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Shocking Execution still over-performing with one shot build MI executioners.



  • crollaxcrollax Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    personally i don't care anything about any class or any change any nerf as soon as I can find my way to play butttt for the players who talk about changes on any passive or any encounter or any daily on any class. is happen because there is so easy way to swap powers and encounters. if u avoid of switching any power (while u are in map of domination) allll these arguments automaticly will fall CAUSE,

    0 tr will start game with FS because it has 0 benefit later on match

    im talking about FS and tr because its only class I play with. I don't know if other classes swap powers while in game. people soo easily swap powers depend on their benefits.

    but swaping power (any kind passive encounter daily atwill) shouldn't be allow in map or only in camp fire same as loadout
    Post edited by crollax on
  • crollaxcrollax Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    @clonkyo1 Rofl excuse me? cry?:D who are u buddy?:D we would like to see such a heros like u , in the domination
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Commenting only 2 things:
    2)I Definetly see your thread as " As a Pally I want to be Inmortal in PVP , and usually am(250k hp) , unless theres a TR Shocking and Threatening my Inmortality,.... so ill create a Thead so they can Eliminate that very only thing that threatens my Inmortality...(and Ignore that Pallys are Inmortal and cannot be killed unless a TR comes and ruins it for me... )
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    plavia said:

    So you play OP with huge HP pool, constitution, boons etc.
    you put all possible HP gear and TR one hit kill, so you decide it's not fair?
    why this thread is different then any of the other 500 threads on this subject that were posted in the last 4 years or so.

    don't get me wrong, i play cleric and i am magnet to SE.
    if there is one class that is completlty broken is TR (ITC, 75% deflect severity, one hit kill SE, CB impossible to dodge, smoke bomb ignore all control resist...)
    but as far as i remember you can complain on something that doesn't work, not about something that works.
    Looking at the tooltip and consider its there from start, SE designed to one hit kill.

    lets assume the Dev will celebrate the wide spreading legalization, read this thread and decide to reduce SE damage by 20%.
    is it problem solved?
    even if 99% of the palyers dont have 200K HP

    if your class can not dodge SE, then sure put a post and i promise to bump it every day.
    but if you think the TR get update soon and by some reason it will become weaker, you are wrong.
    all classes got stonger after update and i doubt TR will be different

    Precisaly my thoughs...
    You Pally's needs Tr's SE to keep YOUR INMORTALITY in Check/Balanced
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    with piecing damage respecting tenacity/ being reduced next mod its now safe to close this thread lol
    do you still think you will be one shotted now ?
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User

    Commenting only 2 things:
    2)I Definetly see your thread as " As a Pally I want to be Inmortal in PVP , and usually am(250k hp) , unless theres a TR Shocking and Threatening my Inmortality,.... so ill create a Thead so they can Eliminate that very only thing that threatens my Inmortality...(and Ignore that Pallys are Inmortal and cannot be killed unless a TR comes and ruins it for me... )

    When people want to disregard a point they tend to oversimplify things. Kinda like you're doing. Reality check: as a Pally I dont care about SE being able to one shot me. If a rogue manages to pull a one hit kill on my OP Id applaud him. However its not just the damage - its their ability to cancel you out and leave standing unable to do a damn thing. Its their cc and their immunity frames.
    Out of the TRs on the server a handful might be able to kill my op outright and good for them. But even a mediocre TR can spam cc and escape anytime they please. Having different classes should mean diversity. One is tanky, one is spanky. Neverwinter devs tend to create monster classes who can take it , dish it and control you all in one happy bundle. Not OK and not just rogues too. GFs - too tough, too damaging, have asccess to the best knockdown in the game. HRs same stoty, they can take alot, heal up, cc you and kill you via free damage ticks from fire and forget type of powers. Those two classes, TR and HR also get free stats and piercing damage to make things worse.

    So, things arent as simple as : "Hey I dont wanna die in pvp so nerf everyone but me".
    Having defined roles means everyone should have a relevant place in pvp - we dont!
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    > @kalina311 said:
    > with piecing damage respecting tenacity/ being reduced next mod its now safe to close this thread lol
    > do you still think you will be one shotted now ?

    No @kalina311 , if the devs put through the piercing changes I don't think I'll be one shotted. Thanks for asking.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • d0pe2themaxd0pe2themax Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    i never post in threads but i say this out of hope they dont force me into being nothing but a soundrel CB spammer next mod with no dmg.. people really should stop complaining so much about SE. its the only real source of dps as a TR in pvp, i agree with some of you on here in saying that first strike is what needs nerfing. one shot brainless exe TRs are absolutly ridiculous. one shotting someone from full health shouldnt happen nor is it satisfying. IMO real PM TRs who are skilled should be sabo, as a sab rogue you are most versatile. you can contest nodes , perma cb if needed and kill with SE as a finisher like how it supposed to be used. you must actually fight for your kills like any other class, not just hope to 1 shot and run off. if they go all out and nerf piercing dmg across the board say goodbye to power/recovery sab build or any other build for that matter and get ready for absolutly nothing but scounder perma cb and getting tickeled nonstop.. thatd really be very boring i hope thats not wat will happen
  • i504thlonewisoi504thlonewiso Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I can't figure this out. WHY am I getting one shot by a TR when my shield is up???? My buddies pali has over 250k hp and he is STILL getting one shot by a TR. What In the world is going one!? This really makes me want to stop playing this game all together. And what is the problem with not been able to attack while in a smokebomb? I mean it would be ok if I wasn't stunned and my powers frozen for over 10secs!! One bomb down and right before the first one is over there is a second one on the ground...... this is insane. I don't want to get into perma invisible..... phshhbss
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    I think this conversation has devolved, @kreatyve would you mind to close this discussion please?
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    Closed at OP's request.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
This discussion has been closed.