavy hitters with their grp buffs. Sw currently arent in the best place, theyre decent rn and the very good sw can still top dps occasionally, but they need alot of improvement. Self buffs for instance would help immensely.
So its not ok for a bugged puppet to be buffed 200% in dungeons and do crazy damage but it's ok for a gf to be buffed by 400% and do insane dps ?
Since when is it ok for a buffed gf to do more dps than a buffed dps class ?
Hey who want's to play with SW, hr, tr, gwf ? No 1 needs them. I mean we don't need any dps class cuz 1 gf, 1 pally, 2 dc's and 1 buff cw will finish everything 10 x faster anyway.
@finalfantasyac7 10x faster is just an exaggeration, those are bis players running in a bis grp, timing ur buffs results in insane dps especially with everyone in the grp buffing one dps, and no neither is okay. But the puppet was broken and the majority of ur damage came from it and a broken TT when u only really had to spec down damnation while gf need alot of investment in order to reach that lvl of damage. Not saying they arent/weren't both broken but every class is gonna be balanced eventually, lets leave it at that.
10x faster is just an exaggeration, those are bis players running in a bis grp, timing ur buffs results in insane dps especially with everyone in the grp buffing one dps, and no neither is okay. But the puppet was broken and the majority of ur damage came from it and a broken TT when u only really had to spec down damnation while gf need alot of investment in order to reach that lvl of damage. Not saying they arent/weren't both broken but every class is gonna be balanced eventually, lets leave it at that.
That's not entirely true on either build, SW or GF. SW was over nerfed. GF Conquer (much like GWF) needs to be tonned down. Yada, yada, yada, I've heard all the counter arguments. I have counter points as well. Simple fact, when you're driving away player base - there's a problem.
@stinkypiratepete#1341 yeah they do need to be toned down, its an old arguement. Driving away ur players is a problem of course yeah, the bug fixes for the sw at the time were "intended" to balance the class and revive a dead paragon. Instead it became more apparent that the class underpreformed without those bugs. That wasnt something they could predict because sw have always been broken, it might be taking them awhile to curve us back up but im sure balanced will help us get to that point eventually.
10x faster is just an exaggeration, those are bis players running in a bis grp, timing ur buffs results in insane dps especially with everyone in the grp buffing one dps, and no neither is okay. But the puppet was broken and the majority of ur damage came from it and a broken TT when u only really had to spec down damnation while gf need alot of investment in order to reach that lvl of damage. Not saying they arent/weren't both broken but every class is gonna be balanced eventually, lets leave it at that.
Sw damage was never good and so many things were broken ( didn't work properly) But we didn't noticed much of the low damage output thanx to the bugged puppet until it got fixed and later other powers, feats got nerfed to the ground cuz devs thought sw was... ahum.. Too OP !! killing things within x seconds in group.. then if that wasn't enough they nerfed sw even more into the ground leaving with more broken powers/feats that didnt work properly with long casting time.
They said we would get a rework mod 14 but trust me.. it will not happen. perhaps a little more buffs and some fixes here and there but still not worth waiting freaking 5 years for it until sw dps becomes [OK] to be compared with other dps classes. So at the moment, go enjoy your sw as freaking SUPPORT class cuz no 1 wants or needs your dps and i bet you know why.
SW dps was never good from the beginning mod 1. The fact it was good was due to bugged powers/feats/puppet/etc. Now all of them are fixed and nerfed SW has become the worst of the worst dps class. And as support it's not even worth having them in party cuz we have better support class such as dc, mof cw, pally, gf and better dps class such as gf, gwf, hr, cw.
Congrats at fooling yourself for thinking SW are good compared to other classes. I wish i could find a way to get the amount of money i've spend on my sw back.
SW dps was never good from the beginning mod 1. The fact it was good was due to bugged powers/feats/puppet/etc. Now all of them are fixed and nerfed SW has become the worst of the worst dps class. And as support it's not even worth having them in party cuz we have better support class such as dc, mof cw, pally, gf and better dps class such as gf, gwf, hr, cw.
Congrats at fooling yourself for thinking SW are good compared to other classes. I wish i could find a way to get the amount of money i've spend on my sw back.
First off, SWs came in mod4 not mod1. (and the original 5 classes are from mod 0, not mod1)
There were times SWs were great DPS, some were bugs, some were simply strongly designed powers that were nerfed.
SW as a support is great, Temp offers 20% buff + Dark revelry (20% power) + PoP (10% debuff), HG (15% debuff) + DPS if the player is not a dummy.
> @peregr1nus said: > SW dps was never good from the beginning mod 1. The fact it was good was due to bugged powers/feats/puppet/etc. Now all of them are fixed and nerfed SW has become the worst of the worst dps class. And as support it's not even worth having them in party cuz we have better support class such as dc, mof cw, pally, gf and better dps class such as gf, gwf, hr, cw. > > Congrats at fooling yourself for thinking SW are good compared to other classes. I wish i could find a way to get the amount of money i've spend on my sw back. > > First off, SWs came in mod4 not mod1. (and the original 5 classes are from mod 0, not mod1) > > There were times SWs were great DPS, some were bugs, some were simply strongly designed powers that were nerfed. > > SW as a support is great, Temp offers 20% buff + Dark revelry (20% power) + PoP (10% debuff), HG (15% debuff) + DPS if the player is not a dummy.
Also 18% damage buff to allies if they stand in pop, plus the dreadtheft debuff. Not including the constant heals
HG does not buff the hole party, it does no even buff your dps the way some player think. buff: 18% pop, 20% temp capstone, Aura of dispair +5% debuffs: 10% pop, 25% DT powerbuffs 20% from DR You overcome a GF and mof in terms of buffs/debuffs in the sum, a Hunter also I´d say. Templock is set in stone in codg normally, also because he spends 10% LS a DR buff (pop) and a speedbuff on top and he instant heals the whole party . Nothing can beat an OP or DC though atm. Fury path could need some buffs. Following the current numbers TR´s (broken atm and may be fixed), Hunter, GF and GWF dish out, the buff has to be pretty huge if you want to play it legit.
SW dps was never good from the beginning mod 1. The fact it was good was due to bugged powers/feats/puppet/etc. Now all of them are fixed and nerfed SW has become the worst of the worst dps class. And as support it's not even worth having them in party cuz we have better support class such as dc, mof cw, pally, gf and better dps class such as gf, gwf, hr, cw.
Congrats at fooling yourself for thinking SW are good compared to other classes. I wish i could find a way to get the amount of money i've spend on my sw back.
First off, SWs came in mod4 not mod1. (and the original 5 classes are from mod 0, not mod1)
There were times SWs were great DPS, some were bugs, some were simply strongly designed powers that were nerfed.
SW as a support is great, Temp offers 20% buff + Dark revelry (20% power) + PoP (10% debuff), HG (15% debuff) + DPS if the player is not a dummy.
HG is not a party debuff. It's just a 15% more damage to damaging curses (your lesser curse becomes super OP) and to the damage the ultra deadly soul puppet deals. It used to be a party debuff pre-mod 10, but a genius dev didn't understand how debuffs worked and removed it because everyone had 60% resistance ignored and thought that the added debuff was pointless.
Also dark revelry is +20% base power of the target, so typically a 10k extra power on a non-base power built dps class, plus whatever you get from the pet base (a legendary striker pet has 571 base power, so less than 300 power to you considering max bondings and legendary bonuses). Meaning it's waaaay less powerful than weapons of light.
HG does not buff the hole party, it does no even buff your dps the way some player think. buff: 18% pop, 20% temp capstone, Aura of dispair +5% debuffs: 10% pop, 25% DT powerbuffs 20% from DR You overcome a GF and mof in terms of buffs/debuffs in the sum, a Hunter also I´d say. Templock is set in stone in codg normally, also because he spends 10% LS a DR buff (pop) and a speedbuff on top and he instant heals the whole party . Nothing can beat an OP or DC though atm. Fury path could need some buffs. Following the current numbers TR´s (broken atm and may be fixed), Hunter, GF and GWF dish out, the buff has to be pretty huge if you want to play it legit.
Aura of despair is a debuff also. So is darkness, but that one is personal and way more pointless.
10x faster is just an exaggeration, those are bis players running in a bis grp, timing ur buffs results in insane dps especially with everyone in the grp buffing one dps, and no neither is okay. But the puppet was broken and the majority of ur damage came from it and a broken TT when u only really had to spec down damnation while gf need alot of investment in order to reach that lvl of damage. Not saying they arent/weren't both broken but every class is gonna be balanced eventually, lets leave it at that.
Good luck timing your KF to trigger commander's strike when either your PoP (if HB), HG, or SS (if SB) ticks will remove it for you
@naoqueroforum usually the gf is a dps spec, so usually timing it with fray and knee breaker for crushing pin voice chat usually helps with timing your buffs too
I'd say fury should pass GWF and pull even with TR.
I won't argue with that
IMO GWF should be the bottom-tier DPS by a slight margin due to their survivability and comparative ease of gameplay, but I think Cryptic loves GWF just a little bit too much to put it behind SW and CW.
@naoqueroforum usually the gf is a dps spec, so usually timing it with fray and knee breaker for crushing pin voice chat usually helps with timing your buffs too
It's not about that. It's easy enough to time your best encounter with CS even without voice chat on GWF for example ; But with SW it's basically down to luck since the CS buff is almost automatically consumed by encounter non-activation dots such as from PoP, HG and SS. That way it's almost never possible to have your KF hit with CS active. If you dont cast pop on the target and dont use HG, or for SB, dont use SS with WC, you will easily hit your encounters with CS, just like any other dps.
The problem is not synchronization, the problem in this case is just down to luck that your dot wont hit just before your next encounter.
Look youtube for gf videos or xbox live / ps4 full of gf videos.
Paingiver board GF top spot - 1.983.889.328 damage.
Not even 10 sw's with bugged puppet would have this amount of damage on paingiver board.
You see anyone complaining about tanks doing crazy dps? No !
You have seen anyone complaining about sw's bugged puppet ? Yes.. a lot of them.
Looks like we have to wait another 2 or 3 years and hope sw dps can be good as other dps classes lmao.
¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨
> My maxed SW retired since mod 11 and have no regret not playing for a 1 or 2 years now and not going to play until sw dps can be good as a freaking tank ( GF )
> Look youtube for gf videos or xbox live / ps4 full of gf videos.
> Paingiver board GF top spot - 1.983.889.328 damage.
> Not even 10 sw's with bugged puppet would have this amount of damage on paingiver board.
> You see anyone complaining about tanks doing crazy dps? No !
> You have seen anyone complaining about sw's bugged puppet ? Yes.. a lot of them.
> Looks like we have to wait another 2 or 3 years and hope sw dps can be good as other dps classes lmao.
Ppl complained about the puppet before cuz the puppet itself was being buffed by epic dungeons and the sw didnt need as much investment overall when u spec down damnation, gf dps need the buffs for them to do that much damage and have to time their heavy hitters with their grp buffs. Sw currently arent in the best place, theyre decent rn and the very good sw can still top dps occasionally, but they need alot of improvement. Self buffs for instance would help immensely.
Since when is it ok for a buffed gf to do more dps than a buffed dps class ?
Hey who want's to play with SW, hr, tr, gwf ? No 1 needs them.
I mean we don't need any dps class cuz 1 gf, 1 pally, 2 dc's and 1 buff cw will finish everything 10 x faster anyway.
If you disagree then you only fooling yourself
¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨
10x faster is just an exaggeration, those are bis players running in a bis grp, timing ur buffs results in insane dps especially with everyone in the grp buffing one dps, and no neither is okay. But the puppet was broken and the majority of ur damage came from it and a broken TT when u only really had to spec down damnation while gf need alot of investment in order to reach that lvl of damage. Not saying they arent/weren't both broken but every class is gonna be balanced eventually, lets leave it at that.
Sw damage was never good and so many things were broken ( didn't work properly) But we didn't noticed much of the low damage output thanx to the bugged puppet until it got fixed and later other powers, feats got nerfed to the ground cuz devs thought sw was... ahum.. Too OP !! killing things within x seconds in group.. then if that wasn't enough they nerfed sw even more into the ground leaving with more broken powers/feats that didnt work properly with long casting time.
They said we would get a rework mod 14 but trust me.. it will not happen. perhaps a little more buffs and some fixes here and there but still not worth waiting freaking 5 years for it until sw dps becomes [OK] to be compared with other dps classes. So at the moment, go enjoy your sw as freaking SUPPORT class cuz no 1 wants or needs your dps and i bet you know why.
Here you go, my bugged sw ( 2 years old video )
¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨
Congrats at fooling yourself for thinking SW are good compared to other classes. I wish i could find a way to get the amount of money i've spend on my sw back.
¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ρℓαуιиg иєνєяωιитєя ѕιи¢є 2015¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨
There were times SWs were great DPS, some were bugs, some were simply strongly designed powers that were nerfed.
SW as a support is great, Temp offers 20% buff + Dark revelry (20% power) + PoP (10% debuff), HG (15% debuff) + DPS if the player is not a dummy.
> SW dps was never good from the beginning mod 1. The fact it was good was due to bugged powers/feats/puppet/etc. Now all of them are fixed and nerfed SW has become the worst of the worst dps class. And as support it's not even worth having them in party cuz we have better support class such as dc, mof cw, pally, gf and better dps class such as gf, gwf, hr, cw.
> Congrats at fooling yourself for thinking SW are good compared to other classes. I wish i could find a way to get the amount of money i've spend on my sw back.
> First off, SWs came in mod4 not mod1. (and the original 5 classes are from mod 0, not mod1)
> There were times SWs were great DPS, some were bugs, some were simply strongly designed powers that were nerfed.
> SW as a support is great, Temp offers 20% buff + Dark revelry (20% power) + PoP (10% debuff), HG (15% debuff) + DPS if the player is not a dummy.
Also 18% damage buff to allies if they stand in pop, plus the dreadtheft debuff. Not including the constant heals
buff: 18% pop, 20% temp capstone, Aura of dispair +5%
debuffs: 10% pop, 25% DT
powerbuffs 20% from DR
You overcome a GF and mof in terms of buffs/debuffs in the sum, a Hunter also I´d say.
Templock is set in stone in codg normally, also because he spends 10% LS a DR buff (pop) and a speedbuff on top and he instant heals the whole party .
Nothing can beat an OP or DC though atm.
Fury path could need some buffs. Following the current numbers TR´s (broken atm and may be fixed), Hunter, GF and GWF dish out, the buff has to be pretty huge if you want to play it legit.
Also dark revelry is +20% base power of the target, so typically a 10k extra power on a non-base power built dps class, plus whatever you get from the pet base (a legendary striker pet has 571 base power, so less than 300 power to you considering max bondings and legendary bonuses). Meaning it's waaaay less powerful than weapons of light.
Aura of despair is a debuff also. So is darkness, but that one is personal and way more pointless.
Good luck timing your KF to trigger commander's strike when either your PoP (if HB), HG, or SS (if SB) ticks will remove it for you
Having Damnation as a viable spec would be a nice bonus, but at this point I'd be thrilled if Fury at least pulled even with GWF.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
IMO GWF should be the bottom-tier DPS by a slight margin due to their survivability and comparative ease of gameplay, but I think Cryptic loves GWF just a little bit too much to put it behind SW and CW.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
The problem is not synchronization, the problem in this case is just down to luck that your dot wont hit just before your next encounter.